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NWO hidden agenda to kill Christianity?

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:34 AM

I just thought this video would be a good way of explaining how the government of United States a.k.a. NWO is fulfilling many prophecies of the Bible. Would like comments on whether you think this video is legit or not. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 10:50 AM
I don't think the NWO has to do anything to kill Christianity. Christians are doing a fine job destroying it all by themselves.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by damwel
I don't think the NWO has to do anything to kill Christianity. Christians are doing a fine job destroying it all by themselves.

Star for you. I really couldn't think of good way to address the OP's question.

I've become very bitter against man made christian theology and all of the hypocritical minions that follow sky gods.

We must embrace humanity and nature and discard fairy tales to bring about a better spiritual understanding of our place in the universe.

The NWO may just be a good thing afterall.

Probably not the kind of response you expected OP. Sorry, just getting it off my chest. I know I'm going to be flamed and torched for this one.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:31 AM
Well since you asked. Regarding the video my biggest complaint is that what is shown as "fact" is merely interpretation. Despite the plethora of mistranslated and misinterpreted text, mere mortals conveniently associate vague descriptions with actual events.

Case in point:


I searched both passages and only found a mention of "thunder in the sky" "tremble" etc. regarding wrath. Not that I was expecting any mention of aircraft, but the video purposely misleads in order to influence.

Unless humans are like some big ant farm and GOD just wants to direct the hot sun on us with a magnifying glass.

Admittedly I am no theologist but it is these types of mischaracterizations that keep me skeptical. I respectfully accept your right to believe otherwise as you do mine.


[edit on 5-3-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:34 AM
you can critisize the way people who claim to be "christians" all you want... I will not judge but you sure have the right to. But the point of this was not to necesarily talk about people who are Christian.

The point was to talk about Bible prophecies. I thought this video I found did an excellent job of explaining many correct predictions of the Bible. I have no issues with stating that the Bible is what I believe to be the truth. And the main purpose of me posting on this site is to show you why I think that with the best possible evidence I can give to share the truth. After all this is the point of the site for all of us to find the truth whether we like it or not, whether we were wrong or right to begin with.

Lastly brilab45, don't let the "bad christians" as you call them deter you from the whole idea of Christianity. That would be like me meeting one minority who did not treat me well and saying that now all minorities are bad people. All groups of people have a mix of good and bad.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:54 AM
According to the bible, Matthew 28 verse 20 Jesus said:

"...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Considering that the mythological story of Jesus has been proven to be based on the movement of the stars as they pass through the seasons (see Zeitgeist), and that we are currently in the waning years of the age of Pisces and heading into the new age of Aquarius...I would tend to believe that if there is any truth to the bible at all, Jesus' days are numbered. Or at least the mythological Jesus' days are numbered.

To answer your intriguing question: no I don't think the NWO is going to kill Christianity, I think Christianity as it has been practiced for almost 2000 years, has played itself out.

It's time for us to rediscover the teachings and philosophy of Jesus the preacher, which are based on eastern mysticism.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:59 AM
According to the Bible, Christianity will see a huge surge - then there will come a time when people will be killed for their Christian belief.

For further information, see the Bible.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:41 PM
Is this suppose to be a bad thing?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:49 PM
You don't need some phoney new world order to kill Christianity...just like Islam its most radical and extreme practitioners coupled with the apathy of the rest are doing a perfectly good job of it themselves.

And if there really is a new world order controlling everything I wish they would get their act together...they are doing a piss poor job of it.

I want my money back.

[edit on 3/5/2010 by iMacFanatic]

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 11:51 AM
The goal is to eliminate all Religious thought and morality and replace it with whatever suits the NWO.

It's happening right now notice more and more people are being deviated by pornography and acceptance of gays as "normal". The youth being taught that it's cool to "experiment" with your sexuality etc etc

All part of the depopulation agenda and very simple.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:06 PM
Labels are stupid, all the different religions based upon believing in one creator is merely nothing more than a well placed divider and power over peoples minds just like Democrat and Republican crap. But yet most people are to weak in the mind to realize what they have in common with the rest of the world.

