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About Real-Life Super-Powers

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posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:14 AM
This isn't a "super power" as such, but I still think some will have something to say about it.

I can do this thing in my head which makes this sound and puts a kind of pressure inside of my head. It's hard to explain. I asked a friend if he could do it too, and he could. He likened it to a thunderous inside his head. It's hard to keep it going though, I can only keep it going for less than a minute or so. I'm sorry about this description but it's the best I can muster up right now, I've got a sinus headache. Is anyone else familiar with this or could shed some light on what it is?

Also, do you really consider deja vu a "super power"?
Or "Psi-balls"?
How the hell is empathy a "super power"?

Aren't most of these so-called "powers" just abilities that all humans are capable of?

Originally posted by The Astral City
My girlfriend on the other hand is truly gifted, she can manipulate her energies to the point of being able to sling energy balls and knock people over with them.

Oh, sure. Got any proof? Or witnesses/victims?

[edit on 27-3-2006 by ConversationConservation]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by ConversationConservation
Also, do you really consider deja vu a "super power"?
Or "Psi-balls"?
How the hell is empathy a "super power"?

Aren't most of these so-called "powers" just abilities that all humans are capable of?

deja vu.. not really.
whats a psi-ball sorry havent read all the posts..
emphaty.. i guess it depends

What is here suggested as superpower i guess is things that not everyone is capable of or even aware of.. i would say lighting a candle or putting on and off a lightbulb might not really be a superpower but its an impressive feature!! And if we can learn how and possibly why this works, maybe it could be taken to another level by large amounts of practise..

I guess these things like seeing in the dark, lighting candles, seeing things (past, future, remote locations etc.) making a firebolt shoot out from a fire.. moving things with your mind. All these *abilities* was probably at one point just called only magic or wichraft.

Perhaps everyone could really learn these things.. perhaps some are better on some things than others, like not everyone is equal in sports.

Maybe there could even be a shool to train and learn these things and yes my mind is racing to Harry Potter land and Hogwarts

Well i think ive actually seen magic schools (or atleast 1) somewhere on the internet.. but i dont really know how serious it is

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by SilverSurfer

I guess these things like seeing in the dark, lighting candles, seeing things (past, future, remote locations etc.) making a firebolt shoot out from a fire.. moving things with your mind. All these *abilities* was probably at one point just called only magic or wichraft.

Perhaps everyone could really learn these things.. perhaps some are better on some things than others, like not everyone is equal in sports.

Maybe there could even be a shool to train and learn these things and yes my mind is racing to Harry Potter land and Hogwarts

Well i think ive actually seen magic schools (or atleast 1) somewhere on the internet.. but i dont really know how serious it is


I wanted to address a few things you said. First one is about people attributing things to magic or witchcraft. That has happened to me a lot of times where I have been blamed, and people have called me a 'witch', when I do not even study the wiccan religion and these people don't even know what constitutes the 'wiccan' religion, which is that it is a 'do no harm' religion that believes in using nature to help people. But, people have that old stereotype of what a 'witch' is... this evil witch type. And, people all over the world even in the US believe in that. I can tell you that from personal experience.

For example: I have very rotten neighbors that harass me a lot, because they are always drunk and staying up literally all night long, and they stay outside keeping the whole neighborhood up, barbequeing and playing music, and doing cannonballs into their pool, and I yell at them to shut up.. and I have tried working with them, and talking to them nicely but to no avail. He and his wife, are also keeping all the poor dogs up that are trying to sleep outside, so they would bark naturally, and then they would call Animal Control on them for barking. He would bring home everyone that was left in the bar after 2:00 am and invite them over to his house every nite, and they would stay outside partying until about 5 a.m.

Anyway, the man that lives there is like always trying to keep close tabs on me and spying over the fence, or through the cracks. I ask him what he's doing, and he said "I keep my friends close and my enemies closer". Ok whatever. Then one time, he said he had just bought a gun and had a bullet with my name on it, also he said he was going to poison my dog. Ok now I am thinking this guy (even though he is a wuss) could be a serious threat, especially if he was drinking, which he usually is. I then reported him to the police for saying what he did.

