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The New Religion

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posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Good point Proto. Someone can easily reason within themselves that they like to be berated or hurt and project that onto others feeling as though they are in fact keeping with the golden rule. That never even entered my mind.

At this point we would need to have a clear set of rules defining what is right and what is wrong. In my example above I quoted from the New Testament. In it, there was a commandment before the golden rule. That was to love God with all your heart and mind.

Could it be that, that is the reason the two commandments were given that summed up all of God's law? One could not love God without getting to know Him and getting to know what He is all about. A learning curve before the golden rule. Someone to endeavor to emulate?

That is intriguing to me my friend! Whether I am right or wrong in this thought process is irrelevant because it is something that I would have to research a bit to learn more about. You have a distinct ability to find layers of information beneath what I believe is the bottom of the matter.

Think along these lines first Proto. It seems to me that someone would actually have to make rules as to what is right and what is wrong. Those rules would have to be learned because like you said, some people can be inherently wrong in their thought processes.

Unless there is a way to make everyone think the same way all at once. Like a light bulb turning on. An awakening of sorts.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I haven't read all the post, but I will,

Well this might sound crazy but I was thinking we could write a New One, All of us, by thinking of what we would really like, be willing to accept or tolerate in a New Religion.

We can't write anything, that's the whole problem mankind inserts his human understanding into spirituality,

The first word that must go is religion, it is spirituality that should lead the way.

Religion is dogma, and rules, and teachings, and control.

What I tried to do was go back to the very beginning as far back as history would take me, before the organization of religion, everything is cyclic, the truth lies at the beginning.

I think at one time we were connected to the creator, and we lost that connection.

I think all the ancient texts have given us clues.

Also this new, or first state, would be a blend of spirituality and science, try and think outside the box, the alpha and omega,

We think we know so much, yet actually we know very little.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by lowki

If someone is a sadomasochist they should be allowed to live such a lifestyle.

They are in fact learning, and living and evolving through that path, many rivers leading to one sea.

Yet through that example we can see that the Golden Rule as many envision and believe in it can yield far different results than they imagine and anticipate.

So how can we then through a New Religion safeguard that people can evolve in a way that is natural to them, and should their be a gauge that employs any kind of mechanism that causes intervention when someone becomes stuck in a loop, that causes them to stumble time and time again on their chosen path towards evolution?

Or should we respect that perhaps some people have such an affection and attachment to a certain type of lifestyle and conditions and circumstances, that no matter how unpleasant or damaging they appear to be, to that soul, they should be left alone for an eternity if need be, to stay in that place and state that they so love, even though we can’t really imagine why they so love it, even while they themselves claim not to really love it?

In other words how to we curb and temper our own often inherent propensity to nurture and rescue others, even when they don’t really want to be rescued and nurtured, and how do we learn to stop seeing a threat to ourselves in letting them wander their own path?

The tribal concept is a good one, providing we can create and accept a mechanism that accepts those tribes right to exist and be, as opposed to self fulfilling wishes and desires and perceived needs to rescue them from what we imagine to be themselves and inherently faulty thinking?

How do we teach people all rivers reach the sea, and one is as good as the next one, and concepts of timeliness and efficiency are simply a matter of self perspective, when it comes to the desire to intervene, fueled by hope or fear?

you could do that- teach people about this and that- but it would be better to teach them about themselves and in that way they can make proper decision in life about importance/unimportance of life's rivers and streams.
so why not? because you and no one you know knows the self. mainly because it is an illusion, but also because 99.9% of humanity is deluded into materialism and dont even know it. they worship the sun, and not it's creator (or creation) and are stuck just a few steps from the top of the stairs.

if there were to be a proper, true world religion, it couldn't have any words as they can all be manipulated and worked around. show me a religion that can fit that and I'll shut up. no words, no pictures, nothing concrete, just like the universe

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by lowki

this I can somewhat agree with, it is quite similar to the "law of attraction" what you put out is what you get.

I believe I am reminded of the phrase, "You reap what you sow." That is a hard lesson for some to learn and sadly sometimes people never learn it.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I wonder if at some point the universe actually loops back on itself in a grand circle.

Isn't this the message within the image of the snake coming full circle with it's tail in it's mouth?

Do we return to "the beginning"?

Does the two-faced bird begin to show it's benevolent side?

I suppose the "new religion" will be disguised as a return to Akkadia, save the earth, ECO religion. I expect it to be "green" centered. Recycling will become mandatory, people will be expected to group together and grow their own food---that will stop some of the complaining. The Green Religion will take the lead in telling people how to reduce their carbon footprint, promote better stewardship of the earth, conserve resources, etc.

