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Moon is Brains of the World

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posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:09 PM
About 15 years ago we had very interesting visitor in our home. As part of "International Peace Forum" where my parents were involved, a quest from Russia - journalist from Radio Moscow - was living in our house those days. That very kind man was a son of high ranked general, commander of missile base - and those days he told me stuff I never forget...

He told me three unbeleavable things, which all were very "above top secret" at that time from Russian knowlege and secret armaments...

1. "In Russia we have a fighter plane, which can stand in front of you in runway, and you can not see it."

I remember how it heard - "Invisible aircraft?" I could not believe it... - Then when I heard about English tanks which can come also invisible, and soon I remember this story from Russian intervention - It possibly was true.

Is the army testing an invisible tank?

2. "We do have amazingly fast torpedoes, which can travel thousands of kilometers per hour."

And he told me something about electromagnetic fields around those torpedoes... "Over Mach 1 or 2?" I could not believe it... But when Submarine Kursk was destroyed, there was lots of rumors - that some torpedoes which were top secret armament was used and tested... I remember what was told me years ago, and possibly what had said to me was true.

Kursk Destruction - Secret
Torpedo Test 'Blew Sub Apart'

But third what he said is still gaining evidence, and because of some reason pumps up almost daily to my head... Queation without answer, wisdom without facts.

3. "Its very widely known fact between russian space scientist and specialists that moon is brains of the world."

I still remember how stunned I was - and still I am. I questioned his story with many questions, and he tell me more: "That there is no possibility that man can go to moon because of this fact, and that man would come insane, if send to middle of our brain activity." Then he told me also: "Its well known that moon is colecting all our brainwaves and sending those waves - like link station - to forward", but it was unknown where these "toughts" are going.

So - interesting question and something to think about is given now to you too - think about it...

"Moon is our brain?"

What I can say to the end about this question - If mystery opened and told, this theory based on Russian scientifical facts will tell us all a great story where UFOs, Galaxys, inventions and structure of human mind - and reason to our whole existence - could have very interesting answers.

And when thinking mysteries, answer is not the point - questions are.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:39 PM
Hey Janus.

The first two rumors he shared about the Cloaking Technology for the jets, and the supersonic torpedoes both sound plausible and I would not doubt it could be true.

I agree the stories of the invisible tank also show it is very possible, likely, and highly sought after by militaries all over the world.

I also do not see why the Russians could not have developed super long range torpedoes with high rates of travel speed. This is all likely and I expect them to have something like this.

However, I find the claim about the Moon being the brains of our world a bit odd. I am not even sure how to begin to understand that.

I mean, lets assume for just a minute that the Moon is our brain. And you said the guy claimed we cannot go to the Moon because it would drive us insane or something. Well I disagree I think you could make a helmet that would protect your head from the high doses of mental energy.

How does he know you cannot make a helmet that will protect you from going crazy on the Moon?

If I could meet that guy I would tell him that.

Forgive my skepticism of a floating rock in the sky being my brain. It is just all so bizarre.

Thanks for sharing though, I think the first 2 are totally possible.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:40 PM
Very interesting. S&F. That would mean that the Russian Scientist understood how to collect thoughts to even know that the moon could collect thoughts. Any information of that?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by JanusFIN
"That there is no possibility that man can go to moon because of this fact, and that man would come insane, if send to middle of our brain activity."
And when thinking mysteries, answer is not the point - questions are.

Until studied, or by the lack of ability to study, the moon, as the center of the world, the source of all centrifugal forces, then there obvious questions about the physical world.

Some have obvious answers, if one's brain can comprehend time bent and removed so only substructures remain. See my other thread here about such time dilation.

What would help is to determine if crystals are from earth or from the moon. There is already too many questions over what is natural or not natural, so this is a question we can help heal. It's a matter of soft vocation.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:50 PM
Actually, humans' brains are carried by a wind on the Caspian Sea.

Joking aside, this would be a great concept for a story. Not the moon itself; no one would be able to suspend their belief like that. But having the thinking engine of humanity contained somewhere not on Earth somehow, and having explorers visit it and go mad... That'd be cool stuff.

But more importantly, what is this "evidence" that is still being collected? Explain this.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN
I wasn't there and can't really be certain of the credibility of his claims...but this is a discussion board so I'll do it anyway!

It's possible he was simply spreading propaganda like a good nationalist should. By propagating Chinese whispers and rumours of superior tech, the truth about existing tech is obfuscated, confused and hidden.

Invisible planes could be an exaggeration of stealth technology? Out and out invisibility seems far-fetched after Russia's recent foray into Georgia.

Torpedoes travelling at Mach1 or 2 seems fairly absurd...current torpedoes are measured in the low 100s kp/h. EM fields would still be limited by drag, turbulence, inertia, resistance etc

'Moon is the brains of the world' is just...who can say? I'd be interested to know what he was suggesting there. Especially after the LCROSS mission!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Too many questions here about the moon thing (going insane just trying to contemplate what it means in any logical sense)

I wonder, a person travelling toward the moon...would they become progressively more insane, or would they be fine until they put their feet on the ground, and suddenly short out.

the thought trapper aspect...does it work with just humans, or does it trap the thoughts of dogs, bugs, etc also...and what could possibly be the point.

