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Why I will not fight the Illuminati

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posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Discordian Queen
reply to post by leftystrat

I already said if it weren't for the necessary abuse, I'd do it. Like I said, I've been reading up on these things for a long time.

and so it shows! Again, good on you for not being led! That's kinda what Leadership is about, actually! ;D

Abuse? In carnivale it was said like this:
Pain is not meant to be punitive. Merely, an unavoidable side effect.

Depends on how you view "pain" I suppose...

[edit on 7/1/2010 by EnemyCombatant74]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by leftystrat

I was wondering what you thought would be a positive outcome of a `molded mind'.

The positive outcome of a molded mind would be that of one who was looking as far back as he could see, in an effort to mold a future of his own devising!

So long as it is EARNED~~~

key word. Some call it KARMA~~~ i don't own a driver's license tho so, what do I know? Atonement is a sunuvagun. That's what keeps a lot of "religious" people from "kneeling".

The God Complex is inherent in every man and woman, is born unto every child. In certain circles, they are talking about the emergence of a Christ Conscious~ness. It's not going to be a "singularity".


This is about sacrifice.





So long as it is earned! Nothing worth doing in life, is easy, especially keeping your freedom, when you live in a tea party!

Sacrifice the ego-man, and resonate to the heart-woman!

It's coming anyways...try and fight it! We dare you!

[edit on 7/1/2010 by EnemyCombatant74]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Whine Flu
Welp, Discordian Queen. All I can say is "be careful what you wish for".

The theorised "Illuminati" goals may sound noble, but it's the way in which "they" would achieve it that make it sinister. Oh, and yeah, people like me and you would be first on the chopping block. But hey, if MK ULTRA seems up your alley, then more power to you.

Define MK Ultra, please I mean. I need to touch base on this one. Anyone want to clarify the meaning here? Manufacturing Killers variety? Rainbows and Kubrick? Monarch?


posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury

Originally posted by leftystrat
Ok, I'll bite.
How can a group that abuses children and kills people be other than bad?

How do you know that "they" abuse children and kill people?

I know many of their victims, plus it has been documented for quite a while.
How do you know they don't?

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Discordian Queen
reply to post by leftystrat

I'm obviously taking this much less seriously than you, sorry. But mostly, the outcome would be awesome art/ alternate reality games (since that's what I create, as opposed to music).

Let's not mince words. Buying an artists work is important. Why? So they'll be encouraged to keep working! Music is no exception, and is my preference to be honest! Though I do enjoy the visuals under the right environs! Mornings especially! ;D

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by elfulanozutan0

Originally posted by leftystrat
I'm not going to fight them either.

After all... there are SO MANY of them. And most of them are bigger than me!
They've got guns and armies and stuff. No way I'm messing with that.

I agree with a bit of what you said though.
However, the statement about their music being awesome is downright offensive

P.S. I hope you never have to suffer the fallout (or updates) of MK-ULTRA.


I agree with your music statement. On the other hand, there are not alot of Illuminati, since it is a secret society I would imagine that they don't have 1,000,000.

We need to realize that there are more of us than them. They may be able to exert more power, however if the awakened youth merge together we will be able to overpower with more enlightened individuals. We will be even more enlightened due to the fact that we want good to come out of it.

I cannot add anything to the above. Take that as you like, whoever happens to read this.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by EnemyCombatant74

Originally posted by leftystrat

Originally posted by Discordian Queen

Trust me, you don't want this. Read some of the non-fiction by victims or the plain old sexually abused. Their lives are a mess and there's no gain from it.

Well, throw a little Pavlov in there, and see what happens! Incidentally, did ya know, you don't HAVE to believe everything ya read! Incredibly, everything you beLIEve, is just a lie anyways!

I get the impression you're trying to tell me/us something but I'm just not picking it up.
Would you care to expand/expound?

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by EnemyCombatant74

Originally posted by leftystrat

Originally posted by Discordian Queen

Trust me, you don't want this. Read some of the non-fiction by victims or the plain old sexually abused. Their lives are a mess and there's no gain from it.

