posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 01:59 PM
Thanks Silent Thunder, for your great and wonderful post. May it deserve to be another legendary epic thread here on ATS.
For those who find the post creepily hippy, then let it be known that historical fact had shown it was our hippy forefathers who ended a senseless war
in Vietnam back in the late 60s.
US had been a major superpower, a victor of WW2 and yet was insanely caught up in supported a corrupted state when overtures had been made as long as
back in the late 40s by Uncle Ho whom held great regard for American people, as the classified Pentagon Papers had shown.
There will always be some whom will be negative and prefer barbarism as a way of life, but many a 'Nam veteran as well as the preceding generations
would thank the hippies ( less the excesses ) for their courage and convictions deep within their hearts for standing up to the morons in Washington
DC, and needless sacrifice of precious young american lives need no longer be sent to prop up corrupt regimes or greed filled american corporations.
May we have another Woodstock soon.
At times like these, with attempts being made to divide us all, for brother to kill brother, this thread is critically important to let us all -
christians, muslims, jews, buddhists, spiritualists, free thinkers, white or black, fat or thin, short or tall, etc, to realize how important love is
to each other, for we are all one....the human race, with common aspirations and destiny to fulfill.
My love to all humanity, passed on by Silent Thunder. Cheers!:-)