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I Have Become a Racist

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:45 AM
White Racist: people with a sick, twisted delusional hatred for people that are not White. Undetermined whether this is heredity or due to influence from others.

non-White Racist: people that feel white people have committed injustice against their people. Usually there is a justified reason for this hate.

Don't agree? You are probably racist.

[edit on 8/5/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:50 AM
The OP gets a bunch of stars?? Damn Pride is a pain in all races not just Hispanics. What about the white pride? You have that especially strong in the "white" collar jobs. Hell, they only have white towns in some areas of the USA. I swear we will never evolve. It makes me realize this place is hell.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:50 AM
The term racist and prejudice are not bad in themselves. We judge and discern things on a daily basis. I look at the reaction of the OP this way. Let's say I have a home with a big yard, and after some time some Latinos begin camping out in the yard. I ask them to leave and they do. The next day I invite all my friends over and while in the process of having a big party, I find the same Latinos helping themselves to my food and sitting in my favorite lounge chairs. I ask them to leave and they do. The next day early in the morning I look out my window and my back yard is filled with twice as many Latinos as last week. They refuse to leave as they say they have been here a while and haven't broken any laws. I tell them they're trespassing and so then some of my neighbors come to defend them on my land, eating my food, and sitting in my chairs. The next thing I know is they get into the house, eat my food at my table and take my car out for a joy ride. I am now pissed. I want them out! I want them gone! And when I call the police chief, he tells me that he and his boys are thinking of making them legal residents of my house. If fact, even giving them a pathway to ownership of my house !

So the OP has the right to be angry, and to be somewhat racist, and with prejudice. It's HIS house not theirs. The have no right to his property, his things, and his life. Let them all go back to their country and celebrate Mexican independence there. leave us alone to wear American T-shirts in our own land.

This is destined to come to a boil at some point and the people are not going to put up with it forever. Close the border to Mexico, find the illegals, and put the businesses that hire them out of business for good.

Now, I do not hate Latinos. But I hate thieves. Go back across the border and apply for entrance, and you will be welcome in our land.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Fromabove]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:52 AM
This illegal immigrant business has caused nothing but trouble. I'm truly sorry for what these obnoxious and troublesome illegals have done.

I myself am of Mexican descent, but was born in the US. I am NOT related to any illegals, just in case you were wondering. In fact, I HATE it when they try to group the "hispanic community" together when I don't support them one bit!

People becoming racist over this whole ordeal is what I feared would happen. I just want to assure you that there are ones like me who also want these illegals to leave. I don't have any of that "Mexican pride" rubbish because I am an American. Sadly, I can't speak for the majority of the legal immigrants since it seems they too support the illlegals (Why do they even care, since they're already legal?!), but I know I am speaking for myself here. I've wanted to tell someone how I felt since a long time ago.

Anyway, I apologize once again for how these "people" have been acting. I would ask that you reconsider your decision Wolf321, but how can I do that when I know you'll be disappointed? I guess, all I ask is for you to know that I'm with you and those of us who have had it with these illegals.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Ace High

Originally posted by Wulfiroth
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Is it the U.S. Government you think is at fault or the Mexican Government?

Illegals pour in by the hundreds of thousands bringing their crude ways, because they refuse to change their own country. It would be nice if they took responsibility for their own actions, but sadly from all my years it seems like they refuse to learn. They bring this hatred upon themselves.

LOL. Crude ways really? Compared to what? What change to we cause in the US really? TPTB pick the President every single time. What do they refuse to learn? I am in the Construction industry and have not found a harder worker, more dedicated to family and peace than Mexican immigrants. They are not nearly as lazy as the Americans we see working for us.

It is sad you only got two stars for this. I will add one more star for you. I think that guy has multiple accounts.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by Unown
This illegal immigrant business has caused nothing but trouble. I'm truly sorry for what these obnoxious and troublesome illegals have done.

I myself am of Mexican descent, but was born in the US. I am NOT related to any illegals, just in case you were wondering. In fact, I HATE it when they try to group the "hispanic community" together when I don't support them one bit!

People becoming racist over this whole ordeal is what I feared would happen. I just want to assure you that there are ones like me who also want these illegals to leave. I don't have any of that "Mexican pride" rubbish because I am an American. Sadly, I can't speak for the majority of the legal immigrants since it seems they too support the illlegals (Why do they even care, since they're already legal?!), but I know I am speaking for myself here. I've wanted to tell someone how I felt since a long time ago.

