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David Icke's New Book

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posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by tonypazzo

Guess you mean "David."

I don't know what this post is saying so I can't comment on it.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 26 is “Game Plan (7): Stealing the Children."

Using foster children to test drugs and pesticides:

Foster children under government control are . . . used to test drugs and pesticides, as with the experimental AIDS drug covertly used on foster children as young as three months at a home run by the Catholic Church in New York. They became known as the 'guinea pig kids' after their suffering was exposed, and they are far from alone. Paediatric nurse, Jacklyn Hoerger, who alerted the world to what was going on, fostered two of the children and took them off the drugs. This resulted in an 'immediate boost to their health and happiness'. So much so that the authorities took the children away, accused Jacklyn Hoerger in court of being a child abuser and prevented her from seeing the children again.

David writes that there is a support website for people in the UK called StolenKids-Bloggers.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:32 AM
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

There is an organization called Common Purpose, which began in 1988 in UK and is now Common Purpose International:

What we can see is that Tavistock and Common Purpose share the same pod, as does the Fabian Society. No shock, then, to find that Common Purpose and Tavistock have close connections with the Fabian Society, Royal Institute of International Affairs, European Union, and Council on Foreign Relations who all share the same goals and methods. They are preparing (programming) the useful idiot 'leaders' for what Common Purpose actually calls the 'post-democratic era' and they all want to develop 'leaders' in the same way by manufacturing consensus that eliminates diversity and by using group pressure on anyone who won't conform. Mind manipulation techniques like Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, are also liberally embedded within the language used to engineer the consensus. NLP is a technique of using words to re-program the body-computer to accept another perception of reality - in this case the 'consensus' agreed by the manipulators before their victims even register for the 'course'. Apparently, the CIA refers to these pre-agreed 'opinions' as 'slides'. . . .

Anyone who resists the programming is isolated and the group turns against them until they either conform or lose the credibility to be a 'leader'. . . .

I remember listening to an interview on the program Red Ice Creations out of Sweden on Common Purpose. The person interviewed was very concerned about the purpose of Common Purpose.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

There is an organization called Common Purpose, which began in 1988 in UK and is now Common Purpose International . . .

Seeking out "narcissistic" personalities:

Brian Gerrish, a former British naval officer-turned-researcher, is the outstanding expert on Common Purpose. He says that the organisation, in league with agencies of government and commerce, seeks out 'narcissistic' personalities. . . . narcissism is defined as; 'excessive love or admiration of oneself ... a psychological condition characterised by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy [note, a major Reptilian trait] and unconscious deficits in self-esteem'. These are the personality-types that have been placed in positions of administration and management throughout the system and so the attitude of authority to the population has changed dramatically in more recent times. Law-enforcement agencies and the 'extended police family' at all levels are employing these narcissistic personalities at the expense of the 'old school' and, once again, this is why the attitude of law enforcement to the population has also become so much more arrogant and authoritarian. The narcissistic ego is so flawed with its unconscious lack of self-esteem that it wallows and glories in having 'power over'. It is also, apparently, much more susceptible to Neuro-Linguistic Programming and other forms of mind control.

The subject of NLP is an interesting one. The Wikipedia article "Neuro-linguistic programming" talks in terms of positive uses for psychotherapy, while noting the charge of a lack of empirical evidence to prove its effectiveness, while a .pdf by an anonymous author entitled "An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches" talks in terms of:

. . . hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D. who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge for therapy purposes.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

There is an organization called Common Purpose, which began in 1988 in UK and is now Common Purpose International . . .

Do you remember this incident?

Common Purpose graduate, Cressida Dick, issued the 'shoot-to-kill' order to police officers that led to an innocent Brazilian electrician, Jean Charles De Menezes, being held down by the police and shot eight times at point blank range, seven of the bullets in the head. Dick was later promoted from Commander to Deputy Assistant Commissioner in the Metropolitan Police. If you are a Common Purpose graduate willing to play the game, the right doors quickly open.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

There is an organization called Common Purpose, which began in 1988 in UK and is now Common Purpose International . . .

