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Why do you support the ILLEGALS?

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posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:25 PM
As a Native American I'd love to know who it is the OP is talking about.

Just kidding. Best let old dogs lie.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by nethawk
As a Native American I'd love to know who it is the OP is talking about.

Just kidding. Best let old dogs lie.

I don't know how or why the other poster even stuck the Native American bit in there. It seems people need to paint the racist brush when they can't put forth a debatable argument.

My only disagreement is with the way people are sympathizing with who cross the border illegally.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by SpectreDC

Originally posted by Light of Night
reply to post by Janky Red

What fascist methods?

I keep seeing all these accusations being thrown out, but nothing to back them up. People having to show their ID's? When 24 states have laws that make it illegal to not have your ID?

Nice half-truth. Those laws are only in effect when a police officer has reasonable suspicion of an individual having committed a crime. I should know, I live in one of these states, and I have refused to comply when they had absolutely no suspicion of any illegal activities being committed by myself.

Hrmm, then that would mean all 50 states have a law where you have to carry your ID on you then. If you are suspected in a crime you have to tell the police your identity in all 50 states.

But you do bring up a valid point though, is it not reasonable suspicion of being an illegal immigrant if you don't know any English have your country's flag all over the place blasting Mexican gangster music, and have about 5 people to many riding in a small car?

Sounds like probable cause to me. Of course you'll throw out the race card, but the fact remains most illegal immigrants are of Spanish decent. Really doesn't make any sense to go after little old white lady's with thick country accents.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:31 PM
without a doubt its a emergency situation, once everything is under control again I hope they repeal it, but I fully understand their delima.
all 50 states need to join in not poo poo it. its our country and we need to defend her or she will be gone, like Wdc wants.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:31 PM
double post...

[edit on 24-4-2010 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Light of Night

Sounds like probable cause to me. Of course you'll throw out the race card, but the fact remains most illegal immigrants are of Spanish decent. Really doesn't make any sense to go after little old white lady's with thick country accents.

No, that would be Meso-American descent. If they were Spanish most of you wouldn't care. The Spanish are generally white and share similar customs with most Europeans.

Do not mix up the Spanish and Latin American ethnicities. Spanish people do not refer to themselves as Hispanics or Latinos. They are two different cultures and races.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by prionace glauca
reply to post by DOADOA

They aren't only coming here for the jobs my friend. They are coming here for something that is worth a lot more than meager jobs can provide.

The real deal of the invasion by the illegals

How much does it take to raise a child in this country? From Kindergarten all the way to College.

How much does the health care impact ones budget even if you had insurance, think about all of the co-pays? Illegals have nothing to worry about in that regard. They simply don't have to pay anything.

than this will bring us to a few more questions. if one of the richest economy out of 150+ countries can't take care of their own problems and people, is it right for them to make it our problem.

true, they come here and they work hard. most of them earn a living the right way, but what is it that keeps them from doing it in mexico? if their own people refuse to help them, who are we to take that responsibility? vietnam, somolia, etc.... countries that have suffered from countless war i can understand. they never had a chance to develop, someone is always trying to colonize them or bomb them to hell, those immigrants have a reason to get away from their country. they just want some peace in this land of opportunity for a chance to gorw. but mexico......whats wrong with mexico? why are people trying to get out of mexico?

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:41 PM
Unless you are an American Indian you are an immigrant.
With that said, there is a huge difference between an immigrant and an illegal allien. No one faults any person that looks toward the US and strives to come here seeking a better life for themselves. The problem arises with the next thought,

The first act I will do in my new homeland is comit a felony, by entering illegally.

The illegal allien has no respect what-so-ever for this country or her laws.

The illegal allien does not want to contribute to the growth and prosperity of this great land by following the law in becoming a naturalized citizen.

The States will follow AZ example and put a end to this invasion.

And to all who wish to come to the US legally, I say Welcome new American.

