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Felt like I was being attacked in bed

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posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:05 PM
I had a similar experience around the age of 22 yrs. and well, for whatever reason I woke up from a deep sleep in the middle of the night. I sat up in bed like a “Jack in the Box” and realized my feet were becoming slowly paralyzed. I could feel this paralyzing affect slowly move up my legs in some unexplainable sensation to my knees and it kept moving until it got to my waist where for some reason I remember asking for “God” to help me because I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared white with fear.

I feared some type of demonic possession was taking place like in the movie “The Exorcist” and as such my thoughts turned to God and it was about at that point that I noticed that this anomaly of sensation had stopped at my waist and then began to diminish as quickly as it had come on to me.

In the morning when I awoke I took note of another anomaly. The area at the foot of the bed where I lay during the mysterious possession was dresser drawer and mirror. The very corner of this particle board and wood composite piece of furniture had melted at the corner. It had melted and deformed the wood to look as if it had melted by some intense heat source yet with no burning. Just a melting of composite wood into something that looks like it got too close to the stove and melted. Very much like melted plastic.

I showed the furniture piece to my mother in law and my wife and we all were puzzled and scared about what it might imply. Since talking or discussing this type of weird incident was not what people did before the time of computers, I have always wondered if others had ever experienced this same weird happening. Now that I know it has, I can at least claim I don’t feel crazy for sharing my similar incident. We can only hope that were not seeing some high tech alien method for acquiring human bodies to control like slaves and use like a shell until they no longer need us. Who knows what is going on, but it appears it has been going on for a long time now.

I just hope its not explained away as a dream like event that went bad because anytime you have physical evidence of something in the morning is when you have to throw dreaming out the window because as they said at the OJ trial, " If the glove don’t fit, then you must acquit“.

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by bigyin

Yes,that is it! I hope this helps you think it out.

I read some of the posts in your thread. One of the things I agree about is that a dream should not cause real pain and yet my example did cause me pain in a rather embarrasing place. I can still feel it as I type. Before somebody asks if there is bruising, well I will need to get a small mirror to have a look !

posted on Jan, 11 2010 @ 03:35 PM
alot of people seem to have had very similar experiences but I personally think, for me, it was just a bad dream.

I did feel like the force that was holding me down had some kind of evil presence about it, but i guess thats a given since it was holding me down lol.

It is the most 'real' dream i have ever had and, like some other posters here, remember it like it was yesterday but i just dont think its phsycic vampires, aliens, demons etc, I just think the brain a very powerful tool and can sometimes play tricks on you, especially when youre asleep, are about to sleep or have just woken up.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:18 AM
I had the same. Old hag. Coast to Coast AM gets 20-30 people calling in per month on the same thing.

It is a good test for you.

I found the solution for it. Look up the following term and you will find couple of solutions. I was able to fight off couple of demons when I was starting Astral travelling.

“In the name of Jupiter, father of all gods, I conjure you, Te Vigos Cossilim!” in your mind point with the index and second finger pointing at the demon like a gun in your hand. The demon disappears right away. I read this in the book by someone who calls himself Bellzebob.

here is also a link to another book...

Also remember that you manifest these things, they are real interdimensional beings. If you don't want them, they will go away, if you fear them, they will bother you more until you learn to do away with your fear.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 07:44 AM
I don't post on ATS much , im more of a lurker , but this Sleep Paralysis thread thread has made me want to reply.
Just last week Tuesday or Wednesday i was in bed during the day after doing a nightshift at work. I had my 1st sleep paralysis experience. It sounds quite similar to the OP's with the exception that the percieved danger i felt was not in the same room as me but instead was downstairs in my house. I too tried to get out of bed but was "paralysed" and unable to shout out ( though i tried in vain to scream like a big girl LOL ). I mentioned it on another forum i frequent and expected to have the P*** firmly taken out out me ( ridiculed for anyone not familiar with this term ) but instead i was met with pages upon pages of similar experiences.
Some people told of how it was quite a common occurence for them though to be fair at least half of them admitted to consuming copious amounts of alcohlol the night before. But what shocked me most was the fact that at least 75% of those who shared a similar episode had experienced it within the last week ( some for the 1st time like myself )
It makes me wonder if certain conditions whether atmospheric or otherwise can bring about such experiences.
I must also say that i realised after about 30 seconds what was happening to me after reading about similar stuff on here and was able to calm myself down and fall back asleep and wake up naturally
Ps: I had not indulged in the rutual of getting absolutely off my trolley before i had mine lol

