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IRS will be enforcing your purchase of Health Care Insurance!

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by clearmind

Yes, everyojne will be taxed on this. The only ones that aren't, will be ones that cannot pay anything.

Even people in the very lowest brackets will be required to pay for insurance.

Of course, others will argue that this is not a tax. You are getting insurance for the tax you are paying. It is a JOKE, and people once they realize what it completely means, will be pissed.

Of course the bill uses graduated taxation. Meaning it does not hit all at once. It is gradually going to kick in. Amazing how they do that.

Tons of pages that no one but a Lawyer with an Accountant's degree also.

This is how they hide taxes.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

My wife and I both sent an e-mail to our rep.last night, I'm sure it will fall on def ears. He'll be a 1 termer.
I'm just disgusted by all the B.S. day in and day out from this Gov.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:05 PM
Man, this must be heaven for the insurance companies. Hired goons forcing people to buy insurance?

Why stop there? Maybe Shell can get the government to enforce the sell of their gasoline, Netflix can award Blackwater a multi-million dollar bonus to force people at gunpoint to join, and Virgin Media can violently coerce artists to join their label.

I believe in healthcare for all, but not like this. This is beyond any "ism" that can be applied, it's forced consumerism at gunpoint.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by 5 oClock
reply to post by endisnighe

My wife and I both sent an e-mail to our rep.last night, I'm sure it will fall on def ears. He'll be a 1 termer.
I'm just disgusted by all the B.S. day in and day out from this Gov.

Now, now, they know what's best for you.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:14 PM
Mexico may soon be the country that will have to start erecting boarder fences.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Rest in Peace America.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Someone336

Someone, glad to see you here. At least you can see the huge problems with this crap that others do not.

I know you would like to see the Nationalization or Socialization of certain things and I can respect that. But to enforce a hybrid socialism/fascism/corporatism system is Abhorrent.

My God, does no one see the total mirror in regards to this and the Federal Reserve Act, the 16th Amendment, The SS etc etc etc.

My God, giving our labor to the government and private industries for their use as they see fit.

I am just sickened by the ignorance of the Dems that back this crap.

I have read the bill and this is just a tax system with a bailout to private insurance companies.

First, the auto industry, then the banks, then the insurance companies.

You just have to laugh how socialism for Mega Corps is the move by the Dems huh?

Who owns the Dems? Who owns the Repubs? You got it, Corporations.

Oh the irony!

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Thanks for the link.

Will be joining over there.

I am flabbergasted by the people here that cannot see the total mirror image of this and the Federal Reserve Act and other corporatist maneuvers.

I am just amazed on the ignorance.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Mexico could be a great place to live. It has fabulous coastlines and a good climate. The government isn't that great but the way other governments in the world are heading, including the US, it's looking better and better every day. There is the issue of drug trafficking and the violence involved with that but if the US goes bust that won't be a major problem anymore.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Jacob08]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

I know you would like to see the Nationalization or Socialization of certain things and I can respect that. But to enforce a hybrid socialism/fascism/corporatism system is Abhorrent.

Agreed, it is a brilliant example of "socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor", but in the end I imagine there will be little more than a corporatist state of neo-feudalism.

And the Dems and Repubs are obfuscating more than ever. By labeling this as "socializing health care" they reveal that they are pursuing an agenda by deliberately obscuring what this is in reality. Somewhere along the line the lie that the Democratic Party cares for the little guy and will stand up to Wall Street entered popular belief, and I can only hope and pray that these events will begin to make people up to the fact that this isn't exactly so. I hope that people begin to realize that not only are the Republicans and Democrats one and the same, but that the government and the multi-headed global corporate monopoly are also the same thing.

Solution? I don't know, except that it needs to begin with shutting down the Fed.