There is a website devoted to exposing Common Purpose - Common Purpose Exposed.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

Regarding the lunacy of, and the real purpose of, political correctness (PC):

The French government is even introducing a law that could leave married couples with criminal records for insulting each other during arguments. It is the first country to ban 'psychological violence' between married and cohabiting couples. The law is expected to cover every kind of insult, including repeated rude remarks about a partner's appearance. Repeat 'offenders' could be fined, electronically-tagged, even jailed. This is part of the psychological game-plan to make people watch every word they say in every situation, even with their partner. It is a form of mental and emotional surveillance in which everyone is a potential 'Big Brother' to everyone else.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by -Blackout-

Davod Icke is not a crackpot. IMO: This guy has connecteded more of the dots than anyone eles.

Do your research.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

Regarding Britain's "Health & Safety":

Ambulance staff in Somerset, England, were stopped by a paramedic from treating a man with a broken back while he was lying in six inches of water. They are told it would breach Health & Safety (never mind the health and safety of the guy with the broken back) because they were not trained in water rescues'. Six inches of water constitutes a 'water rescue' for this moron who refused pleas from the ambulance staff to do the obvious and help the victim. A spokesman for the South West Ambulance Service said only fire crews were trained for water rescues. He said: 'The incident was managed in accordance with procedures.' No, in accordance with not having a brain they are prepared to engage.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

David quotes researcher of Common Purpose Brian Gerrish:

It is interesting that many of the mothers who have had children taken by the state speak of the Social Services people being icily cool, emotionless and, as two ladies said in slightly different words, ' little robots'. We know that NLP programming is cumulative so people can be given small imperceptible doses of NLP in a course here, another in a few months, next year etc. In this way, major changes are accrued in their personality, but the day by day change is almost unnoticeable.

Sounds similar to the "Totalitarian Tiptoe."


An example is the policeman who would not get on a bike for a press photo because he had not done the cycling proficiency course. Normal people say this is political correctness gone mad. Nothing could be further from the truth. The policeman has been reframed and in his reality it is perfect common sense not to get on the bike 'because he hasn't done the cycling course'.

Another example of this is where the police would not rescue a boy from a pond until they had taken advice from above on the 'risk assessment'. A normal person would have arrived, perhaps thought of the risk for a moment, and dived in. To the police now 'reframed', they followed 'normal' procedure.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

David quotes the Fabian Bertrand Russell in his 1931 book The Scientific Outlook showing that science was to be used to control the masses.

He goes on to state:

There is growing technological support for this mass mind control and this includes strobe lighting, digital television and compulsory energy-saving light bulbs that are justified by 'global warming'. The pulse of strobe lighting opens the psyche to hypnotic suggestion and its effect can be seen in the way it can trigger epileptic seizures. Television has a similar effect on the Mind and digital television is designed to increase this through a closer energetic connection to the digital levels of the brain. 'Energy-saving' fluorescent light bulbs, which are being made compulsory by the European Union, are also meant to cause physical and hypnotic effects. They can make some people physically ill. Energy-saving light bulbs are supposed to 'protect the environment', but they contain mercury, a lethal poison, with all the disposal problems that entails.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 27 is "Game Plan (8): The Useful Idiots."

The conclusion of this chapter:

Only by becoming Conscious and expanding perception beyond Mind, can we override the Reptilian program 'written' into the Metaphysical Universe and so decode other possibilities into holographic reality. People have to open their perception to a dramatically greater sense of reality than the one we have been programmed to believe in. Only then can we understand the scale and depth of what is going on, and bring an end to this Reptilian dictatorship.

Okay, so what can we do?

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 06:41 AM
Chapter 28 is "Breaking the 'Spell'":

We have got into this mess through manipulated ignorance of the reality we are experiencing; through being dominated by the traits of the reptilian brain and the false reality of the Moon Matrix; through refusing to honestly face the situation we are in; through not understanding what freedom is, nor standing together to defend it; through allowing ourselves to be divided and ruled . . .