Yes, it's all good in the layout. It seems to follow the plan of Agenda 21/Smart Growth/Green Cities, etc. (They use many different terms for it.)

No longer will people have to travel 20 miles to work. It will not be allowed. Small, efficient, self sustaining towns will come into being as industry falls. People will get back to basics and "natural" living will be promoted.

But as always the majority of people "need" leadership. So I expect this will come from TPTB. They are well versed in organizational skills and they hold the purse strings. They paint images in our mind. But that delicious looking piece of cake can often be so sweet it gives you tummy ache.

There will be a sting in this somewhere. I am sure there will be some sort of loyalty oath and those who do not want to cooperate with the new changes coming into place will be "cut off". Some will not like the idea of sharing everything and working together. Some will not like the idea that there will no longer be private possession of property. Some will not like giving up their "old religion".

Perhaps they would have us think that the "mark of the beast" belongs to those who will not change over from the old system of capitalism and corporatism in favor of the new eco faith-based changes, when actually the "mark" could be those who follow the beast however it morphs.

Yes, we live within a beastly framework in today's society. But how can we be assured that the future changes are not the same beast with a Jekyll-Hyde persona?

[edit on 11-4-2010 by Alethea]

[edit on 11-4-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 11:55 AM
How can you re-write, "love one another?"

That doesn't get any simpler.

Just a thought.

The new spirituality would only need one rule, because this one rule, love, conquers all.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by IandEye
what's wrong with buddhism?
it teaches everything we need to know to be truly happy.
it's more a philisophy or psychology than a religion........

honestly though- this thread is masturbation-
there already is a new world religion prepared by the UN and Alice Bailey.
this chatter is really a distraction from working on your self and not on the entire world (and Mars?)

good luck in your spiritual pursuits and if you need an -ism, you're already lost

There is in fact nothing wrong with Buddhism, beyond the reality it exists in a macrocosm where those existing in various microcosms are either kept from its knowledge and ways on purpose or discouraged from seeking it out.

So how do we get all the information out there? Can we come up with a system that really teaches everything and makes everyone aware of everything? Currently here in America, in the schools, technically Church and State are separate, but the underlying reality is because America’s political history is basically Judaic/Christian, elements of those religions and concept are still prevalent to the point it creates an invitation and peer pressure to pursue religion along those lines and to exclude other concepts and philosophies and the assumptive presumption that they are bad, wrong or detrimental.

According to studies conducted at the National Institute of Health those who masturbate have a tendency to live 5 added years in life, due to a reduction in stress.

Does masturbation lead to A-sexuality, or does it prime a person towards real sexual encounter?

Some might argue both, as well as its true benefits, but mental masturbation does not always lead to isolation and inaction, but can prime a person for real experience and interaction, through visualization.

Personally I don’t need an ism, and I am not religious, but I recognize that some people want an ism, and desire some form of Religion and history has proven in tribes like Communism that even when religion and theism is outlawed, many will still choose to practice it, in secrecy and risk.

My curiosity is more based along this kind of hypothetical. All powerful space aliens land on Earth tomorrow in my backyard, and say take me to your leader. Being the fun loving sadistic joker I am, I am naturally going to tell them, well that would be me. They fall for this and through some superior force install me as the Earth’s recognized leader. However many of the people are screaming out for a New Religion, because the Aliens presence has destroyed their previous concept of religion.

They aren’t going to be happy if I don’t provide them a religion, so what kind of religion can I provide that would make no one unhappy, and eliminate the pitfalls and frictions caused by the current religions.

In reality it might not be the present Elite who end up in charge of the planet, even though it looks good and promising for them, why? Because the Universe is a fluid thing, you might somehow be the one who ends up in charge?

Self fulfilling prophecies based on assumption, often put forth by religion, is in many ways what has allowed the Elite to manipulate those beliefs to put themselves into the driver’s seat.
I prefer to believe that the present Elite winning is not really a foregone conclusion, and that we all through the process of shared mental masturbation can create a synergy that is more powerful than their means to overcome it.

Is that doing nothing? I dare say, no it is not, and urge you to consider how you too, and how we all might participate in productive and peaceful ways that deny those ruling status, who would employ far different and less pleasant means to achieve and attain it.

Thanks so much for posting.

[edit on 11/4/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Alethea

Isn't this the message within the image of the snake coming full circle with it's tail in it's mouth?

Do we return to "the beginning"?

There ya go , looks like some of us are on the same wave length.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

It is such a beautiful spring morning, in such a vast universe, yes, awakening has no words.