I would wonder if this is the so called akasha files new agers talk about

could a feedback be sent, disabling the functionality, and if so, would we all suddenly become unthinking bits of molecular gunk.

If there is a mechanical aspect to the moon, one would be able to speculate we could get a readout of some strange frequency would we go about doing that to detect the validity of this moon statement (not a question to you OPs, just thinking out loud and if I was able to talk to this person you spoke to)

Why do these people never show up...why is it always "someone told me once.."...why do these someones never speak for a forum like ATS not anonymous enough for them? Even John Lear...he was the best we seen on here and he is a nobody...he just has "people who tell him stuff"...but he has no personal stuff to tell.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

This idea makes me want to ponder this a little further.

The following quote:

The full moon has been linked to crime, suicide, mental illness, disasters, accidents, birthrates, fertility, and werewolves, among other things.

...from this source: full moon and lunar effects

This "brain", it would stand to reason, would seemingly have more of an effect the more exposed we are to it based on the aforementioned idea.

Is definitely worth a discussion. Great thread OP! S&F

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Solasis
But more importantly, what is this "evidence" that is still being collected? Explain this.

Simple, if they continue to ask for evidence then they will never get beyond the moon. Because, it is a question of a one small step or one giant leap, what is first.

Oh! Evidence found without explanation.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Actually Gurdjieff stated the same thing -- well that the purpose of the dominant life on Earth was to FEED THE MOON and if the dominant life on Earth did not feed the moon then the moon would DESTROY ALL LIFE ON EARTH.

That is indeed what is happening today because modern humans no longer feed the moon -- essentially our pineal gland is hardwired to the moon -- this is why Buddhist monks do all night community chanting meditation during the full moon. The Bushmen humans were the dominant human culture from 100,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE -- and also practiced trance dance during the Full Moon --

For those initiated by this ancient lineage of pineal gland electromagnetic spacetime travel -- it is well known that the Moon is hardwired to human brains -- and even science now documents that bird migration works through quantum electromagnetic signals. Quantum gravity waves are what the brain uses for information.

This is called "quantum telepathy" and is modeled by "quantum chaos" -- it's the most advanced science -- used for explaining the ampullae of Lorenzi in sharks and paddlefish, etc. -- how weak electromagnetic signals are used for communication.

Here's a man who knows how the Moon is the brain of humans:

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:06 PM
Thanks to you all who have commented this!

I am sorry to have any evidence to this claim, just my toughts, what i heard - and I think this was the first time I talk about this here in ATS too. I can give only some of my thoughts which has pumped up from this difficult question.

Assuming that "moon is our brain":

- There is great reason why moon is in its place over us all at night times, and why people are sleeping usually that time when moon is active for us. When we sleep, we give our thoughts to it, and giving those away - also picking up "updates" from it.

- We need moon, thats why we need to sleep.

- Moon is more like a satelite to earth, maybe costructed by aliens.

- If we really need moon to act as humans, does that mean we cant travel away from it, or in to it?

- Moon is monitoring our daily behaviour and collective thoughts - when we sleep we connect to it.

- When thinking moon as our common main server, base of our thoughts - that means moon is a great placed tool or a station for aliens to monitor and make changes to our collective minds and even maybe to our DNA charts - meaning if moon is really our "brains", and its sending information here and away "like a link station", there has to be monitoring masters for our thoughts too - aliens - as like gods.

- If our behaviour gets wild or to direction what is not ment to go in some way, and we are also learning things from above, its possible to re-program our collective thoughts too.

- If some sickness takes place among humans, its possible to put some cure from moon, like "anti virus upload" to take effect on all human kind - effecting us with sudden DNA changes. (So take no vaccines
! )

- If moon is our brain, placed there - that means much more than just few UFOs flying around, but think of the magnitute of what they can build! - if moon under its surface is a giant computer?

- Thinking moon as natural thing, thought gets even wilder - if its natural thing, build from nature to act as our collective mind - we really have to be much smaller than atoms!

... Just few thoughts
- I really would hear explanation, or understand this idea, to get some perspective to this claim before I die!

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by drew hempel

Thanks from your reply! - I was just in Thailand and in full moon gathering at night time in temple - I really know that Buddist are "up to something"

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

Interesting thoughts Janus....

Gives me something else to think about...I really don't believe that NASA ever went to the moon...

And I remember hearing John Lear say that there was a tower on the moon that was a 'soul catcher.'....and SatunFX brought up the akasha files....

Very interesting...


posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by JanusFIN
- Thinking moon as natural thing, thought gets even wilder - if its natural thing, build from nature to act as our collective mind - we really have to be much smaller than atoms!

... Just few thoughts
- I really would hear explanation, or understand this idea, to get some perspective to this claim before I die!

The distance between Earth and the Lunar... lunacy is a natural contraceptive.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:07 PM
All people seek something good. All things seek unity, take unity away from a thing, and it ceases to exist, therefore, if all things seek goodness, and all things also seek unity, goodness is unity. Therefore, no room for evil.