[edit on 12-1-2010 by robert11s]

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by bigyin

This sounds like a demonic attack, which is what I would label any succubus/hag/incubus sort of experience. What you need to do is evict this thing from your home. Then you need to see why it came in the first place. You don't have to answer here, but it's important to know where you stand with God. Those saved, and filled with the Holy Spirit, have the power, through the Savior, to command such things to leave, and be obeyed. I actually ordered out a "ghost" for am unsaved friend, when tit was frightening her small son. She isn't christian, but she asked me for help. Yes, it worked, too.

For the cause, look at recent activity. Did you or someone in your home see a psychic? Palm reader? Use a Ouija board? Seance? Channeling? Anything that could be seen as an invitation to an evil spirit? Assuming you don't follow such practices, are you doing something that the enemy would see as a threat? Things to think about.

Just don't allow it to scare you; such things surely feed on fear. Take charge.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by nicm01

You might also consider that this entity sees your friend as a threat ti itself, and thus warned you away from him. Be careful about placing too much stock in such warnings. You never know the intent of the one you listen to.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by Tartarspoon

I did not train to speak during SP It's more like I was so pissed I forced myself to overcome the fear and do it.

It was really hard. At first all I could say was "shhh" then "Show" then "Show....Yourself".

Ass pissed as I was what I said still came out very calm and normal. In my head I was yelling my ars off lol.

I am glad I did not see anything that night tho.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by MConnalley

What ever helps you sleep at night buddy.

But you are absolutely right, if you stay calm and let it pass it's no big deal. The fun part is opening your eyes and seeing. I guarantee you one glimpse and your little hallucination explanation goes by by.

So keep your eyes closed.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by bigyin

Dude was it your bum or your jewels? Were are all grown ups here and you have already told us it's an embarrassing spot. So just get embarrassed and tell us.

If it's your balls, then don't worry to much about it. Those are just some guys doing their job. they are quick and they don't put you through to much. It's just a job.

Wait until you get something that takes it personal.

I had a being once put me through the ringer. I tried my tough guy bull crap on it and it showed me who was boss. It was so powerful it closed my eyes and pushed my face with such force I almost # myself. I talked to this being too...I started whimpering like a new born pup. once it let off I could feel every thought in my head.

This is very hard to explain. What I mean is (I learned this from this incident) we don't realise how our thoughts work. To us we are thinking in a fluid motion and this is not true. What our brain is really doing is shifting from one thought to the next so fast back and forth that it seems fluid.

Well when this being let me go it left me with a loud hideous sound that would rake through my brain every time my thoughts would shift. It was very painful but it showed me just how we think.

This being scared me so bad that I actually had to go sleep with my little brother in his bed because it kept coming back. I'm a 27 year old man with 20 year of experience with SP of all kinds. Let me tell you, this was one bad mother @#$%.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by bigyin

What movie were you watching? Do you take any medications? Have you been under any stress? What are your religious beliefs?

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Moonman1111

Remember,that our minds are a battlefield.We have satanic forces trying
to negatively affect our thinking and rob us of our free will daily.
I believe this member had a bad experience.We need to be more
sympathetic and opened minded.Saying it was a bad dream or something
he did before bed isn't helping any.
In my opinion,if you don't have a similar experience to post here,I would
suggest leaving this member alone.I don't want anyone ridiculing him for
posting an experience that bothered him.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by mamabeth
reply to post by Moonman1111

Remember,that our minds are a battlefield.We have satanic forces trying
to negatively affect our thinking and rob us of our free will daily.
I believe this member had a bad experience.We need to be more
sympathetic and opened minded.Saying it was a bad dream or something
he did before bed isn't helping any.
In my opinion,if you don't have a similar experience to post here,I would
suggest leaving this member alone.I don't want anyone ridiculing him for
posting an experience that bothered him.