Different books same based stories, different religion names same equal worship to one creator.

But yes theres a lot of crazy Christians on the rise, worlds ending today etc. just like it was 20 years ago to them.

But boiling it down to the NWO yes i believe its in the plan just as one world government, currency, and religion would very well fall in there also, but probably not a religion based upon a good God since its plainly viewable all the NWO praise satan/devils.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:29 PM
NWO is lucifer

he has destroyed religions in the past

in the times of jesus the elites were jews and romans

the same people that killed jesus would later on spread his message but thats only after they modified it to suit their own evil agenda

now the elites are still the jews, but with them is a new partner, USA

they are destroying islam using al quada which is funded by extremist wahabi saudis who gave themselves the right to declare any other human a non believer thus giving them the right to kill that person.

if USA really wants to end terrorism then they should just put an end to the saudi government, but they wont, becuase they need the saudis to keep this hype up

whether religion is man made or not, it was never intended to be evil, and for its time religion was good for the people.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:47 PM
Satan isn't "just" the nwo though - he is present in numerous other platforms - society, govt., churches, etc. Laugh if you want, but satan is most likely working through some of us on this thread right now - everytime I read an anti God thread on Ats, I always say to myself, satan's at it again.

The video was awesome - I've always wondered, and still do, if the Usa could be the modern day Babylon since too many details fit like a glove. And too, since the Usa is the top player in our world today, and we are so close to the return of Jesus, that also makes me lean towards the Usa being an end time subject, if not a bigger role.

And yes, the "nwo", aka satan, will be, temporarily, able to destroy Christianity, and all that God stands for - but only for a short time at the end. Then Jesus comes back and opens up a can of the finest heavenly "Whoop Butt" you'll ever see.

I encourage all people to get their heads in the true Bible - because there's going to come a time, probably sooner than we all expect, that the antichrist is going to appear very nonchalantly and deceive everyone he can into believing that he is Jesus, our Savior. And according to the Bible, there's going to be more, rather than less, of us that will buy into his lies - and seal our eternal damnation.

The Bible, God's Word, is really our only protection against what's coming.

Prepare ourselves - that is the best advice I can offer. Because the prophecies are all falling into place very quickly.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by refuse2lose2nwo

I think it is possible that the Elite will play with the religious cards to bring in 'unity' to the world. I fear more of the religious fold trying to claim a ONE LAND as HOLY AND SEPARATE then I fear the Elite and Powers trying to unite the world in an orderly way.

Lets look out of the box for a moment, outside of religions.

Here we have Earth, a sphere booming with life, but we are merely just a speck in this massive Universe. We have commonality between us all...we are all of the same species, we all call Earth our home. Why should we be SEPARATE?? What does being SEPARATE do for us?? How is that working out for us?? We label, we build hierarchies, we hold judgments, we see some as better then others, having more rights then others, we have wars.

As a species...are we to overcome our experiences of being separate and learn how to unite??

What if we did have a invasion from another life form? Would we then see how similar we are? WOuld we then see the worth of uniting on our sphere we call home? Is this what it would take...for us to see we are all ONE?

Would uniting the world countries be a perfect plan? No, this is not a world of perfections. But what is so bad about uniting the world?? Isnt this the same plan Christians and other Abrahamic faiths hope for....a world united under a supreme leader? But then the gasp at the thought that humans are trying to consider doing such a thing without the leader being of a certain religion or certain linage of blood.

I see it as our right as a species to try to come together. I see it as needed that humans learn see our species as ONE and not separate.

Its the idea of a special land and leadership of a special people that disturbs me. I dont believe a Holy God is worried about Earthly land or certain blood lineages. These ideas seem very middle age and I believe mean nothing to God. I dont think God is going to force world order here....for I feel Thee waits for us to figure out our pride and greed on our own. What would we learn if God fixed our faults for us?

I think humans limit their own capabilities and sit and wait on God to fix things WAY to much. This experience here in the flesh is not about being TOLD what is right and wrong...its about experiences and learning what works and doesnt work. The fate of Earth and the human species is in our hands! Even if you believe in prophecies and the returning of Jesus to make the world as it should be....are we going to just sit back and wait until then...or are we going to keep doing our best in working together, loving our neighbors, treating others as we want to be treated ect....