Well, throw a little Pavlov in there, and see what happens! Incidentally, did ya know, you don't HAVE to believe everything ya read! Incredibly, everything you beLIEve, is just a lie anyways!

I get the impression you're trying to tell me/us something but I'm just not picking it up.
Would you care to expand/expound?

[edit on 1/7/2010 by leftystrat]

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Kieithsage

Originally posted by Discordian Queen
I guess I just don't get it. They're trying to kill/sterilize people? MEH. We should have just controlled our population to begin with. Kill some of the awful people on this planet, and everyone ends up much happier. Maybe stop letting crazy people have 8+ kids, too. Because they're idiots. Give birth to one child, an if you want more, you can adopt, because there's plenty of kids out there who could use help.

I'd prefer if we had a rule of one child per couple. If you've already had a child with one person, you cannot leave them just to have another either.

yes,but their not just going to kill "all the bad people" they want to kill/sterilize people like you and me.I don't know about you,but that doesn't sound to "cool" to me. true,you should not fear them (because thats just what they want you to do. they control us by fear) and i do agree with you with some points like the "one child" rule and adopting. however,i cannot agree on the fact that they are NOT evil. poisoning our food and water and such.

If someone is trying to kill, or sterilize you, I would advise you to gather evidence of this reality and present it to the local authorities, and they will help you! You would have to be pretty paranoid to think out of all the cops in the world, they are drawn to us, in whatever city we happen to live in. Stats on that are through the roof i'm sure!

You're right of course about the control being maintained through fear based paradigms. After all, if a person is choosing not to control themselves...ya know...insert fascist control grid!


Poison in your foods? Certainly this would be provable. I am familiar with some of these topics, and i've seen some interesting videos to say the least, nothing that causes alarm in my mind tho...

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis
Well I will agree with the OP.

I also find myself agreeing with what the NWO/Illuminati wants accomplished. The honest truth is, even though their global warming crap is a scam, we seriously should not keep breeding so out of control like we do. Common sense would indicate that anyone who looks around can figure out the fact that we are awfully crowded already.
And I disagree with the argument that there is enough land on this planet to breed xxxxxxxxxxxxx more people. Really, the land that the breeder advocates suggest that we could start using to house more people is the habitat of numerous species of OTHER living beings that have the right to survive and thrive, too.

From what I understand, the "Illuminati" has a goal of reducing the amount of people on this planet, therefor possibly reducing the amount of land that we STEAL from creatures that had it before us.

One thing that astonished me was the environmental impact just ONE baby has on this planet. Just one baby, goes through incredible amounts of resources, including diapers. It just has to stop.

But then, eh, I've ranted about how I feel about this already. People just do not think any other species deserves to thrive and enjoy this planet.

So, let's keep bulldozing forests to accommodate peoples' sick obsession with breeding.

But hey, the "Illuminati" is just as guilty for how bad this situation has gotten - Afterall, they are the ones that mass-produce the diapers and formula used to encourage people to just keep breeding.

Did you know, Canada, as a country, of beautiful crown territory, is about 87 percent uninhabited as far as I understand! Can you imagine a country larger than other large countries, and not having a population problem, outside, not ENOUGH citizens!

Consider moving north of the border if that's your plight! ;D

I agree about the global warming = scam statement, not even worth debate really. Let the nerds worry about the nerds i always them and all....just, I was into GI Joe not erector sets and geogrpahy...

who "owns" the property of the world? The world isn't ours to own, when we really start to think about it, is it? Isn't ours to worry about, unless, that's our "faith based initiative". The thing that draws us here, like moths to a flame!

More people should feel welcome to move to Canada! Really, we got LOTS OF ROOM!

Straight up, breeding is not so much an obsession to be loathed and feared. It's just, female. Simple. And, what man doesn't want to please a female? Not "useful" ones anyways...

Our guilt lay only in that we are controlled by the same "existential cocktail mixture we call life".

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777
Why should I fight the NWO?