Don't try to jump the gun and guess on my intentions, I was only trying to see what kind of movie he watched and/or what drugs he may be taking that could alter him in a way that would open him up to demonic attacks.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Moonman1111

I am sorry about that.I should have posted this as a thread post and not a
personal reply.I meant for it to be in general.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by bigyin

Look man, don't worry about it. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, of that you can be sure. All these thins sound frightening because they are but you will come out of SP felling perfectly fine, with no bruises or marks of any kind.

I could tell you not to lay in bed with the light on or in totally desperate fear but I know that you wont. It's just something you will have to get out of your system. But trust me nothing can hurt you. If there are things that can hurt you rest assured that there are others that are there to make sure they don't.

Say this every time you feel scared, "All of thou who is not if the light go back to whence it came!". You'll feel right as rain after saying that.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 12:44 PM
I swear to you that if you meditate for a good period of time in silence before sleep you will not have negatively oriented sleep paralysis episodes. When I used to indulge in alcoholic intoxication and other regressive activities, I would have sleep paralysis episodes a couple of times a week.. It stopped when I abstained from harmful stimulation and began to dedicate time to the self. The spiritual self.

Burn some sage around your room as well.. Highly recommend it.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Reptilian Ph.D]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:47 PM
thats pretty interesting. idk what really to tell you man.
othe rthan be as strong as you can. feel power in yourself.

i had an experiance somewhat liek that several nights ago.
i had just dozed off to sleep for about a minute. then i got that "sleep paralysis" feeling. at first i freaked a little bit. but i calmed myself. and i said mentally, things like "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" then i put in all my strength to moving. and i was able to lift my legs up a little bit. and once i was able to move them off the couch. i blacked out, and woke up.
the whole thing(including the falling asleep) lasted maybe 5 minutes.
you just gotta keep yourself strong. mentally and emotionally.
i wish you the best of luck in the future.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by wartooth420
thats pretty interesting. idk what really to tell you man.
othe rthan be as strong as you can. feel power in yourself.

i had an experiance somewhat liek that several nights ago.
i had just dozed off to sleep for about a minute. then i got that "sleep paralysis" feeling. at first i freaked a little bit. but i calmed myself. and i said mentally, things like "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" then i put in all my strength to moving. and i was able to lift my legs up a little bit. and once i was able to move them off the couch. i blacked out, and woke up.
the whole thing(including the falling asleep) lasted maybe 5 minutes.
you just gotta keep yourself strong. mentally and emotionally.
i wish you the best of luck in the future.

also i want to add, that after the experiance, once i woke up, i had gotten up. and for some reason. i felt powerful, almost like i could take on a whole army. idk if it has anything to do with what had happened. but i just fidn it strange.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 07:44 AM
In response to what I was doing prior to the episode:

the film was pretty mundane, that new one with meryle streep and steve martin... it was a rubbish movie btw.

I don't take drugs of any sort so thats not an issue

I did a couple of whiskies, but thats standard for me, nothing unusual.

What am saying is it was a pretty normal evening for me, nothing unusual happened.

Somebody asked if it was prodded in bum or jewels, well whatever you call the bit in between is where it hurt most.

Happy to say that nothing has happened since that one and only episode.

posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 02:25 PM
In the last 6 months I have been attacked at least once a week, It felt liked I was being raped. It starts with a something heavy on my lap and it feels if they are bouncing up and down as they spread my legs compleatly apart and work the way up to holding my arms down. It feels if I am being #ed like crazy. Along with the last 3 months at least once every two weeks I feel what feels like I come possessed, I feel my eyes roll back into my head, My body tightens everywhere, I bite on my lips. And while this happens my mind goes compleatly blank and I dont feel me but something else and I get this strange erotical sensation through out my whole body.

I have spoke to some of my medium friends about this and one has been there when it has all happen to me and they believe it is something way more powerful then a succubus.

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