Anyway, I apologize once again for how these "people" have been acting. I would ask that you reconsider your decision Wolf321, but how can I do that when I know you'll be disappointed? I guess, all I ask is for you to know that I'm with you and those of us who have had it with these illegals.

It is unfortunate for you that you get lumped together because you have Mexican descent, just as Islams have with the terrorists making them all seem bad when they are not. But at least you are speaking out.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
Sigh.... you just had to bring this up...

Sadly, I am on the recieving end of this bull. I am not even Mexican, yet because I am mixed race and am naturally brown, I get put into the category of Mexican. Freaking sickens me how white people here in America treat me just because I look Mexican to them.

Man, if only one time you could feel the discrimination from this side. It's not every fun to get grouped into a category (especially since I am not even in the category), and get treated with disrespect because of the color of my skin.

I am the same way. I do have hispanic heritage and also white and cherokee as well.I get hurt pretty badly especially in my field of work. Most of the CGI industry is controlled by whites. I have a hard time getting into the field.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:02 AM
Honestly, I'm not racist, but I completely understand how you feel.
Sometimes I find myself fighting against certain feelings I have towards a certain race, but then I remember where my own ancestors came from.
I am not a true Native from the USA.

I'd like to hear how the Native Indians felt about the first white people coming into their lands, not speaking their language, killing their buffalo, and just taking over.
I'm sure they felt just dandy.

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree that illegals should be coming here to the USA and getting better benefits than the US citizens who are legal and don't get any benefits.

However...I honestly don't think illegal immigration is about race..I think it's about our system and how it doesn't work.

We rant about Latinos now, because that's making the news, but what about the illegal Russian, Chinese or Lebanese immigrants?
Where I live, we have TONS of Russians. We even have Russian sections of in our grocery stores.
At times I feel as I should learn Russian so I can communicate better.
They are nice people and I get along with them, but seriously, are they all legal? Maybe.

There are so many more races that I'm sure come over here Illegally it's not even funny, but yet our nation seems to conform to their ways to make them comfortable.

Maybe I should toss away my US born citizenship and then sneak back into the US so I could get better medical benefits.
The medical benifits I have now...well..they suck.

If I sneak into another country and try to get their benefits, I'd probably be put in jail. How fair is that?

So again, I completely understand how you feel...but get mad at our government's system, not the people.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by blue_fish]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

Everything you've said rings true, and many Americans share your feelings. Some would never admit it, but they do.

Anger toward a race or culture is misplaced, it is not their fault that it is easy to illegally immigrate here in search of a better life.

That said "If you build it, they will come" are words that come to mind.

I can totally understand and sympathise with those who come here seeking a better life, and none of us should judge them or blame them for that... Likely if any of us were in their situation we would do the same thing.

I have no gripe with immigrants, legal or illegal... What really pisses me off is the federal and state governments who have neglected this issue for far too long, and even now many including our president seem to want to distance themselves from it, or postpone any action on it again for as long as possible.

I blame them, and the system, not the immigrants.... They are here the way they are because they can be and the blame for that lies within our spineless governments both states and federal.

This is their shame, and should not be seen any other way.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Ace High

American rules dictate that you have to have a certain number of bedrooms, certain ages of children can't share rooms with adults. Which means you are required to provide adequate lviing space. There is also little public transportation in most areas. It is called a standard of living.
It has nothing to do with laziness. Americans in a very short history, took great strides to: allow everyone an education, women's rights, children's rights, quality of life, etc. We demanded people get treated like people and not chattel. We abolished slavery, allowed women to get access to certain jobs, and no longer allow 9 year olds to work in factories.

What is the difference between the US and Mexico? Civilization. To not have to have 3 families cooped up in an apt. Not that it doesn't happen, but it is less common in the US. To have our children be able to finish high school at the very least. Most importantly, to not shorten our lives working 16 hour days, 6 days a week, and dying early to leave our families behind.

What you are advocating is going backward. I suppose you think our kids should go back to work too?Because we are not working hard enough. Americans work hard to not be a third world country. And Americans do work hard, it is just we demand that sufficient income for it, and that we don't kill ourselves over it.

Yes these people work hard. They work hard jobs. No one denies that. But to say that Americans are the lesser people for it because we refuse to be reduced to an exploitable, disposable commodity is not fair, nor American.

We have to make money in order to maintain the quality of life we have. We have to demand liveable compensation. Laws dictate so.

Unless you want to change that, so we can go back to living 25 people in a 2 bedroom apt, hanging our clothes on a mailbox to dry.

Where woman are only to cook and make babies. And no one gets to go to college.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by nixie_nox]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by dragnet53

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
Sigh.... you just had to bring this up...

