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1st Martyr of the 2nd American Revolution?

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

I don't advocate that. I say instead of staying home, get angry, and let your vote be your gun.

Leaders are out there, it is your job to either be that leader, or vote that leader into office.

Screw staying home, that is what they want, they want you to stay home, they want you to be reliant on their system.

They want you to be weak, they want you to revolt. But I say no!

My revolution is that we replace the PTB with the powers that can be

We outnumber them. We have the power and it is we who need to take that power back.

They have a house of cards. They think that we will just assume they are too powerful. But they aren't we are the ones they are afraid of. Because we are the ones that have numbers on our side.

People are pissed off, and rightly so. They should be pissed off, but instead of staying home, I say we vote ourselves into office and become the powers that be.

Because in the end that is the real revolution. It is us versus them, and we have all the cards, and all the ammunition, all they have is lies. They tell you that you are weak, they tell you, that you can't change the way it is. But I say they lie. I say that a united front of people with leaders interested in freedom can stand up to them.

I don't have any fear of trying. Do you?

In my revolution you don't need a gun, you just need to get out there and vote. Screw what they say, tell them through your vote that you are tired of the stupidity they represent. Tell them through your vote that "dammit we won't take it anymore and we want to run this country not you!"

Tell them that this is our damn Republic and what we want is what we shall have. We demand freedom and to hell with your idle threats and shallow promises. Damn you and your bull [snip] lies and shadow government. We own this country and we will be free.

We have always had the power to replace them, it's damn time we use that power. Screw your guns, screw your marches, screw your protests, and rallies, and screw your staying at home. The real power is getting out there and changing this country.

It's not easy but it can be done, we do this work not because it is easy but because it is hard!

The American people have always had the power to change this country to do what is right. The sad fact is, we have gotten lazy and we shouldn't have let it get this far. Now we are angry and now we have a choice. And dammit I am tired of hearing that the powers that be have all the power, they don't we have the power. We have always had it, we just lend it to them. It's time to take that power back for us!

[edit on 2/19/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:13 AM
He left his wife and kids homeless. A real man wouldn't do that to his family. Go ahead and praise him as some kind of hero, though. That makes sense. The only people talking about revolution are Republicans who lost the DEMOCRATIC elections and control of the Federal government. If they don't steal an election (see Bush), they want to revolt against the government. Anything to get power that they don't deserve. If you hate our government, go live somewhere else. You're not true Americans. You might as well be in Afghanistan fighting alongside the Taliban. You seem to share their ideals.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by ivorywire]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by HappilyEverAfter

I don't advocate that. I say instead of staying home, get angry, and let your vote be your gun.
[edit on 2/19/2010 by whatukno]

The colonials tried that and were massacred. The Tea Partiers committed theft, vandalism, and treason against the crown. It just made things worse.
Then came the shot from across the bridge, and the war for our independence began. Not with weak words, not with pacifism, but strong people with guns and the vision of freedom.
Hence.. the language.. in Our Second Amendment!

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Plato saw that when a society became divided into private and public culture, it was a dead man walking. People were going to start conspiring against it internally for their own needs, and would pull it apart. This is why a single national culture is needed per nation, and each locality needs its own culture, too. Bring people together and reinforce those values daily. It's like how on battleships they are constantly doing safety training and fire drills. Keep everyone focused on the goal and the methods used to reach it. There are only two ways to rule: cooperation or control. Cooperation requires we each give up something to work with others; control means a central force must decide what's right and apply it to us.

We can never hope to have an open, free and civil society again unless we dare to take on individual and collective responsibility for our communities. Because if we don't, the government will, and the government always screws things up by hiring bureaucracies to do the work we couldn't be bothered doing ourselves. We're lazy, we're ignorant, and we're defensive enough to attack anyone who's decided to do a good day's work because he or she believes in a better place to live in. Therefore I don't trust the crowd and will never submit to a system of government that promotes it to power.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:12 PM
This complete idiot would have to fight for a cause not against one. By flying his plane into a public building he has cost us taxpayers millions. He has done the opposite of what he was protesting, he has increased our tax burden. We are going to have to repair the building now. Compare this domestic terrorist to a person protesting homosexuality by raping gay men. This fool became part of the problem. I hope his home is siezed to pay his back taxes and his family goes hungry.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
It's very possible that Stack believed he was firing the first shot in the second revolution.

