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David Frum Admits Republicans Work For Fox News!

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posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

Ok Give me one example where O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc on Fox News have LIED. Just one example would be fine but that example must show me an actual LIE. Not an exaggeration of the truth but an actual LIE. Fox News is the only news channel that is critical of the current state of affairs in this country. When did it become wrong to question our leaders or call them out when they lie to the American people? If you don't like FOX News then don't watch it and stop bitching about it.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by parrothead0333

I don't watch FOX news, because I don't like it and I will feel free to complain about it. Here's why, many people do watch FOX news and get their talking points straight from FOX news. FOX news tells people what to believe (you can replace tells with heavily influences if you wish); then I in turn have to listen to the same old talking points.

FOX news nearly created and heavily supported the tea party movement. There was even a clip of a FOX news broadcaster "pumping up" a tea party crowd for the camera's. They admitted that mistake; it was a new reporter and I am sure they will instruct her to "pump up" the crowd before the camera's are rolling next time.

What about the footage of Sarah Palin's book signing? The one where nobody was really there so they showed footage of another crowd from a different event.

When you understand how the media works, you will start to realize how easy it is to influence people. Everything from camera angle to lighting can be used to give a certain influence to footage. FOX news goes far beyond influence to the point of deception; that's just what they have been caught doing.

I'm not saying that the other media stations are any better.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:21 PM
Nothing surprises me anymore. I would doubt it a bit. Plus, the Dems probably work for CNN?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:21 PM
In the south states you say they are coming for your jobs and guns and freedom.
In the west states you say the south is backwards, dont listen to jimmy bob.
In canada you say everythings alwright were still the friendlier country.
In the uk you say for god, queen and country.
In the european country's you say to move the country's forward to peace and union.
In the middle eastern countries you say but for the will of allah, and beware the jews.
In israel you say dont trust anyone not even your allies, remember the holocaust.
To the poor you say beware the rich, they are not aware of any other but themselves.
To the rich you say the poor are just poor in spirit, and are jelous of your wealth.
To the corporations you say follow the most easier path to the dollar.
To those that own the corporations you say, follow the most easier path to the dollar.
To the peoples you say the ccorporations are following the easier path to the dollar.
To all bureaucracies you say is this not only a job might as well get something out of it.
And behold the world is in flux it react's only to truth, lies are but the shadow of truth's , but the truth always hurts.
And it will always set you free.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by MarkMyThoughts

Here is the problem with saying the Dems work for CNN, or just the problem with the Dems altogether.

Liberals, don't have any one news station where they get their news. Their networks don't have the high ratings that Fox does because liberals beliefs are spread across the board. Because the liberal beliefs are spread across the board it makes it difficult for the Dems to get anything done in congress. Republicans are more likely to stick together because their beliefs are more concentrated most of the time. Dems on the other hand, have a wider variety of beliefs; so it takes them longer to get everybody on the same page.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by damwel
This idea that the MSM are all left was just a fox tactic to give you a reason to believe their lies when every single other news outlet were telling you different.

Exactly. The other media outlets are actually pretty fairly balanced (with the exception of MSNBC, and even they have Joe Scarborough - Republican) but when compared to FOX, the other media outlets look like they're "left wing". Hell, the rest of the WORLD looks left wing.

But you'll never convince anyone who gets their news from FOX of that.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by parrothead0333
reply to post by Chevalerous

Ok Give me one example where O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck, etc on Fox News have LIED. Just one example would be fine but that example must show me an actual LIE. Not an exaggeration of the truth but an actual LIE. Fox News is the only news channel that is critical of the current state of affairs in this country. When did it become wrong to question our leaders or call them out when they lie to the American people? If you don't like FOX News then don't watch it and stop bitching about it.

Really??? Your memory is that short? It became wrong to question our leaders after 9/11 when O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn, and crew said it was unpatriotic and you were scum of the earth to criticize the President in time of war. So either they are huge hypocrites or we aren't at war anymore or they are unpatriotic. Which one is it?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

And your statements are based solely on what - your opinion. So what? Carries no factual weight.

Speaking of facts, and if you're interested in them at all, check out this article. BTW, there are many more like it.