It is simply an experience.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by IandEye
what's wrong with buddhism?
it teaches everything we need to know to be truly happy.
it's more a philisophy or psychology than a religion........

I was a buddhist monk for a month in Thailand.

It's true that one can find true tranquility and joy of just being.
However there is no creation, and very little diversity.

There aren't any buddhist monk inventors,
since buddhsit monks aren't allowed to create.
Their focus is on being nothing.
Becoming more like rocks.

It's true there are things we can learn from rocks,
but also things we can learn from creating with our hands.
and wearing different kinds of clothing and colors.

The tribal concept is a good one, providing we can create and accept a mechanism that accepts those tribes right to exist and be, as opposed to self fulfilling wishes and desires and perceived needs to rescue them from what we imagine to be themselves and inherently faulty thinking?

citizen land, where each citizen is granted a plot of sovreign land is a move in the right direction. Perhaps about a hectare, this is what Pleiadeans grant their citizens on Erra.

Though note the federation of planets is a totalitarian regime, even if it's the "majority" that is the dictator, the minority loses, and infinity is suppressed.

if you can recall the 80/20 rule, 80 percent stable, 20 percent creative.
in a majority rule environment, creativity is suppressed.

How do we teach people all rivers reach the sea, and one is as good as the next one, and concepts of timeliness and efficiency are simply a matter of self perspective, when it comes to the desire to intervene, fueled by hope or fear?

The best way would be to put them in groups of people similar to them.
So if they like to talk about how someone elses route is non-optimal,
being with many people like themselves,
they can see themselves for who they are.

Perhaps they will enjoy living in such a community,
perhaps they will realize there are more open minded ways of being.
It is best to let them do so at their own pace.
Indeed perhaps they have found a way that indeed is easier than others.
Who knows?

reply to post by IandEye

you could do that- teach people about this and that- but it would be better to teach them about themselves and in that way they can make proper decision in life about importance/unimportance of life's rivers and streams.


Originally posted by Stormdancer777
How can you re-write, "love one another?"

That doesn't get any simpler.

Just a thought.

The new spirituality would only need one rule, because this one rule, love, conquers all.

Many federation planets are comprised of only one race of beings.
On these planets of "clones" most people are quite similar,
so they can come to consensus on things much easier.

Earth be a very diverse environment.
We have many different extra-terrestrial souls incarnating.
Including reptilians which prefer to "hate one another".
So room must granted for each to live with those of their likeness,
or those different from them if they prefer.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I prefer to believe that the present Elite winning is not really a foregone conclusion,

Well that has already been written too.

Sorry, couldn't help myself.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by lowki

Many federation planets are comprised of only one race of beings.
On these planets of "clones" most people are quite similar,
so they can come to consensus on things much easier.

Earth be a very diverse environment.
We have many different extra-terrestrial souls incarnating.
Including reptilians which prefer to "hate one another".
So room must granted for each to live with those of their likeness,
or those different from them if they prefer.

Did we come to earth to experience humanness.

I don't care what level you try to take this, the ancient writings always pop up in ever scenario.

It is hard to imagine anything that hasn't already been imagined, because ancient wisdom teachings are all a part of the growth of the human race, and what held true yesterday is just as true today in many instances.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Going back to the Age of Aquarius, who is the WaterBearer?
two lines.

[edit on 123030p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Think along these lines first Proto. It seems to me that someone would actually have to make rules as to what is right and what is wrong. Those rules would have to be learned because like you said, some people can be inherently wrong in their thought processes.

Perhaps this is what is inherently wrong in all of our thought processes, and that is the belief that others must be wrong, because we don’t consider them right.

Therefore to validate our own notions of right, we tend to insist on proving what we imagine to be wrong in the behavior and thinking of those whose version of right doesn’t mirror are own.

Let’s take the War on Drugs, and Drug Laws for example.

Someone who enjoys altered mental and emotional states through artificial yet basically natural means is not ever really going to consider it wrong.

Some by the way believe chocolate is a substitute for love, so are we going to outlaw chocolate because it might enable some people to not go out and interact and find sensations of love, by interacting with another person.

Yet those who don’t enjoy altered states or see no need for them, or are just inherently inclined to seek direction and absolution through centralized authority are going to be easily convinced that drugs are bad, and it is wrong to use them.

But is it really wrong, just because there is a determination to make something wrong, in order to justify and quantify, and validate, what we instead imagine to be right?

See how complicated it gets.

These would be my rules.

1. Murder no one.
2. Take nothing that is not yours without permission of who is in possession of it.
3. Never use violence as a method to solve a dispute or as a means to an end.
4. Judge no one, who has not done 1, 2, or 3!