A lot of people throughout our history have thought they were doing that. There were the Whiskey Rebellion and Shay's Rebellion. There was Nat Turner, who led a slave rebellion that he hoped would be joined by slaves all over the south. There was John Brown, who also attempted to lead a slave revolt before the Civil War. There was John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Abraham Lincoln. There were anarchists who have periodically attempted to foment revolution. There was Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated John F. Kennedy. There was the assassination of Martin Luther King. There was the shootout at Ruby Ridge. There was Charles Manson, who believed he was beginning a race war. There was Timothy McVeigh, when he blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City. And these are just a few.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Sestias]

WOW! Cant believe you lumped all those folk togeather like that. Get your game on a litttle.

For example King was killed doing it your way. And Brown was right but technically wrong. Others dont even deserve to be in a set with the rest.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by Logarock]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by whatukno


You ignored my post completely. Perhaps it is because you have nothing to say? Perhaps it is because you are ignorant towards truth?

Allow me to spell the word:


It isn't just a name borrowed for one of the political sides of today, it is a system of government. In our case it is intended to be a system based on "consensus decision-making" Democracy is flawed in that the minority is ignored and THUS there right are infringed upon.

Therefore, we simply CANNOT restore our country under this Democracy (which they call it - see actual: oligarchy). It is literally - IMPOSSIBLE to restore the Constitution without changing this country back to the Republic base it was founded on.

If you are such an avid believer in the Constitution, then why do you fail to understand this statement? Your election into this corrupt system will do no good for chance, but will instead continue to fuel the system.

But the system itself is WRONG WRONG WRONG. Politicians make decisions without the consent of the people. The rights of some people are infringed upon every time someone on the right or left passes a bill that the opposers do not want. Where do we get to choose exactly?

We don't. They make their laws and they enforce them on us without our say in the matter. And there is literally nothing we can do about this.

You know what a system like that is called? Tyranny.

In modern usage, the word "tyrant" carries connotations of a harsh and cruel ruler who places his or her own interests or the interests of a small oligarchy over the best interests of the general population, which the tyrant governs or controls.

You getting office will do nothing. For example, you getting into the Senate would mean that for you to accomplish anything against the will of the oligarchy, you would need 59 like minded individuals to make it there with you. These like minded individuals will not have advertisement campaigns paid for by corporate interests, they will not be given an easy time getting on the ballot, and there is a large chance they will trade winning for corrupting their values. It happens ALL the time.

Whereas the opposes, those the government wishes to see in the mix - the corrupt ones. They will be given finances, endorsements, and be personally hailed by the President himself. You actually believe you have a chance to sway the minds of the brainwashed people? If they honestly don't want you in, all they have to do is run a smear ad during American Idol and you are done. You just lost the campaign right there.

You, my friend, put WAY too much faith in the people. If we could rely on the every man to take matters into his own hands, we wouldn't be in this position. We would have hundreds or thousands of "Joseph Stacks" out there trying to make a point. The rest of the people are LAZY and brainwashed. The ones advocating the revolution - these are the ones that are ready to fight and lay down their lines.

As far as your belief, you still have yet to touch base on my fact that the same things were said by peaceful advocates in the 60's, 70's, and 80's. "We want change!" they said. "We need to infiltrate their ranks!" they claimed. Where are they now? How successful was their "revolution" when they had large groups behind them?

Now, I don't want to KILL anybody. But I think of it this way. If I march on Washington and tell these people to leave, they will laugh at me.

If I warn them again they will try to arrest me.
If I fight back against the guards they will try to kill me.
If they try to kill me, I will kill them. This is plain and simple. Kill or be killed.

If you throw words around that we want to "kill innocent people on the streets" again - I'm simply done. I don't have to listen to the diatribe of lies about me being spat in my face.

The only people that will die is the guilty. The only ones who are guilty are those that oppress others. Before they die they will be given a chance to step down and face trial or simply leave. However, should they refuse the will of the people according to the Constitution this is treason and thus it is punishable by death.

Since you are such a "firm believer" in the Constitution, then maybe you can understand that.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by gwydionblack]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Could it be that "freedom," like so many other empty symbols, is merely a promise used to manipulate you?