It's bringing globalization, from what I've picked up they are promoting new age theology (which really isn't called "new age theology") and they are revealing new technologies that a world that doesn't comply with globalization couldn't handle.

too true, too true...incidentally

I know a lot of people are enjoying blue ray technology this year! as if that doesn't enhance the life experience! guess who developed that technology? Soap anyone? I love counter-strike, but i prefer Love!


posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by scooterstrats
As per a previous post. I dont want to be "stiffled". That is all, as you were.

as soon as you really want to not be stifled it begins to happen more and more. Lines right up with how much you believe it from one day to the next!
Some days are better than others! But with the Grace of * * we go...

Go in safety!

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

Anyway, the illuminati just want to control everything basically and anyone that gets in their way has to go. To them, YOU nor I count as persons. That's all I need to know to keep them at muzzle's length away from me and my family. If you think a one-child rule is so good maybe you could emigrate to China, where everyone is equal and Tianenmen square never happened.

Hey I just checked out lady gaga thinking this was some horrible new pop diva, wow, she is talented! thanks for the tip, sometimes I am a dumbass.

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Asktheanimals]

Lady GaGa, as Sarah Slean once described, is a Love Terrorist. Dropping love bombs, like any good FANatic! ;D

Everyone of you counts as a human being to the Illuminati, never forget that, if only to observe that we need your tax dollars to keep the beast afloat! No it's not the money thing, printing machines are running pretty late these days anyways! Help is on the way!

Put your gun away, unless you're ready to use it, and then, make sure it's only to guard your, i'll be listening to the lovely lady, and other forms of the God Form, that I, worship at the altar of...;D


posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
One side says they dont exist.

The other side says they are evil.

Both of these positions are wrong. Which allows them to stay hidden.

Thaaaaaat's about the size of it, yes! Very nicely put. I cannot add anything to it!

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by leftystrat

Originally posted by EnemyCombatant74

Originally posted by leftystrat

Originally posted by Discordian Queen

Trust me, you don't want this. Read some of the non-fiction by victims or the plain old sexually abused. Their lives are a mess and there's no gain from it.

Well, throw a little Pavlov in there, and see what happens! Incidentally, did ya know, you don't HAVE to believe everything ya read! Incredibly, everything you beLIEve, is just a lie anyways!

I get the impression you're trying to tell me/us something but I'm just not picking it up.
Would you care to expand/expound?

[edit on 1/7/2010 by leftystrat]

sure, maybe Trance Formation of America is, just a book? I've seen the videos, so, no need to go there. I would just ask one question, if you believe in God, how could you think that control of the Illuminati, wasn't and i will quote here "Hers" to control, just as "they" try to control you?

Like the Joker said, it's all, part of the plan! And than, do I look like a guy with a plan? up and to a point. After all, that's what we're all on here. Cycles of life. Are you religious?

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask

Originally posted by Discordian Queen

Sure, Mk Ultra is pretty scary, but also pretty awesome that we can mold someone's mind like that.

Hell yeah! Just look how such studies/experiments have given them all the understanding of "the mind" enough to produce a whole nation's worth of apathetic people who think "MEH" when it comes to people dying.

Isn't it great to be a product of mind control?

I bet you wouldn't even flinch if they killed everyone you "do not personally know" and left you alone with an xbox360 and a few TV shows to keep you "thinking correctly".

Yeah...religion breeds hate...not godless, people-loathing, narcissistic babblers with no moral high-road or common care for humanity as a whole.

Really, why even tell us you won't fight anything? Its already apparent you wouldn't lift a finger or do a day's work to save a stranger from a single drop of pain or misery.

Have a great year!

[edit on 6-1-2010 by Mr Mask]

right, other people provide links too! haaar! So by MK Ultra, we are talking about all 3 and than some! Ok kool! Link established, i'll co-ordinate.

The apathy you detect is only because most people have to be shaken into a sense of Love, using a bit of a sense of urgency. This is why loved ones we have, will die in our life times, and why, we will pass in the life times of our loved ones.