Edit: if push comes to shove, I might get rid of my health insurance and refuse to be forced into it. If enough of us do this, it could send a message.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Someone336]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:31 PM
I'm of the opinion that the healthcare bill is more about creating a new stream of revenue RIGHT FREAKING NOW,than it is about any true reform of the healthcare system. I say this because of the taxes that will go into effect rather soon and the "benefits" that will go into effect mostly after our next Presidential election.

With two long-running costly wars, a multi-trillion dollar bailout of wallstreet, and mathematically impossible to fund political promises (SS, medicaid, medicare) about to explode from the retirement of the boomers America's financial house is in terrible shape. If the government has any chance at keeping the status quo held together for even a few more years, they are going to have to raise revenue somewhere.

In a couple of years (barring further blowups in the financial world), it will have a fairly positive but only transient deficit impact (just in time for 2012 elections) from taxes coming in but benefits not in effect yet.

I haven't seen too much analysis of the bill yet so I'm not going to speak about that.

When you view this as a something to quickly raise revenue, it makes so much more sense why the Dems would by themselves pass a bill that has no bi-partisan support and very little public support. They are desperate for money to keep the status quo going.

If demagogued properly this bill can do for the Democrats what George Bush did for Republicans, nearly destroy the viability of the party as a national party, and so soon on the heels of Bush we might actually get a viable third party.................Sometimes even I like to be optimistic.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by jefwane]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by jefwane

Jefwane, I feel you've hit the nail on the head with this one. As endisnighe said above, this is nothing more than an elaborate bail-out for the insurance companies. By forcing people to buy insurance, you are inflating the coffers of the insurance companies. Our economy is based on spending money, and they just discovered a brilliant way to keep that system sustainable.

reply to post by Stormdancer777

Not to ruin the drama of the moment, but I dare say America died in 1913.

[edit on 21-3-2010 by Someone336]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 03:38 PM
Just more authority given to the Federal Government to police every aspect of our daily lives. It is really getting scary when I read that the IRS will be enforcing the application of a few more chains on a person's individual liberties under the veil of healthcare and this mandate. Throwing someone in prison for opting out of health insurance is dangerously on the verge of tyranny.

Some on here are far to naive to think that the government is going to be responsible stewards of this legislation when it becomes law. Are we not taxed on just about everything to begin with, and now another tax on healthcare which should be a choice of someone not a mandate. If someone wants healthcare great, but if someone does not want it, they should not be forced to take it. This is just going to make the lives of everyone more complicated than it already is. I think this congressman sums it up quite poignantly where this thing is going to go and it seems like another excuse for more government authority over our lives?

I know some will scoff that the congressman making the statement is a Republican. However, his party affiliation should not matter when looking at this issue of a federally imposed healthcare mandate. The proof is in the pudding and this increase of authority is what scares me. Monthly checks by IRS agents, are you kidding me? I want affordable healthcare, the cost and pricing system to be fair, cuts in waste, corruption, and what everyone else wants. However, I am not a dog to be led on a leash either. Go after the price gougers and corrupt in the medical establishment and insurance industry who have brought us to this particular impasse to begin with.

Please, let the little guy be, the reason one does not have health insurance is because they are either unemployed or simply unable to afford it. Everyone would like to go the doctor, and not be at the billing counter sweating bullets awaiting the bill. However, is this really the answer? More control over the aspects of an individual's daily life? This particular aspect of the bill, is one thing that makes the hairs rise on the back of my neck and it should to all those who value what little liberties they have left.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by Jakes51]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Thanks everyone for commenting and I will have to read through all of the comments again. I had to refresh my FF, for some reason it was REALLY lagging.

Yes, everyone will be forced to comply. Everyone.

Do you think the inclusion of the most despised government agency was included in this bill for the fun of it.

I will say again, 17,000 NEW IRS agents to go through your business.

EDIT to add-17,000/50 states equals 340 agents for your state!