Sadly, I am on the recieving end of this bull. I am not even Mexican, yet because I am mixed race and am naturally brown, I get put into the category of Mexican. Freaking sickens me how white people here in America treat me just because I look Mexican to them.

Man, if only one time you could feel the discrimination from this side. It's not every fun to get grouped into a category (especially since I am not even in the category), and get treated with disrespect because of the color of my skin.

I am the same way. I do have hispanic heritage and also white and cherokee as well.I get hurt pretty badly especially in my field of work. Most of the CGI industry is controlled by whites. I have a hard time getting into the field.

Oh. come on. I can't help myself but to reply to both of you. The only way you can be hurt is if you don't like who you are. The whities don't have the edge on the world population scene. And who cares what they think of you, it only matter how you perceive yourself. The gripe by the OP is that illegal Mexicans are streaming over the border and eating us out of house and home. How about you guys speaking out against this and become part of the solution. BTW, I am white/Irish and I will tell you that I get hurt when I see anyone being put down for who they are, what size they may be, or what color they happen to be. And I don't tolerate it either. And we Irish have several hundred years experience of discrimination by other whites (English) and the terror they did to us, not to mention even here in the US for quite some time. So it all gets around and we all get a taste of it.

But the question is, do you know who you are and can you stand proud of it and tall. Or do you have white envy. Never be afraid to say your piece to those who look at you with a bad eye. only then will you go toe to toe with all of them and still be standing when the dust clears. Just don't be the victim. When people do that I get nauseous.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Fromabove]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:11 AM
I moved to the US when i was about 4 years old from a Communist country. When me and my family arrived, we flew an American flag at home. We assimilated, learned the language, paid our taxes, and were proud that we were American citizens. It was the US that gave us a chance at life. We didn't come here expecting a handout or anything of that sort. We just worked hard and appreciated every new opportunity we had here.

I have no problem with being proud of your culture or heritage, but even as an immigrant i can tell you that i absolutely hate seeing parades and marches against US policies with Mexican flags or whatever else flying. I can't stand that most of their money is sent across our borders. I can't stand when they won't speak a word of English. I can't stand seeing bilingual billboards in my neighborhood. These people have absolutely no loyalty to the US. They are here strictly to take advantage of a situation and nothing more. If you want to come here and be a citizen, by all means do it legally. Me and my family are proof that there are immigrants that don't want to change anything here, they just want to be a part of it.

Why is it regular white folks are so afraid to be proud of the US or white American culture? Everyone else is encouraged to be proud except you, if you do it then you guys are racists. Beyond stupid. You are letting this country go to hell all in the name of political correctness. It is not racist to be upset that your neighborhoods, stores, and culture are being hijacked.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:16 AM
The real Illegals in America are white people.

They came and killed over 400 million Natives and Latinos over 400 years, enslave and steal there land and white wash their history, now white people are crying that Mexicans are coming back into the land you that was theirs to begin with.

Everyone knows the white man is the biggest hypocrite on planet Earth and they are very proud of what they have done.

Good thing the white mans ruler-ship over the world is almost done, theres going to be a lot of pay back on that 500 year tab of destruction.
The best thing white people can do now is wake up to the fact that there Edomites.
The white man is the terrorist of the world.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:17 AM
Remember "United We Stand, Divided We Fall."?
Well guess what? There is about 30 million people that come here illegally that absolutely refuse to unite...They are here to suck the United States like parasites...

And all you Pro-Immigration ideologues are permitting it to happen further dividing this country...


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by antonia

All Good Points! kudos!

Want to talk about thugs? How about here in Texas the KKK has there own damn city. It is called Vidor, Texas. Government has tried to place other races in the town, but it all failed. I think a few live in the outskirts of the city that are non-white. But it is sad and this world is going to tear itself apart if Nibiru/planet x doesn't do it for us. The human experiment has failed.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by End Of Babylon
The real Illegals in America are white people.

They came and killed over 400 million Natives and Latinos over 400 years, enslave and steal there land and white wash their history, now white people are crying that Mexicans are coming back into the land you that was theirs to begin with.

Everyone knows the white man is the biggest hypocrite on planet Earth and they are very proud of what they have done.

Good thing the white mans ruler-ship over the world is almost done, theres going to be a lot of pay back on that 500 year tab of destruction.
The best thing white people can do now is wake up to the fact that there Edomites.
The white man is the terrorist of the world.

I was just about to leave the site for awhile but I couldn't resist. I will say this...