The police came and had a chat with him, and that scared him, and he was good for about a month. Then one day I was working along the community fence next to his yard and he climbed up on something, and reached over the fence and put his hand on my shoulder and said "I am going to get you..sooner or later!" His face was all red and he was drunk, and I stared hard at his hand, and I thought to myself, "That hand will never touch my shoulder again." I wasn't consciously putting a mind hex on him or anything like that, I just felt strong in my own mind knowing beyond any doubt, that his hand wasn't going to touch my shoulder ever again. I think he sensed the energy/determination coming from me because he removed his hand...and then left.

He worked on a fishing boat. A couple days after I had a run in with him, he had a terrible accident on the fishing boat. He was resting that same hand on an 1/2 empty, automatic, rewinding rope/cable reel, and one of his fellow fisherman didn't look first before he pushed the button to rewind the rope. When the auto rewind button was pressed, the rope wrapped like lighting around his fingers, and part of his hand, and most of his fingers got the bones crushed into so many bits and pieces, that he lost most of his fingers.

About, two weeks after the fishing accident, he started yelling over the fence that I was a witch and that what happened to his hand was because of me. I was surprised he thought this because I did not knowingly will anything like that to happen to him. Although, with the threats he had been making to me I was not honestly sorry it did happen. I thought that him being basically one-handed, would make it a little harder for him to attempt to shoot me, considering it happened to his right hand.

So, I guess what I am saying is I don't know what happened here. If I did any wrong to my neighbor, it was only standing up for myself and my family. If I brought this neighbor here to talk to you, he would say I did that to his hand, no doubt he would. But, do I believe it was anything more than coincendence? I say time wounds all heals. He was probably just hungover and wasnt very watchful and thinking about where his hand was.


Yes I agree I also think it is very much like sports!


Now about a school like Hogwarts....I was watching a documentary on the biographies of different psychics/mediums a few months ago. And, there was this one very impressive man named John Holland who could go into different buildings and pinpoint exact occurences in them from many years in the 1930's. He was blindfolded but he could sense in one building that it had been a sweatshop for children and women, and had burned down and many had died, and that was true. And, in another building he sensed an old gangland mafia style assasination, which really happened there. This link tells a little about John Holland:

Anyway in the t.v. documentary, John Holland said he studied the paranormal, at the Arthur Finley College in England. He said they worked the students very hard there, from dawn to dusk. Then there was a picture of the school it was in a fairly large, old lovely brick building. But, I looked and looked, and couldn't find a link for that school. I was hoping they gave classes on-line. It may no longer be active, or it may be but they don't advertise through the internet.

[edit on 27-3-2006 by DeeplyAwake]

posted on Mar, 27 2006 @ 05:47 PM
Haha, nice story DeeplyAwake. Sounds like he got what he deserved.

Thoughts are quite powerful. Ever hear of "thought-forms"? The more emotion that goes into one, the more likely it is of becoming real. Sounds like you sent your drunk neighbor a thought-form - unwillingly, but still very real.

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 08:25 AM
knowledge, i suggest you again read, then re-read, and if necessary,re-read my posts again. i'm not sure if you've just twisted the things i said or have poor reading comprehension skills.and i don't know why youre putting words in my mouth,other than to satisfy your own arrogance.

No mention on the light? You just mentioned something about TV but no solid explanation to the effect. Let me assume, I am reading or am in my own world in thoughts. My dads in the same room and you experience the same problem with light, i guess my dad would stand up and turn off the light. I would have it in my head, that gee, it would be great if dad stood up and did something about the light? Cant find a clause on putting thoughts in the mind. Explainable clause

you're pondering this ability a lil too much. as i said earlier everyones thoughts are projected. think of a radio recieving signals, if i'm recieving their thoughts im the reciever, if i don't want to recieve thoughts i either transmit my thoughts or turn this ability's that simple.

On Karma this is what you said "she went against my advice, and over the last 2 years everything i predicted unfolded).theres also this one ability, you can call it karma, but whenever someone does me wrong,if i deem it bad enuff, i can exhibit negative occurrences in their life."

You gave advise, what she did was her action. You cant take credit of your advise for her karma,

where,oh where in either post did i relate my friends bad luck to my ability to cause negativity in someones life??? thats one example of you twisting what i said,and putting words in my mouth. and what i said about that particular instance had nothing to do with karma,that is why there is a period immediately after the),and the start of the next sentence, "there's also this one ability,you can call it karma...." do you see the separation there?