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:41 PM
These absurd comments about an American revolution grow tedious. It ain't happening. Its just a wet dream of the right wing.

Even in tough times Americans are too fat and happy.

Fat and happy never revolts.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

Freedom isn't something that is promised. Freedom is something that all men have. I understand that is hard for some people to wrap their minds around.

The freedom YOU are talking about is the so called "freedom" that our government touts to keep civil and in line, the type of "freedom" that isn't freedom at all.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Freedom is impossible to define without an object. Freedom from -- mosquitoes? exhaustion? bad smells? jobs? -- well, we don't know. If you're free you just know you are, I guess. Freedom requires an oppressor to be freed from, otherwise you weren't unfree in the first place. Who's trying to stop you from doing what? No one is going to open that can of worms.

Even more, freedom is a vernacular term for feeling like you could do anything. I feel free to do what the heck ever. But because all terms decay to the lowest common denominator through use, the most common meaning of the word freedom is this: no one telling me what to do. Of course, since those telling you what to do could be in some cases right, what we mean when we say "freedom" is "no oversight."

What's your definition of freedom?

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

Ultimate freedom is the freedom to CHOOSE.

It is the ability to be presented a situation and you have the choice to decide what is best for yourself.

Taxes - I should be able to choose what my taxes go to support in my government.

Rights - I should be able to do any of the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights without being hindered and without regulation.

Body - I should have the right to put into my body what I see fit, be in a drug or anything other wise.

Elected - I should have the right to run for an office of government without having to pay a large sum of money and without being withheld from public ballots.

Partisan Issues - I should be able to choose what I support through individuality. Though one person might oppose abortion, it should be my choice and responsibility to choose. Though one person might oppose gay marriage, it should be the right of those involved to choose. There should be no enforced doctrine of beliefs in our government.

Overall, it all encompasses what I said - the Freedom to Choose. That is ultimate freedom, that is the freedom spoken of by the Founding Fathers. The oppressor to that freedom is our government and anyone who chooses to support the oppressive tactics.

[edit on 19-2-2010 by gwydionblack]

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by concernedcitizan
reply to post by gwydionblack

What's your definition of freedom?

Being able to say NO .

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Why is it that you attest to knowing me so well?

Friend, I don’t care what arms you have stockpiled in your self made bunker, what karate dvd’s you have, or your food storage, YOU do NOT have a plan, infrastructure to help you, finances, weapons or training to compete with the government. Keep deluding yourself into believing you do. Their resources are ENDLESS and if they want to cut off your “water” they’ll cut it off.

Why would people choose tax breaks over no taxes? I can promise food and resources myself. I can also promise freedom only heard of in history books. I'm afraid the government can't offer that to them.

WHO ARE YOU? NO ONE! NO ONE EVEN KNOWS OF YOU! NO ONE WILL FOLLOW YOU! LOL! People will follow the government as they trust the government. Are they fools? Absolutely, but they will look for the government to give them whatever they need before they follow someone on ATS or some half-baked leader promising “freedom only heard of in history books.” That’s some great cartoon/comic book writing, friend. I have to remember that one.

OK? You know what, forget it. I won't even ask.

Nothing to see here.

He didn't mention his wife and his daughter because his manifesto was a list of bad things that has happened, of travesties that he experiences. I would think that by not mentioning them would be better thanks to the general feel of the message.

You’re just as warped as he is, and if I were ATS mods and admins I’d pay strict attention to your posts. Listen, because you obviously live in a realm where up is down and left is right, he didn’t mention his wife and kid because he was selfish. Did he ever imply he was doing it for his family? A yes or no will suffice.

And what is with you and your video games? You are the one bringing them up. Perhaps it is you that have played these games and deemed them as 100% fantasy. While on the subject you should realize how realistic the enemy behind Metal Gear is compared to the "REAL LIFE" enemy we face today.

Because you sound like someone who spends countless hours playing games, reading conspiracy books and finding new ways to crush the government. What you don’t get is I’ve already said the nation is controlled. The problem lies in the fact you see the country one way and I see the country in another. You see the country as spiraling out of control but can be saved. I see the country as dead and see any type of resistance (aside from LEAVING) as a waste of time and prolonging the inevitable.