To the victor goes the spoils of war. We may not be the Aboriginals but we are the victors. And we are civilized. But, if you must play the victim, I'll go get a tagament for my nausea.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:22 AM
well I find the opening post irritating and disgusting. More in a multicultural world. You don't live in an island, sorry you are citizen of a world. So bear with it. Most of the cultures transcend because of the cultural mix of several different regions.

So you are proud of your French heritage but despise Mexican heritage of people? huh?? This will be my only comment as I found pointless to discuss someone with is embracing the Nazi flag without knowing.

Is as if you are spitting in the grave of all the ones that fought and die to bring down Nazi and their pure blood search. Hope your kids never need help from someone from another country and hope they never get insulted just because you are French In migrant living in America, as you are not an American Native ok?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove

Originally posted by dragnet53

Originally posted by SolarE-Souljah
Sigh.... you just had to bring this up...

Sadly, I am on the recieving end of this bull. I am not even Mexican, yet because I am mixed race and am naturally brown, I get put into the category of Mexican. Freaking sickens me how white people here in America treat me just because I look Mexican to them.

Man, if only one time you could feel the discrimination from this side. It's not every fun to get grouped into a category (especially since I am not even in the category), and get treated with disrespect because of the color of my skin.

I am the same way. I do have hispanic heritage and also white and cherokee as well.I get hurt pretty badly especially in my field of work. Most of the CGI industry is controlled by whites. I have a hard time getting into the field.

Oh. come on. I can't help myself but to reply to both of you. The only way you can be hurt is if you don't like who you are. The whities don't have the edge on the world population scene. And who cares what they think of you, it only matter how you perceive yourself. The gripe by the OP is that illegal Mexicans are streaming over the border and eating us out of house and home. How about you guys speaking out against this and become part of the solution. BTW, I am white/Irish and I will tell you that I get hurt when I see anyone being put down for who they are, what size they may be, or what color they happen to be. And I don't tolerate it either. And we Irish have several hundred years experience of discrimination by other whites (English) and the terror they did to us, not to mention even here in the US for quite some time. So it all gets around and we all get a taste of it.

But the question is, do you know who you are and can you stand proud of it and tall. Or do you have white envy. Never be afraid to say your piece to those who look at you with a bad eye. only then will you go toe to toe with all of them and still be standing when the dust clears. Just don't be the victim. When people do that I get nauseous.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Fromabove]

I can tell you this and that is I am not proud to be human. I'd rather be Vulcan personally. The OP has stated that he hates all Mexican from what I read. He grouped basically even all legal Mexicans as well. I don't take pride in anything because pride is a sin. But yes I understand the Irish also had people attack them and the white side of my family is Irish.

One quote I always go back to in Constantine the movie and Rachel Weiss (sp?) character states, "Humans are evil people Mr. Constantine." that is definitely a fact for most of the world. Evil can be anything.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by dragnet53]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Mr Poopra
I moved to the US when i was about 4 years old from a Communist country. When me and my family arrived, we flew an American flag at home. We assimilated, learned the language, paid our taxes, and were proud that we were American citizens. It was the US that gave us a chance at life. We didn't come here expecting a handout or anything of that sort. We just worked hard and appreciated every new opportunity we had here.

I have no problem with being proud of your culture or heritage, but even as an immigrant i can tell you that i absolutely hate seeing parades and marches against US policies with Mexican flags or whatever else flying. I can't stand that most of their money is sent across our borders. I can't stand when they won't speak a word of English. I can't stand seeing bilingual billboards in my neighborhood. These people have absolutely no loyalty to the US. They are here strictly to take advantage of a situation and nothing more. If you want to come here and be a citizen, by all means do it legally. Me and my family are proof that there are immigrants that don't want to change anything here, they just want to be a part of it.

Why is it regular white folks are so afraid to be proud of the US or white American culture? Everyone else is encouraged to be proud except you, if you do it then you guys are racists. Beyond stupid. You are letting this country go to hell all in the name of political correctness. It is not racist to be upset that your neighborhoods, stores, and culture are being hijacked.

oh that is one thing I can't stand as well. Any immigrant that comes here and doesn't want to learn our language just pisses me off. They expect us to learn their language, but if you go to their country they could care less and you have to conform.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:37 AM
Get over yourself. All cultures have differences.

What do you think Americans look like to the rest of the world? We're overweight, greedy, huge users and abusers of natural and other resources, divided, out for ourselves primarily, etc, etc.

All cultures and races have their good and bad traits...if you don't like what you see, don't look!!

Americans are hardly in a position to judge other cultures, the mess we've made here.

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