Part One: What Journalists Think
Surveys over the past 30 years have consistently found that journalists — especially those at the highest ranks of their profession — are much more liberal than rest of America. They are more likely to vote liberal, more likely to describe themselves as liberal, and more likely to agree with the liberal position on policy matters than members of the general public.

What you're missing here is that just because many journalists tend to think/vote liberal PRIVATELY, does NOT MEAN that they automatically let it slip into their work as a journalist. In fact, studies/opinions show that left-leaning journalists tend to treat conservatives more fairly/politely, giving them more breaks both because they are not as comfortable joking/needling them (as they are with liberal guests) and because they want to balance out their own PERSONAL liberal bias. There is a STRONG philosophy of non-biased objectivity in journalism, and I think many of them take it quite seriously when they're reporting the actual news rather than spouting off on an opinion-based show.

Here is a pretty thorough UCLA study which does show a slightly liberal leaning media, but as you will see, the media within the grand scheme of things is VERY VERY centrist (as compared to the Congress, which is quite centrist itself most times).:

As somebody has already said, the owners/puppet-masters of corporate media tend to be right-wing/republican. The center of this country is arguably conservative-leaning as well (in many respects). Rupert Murdoch, for instance, owns Fox News, and he's OPENLY ADMITTED that he controls what is covered and what slants are allowed to a certain extent, and this most overwhelmingly leans to the corporatist/capitalist/christian right-wing.

And on a separate note, I highly doubt there is some grand concerted conspiracy to fill our media/colleges with liberals. The plain truth is, college professors and journalists are some of the most highly educated people on our society and the world in general, and when they tend to support the left-wing more than the right-wing (though they all have gripes with both I'm sure) then that should tell you something about the knowledge/intellect of Republicans. You hear it all the time, the silly/ridiculous flaming of the "INTELLIGENTSIA" ohhh no!! As if being intelligent and educated is this evil un-American thing that only gets in the way of "thinkin' with yur gut". If the smartest people on the planet are more liberal than conservative, then it should be obvious there is a correlation between being left-wing and being right about the world.

Watch this if you haven't already, "OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism"

Google Video Link

[edit on 26-3-2010 by NoHierarchy]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

I really don't think that it matters that a republican or a democrat works anywhere, including at FOX or any of the MSM.

Why? Because those are just political parties.

If Frum said something like "Fox is working for the US government..." then we'd have a story. But this article in the OP really means nothing, does it?

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 06:05 PM
Hah, you anti-fox jihadis need to get a life.

Democrats work for:


Republicans work for:

Talk Radio

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

Frum: "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."

What he meant to say:

Frum: "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for the American public that watches Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."

Personally I think this is actually a good thing.

Fox does not dictate public opinion.

Fox puts on pundits and talk show hosts that reflect what people want to hear.

The people are pissed off at the rampant fascism of government. Fox is capitalizing on that anger, they aren't creating it.

He's got the cause and effect reversed.

Fox does not dictate public opinion?

This is like saying that the Chinese propaganda machine doesn't dictate public opinion. The media has a definite effect on its viewers, the "facts" they get and how they perceive these facts (and thus the world).

Your trust in the purity of the marketplace is naive. To anybody who looks at the situation as it is rather than as some fictional model of a capitalist market-place, they see that Fox News attracts people who don't have a very good grasp on the world and who are easily mislead by emotional right-wing propaganda. Not only that, but they've redefined, in some ways, what the entire package of the "right-wing" is! Fox News then does its job and shamelessly propagandizes people towards this knee-jerk agenda. I don't know if you've watched Glenn Beck lately, but this guy is the king of bull#, in so many ways, from outright lying, to exaggerations, to unintentional falsehoods, to fear-mongering, you name it. Bill O'Reilly used to be king there, but he's since seemed to be retired and, Jesus I thought I'd never say this but, tempered in his slant.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
Fox does not dictate public opinion.

That is precisely what their aspire to. As a matter of fact they could change their name from "Fox News" to "Fox Memes" and it would be much more descriptive of what they do.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 06:32 PM
Over the years I've watched many news programs and news anchors that were from or slanted all across the political spectrum. I've come to not simply listen for blatant or hidden cues or agendas so much as I have for sincerity. Walter Cronkite was sincere, as was Peter Jennings, and Charlie Gibson, or at least they seemed so. Unfortunately too many of those presenting the news on many of the news outlets seem like they're disingenuous, to us and themselves, so I do not watch them. If they seem to believe in what they're saying and how they're saying it, they're worthy of my time and consideration.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Why are people cheering on David Frum, as if he were some sort of glorious independent voice against the establishment?