If one tried hard enough they could find multiple posts of me saying that the Founding Fathers were not perfect men. They too realized this and it helped them to remain level headed. They were flawed just like any other person - including yourself - however, they did what other men have failed at.

What you’re currently experiencing is what the founding fathers truly wanted you to experience. They were not good men, in fact, they were in on the conspiracy that spans generations.

They rallied the people under the banner of true freedom, and they led a bunch of farmers and normal men to defeat the most powerful army in the world at the time. There were a few against many and it was because of their encouragement and the placement of their ideals that men didn't give up hope on the dream. They fought and it was theirs.

Now listen to me, and I want you to listen real good, we aren’t dealing with a bunch of farmers and normal men. There is no “banner of true freedom”. What we’re dealing with is people who are divided on so many issues that cohesion under any one banner is impossible.

I honestly think that is your problem. I think you've completely given up hope. You've already said that you feel that there is nothing we can do to change what is coming.

Leave or stay. That is your only option.

We are simply going to have to agree to disagree. However if you do leave, and if we do succeed, know that the United States will be open to any and all freedom loving men and women.

Thanks for the invite, but I know in one year things would implode.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

I am in agreement with you about this member.

I'm sad to say that I am waiting to see his name pop up on the news...or worse have him just disappear off of ATS never to be heard of again.

reply to post by gwydionblack

I asked you many times what you want...what freedom are you seeking that you currently do not have. I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong because I'm going off of memory here, that you said something to the affect that you want to be able to own your own land and live off of your land.

I don't know why you can't do that right now...many people do. But you will have to WORK to get to that point. You can't just go steal land or lay claim to some have to work for it.

The more I see your posts...the more I get the impression of bitterness at having to work to get what you want. It seems you think it is easier in your mind to just fight for what you want...instead of working hard for what you want.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack

I reason that the most important type of freedom is freedom from one's own vices, to overcome one's passion and to beome master of oneself. We become free of our vices and our overly emotional reactions, and our sense of "only my ego matters". Essential we overcome ourselves so that we may be free to use these negative apsects of our selves in a positive way, and we learn to channel these "negatives" through those aspects of our nature that serve our higher, perhaps more divine nature.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by gwydionblack



Here is what I get, you want them to do things your way! If they don't do things YOUR way then you feel you have the right to overthrow that system despite the feelings of anyone else.

I understand this is a Republic. It's a representative democracy. We elect our leaders to do what we feel is right for the country.

But they aren't doing what YOU want them to do. So YOU think YOU have the right to overthrow it.

Maybe they are doing things that aren't right. Maybe YOU should elect somebody better.

But instead you want to march to Washington, and push and push and push till they go to arrest you, for what? So you can be a martyr? For what cause? Because you are selfish and lazy and irresponsible?

YOU aren't the only one in this country.

What you fail to understand is that you have absolutely no right to trump the rights of every other American in this country just because YOU feel that it's not working the way YOU want it to work.

This Republic does work, it's just that your voice is drowned out by those that can yell louder than you and with more money, and that is what needs to change.

But you don't want to see that, you want to pick a fight, a fight you know you will loose. You want to overthrow the government without due process and, well, let your own words sum it up for you...

If I march on Washington and tell these people to leave, they will laugh at me.

If I warn them again they will try to arrest me.
If I fight back against the guards they will try to kill me.
If they try to kill me, I will kill them. This is plain and simple. Kill or be killed.

What right do you have to tell anyone to leave Washington, they were fairly elected by the people. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean squat.

Time to clue in and face reality. These people in Washington were freely elected by the people of this country. But you don't like that, because in fact you don't like freedom. You in fact hate the Constitution, hate the United States and hate the Republic.

Wake up and look at what you are proposing to do and what reality is.

If you don't like who is being elected, get someone else elected or run your damn self.

Stop throwing your pity party and stop thinking that you are the only one in this country that loves freedom.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by EMPIRE

I was hoping you just simply wouldn't return but I guess I can take a minute to observe your ignorance again... *sigh*

YOU do NOT have a plan, infrastructure to help you, finances, weapons or training to compete with the government. Keep deluding yourself into believing you do. Their resources are ENDLESS and if they want to cut off your “water” they’ll cut it off.