So tell me how do you throw negative karma? The example again you gave can be negotiated. It could be a normal accident or did it take you a year to accumalate that many karma browny points to harm him exactly on that day. I am sure if he is a police officer is seriously hurt, it would be in the newspaper and i would say confidently that it would on the net somewhere. Would you have proof, but the problem that i cant tie it up with the day you were pulled over, but atleast it would be interesting what supernatural phenomenon occured which resulted in the accident.

i see you couldn't resist poking fun @ this one. "karma brownie points"? lol thats the funniest thing i've heard in a while. as i said earlier, i can use time,events,or whatever i choose to correspond with its inauguration. let me also add that this is the least used of all the abilities, because it is identical to what witches call black magic. from a religious aspect, it's more like "judge not lest you be judged first". he judged me because of his knowledge of past actions of someone closely related to me,actions that had nothing to do with me. of course i could paste the link to the article here but without any hard proof as to when i got pulled over you still wouldn't believe and i'd just be opening myself up for more criticism. i think the easiest way for anyone to understand this ability would be to think of it as an ability to place a curse on someone. and let me also say we view this ability, as well as all the others from a religious perspective because it is our belief that we are spiritually gifted, rather than born with a sixth is also the least used because whatever bad i cause to happen, can and will come back on me tenfold, a heavy price to pay.

Traditional teaching? so how does this work, r there volumes of book that you need to go through or is it word of mouth.......

no books, just hands on experience.books would make it look like witchcraft.

Amygdala: A part of the basal ganglia named for its almond shape. The amygdala is thought to be involved with emotion and memory formation.
Understand what it does, so you telling me that it has developed in you? Good as from the notes, you manage to handle your emotions quite. Good for you, cant find a super natural power?

not telling you that it has developed in me, what im telling you is i have the ability to manipulate the position of those glands so that they can operate in conjuction with the pineal gland a.k.a. the third eye. the amygdala looks like an almond.the point of the amygdala is usually toward the back of the skull. i can "click" the amygdala forward like a t.v. antenna for better reception. when they're in their normal position, no reception.

You never managed to answer this question, "Just last question, did you know how many peoples would be questioning you on this? Did you think that I would be one? "

I dnt think this should be so tough to judge as i am sure with the billions of souls out there, you could tape into their minds, or do you need them face to face?
I thought you would know how many people would ask you question, or is the internet medium tough to tap into?
PS I think you knew this is what I was going to write or are you going to take the line that you knew that i was being a critic.

lol @ the first 2 questions in this quote. i didn't pick up on any indication as to how many people might question me, nor do i recieve any impressions simply from reading anyones posts on this or any other site, simply because these 2 things aren't significant.
can you explain to me why you think i might be able to project my thoughts into my computer and over the internet into someone else's mind, or vice versa? roflmmfao!! that is absurd.
i especially love how you say YOU thought i would know how many people would ask me a ? first of all i never said i did know that. second of all just cuz you thought that doesn't mean that's how it is.
i know its tough to believe what i say, but most anyone who isn't gifted is gonna have a hard time acknowledging it, just like there are those who would swear on a bible they've been abducted by aliens, but most of those who haven't are gonna brush them aside as lunatics, and may even resort to poking fun.

p.s. knowledge23, i'm not asking you or anyone else to believe me, either you do or you don't.i couldn't care less either way.

posted on Mar, 29 2006 @ 05:03 PM
Hi Kruel,

Sorry it takes me so long to reply. I have been lackadaisical lately. Thanks for telling me about 'thought forms'. I went and did some reading on them...I looked on different links and the jist on some is this: If thought forms are allowed to fully form, they are like robots with a purpose to be carried out. Also, some believe that positive thought forms such as those used for healing are allowed to form, but negative thought forms are very difficult to form, because the universe won't allow it, unless it will balance something out.

In this link on "Thought-forms" the author has a different view, and does not state that he/she believes that thought forms are necessarily limited by negative use or positive use, but instead the author states:

"Thought-forms can be directed toward anyone, but to be effective they must latch onto a similar vibration in the other person’s aura. If they are unable to do so, they can boomerang back on the sender. Thus, working according to the occult theory, one who directs evil toward another runs the risk of having it return."