Light Up the Darkness

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by DOADOA

I think we both are trying to say the same thing. Let them be put back where they originated from, if they are citizens of Mexico they need to go back there and if they are from somewhere else they need to go back there. They shouldn't be a burden on the resources of America, when the citizens of America and their children should benefit from those resources.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:44 PM
I can and do understand why many support illegals staying here. It is after all a multi cultured nation. However, these individuals did not go through the proper process of becoming actual citizens. If we, Americans want to reside in another country, we will go through (well, SHOULD at least) go through the legal processes and beyond.

This country is over populated and we don't need any Illegal immigrants making it worse. Sorry, but it's true.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Darkrunner

You are right in that most illegal aliens are from Latin American countries. I would argue the illegal aliens from Canada and Europe are actually doing more harm. Many of these people are taking good paying white collar jobs from American workers.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by hotpinkurinalmint
reply to post by Darkrunner

You are right in that most illegal aliens are from Latin American countries. I would argue the illegal aliens from Canada and Europe are actually doing more harm. Many of these people are taking good paying white collar jobs from American workers.

So now on top being a racist you are now being prejudicial. Do you really believe that some of the people coming from down south aren't educated enough to deserve those white collar jobs? There are a few physicians and med techs that I know that are of Mexican decent are going to be naturalized soon.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Stuck in the past is your thinking of boundaries, and segregations of the peoples of this earth and some day we will all be one as we started from one.

If you read my post at all you would see that I said it will take a thousand years or more before we are ready for this thinking so you see I am a futurist not a history teacher.

But you my friend are stuck in the now, with no past or future, you’re kind of thinking will be mocked in the future, and ridiculed as was the earth thought to be flat in the past. We call this kind of thinking status quo, where you fall for the ruler’s corrupt food and thought control, sheeple is what I called it.

"You think you’re so clever, and classless and free, but you're still f@$#ing peasants as far as I can see" John Lennon

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:53 PM
Since 1974, Western Europe has given permanent resident cards to over 6 million illegal immigrants. France has granted three major amnesties in the past 25 years. Spain has offered six in the past 15 years. Italy voted amnesties in 1988, 1990, 1996, 1998, 2002 and 2006. All these countries belong to the European Union, where there is free movement of persons.

Immigrants are being granted permission to stay and spread their blessed religious ideology about us being contemptuous infidels – to be defeated and degraded to dhimmis (underlings) – if not killed (Koran sura 9:1–5). The immigrants will not adopt our way of life, hate and despise us - and see themselves as our conquerors.

There is an ideology behind this madness, and the ideologists are our real enemies. They are clever, for by means of their mental hygiene they have brainwashed us to sympathise with our own demise. The aim of the ideologists is dictatorial world government and world citizens without nationality.

It’s perfectly obvious that multiculturalism was bound to sever the ties that bind our communities; too much diversity means not enough solidarity, and a broken society.That is exactly what has been planned for Europe, and exactly what is planned for America.

Multiculturalism is just another blanket term which has served only to dilute sovereignty and our national identities.If you dare to speak out against any aspect of the ongoing destruction of your values and culture you will probably be termed a 'racist' and lectured about the so-called benfits of 'diversity'.

Personally, I see none worth mentioning. The idea that diversity is a great advantage for America is one of the most obviously stupid propositions ever to see the light of day. Seldom have so many pretended to believe something so absurd! We should recognize the particular brand of diversity that our politicians like to include in their speeches for exactly what it is: weakness, dissension, and self-destruction.

Crime, gang warfare, random shootings, attacks on police, rioting, and ethnic conflict are omnipresent. Communicable diseases that have never existed (or have not existed for centuries) in Western Europe and North America have suddenly appeared in our midst. Social strife and political tensions abound. Laws, customs, and mores of centuries-long standing have been successfully challenged and undermined. Taxpayers are subjected to massive new burdens as welfare agencies and school systems are overwhelmed.

Third-World immigration has not enriched or improved the American way of life. At all.

Speaking culturally and historically, representatives of different cultures are not interchangeable and non-Europeans in huge numbers simply cannot be assimilated into a Western environment and, even in the best of circumstances, cannot absorb the subtleties and nuances of our heritage, such as: people should be free from external control; individuals should be self-reliant and local government should have a large measure of independence; those accused in court should be considered innocent until proven guilty and should be protected against self-incrimination; the tradition of loyal opposition should govern the relationship between various political factions; freedom of speech should be absolute etc...