In my humble opinion we aren’t effectively governing ourselves because we believe we can’t effectively govern ourselves.

When I mean ourselves I mean each one of us, just governing our individual self.

Because we don’t trust others to do that in a world of artificial scarcity that leads to distrust and fear, we look to rules and someone to impose them, to regulate behavior in a way that we hope keeps us secure and safe in our person and property.

Yet it’s led to in reality the opposite, an overkill of rules, which actually makes us less secure in our person and property, because they are so all encompassing, they almost beg to be broken.

Now believe it or not this leads to a disastrous series of unnecessary events as once someone has stepped onto that wrong side of the divide, often not actually seeing anything wrong it, they know that others do see something wrong it, and that they might in fact impose a punishment.

The natural inclination is not to be punished, so this sets off a whole desperate series of subsequent events designed to not be caught and punished. Now someone who really just started out smoking some marijuana, who then discovers that others think it is wrong, turns to selling marijuana to finance security to shield their activities from others, while actually broadening their exposure, and at the same time, increasing the tally of wrongs, now someone jealous, or righteous decides after discovery of this wrong, to inform the authorities that this person is doing something wrong, so this person then murders that person to prevent them from informing.

So in reality, in many ways our concepts of distorted wrong, eventually cause some of who have not done anything that is really wrong, but is simply perceived wrong by executive committee and a groups desire to dominate and control, now has in fact done something very wrong, to keep from being labeled wrong.

My personal belief is that if we simplify the concepts of what is right and wrong, and simplify the laws to truly protect instead of regulate, that people will use their own best judgment when it comes to the type of compulsive action that could lead to death or property loss of others.

That those few in such a simplified system who can’t handle that would in fact likely be suffering from some serious degree of insanity and then and only then to isolate them into an environment where that propensity can’t cause loss of life or property to others, but to isolate them in a place and in a way, where they can retain as much of how they cope, without endangering others.

We really in my humble opinion need to reevaluate our whole concepts of right and wrong, so they can’t be so exploitable and manipulated by those simply seeking power, control and profit.

Thanks my friend.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I wonder if at some point the universe actually loops back on itself in a grand circle.

It's more likely to be a spiral.

circles are relatively rare in nature,
but spirals are abundant (whirl winds, snails, vines)
even human bodies as da-vinci demonstrates conform to Phi-ratio spirals.

Isn't this the message within the image of the snake coming full circle with it's tail in it's mouth?

Do we return to "the beginning"?

well as in a spiral, we do cross over the same angle,
so might revisit many of the same items or events,
but each time with more knowledge, knowing of the previous event,
as well as the spiral in between.

Does the two-faced bird begin to show it's benevolent side?

I suppose the "new religion" will be disguised as a return to Akkadia, save the earth, ECO religion. I expect it to be "green" centered. Recycling will become mandatory, people will be expected to group together and grow their own food---that will stop some of the complaining. The Green Religion will take the lead in telling people how to reduce their carbon footprint, promote better stewardship of the earth, conserve resources, etc.

Yes, it's all good in the layout. It seems to follow the plan of Agenda 21/Smart Growth?Green cities, etc. (They use many different terms for it.)

this might be a transitional thing,
as cities are a burden on the planet,
as well as the people that live in them.

it's difficult for a city person to realize their carbon footprint,
since they don't harvest their own forest garden,
or fabricate their own products.

No longer will people have to travel 20 miles to work. It will not be allowed. Small, efficient, self sustaining towns will come into being as industry falls. People will get back to basics and "natural" living will be promoted.

yes this sounds more like the atom-tribes that I've been talking about.
any given atom-tribe can easily fit within a square kilometer.

self-sustaining and replicating, with forest-gardens to provide abundant produce, and fab-labs to allow one to "go to the lab" to create any tool or product they need.
from raw materials that can be locally gathered, rocks and soil can be melted or reacted for metals and plastics.

renewable energy harnessed from wind, solar, geothermal or otherwise, locally onsite.

But as always the majority of people "need" leadership.

There are many leaders in our societies, as well as shamans.
Currently many would-be spiritual leaders get confused by violent media and end up in mental institutions labeled schizophrenics.