What does the government have to compete with the people? The military? The military we have is 3/4 away from the United States on any given day. Let's just assume the government would have the military on their side, how many of them do you think are going to fire on American people? They took an oath, remember. Our military can't even oust a couple of insurgents in a desert, what makes you think they would be able to oust the populace and separate the good from the "bad" in their eyes.

The point is moot, regardless. The military would split if a revolution occurred. There would be those that enjoy killing and follow big brother to the end, and then there would be those that actually defend freedom.

And I have a private well... what are they going to do, dry it up? Even if I used it all, I have the capabilities to massively clean river water. I understand your little example but it was a poor choice at best.

WHO ARE YOU? NO ONE! NO ONE EVEN KNOWS OF YOU! NO ONE WILL FOLLOW YOU! LOL! People will follow the government as they trust the government. Are they fools? Absolutely, but they will look for the government to give them whatever they need before they follow someone on ATS or some half-baked leader promising “freedom only heard of in history books.”

I'm not leading anyone. Apparently you've never heard of the term "leaderless revolution". This is a method employed by a fancy group back in 1776 and on in order to win our independence. Sure Washington was the General, but he sure as hell didn't lead everybody. In fact, most people worked for themselves. I'm not here to lead, I'm here to light a fire under peoples arses.

You do realize that before yesterday, nobody heard of a man by the name of Joseph Stack, however, 24 hours later and he is famous and has built quite a fan base for himself.

Did he ever imply he was doing it for his family? A yes or no will suffice.

Did he ever mention he WASN'T doing it for his family? A yes or no will suffice.

I see the country as dead and see any type of resistance (aside from LEAVING) as a waste of time and prolonging the inevitable.

Then we will forever be in disagreement. As I said before, you have lost hope in this country where as I still see the Spirit of 1776 lingering on in the hearts of many. No doubt this country has fallen, but there is no doubt in my mind that it can be restored.

What you’re currently experiencing is what the founding fathers truly wanted you to experience. They were not good men, in fact, they were in on the conspiracy that spans generations.

No. This is where you are wrong. I have read their diaries. I have read their letters. I have read their ideals. This, all that you see around you today, is NOTHING like what they spoke of. There is no comparison.

If you truly feel that way then I am sorry for you. You have truly lost the fire which could make you appreciate true freedom more.

Run off to another country and you know what you are going to find? More of the same. More corruption, more deceit, and even more restrictions on your life. There is no other country like America and that is a fact. We were icons, idols, and heroes when we won our independence. We showed the world a side of people that had NEVER been seen before. We fought so that we could live as individuals with our own rights rather than be told what to do by a ruler. We bled, we lost family, we died... and then we handed it all away like fools.

This country is no doubt broken but it can... and it WILL be fixed. I will give my dying breath to guarantee it.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 08:47 PM
The idea of an American Revolution in the 21st century is absolutely absurd. Things are tough for the middle class and below, but things have always been tough. Things will continue to be tough until someone finally realizes that our form of democracy just doesnt work. Too few of this countries social/economic/political groups are represented.

The people of the United States are represented by two kinds of people. The wealthy Republican, driven by large corporations and oil, only looking to make themselves more wealthy and pass laws that infringe on our rights as American citizens to meet thier own desires. They use fear as thier main tool to keep people thinking that what they do is for thier own good, when it should be The American Citizen who decides whats best for them.

I havent forgot about the Democrats. They are a group saying they are out there to help those in the middle class, but want us to foot the bill for all thier schemes that just don't work. They fool the population with a do-good and "We Can Do It" persona, when in all reality they are no better than the Republicans, looking out for special interest groups. At least the Republicans come right out and say we are screwing you instead of hiding it beneath bailouts and reform.

The United States as a whole needs to stand up and vote outside of party lines. More groups need to be represented than what exists in our 2 party system. I know there are more than 2 parties, but the others don't stand a chance against the left wing and right wing nut jobs out there. A restructure of the govornment is what is needed. Going to the Parlimentary govornments that have worked for years and years in countries twice the U.S' age. Every group has a seat and every group has a voice. Until we can get rid of the electoral college and start counting every vote as a vote, not towards the gaining of points in a state, but as a single vote for those running for office.