David mentions twins of human enslavement:

  1. Cognitive dissonance
  2. Denial

I think this passage is true and very insightful:

Cognitive dissonance and denial, both forms of lying to ourselves, are a human plague and if this doesn't change then nothing else will. I have known people in my life who are so in denial of their own behaviour that they construct a fake self to stop them facing who and what they really are. They talk endlessly about 'love and light' and how they 'love everyone' while actually being cold, callous, devious, totally self-serving and vindictive. Me, me, me is the only show in town and if they every told the truth they would immediately implode from the shock. They hide this from themselves with the fake personality-construct based on them being 'loving'. Cognitive dissonance, as I said earlier, means to hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously and accept that both are true. George Orwell called it 'doublethink'. When two beliefs or behaviour patterns are fundamentally at odds within the same mind, it creates unpleasant emotional disharmony, an inner friction - dissonance - that somehow has to be dealt with. This can be done by changing beliefs in the light of new information, or the evidence before us. In the example I am referring to here, the people acknowledge that talking endlessly about 'love and light' and 'I love everyone' cannot be sustained in the face of their cold, callous, devious, totally self-serving and vindictive behavior. . . .

The heading that this passage is under is "Lying to the Mirror."

I think David has nailed it.

This is something we can all do for ourselves. It's something we have control over. If we do this, we wake up; if we wake up, we change our behavior. Things begin to fall into place.

We don't have to cooperate with our enslavement.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 28 is "Breaking the 'Spell'"

I like the following passage. It's something I've never thought of about in this way before:

There is another aspect to this, too. 'It is what it is' brings you into the Now, the only moment that exists, and allows you to escape the illusory past and future. Only by being in the Now can we affect anything. If we 'live' in the past and the future we are 'living' - perceiving - in a world that doesn't actually exist. It is just a belief-system. How can we change anything in that state and from that place'? We can't. We make ourselves impotent. The phrase goes 'it is what it is', not 'it was what it was' or 'it will be what it will be'. It perceives from the 'is', the Now, and so gives us the power to change 'what is' in the only moment that anything can be changed. . . . Enjoy the Now without the party poopers of past and future. . . .

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 28 is "Breaking the 'Spell'"

I like the following passage.

I like this, too:

Once you make the decision to recognise your own slavery and commit yourself to freedom for yourself and others, everything changes - so long as it is genuine and not just words. That change of perception and desire for freedom changes the vibrational state of your energy field and you begin to attract to you the people, locations, experiences and knowledge to achieve what you have made a commitment to manifest. There is no need to organise anything, it just happens through 'like-attracts-like'. It may appear to express itself as organisation, but it is really energetic waveform connections in the Metaphysical Universe playing out in the decoded 'world' of holographic form. The key is to change our perception and attitudes to make those connections in the Metaphysical Universe that express themselves as synchronistic organisation in this holographic realm.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by IamBoon

Your trolling and I would think the moderators should call you on it.

If you don't like David Icke, fine - now go play elsewhere on another thread you do like instead of trolling.

Your avatar sucks and is as ugly as your words.


posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Mary Rose, just hit ignore on Iamboon - he's not worth your time.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 28 is "Breaking the 'Spell'"

Regarding true freedom:

We need to stand for the rights and freedoms of everyone, not just those we agree with. Not doing so is how we got into this situation and we are not going to get out of it by doing the same. If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you've always got.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 28 is "Breaking the 'Spell'"

The reptilian brain vs. the neo-cortex and what we need to strengthen:

People get upset and defensive (survival instincts) when others say unpleasant and untrue things about them. But we can choose to be indignant (reptilian brain) or to say, 'And?' (neo-cortex). What does it matter? They'll be saying something else next week. Once the line is crossed into reptilian-brain paranoia we lose the plot and suddenly endless irrelevances are transformed into life-or-death importance. They start to matter. Another of my circuit-breakers, along with 'And?' is: 'Did anybody die?' It can bring things quickly into perspective when a panic is going on about an apparent catastrophe that isn't.

posted on Jul, 18 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Chapter 28 is "Breaking the 'Spell'"

The benefits of laughter:

The more you think limited possibility the more you know you are in the program and not in Consciousness, and the energetic density that comes from depression and worry (expressions of fear) lock you into a sense of limited options and choice - limited possibility. It's a cycle and it's vicious. . . .

We need to use Consciousness to break this cycle of cause-and-effect / effect-and cause. But how? Well, one way is to laugh. Try being serious - 'tight and heavy' - when you are laughing, or when somebody else is. . . . beyond the program there is so much joy at just being. The more we find that joy ourselves, the more we disconnect from the Moon Matrix because that is specifically designed to suppress that joy.

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