[edit on 3/21/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Someone336

A mass revolt, don't go to work, don't pay your taxes,

that is the only thing that will work.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:12 PM
I'm going to go back & read the 2nd & 3rd pages of posts after i've posted this...
seeing as i don't know when the Sunday page is updated - and the Snip would have to be found in the sites Archives, if the update comes before midnight? Go to the linked page & click the article for a fuller disclosure...

well, here's the snip:

SNIP from
Saturday the 20th of March ~ first of Spring season

Those who have taken the time to read the bill are discovering some things that aren't very a provision that allows IRS to confiscate refunds if people don't buy healthcare.

Is this government strong-arm tactic really new? Yes, and no. No, in that if you're in default of a student loan, for example, then your refund from IRS can already be snatched. Yes, in that it will force everyone who deals with IRS to consider healthcare more closely.

Or, it will just drive more people into the underground economy which is growing by leaps and bounds, anyway.

Then there's the matter of 'deeming' something as big as this as passed -
should speaker Pelosi try that. This is just screams for a constitutional test in the courts, but in the very short term, it sets the government up in the business of collecting funds for something that won't yet be delivered. In other words, we get to pay for this one before it's actually delivered, which would be the equivalent to walking into a car dealership and
agreeing to buy (pay for) a car before it's even be unveiled yet.

Methinks this is just about puffing up the balance sheet of these United States enough to avoid a ratings agency downgrade.

You see: The way I have it figured is this: While "Moody's says U.S. could test Triple-A (bond) Rating" guys like Treasury boss Tim Geithner have this stuff gamed out well in advance, so when he says there's "Not a chance" the US will lose its triple-A rating, it may be because while we wait for actual delivery of government healthcare to show up a couple of
years out, the government will be collecting money for it in advance. Yep, that's right:
the government would begin collecting money from businesses and individuals in 2011 and wouldn't deliver a product (health care) until 2014.[...]

pretty succinct explaination huh...
and the administration of President Øbama, and the boot-lick Dems. are falling all over themselves, in all sorts of convoluted ways to use every trick & legislative maneuver to get this barf-Bill passed now, way ahead of the November voting cycle. So's that the electors will forget about the new , levied debt burden, on top of their unemployment and 'Austerity Plan' they will also spring on us ~after~ they had cleared this revenue stream, Law-of-the-Land, measure is passed and put on the back burner.

the Have's just won round one over the have-nots... only 2 more rounds to go...and there's no question of the planned outcome---it's just how-much of a beating we have-nots can take


[edit on 21-3-2010 by St Udio]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by St Udio

Thanks for that snip.

I have seen the increased black market myself.

The American People have always been one of the greatest societies when it comes to the volunteering of our own labor to sustain such.

But now, it has become unsustainable.

I know for a fact that I have seen honest and forthright citizens that have NO ill intentions behind their actions of avoiding taxes. We are just at the end of our ropes.

With the taxation of inflation and all the other forms that have taken over our society, what are we to do? Go without food? Go without clothes?

What EXACTLY are we supposed to go without to maintain this DRACONIAN government that has evolved?

I relinquish the balance of my time.
Watching WAY to much CSPAN.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Someone336

A mass revolt, don't go to work, don't pay your taxes,

that is the only thing that will work.

The not paying any taxes thing would be awesome.......if people and small companies weren't too scared to do it.
If millions and millions of people just flipped off the IRS and didn't file or pay, maybe they'd get the message.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by St Udio


Or, it will just drive more people into the underground economy which is growing by leaps and bounds, anyway.

Now we need those 45% of the doctors that will quit, to join us.

[edit on 043131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Romans 10:9

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Someone336

A mass revolt, don't go to work, don't pay your taxes,

that is the only thing that will work.

The not paying any taxes thing would be awesome.......if people and small companies weren't too scared to do it.
If millions and millions of people just flipped off the IRS and didn't file or pay, maybe they'd get the message.

I am telling ya, if we can get a movement such as this to work, get people motivated, it would work.

Remember when the gas prices went up a couple years back, we quit driving it did go back down.

People just quit driving.

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