The religious doctrines has set up a way for Elites to gain power over the world through the idea there is a SPECIAL HOLY LAND.

I dont think God is worried about an Earthly land that causes separation amongst us. I think this is actually very far from Gods intent for us and we only fall farther from understanding what is of spirit.

But ya know what....even if God is not considered with such will all until happen. There will be war. It all must happen for man to see and hear. Sometimes man has to walk the path that is not so they can see the path that is.

I believe in world unity, I believe humans are ONE, I believe in hope for our species, and I believe we are just babes in our learning of this sphere and our worth in the Universe.

You have many that do believe in one way or another that world order is needed....but some have the idea that a certain land and people must be in control of the world. As long as there is this kind of separation amongst man...true world unity cant happen and is pointless.

It is said that Jesus will return and finish what he did not do the first time he came. That Jesus will come and force this world order. How is this any different then dictatorship....being told what we can do and cant do? What kind of things will we be able to learn from such a order? Do we not learn from our wrongs as much as we learn from our rights? Is this a bad thing?

I have hope in humanity as a species...and have hope that our Earth is to be a sphere of a species that has learned to unite.

United we can stand...divided we will fall.

Would unity be easy? Hell no it would not. I believe it was Ronald Regan who also stated something to the effect that a outside invasion would be the only way humans would see the need to unite as a species.

Just some thoughts

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 12:57 PM
It seems the world of today is becoming scarily similar to the days of Rome - when anyone who went against whatever King/leader was in "power", was dealt with, usually with torture and/or death.

If we were able to remove ourselves from the planet, and become observers for a while, I think we could see things in a better perspective.

For example, we would see a bunch of humans that have come to "power" in a bigger than most "house", who most of them engage daily in alcohol, drugs, sexual immoralities, lying, envy, jealousy, etc.

Everyone wants to be the "top dog" - everyone wants "power" - everyone wants "money" - everyone wants to step on whoever they have to in order to become that "top dog".

History does indeed repeat itself.

Just an fyi - celebs, presidents, senators, singers, world leaders, race car drivers, scientists, reality show hosts............ none will be given preferential treatment come Judgement Day. They'll fall on their knees before our Almighty God, just like the rest of us.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:03 PM
If it's true, this is the best argument FOR a NWO, as far as i'm concerned.

This superstitious nonsense has gone on and held humanity back for reduculously too long as it is.

Time to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions and lose the superstitous crutch.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:41 PM
If the governments are the ones responsible for fulfilling prophecies...then are the prophecies really of the supernatural, of God?

Is it such a surprise that today many people are speaking out against Christianity, the faith that still holds onto Earthly ways such as blood sacrifice?

Is it such a surprise that humans are ready to move on from this belief?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 01:58 PM
What if it is a simple as this. America has lost it's love for each other. In GOD's eyes that means we live in sin. It isn't about partaking in physical activities, it is about the love we have for each other. The churches focus on physical sins, where God warned us that we should love as the most important piece. You can not get into heaven by saying god's name, doing good works, or practicing traditions. God says many and most that say his name will not be allowed into heaven. Even people that do good works. God repeatedly states he knows your heart. So what this tells me, every time I have gone to church they want your money. They want you to be generous with your money. They tell you it's better to be poor like Jesus, so give them your money.

Good post OP. Indeed the spirit of lucifer has infiltrated the institutions of this world. Albeit there are many really good people that partake in this system, they are led astray through the institutionalized belief systems. When we all come out of this dream called Babylon. A Nation an idea borne of profit. Then and only then will we see heaven. If we don't come out soon, God will bring it down. I don't think he will kill us all, just that he will crumble the system for us to see the errors in it.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:01 PM
There's nothing "hidden" about the NWO agenda to kill religion.

Religion empowers those who believe. The NWO DOES NOT WANT people empowered by anything.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by damwel

I clicked on this link to say exactly what you said. You said it.

Trying to be spiritual around Christians is like camping out in skid row with nice clothes.

Bad idea.

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