Does'nt anyone remember that this is the David Frum that wrote the article "Unpatriotic Conservatives" went McCarthy on any conservative who dared challenge the premises behind the Iraq war?

Anyone that likes Frum, please, please, read the article that I linked and read how he accuses them all of anti-semitism, and worse...

I can't believe ATS is falling for his Orwellian double-speak.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by CognitiveInfiltrator
Why are people cheering on David Frum, as if he were some sort of glorious independent voice against the establishment?

Does'nt anyone remember that this is the David Frum that wrote the article "Unpatriotic Conservatives" went McCarthy on any conservative who dared challenge the premises behind the Iraq war?

Anyone that likes Frum, please, please, read the article that I linked and read how he accuses them all of anti-semitism, and worse...

I can't believe ATS is falling for his Orwellian double-speak.

Don't like him

Do think his assessment is accurate though

Fox sets the tone - GOP has to keep up and match up

='s Fox is calling the shots


posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by highlyoriginal
reply to post by 12GaugePermissionSlip

I really don't think that it matters that a republican or a democrat works anywhere, including at FOX or any of the MSM.

Why? Because those are just political parties.

If Frum said something like "Fox is working for the US government..." then we'd have a story. But this article in the OP really means nothing, does it?

No your right

People who hold government positions, are being dictated to; by the standards of a private corporation -

is not a story...

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by 12GaugePermissionSlip
It all start 3 days ago when former Bush Speech writer and Conservative talking head David Frum Called tyhe passage of Health care reform the GOP's "Waterloo"'. That lead to the immediate firing from his $100,000/year job at the American Enterprise Institute, where he’d been since 2003.

Then in an interview with ABC Nightline's Terry Moran, Frum made the assertion that "nobody ever won an election by spitting at his political opponents" and that "anger trapped the [Republican] leadership."

But it was this exchange, which you can see starting at the 2:20 mark, that is generating some buzz today:

Moran: "It sounds like you're saying that the Glenn Becks, the Rush Limbaughs, hijacked the Republican party and drove it to a defeat?"

Frum: "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."

you can see it at Media Matters:


Well, the democrats own the rest of TV media and the newspapers as well, so I guess they're about even right ? BTW Media matters is a propaganda organ of the way out liberal left.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:49 PM
government controls the media

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by damwel
reply to post by Mrmerak

Good lord, you still don't know any better than what you are saying? That's just more Rush Limbaugh crap you're spouting. The media is owned by rich corporatists and almost all of them tend to be republicans. This idea that the MSM are all left was just a fox tactic to give you a reason to believe their lies when every single other news outlet were telling you different.

All they did was trash the health care bill on morning joe today. Yeah MSNBC tends to have a lot of democrats and present democratic issues favorably, but that shift was all in response to Fox. They will allow mainstream republican voices to go on the air and present their case. Liberals on Fox are always interrupted.

I watched Hannity for 2 minutes tonight, and I swear to god, they focused on a stage light in the upper rigging that was set up to look like the confederate flag. If you're perceptive you can catch all kinds of stuff like that. I'm watching Maddow right now and just heard her make a joke about people thinking the CIA and aliens are listening in on us through the dental filling and tinfoil hats. MSNBC is just as evil. I've noticed they are far more pro-UFO debunking than Fox. Makes sense since MSNBC is owned by defense contractors.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by parrothead0333

This video demonstrates the neuro lingusitic programming utilized by Fox News:

Interpreting Media NLP 1 of 3

Interpreting Media NLP 2 of 3

Interpreting Media NLP 3 of 3

Some more interesting videos about manipulation:

Over & Over & Over & Over again! Repeating "words" technique

Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation

How to Brainwash a Nation

And about the lying, well! they lied about the Georgia conflict and had the nerve to say on TV that the Russians were the aggressors. I can't unfortunately find the video for the moment - still searching though!

Bill O'Reilly caught lying

Fox News caught Lying

Glenn Beck Lying

Fox News Lies About Amsterdam

[edit on 26-3-2010 by Chevalerous]

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