No more holding back good bills from being passed because 51% of the votes go to one party. No more passing bills to meet demands of corporations. They need to be passed for the American People! Everyone! Until our govornment if restructured to a more fair system of voting and representation we are going to be stuck in the same cycle forever.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

You need only look a few posts above at this post here to see what freedom is.

You make little sense. You believe that I would much rather throw my life away for something I could already attain then to "work" for it.

I don't know if you've ever been in a scenario where your life was in jeopardy, but I have. And, I have worked all of my life as well for everything that I have. I don't believe in handouts. I believe you work or you get nothing, the only exceptions being the elderly and the disabled.

To die fighting or to work... tough decision there. I'm young, so I can't say I've lived to the point where I was able to "earn" what I wanted through working. However, I have seen countless people who worked their lives away trying to reach their "American Dream" only to reach nothing. I've seen veterans be denied care from the government they defended. I've seen elderly men retire only to have their pensions robbed from them.

I see the result of "hard work" in this country. Do you? Fat cats on Wall Street and paid entertainers doing nothing and getting everything. Michael Jackson dies and makes the front page for months but when John Smith, veteran of World War II, decorated soldier in the military dies alone and without benefits, that's not notable news now is it?

Look at this damn country. It's a bloody mess. Would you have me "work" as these people have with the only means to reaching sustainability being through corrupted and selling my soul to special interests?


Would you rather me fight so that people don't have to do that anymore. So that the status quo isn't so skewed in the favor of the rich. So that those who truly deserve it get the honor and glory - not those who have done nothing.

You can the opinion that I am bitter because I AM BITTER. I am furious. I'm pissed off at this government, at the people who follow it, and at the damn priorities in this country seem to have.

If you can look around and say that there ISN'T something worth fighting for then YOU, not me - YOU are the insane one. You are the sick one. You are the blind one.

reply to post by concernedcitizan

What exactly are you trying to say? To each his own. However, the freedom to choose, the freedom of individuality, would encompass your "reason". In my world, it is all about me. When I am making a choice, it is about me.

When you make a choice - it is about you. It is about what you want. Even if you make the most selfless choice - it is about what YOU want. My ego already doesn't matter. I am fighting so that everyone has the option to choose whatever they want. And whatever they might choose, as long as it doesn't trample on me or anyone else's rights - then it is fair game.

My ego doesn't matter. I've already come to terms with the fact that I might die before I ever see this world that I will be fighting for. However, just knowing is good enough for me. Just being able to see my loved ones enjoying REAL freedom - that is enough motivation for me to keep going regardless of what anyone else says.

reply to post by whatukno

I am doing what I want by default. I am doing what is right for this country by principle.

And representative democracy =/= Republic.

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone when I say that the leaders aren't doing what the people want. And I am pretty sure that under our base laws of the land - we are given the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to overthrow leaders that do not listen to us.

In a democracy, if I vote for someone who doesn't get elected, my vote is null and void. I have no say in government. You still aren't getting it.

What you fail to understand is that you have absolutely no right to trump the rights of every other American in this country just because YOU feel that it's not working the way YOU want it to work.

Please, inform me what rights I am trumping on? Hm? I'd like you to list a single right that a revolution is trumping on.

I don't think you can.

However, I don't think it would be too hard if you tried to find what rights our GOVERNMENT is trumping on.

This Republic does work, it's just that your voice is drowned out by those that can yell louder than you and with more money, and that is what needs to change.


What right do you have to tell anyone to leave Washington, they were fairly elected by the people. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean squat.

"Fairly elected" is a matter of much deeper discussion. They were elected, regardless, in a system of government that was created without the consent of the people and thus the entire system stands as illegal. It has nothing to do with me - it has to do with principle. It has to do with the damn Constitution and how much our current system spits upon it.

Wake up and look at what you are proposing to do and what reality is.

I am walking in footsteps not walked for hundreds of years. I am prepared for people to hate me, to stand up and scorn me. However, I don't blame them. I blame the people who have manipulated them. They are who I fight... not these people.

But you don't like that, because in fact you don't like freedom. You in fact hate the Constitution, hate the United States and hate the Republic.

You are the one who has lost touch with reality and thus you have lost touch with yourself.

You have placed words in my mouth for the last time, as I had warned you about previously. Good day sir, and I wish you luck on your "peaceful change". You have been ignored.

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