And, then the author also said in same link:

"The strength and clarity of the original thought determines the duration, strength and the distance of travel of its developed thought-form. It is said that thought-forms can have the capability to assume their own energy and appear to be intelligent and independent. Equally strong thought-forms can disperse them, or they may disintegrate when their purpose has been accomplished. Some may stay in existence for years, while others can become uncontrollable and turn on their senders."

Note especially: "The strength and clarity of the original thought determines the duration, strength and distance of travel of its developed thought-form". Since, the neighbor was quite close, and had his hand on me in fact, and since I was directing thought at his hand, then if I did indeed send him a 'thought form', I can see why it was such a strong one.

Also, I believe people have a primal, subconscious, feeling of who connects with them in a positive or negative way. Maybe he was right, maybe I did do it to him. If so, I need to use caution with such an emotional force (especially since I am a person of strong, shifting, emotions which are not always under my individual control). As, I said I am not sorry it happened to him, and maybe the universe even allowed it because there was no abiguity in my feelings, or in his intention. Thanks for the enlightening push in the right direction, and for your laughter Kruel.

I will study more about this.


posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:00 AM

I agree, comprehension capabilities differ at ends. My lack of comprehension could be your lack in explanation.

You said, "quote: No mention on the light? You just mentioned something about TV but no solid explanation to the effect. Let me assume, I am reading or am in my own world in thoughts. My dads in the same room and you experience the same problem with light, i guess my dad would stand up and turn off the light. I would have it in my head, that gee, it would be great if dad stood up and did something about the light? Cant find a clause on putting thoughts in the mind. Explainable clause
you're pondering this ability a lil too much. as i said earlier everyones thoughts are projected. think of a radio recieving signals, if i'm recieving their thoughts im the reciever, if i don't want to recieve thoughts i either transmit my thoughts or turn this ability's that simple. "

Q Turning the signal on and off? I have read about this and this is something which is not new. A good read "Autobiography of a Yogi" Has information on this. So how does one turn on and off the signal? As there receiving signals there would be sending signals? I understand there are articles on the net which give information on this. I havnt read any, and hence leave myself open to questioning however, how do you send signals?

You have mentioned about the gland and how you can move it, so once moved it, do you just send the signal like just thinking?

You said "quote: On Karma this is what you said "she went against my advice, and over the last 2 years everything i predicted unfolded).theres also this one ability, you can call it karma, but whenever someone does me wrong,if i deem it bad enuff, i can exhibit negative occurrences in their life."

You gave advise, what she did was her action. You cant take credit of your advise for her karma,
where,oh where in either post did i relate my friends bad luck to my ability to cause negativity in someones life??? thats one example of you twisting what i said,and putting words in my mouth. and what i said about that particular instance had nothing to do with karma,that is why there is a period immediately after the),and the start of the next sentence, "there's also this one ability,you can call it karma...." do you see the separation there? "

Q Give me some enlighnment. What does Karma mean in the above sentence?

You Said "of course i could paste the link to the article here but without any hard proof as to when i got pulled over you still wouldn't believe and i'd just be opening myself up for more criticism"

Q But as you have said at the end you would care less anyone, hence how would this affect you? Two contradicting statements, or what you are trying to say, is that you would not care if i did not believe what you said after reading the post?

Regarding hands on teaching, so this is passed on as you have so clearly mentioned and have been very very careful not to call yourself direct descendents from the great flood, was this ability developed then or existed then? Maybe i havnt read religious books with absolute concerntration and may have missed out stories in the bible? Or was this something that was developed/gained/trained after the float and roots of your generations dare not say it but to complete the sentence will say, that it went to the time of the great flood. Are there any articles which you have to justify the claim of the development/existence of the technique which has been passed onto you from generations?

To move the gland do you need peace or can you move it at will?

The questions are simple? Did you know how many people would be asking you this question? Yes or No are the two options? I am sure you are confident enough to answer and your comprehension ability should be able to satisfy your curiosity of my question.

You mentioned "i especially love how you say YOU thought i would know how many people would ask me a ? first of all i never said i did know that. second of all just cuz you thought that doesn't mean that's how it is. "

Cant make it any similer than that, it is a question, just in case you forgot to notice the question mark at the end. It is meant to be a question to your for you to answer. I guess you can skip that as you have said that you want do it.