There will be a sting in this somewhere. I am sure there will be some sort of loyalty oath and those who do not want to cooperate with the new changes coming into place will be "cut off". Some will not like the idea of sharing everything and working together. Some will not like the idea that there will no longer be private possession of property. Some will not like giving up their "old religion".

these elements of the former plan might have to be revised,
as you noted they are unlikely to be accepted.

instead the atom-tribes can allow for people to have the local communities loyalty and co-operation. the atom-tribe can share and work together if they wish, though it's recomended each person "proton" have their own "neutron" or task.
can still have private-possession of property within an atom-tribe,
the items you've created or attained,
though can share within your atom-tribe for status upgrades.

can keep "old-religion" within atom-tribes of similarly believing people.

this atom-tribe framework allows for many more people to be happy,
while being ecologically sustainable,
gathering from their own forest garden,
producing from their own fab lab,
trading surpluses with neighbours or connected atoms.

[edit on 11-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 11-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 11-4-2010 by lowki]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:39 PM
A mystical based belief system is the only hope for this world. That is the bottom line.

It will have to be one that promotes unity instead of duality.

It will be one that promotes love instead of hate.

It will be one that promotes acceptance instead of contempt.

If this does not happen, then expect to get more of what we have gotten for the past aeons. End o' story.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
A mystical based belief system is the only hope for this world. That is the bottom line.

It will have to be one that promotes unity instead of duality.

It will be one that promotes love instead of hate.

It will be one that promotes acceptance instead of contempt.

If this does not happen, then expect to get more of what we have gotten for the past aeons. End o' story.

that's like saying we should promote mammilian beliefs over those of reptilians.
The fact of the matter is we have both peoples on this planet.

So we have to accept and allow for both to live.
in atom-tribes they can be with those of like beliefs.

so you could be with those that are similar to your beliefs.
a cohesive atom-tribe community,
where you can know every member of your community,
and see them every day if you so wish.

for unity love and acceptance.

In fact, unity mathematically is OR-ALL,
so allowing for any group of beliefs, all beliefs, or even just one belief.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Going back to the Age of Aquarius, who is the WaterBearer?
two lines.

[edit on 123030p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

Several months ago, a senile neighbor prone to knocking on my front door in the wee hours of the night and the early morning prompted me to greet her at the door, and to pour a cold pitcher of water on her.

Naturally being senile, she at first retreated and then came back a few moments later likely just to ascertain if I really had poured a cold pitcher of water on her.

So naturally I poured a second pitcher of water on her.

Prophecy has been fulfilled; the Age of Aquarius officially dawned!

Note to those waiting for 2012: Look I am sorry but my beauty sleep is important!

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by lowki

I don't buy into the whole reptilian theory stuff. I honestly think that the whole reptilian thing is just symbolism for some greedy, evil people. Soon, they will either have to change, or they will be no more.

So, nah, I don't agree with your analysis.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by lowki

The best way would be to put them in groups of people similar to them.
So if they like to talk about how someone elses route is non-optimal,
being with many people like themselves,
they can see themselves for who they are.

Perhaps they will enjoy living in such a community,

We already have shown many people desire this by segregating into like minded communities on their own. Many people over 50 prefer not to listen to the noise of children. And thus, "retirement communities" have been established where people of lesser age are not allowed by the terms and rules.

Some apartment complexes cater to certain age groups and some make rules accordingly.

People began to submit to community rules by accepting "deed restricted" housing.

Living in shelters or emergency arrangements have geared people toward accepting communal living in spite of their differences in times of crisis. Abuse shelters, Katrina trailer groups, tent cities, transient housing, etc.

All these lifestyle changes have gradually come into existence. Nothing happens overnight. These changes have subtly led us into collective lifestyle arenas.

We have been primed to accept community rules.

Now lets take this one step further.

Consider that you have 200 families within a given group. Look at the excess of products, services, and consumerism required to sustain those families. If all of those families lived in one big shelter.....a walk in cooler could replace 200 refrigerators. Carbon footprint reduced. Central heat and air for one very large building as opposed to 200 buildings with air leaks and non-efficient heating and cooling means. Carbon footprint reduced. Consider 200 families dining in a central dining room. Cooking and cleaning schedules would be rotated. No longer would any one person be responsible for having to cook three meals a day and waste their lives with boring routine cleaning chores every day. The work would be shared and schedules rotated. This would free a person to pursue other interests---education, vocation, hobbies, etc.

See how an eco approach could easily become the "new religion"?

As the economy tanks, perhaps large corporate warehouses will be renovated for this purpose.

[edit on 11-4-2010 by Alethea]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:07 PM
Only one understanding survives infinity. The only thing that strings all of reality together is causality one can always have faith in it to provide them with awnsers, infinitly. Me and you are a sum of experiances... everything we love and hate is logic created by the lives we have lived. We are all victims of our circumstances and all are loved for the part they play.

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