[edit on 7-3-2010 by ancient_wisdom]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:16 PM
I know we discuss odd topics here on ATS, but please this just makes no sense. I suppose that's because of some conspiracy to keep me from knowing that a floating rock in space is somehow my consciousness? No. Why did I even bother posting on this ridiculous thread?? I don't know. Maybe I'm going insane because of trying to contemplate the moon being my brain.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 09:38 PM
Thanks for this thread, Janus!
There's no question that the moon is influential to the planet and its inhabitants. Everybody knows that the moon moves the ocean's tides. Since we are made of mostly water, its not a far stretch to imagine that the moon's magnetism 'moves' our bodily water thus affecting us in some way too. I've not researched this yet, but I plan to study if the moon may have any effect on the iron in our blood. Like someone else said, there's been a rumor about some sort of tower, or beacon, on the moon; and we all know about the rumor that we were 'warned' off the moon many years ago. Who knows? Maybe there is some kind of giant computer up there, maybe not the entire moon itself, but some kind of frequency station. It makes me wonder about all the obelisks down here, and what their 'real' function (if any) may be.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 10:58 PM
I would say that your Russian guest was feeding you a line of crap, knowing how full of crap the Russian military is anyway, and knowing that they lie about everything, particularly to their enemies.

"Ah, yes, comrade... In Russia, we make aircraft invisible, so you cannot distinguish them from aircraft we have not yet invented. In Russia, our missiles are so fast, they circumnavigate the globe in ONE SECOND, so we must duck when we fire them. In Russia, girls are so beautiful, they are...ehhh, who am I kidding?"

Regarding the "Moon is Brain" nonsense, it sounds a little like your Russian guest was attempting to baffle you with his misinterpretation of the writings of P.D. Ouspensky and G.I. Gurdjieff...

Ouspensky, who was a brilliant Russian mathematician in the late 19th and early 20th Century, became enthralled with the metaphysical fantasy spewed by Gurdjieff, a Russian hedonist/adventurer and contemporary of Ouspensky.

Gurdjieff — who fancied himself something of a guru — had this wild idea that the Moon fed on the Earth.... That living things on the Earth's surface generated energies that were sucked up by the Moon, which help it to grow and mature into a planet some day. Gurdjieff came up with the cryptic expression "Food For The Moon" — which refers to you and me and all living things on Earth.


Ouspensky, as brilliant as he was, tried to rationalize this nonsense into an explanation for the evolution of the solar system, explaining the growth of Moons into Planets, and Planets into Stars.

Ouspensky spent years working on this crackpot theory.

In the process, he figured out that there are something like 47 natural forces shaping our existence on Earth. According to Ouspensky, IF Mankind left the Earth, he would find fewer and fewer natural forces, the farther away from Earth he traveled... So, theoretically, we could NEVER travel out into space, because we'd simply disintegrate.

There wouldn't be any natural forces out there to "hold us together," right?


If you want to read up on this metaphysical malarky, check out P.D. Ouspensky's "In Search of the Miraculous" — which is an incredibly tedious book in the best Russian tradition.

Another book to read is "Meetings With Remarkable Men," which kind of gives you a taste of G.I. Gurdjieff's tomfoolery.

To me, it sounds like your Russian guest was trying to snow you with his faulty interpretation of a faulty metaphysical theory set forth a hundred years ago.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 3/7/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:09 PM
The moon is a hunk of rock, ice, dust, and not much else. It is not a "brain" of anything.

Perhaps this fellow was pulling your leg? I'd like to think you'd at least have considered it. The moon is the earth's brain? I mean.. c'mon.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
The moon is a hunk of rock, ice, dust, and not much else. It is not a "brain" of anything.

And, yet, if you had said the same thing 30 years ago, you would've been called a crackpot, too. The best scientific minds of the day thought that, because the Moon's atmosphere is almost nonexistent, there couldn't possibly be water or ice on its surface — any ice deposited there by cometary fragments would just sublimate away into the vacuum, right, because the direct solar radiation is so incredibly extreme there.

Today, however, we pretty much accept that there IS ice and water vapor on the Moon, hiding in the depths of some craters near the poles.

You know, this reminds me in a weird way of a sci-fi story I wrote about 30 years ago. It had to do with genetic engineering, and how we would start engineering new kinds of human beings to perform all sorts of tasks.

For instance, we'd engineer water-breathing humans to explore the depths of the oceans. We'd engineer flying humans for high-altitude tasks. We'd engineer extreme temperature human beings for tasks in volcanoes or at the poles.

We'd even engineer frail space-faring human beings who were only at home in weightlessness, for deep space travel.

And then, for advancing our scientific and philosophical knowledge, we'd engineer extremely large-brained human beings, whom we would locate on the moon, so that they could ponder the imponderable without interruption from the mundane human activity on Earth.

Of course, in my story, these Moon people soon aspired to godhood, unbeknownst to we feeble Earthlings.

How peculiar that this Russian fellow would mention that the Moon is the Brains of the world... Hm.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 3/7/2010 by Doc Velocity]

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