The point which I really like about the post is your ability to judge souls. Now that is something. How do you judge the age of a soul and know if they will get moksh [will never be born again]. I understand that the eyes are the reflection of the soul and i guess you can tap into the secret path to the road which leads to the soul, then would i be correct in saying that you are a holy soul, as from the some of the indian texts that i have read, some of the great yogi's had this ability. Krishna different platform, Rama incarnation of Krishna, some other great yogi's, were on a level where they could judge this but this was based on previous Karma. Correct me if I am wrong, why would you call this a curse, because obviously [i know you like this] you have accumalate some good karma brownie points. I would say this is something which you can use to help others. How is a question if you asked me, i would not be in a position to answer that!

This is not about poking fun but some words as the one which you acknowledged was for the only purpose to make the discussion less intense. As i have mentioned before, i refuse to believe something as face value as there are a lot out there claiming things and never hold up to what they said. In such a discussion, you will have questions, and from your perspective, since you made the claim is to answer them. True at the end as you said, you could care less, is something personal and thankyou for making it clear.

Cheers and thanks for the discussion.

PS If you cant find the meaning of moksh, I have tried to put in the meaning in a bracket. It is a sanskrit word. Let me know if you cant find it, ill look into it. If you know about it great.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:15 AM
I can shoot lightnings from the buttons of my cardigan. Then I can shoot laser from my eyes and sometimes I can watch my hands melt..
Either I have superpowers too or then I've drunk too much shoe-polish.

posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 06:40 AM
knowledge, i'm not even gonna make another attempt to answer the same questions that i have tried to answer in the last 2 posts. go back and re read them question for question. the answers are there, even the answers you say i never gave.
open your eyes and look. some of the questions you have posed are irrelevant. and also, if you are looking for a step by step explanation to any of these abilities, forget it, i'm forbidden to teach these skills outside of my bloodline,unless of course my bloodline was doomed to come to an end, and even then i'm restricted to keep the skills in the family,i.e. a niece, nephew etc. forgive me for coming off as a lil irritated, but i do not enjoy repeating myself or rephrasing my responses. i do appreciate your thirst for knowledge on these topics, however it is knowledge i cannot give you. i will give you some good advice, believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.

Regarding hands on teaching, so this is passed on as you have so clearly mentioned and have been very very careful not to call yourself direct descendents from the great flood, was this ability developed then or existed then? Maybe i havnt read religious books with absolute concerntration and may have missed out stories in the bible? Or was this something that was developed/gained/trained after the float and roots of your generations dare not say it but to complete the sentence will say, that it went to the time of the great flood. Are there any articles which you have to justify the claim of the development/existence of the technique which has been passed onto you from generations?

there has been some controversy raised by religious scholars as to whether noah's family was the only family that survived the flood.research this and you may find the answer your looking for.
also for a deeper explanation on causing negativity in someone's life check the link in deeplyawake's last post. i couldn't explain it better myself.

[edit on 30-3-2006 by descendantofclairvoyance]

[edit on 30-3-2006 by descendantofclairvoyance]

posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 06:18 PM

Thanks for the conversation. Wish you Gluck



posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 12:31 PM
Well I actually have powers...
And so do most of my friends,but we are still learning,and The Powers That Be are training us,but its top secret,and we all live in England,so its come out west,and people have had powers since the dawn of time!
If any of you have heard of Spring-Heeled Jack(A guy who was in london and went around terrorizing people in early centuries),then you will know that he could jump over buildings and spit blue flames from his mouth to blind people!
I can fly,but I'm still practising cause its much scarier than you think!
I also have advanced electrokinesis,meaning I can manipulate and control electricty and electrical phenomena!
Me and my friends are thinking of making a...Superhero team(Don't laugh) because its been our life long dream!
If you would like to know about my friends and their powers,email me at [email protected]
Heres a teaser:
My friend Harry can throw fiery plasma and freeze it into plasma crystals!
I know this may sound like i'm faking it,but believe me...Its much more real than you may believe!

[edit on 9-4-2006 by xopha]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by xopha
I know this may sound like i'm faking it,but believe me...Its much more real than you may believe!

omg, roleplayers on the internet do NOT end and never will. even IF it was slightly true, you said it was top secret, SO WHY TELL US? if you are superboy then why do you feel the need to tell everyone when you KNOW it sounds pathetic. Why do people like you post this? its so strange.

but its top secret,and we all live in England


surely digging out a couple of people who fly around with the powers that be thowing plasma everywhere would be somewhat easy to spot, even in the way overcrouded population we live in

If any of you have heard of Spring-Heeled Jack(A guy who was in london and went around terrorizing people in early centuries),then you will know that he could jump over buildings and spit blue flames from his mouth to blind people!