It is clear, then, that the enormous tidal wave of Third World immigrants will soon overwhelm the most basic framework on which Western civilisation was created. Those rights that are enjoyed by peoples of all races and ethnic backgrounds in America will be gone. The linguistic, legal, religious, moral, cultural, and political aspects of our heritage and of our daily existence will be transformed and altered totally and permanently.

So let us hear no more about some requirement on our part to remain passive while our families, and homelands, and religion, and culture disappear from the face of the earth. There is no such requirement.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:53 PM

I have no desire to blame the desperate individuals fleeing misery, starvation, imprisonment, political persecution and what not. Or those simply trying to build a better life for themselves and their families. Firstly we would probably do the same, and secondly, lets face it, the grass really is not much greener for them on the other side.

Let us recognize though that history clearly shows that nations, both ancient and modern, in which a majority of citizens share little except diversity, suffer ongoing social tensions, upheavals, and chaos that can be mitigated only by recourse to tyranny.

And that is what is next, and probably for the most part, already here.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by D377MC]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by humilisunus
reply to post by prionace glauca

Stuck in the past is your thinking of boundaries, and segregations of the peoples of this earth and some day we will all be one as we started from one.

If you read my post at all you would see that I said it will take a thousand years or more before we are ready for this thinking so you see I am a futurist not a history teacher.

But you my friend are stuck in the now, with no past or future, you’re kind of thinking will be mocked in the future, and ridiculed as was the earth thought to be flat in the past. We call this kind of thinking status quo, where you fall for the ruler’s corrupt food and thought control, sheeple is what I called it.

"You think you’re so clever, and classless and free, but you're still f@$#ing peasants as far as I can see" John Lennon

Ah you are smoking those communist greens..for some 4/20 never ends.

Much love, much love...

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by prionace glauca
reply to post by Janky Red

I have a hard time you even know what the constitution is let alone supporting it. Watching the movie National Treasure doesn't automatically turn one into a master of the constitution. Though a trip to Philadelphia and Washington D.C is needed for you to accomplish and read the documents first hand.

The chess pieces have yet to be flipped. Come November the Tyranny of this government shall be changed for the good of the Citizens who care to save this country from falling off the cliff of political correctness.

Yes, I have to travel to two cities to qualify myself, do I get an ID upon completion?

Fact is this law violates the AZ. state constitution as well -

I can't help it if you are too bug eyed to realize the pieces have moved...
You spent a year mourning the constitution only to completely flip and defile it in the 4th... Once again, bemoan the expansive fascist nature of government scope only to flip again and embrace the very principle. Believe it or not things like consistency are linked to credibility even in the political world. Some turds will never taste like chocolate and to assume nobody will pick up on the switcharoo is foolish.

It is you who is selling the HCR now, mandates and all, my partisan hat is off you would be wise to do the same. You not know how the brown people in AZ are going to react,
you don't know how supports will react, you don't know how officials will react, SCOTUS. ANY violent reaction will not be good for you guys, you are betting the whole burrito on this one, being self aware is gift.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

You mock me? You assume to know who I am or what I come from, you mock my views and hopes of peace, then you tell me I am high on pot, and that I’m a commie, you tell me my own people would have killed me for being moderate. You sir are the biggest sheep I have ever had the unfortunate chance of threading with on ATS.

This is why ignorant smegma must be allowed to speak, you are the prime example of why we must hold freedom of speech close to our hearts and never let it die, for when ignorant apples such as yourself speak we all get to see what an donkey you make of yourselves, right up there with Ann Coulter, and the rest of the neo-cons, let them speak and in a time they will be obsolete and regarded as fools.

edit for spelling.

[edit on 24-4-2010 by humilisunus]

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by prionace glauca

Because they're people.
And because countries are only just pretend anyway.

posted on Apr, 24 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by IceOwl
reply to post by prionace glauca

Because they're people.
And because countries are only just pretend anyway.

Which pretend country do you belong too?

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