I have yet to see that in any documentary, discovery channel is a little useless these days...

Me and my friends are thinking of making a...Superhero team(Don't laugh) because its been our life long dream!

Then do, and when it dose'nt happen, i will apoligise and write you a letter.

If you would like to know about my friends and their powers,email me at [email protected]


PLEASE dont believe these people as they DO fool people, ive seen it happen and these people worship these roleplayers like they were jesus. People like this prop up on the otherkin boards 24/7, i would bet that atleast 50% of the otherkin community were deluded or roleplaying. it happens, just in this case its not a dragon with elf earlobes which circulate with demon power which also destroy worlds, with vampire teeth, and angel power, and fairy power.

As for you xenoph, why do you post these things? unless this was a pisstake then i accept myself as a fool

Mod Edit: Guidelines For Quotes

[edit on 4/9/2006 by Majic]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by xopha
I know this may sound like i'm faking it,but believe me...Its much more real than you may believe!

uh... ok...
... anyway.... umm...

I only have one little aspect that I partly 'control' and thats clairvoyance, I can see the future but I can't control what I see, although thats become better and better as I have suddenly become more aware in my daily life (as well as more conscious in my dreams :O)

Mod Edit: Guidelines For Quotes

[edit on 4/9/2006 by Majic]

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 11:03 PM
Lest We Forget...

From the Terms And Conditions Of Use:

By becoming a member of these domains, you agree to the following:

1). Posting:
You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

I know this is the Paranormal Studies forum, and I want to assure all members that we are free to discuss almost any paranormal subject here.

I've posted some pretty wild stuff myself.

However, let's try to distinguish between paranormal activity and getting a little too wrapped up in Dragonball Z.

Son Goku awaits all who may dare challenge him in the Video Games forum.

Yes, I know this is a thread about super powers, but in fairness, it's about "Real-Life Super-Powers".

Rule of thumb: If you must make a special dramatic gesture and announce the super power you are about to use in a loud, commanding voice, it probably doesn't belong here.

Go Go Moderator Powers!

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:23 PM
ive recently looked into these powers, occasionaly trying to see if i can muster up anything, best i got was a slightly flickering light in my upstairs hallway.

Sorry i havn't read every page but was there any update on this website that was maybe going to be made to help bring these people together? im very interested in this being done. You could maybe add videos of people exploring powers.

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 06:54 AM
hi i live in india and i'm not really sure, but everytime my emotions grow wild i find the breeze outside reacting the same way.. . once i happened to be really angry and a branch broke because of the wind and the power lines got cut and another time i just felt a really strong gust like just one ray of wind growing stronger and pushing at u...could anyone tell me wat to believe? if this is real is anyone gonna train me online?

posted on Apr, 13 2006 @ 07:27 AM

From the definition on wikipedia, i'd say you are Aerokinesis which should make you able to mentally control the wind.

Of course that, and coincidence.

Try reading this:

posted on Apr, 14 2006 @ 03:24 AM
thanks, for ur help , Volatile! I think this will help

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:22 AM
Hi Winddancer,

I do the same fact one of my screennames is StormDancer500. Its sortof a racing name that I use in a racing game, combined with a windcalling name.

There once was a great kinetic site that is no longer in existence, (I don't know why it shut down), and there were a couple hundred people there with different pk abilities, and the manager took a poll and the number one favorite elemental kinetic power, was the wind! Aerokinesis is very popular, and not that hard to do.

Hint: Your effect on the wind (wind calling and influencing) has to do mostly with your emotions and telepathic sending abilities and telepathic empathic abilities.

~ Deep

Originally posted by winddancer92
hi i live in india and i'm not really sure, but everytime my emotions grow wild i find the breeze outside reacting the same way.. . once i happened to be really angry and a branch broke because of the wind and the power lines got cut and another time i just felt a really strong gust like just one ray of wind growing stronger and pushing at u...could anyone tell me wat to believe? if this is real is anyone gonna train me online?

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 11:00 AM
I find myself more fasinated by Cryokinesis (ice), to be able to hold temperatures beneath normal is fantastic in my mind

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