Again, nothing to fear here. Not if you are living your life! Judging by the high level of sarcasm i may or not be picking up on, you most certainly are. Good for you. Act accordingly, but try not to stress out about what other people believe. Using other people's money, other people's magic(k), whatever, invariably yields the same results. That's the beauty in the process of customization. Like a tattoo, or something.

And in answer to your query, the reason someone starts any kind of discussion, is because they are hoping to connect to like minded people's of similar thought patterning. Again, I am reminded of a Giant Amazonian Like Woman, greeting with up lifted arm, and program codebook, every new comer to that fabulous city on the east coast, and to that fabulous country just to my immediate south!

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury

Originally posted by Skyfloating
One side says they dont exist.

The other side says they are evil.

Both of these positions are wrong. Which allows them to stay hidden.

Then there's a third side who hold that they do exist, but that they're not evil. Then a fourth who say that terms such as "good" and "evil" are mostly subjective to the observer and won't categorise them as "either" "or."

Which do you believe, Skyfloating? And which do I?

the game play really does become fun when everyone commits to certain understandings, understanding of course, that we're not meant to understand everything, every yet!


Having said that, the "Fifth Column" "Element" whatever, says that Magick is alive. Compassionate Fascism is alive. The rigid indecision of "past transgressor decision making" is about to be abolished from the human consciousness. Getting upset about things, will just be harder to do. Pretend it's because of a bunch of guys, smoking in a low lit room, or observe the natural change in the harmonic frequency of static human being when the elliptical orbit of the earth around the sun, in conjunction with the elliptical orbit of the moon around the earth, and you get...


Strap in kids, it's going to be worth waiting around for!

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by kepler

Kill some of the awful people on this planet, and everyone ends up much happier. Maybe stop letting crazy people have 8+ kids, too. Because they're idiots.

Who are you or any one else to decide who the awful people are? no one has the right to judge whether any particular person should live or die.

and people are free to have as many kids as they wish. the earth can still hold as many people as there is now. the only problem is that we have to find alternatives to energy and food consumption along with preserving nature.

Illuminati. if they're so clean and honest then why are they secret. why do they have a secret agenda? why are they linked to most of the revolutions and conspiracies?

I disagree. I think i'm a pretty good judge of character actually. Actually, being reminded of Ted Bundy earlier, huh! Yea...sometimes, when you least expect them, predators crawl right into your bed and try to get something before kissing you!

As Perry Ferrel(sp?) once said "Some people should die! That's just unconscious knowledge man, because, because...."

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Discordian Queen

Many people fail to realize the illuminati will fail. I have a theory based on human nature. Many humans are by nature greedy and seek power for themselves. You could build the tower of babel again and again it will fall. There is a true reason behind this. Who will get to rule the world when they conquer it? Surely they are human and will eventually start backstabbing each other to gain the upper hand.

The only thing that scares me is that these leaders are well educated in history, and their families have had the funding to experiment with global domination in the past. Proficiency eventually prevails through failure. What this means is that they study how humanity reacts to distress and they play off it.

Why do you think we have only one leader? So only one person takes the blame for many's mistakes. If you look throughout history you will see leaders fall, yet the nobles always remain. People think the leaders are at fault, what they fail to realize is the leaders are backed by aristocrats.

When the fight comes I will blindly fight against the opposite people.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by Discordian Queen
Sure, Mk Ultra is pretty scary, but also pretty awesome that we can mold someone's mind like that.

If you live in america you probably have loads of mind control in you already.

Just imagine if you went to school with people that wanted you dead, and they got in jobs using these techs, would they enjoy wrecking your life or what. You would not even know your life was being wrecked by them.

Yep great tech, not. you people should think about real world, before saying something is good or not.

So, asides from seeing that the technology is already in place, a governmental and economic substructure strata of bureaucracy is created already, what stops the Illuminati from taking over the world, right NOW?

As opposed to in 2 more years say, or however long, whatever is planned, actually happens?

Imagine taking a trip, walking through an airport scanner, and knowing that because you abide by the simple laws of societies, established long before any of us were born, because you are confident in the decisions you make in your life, you would know, and be comfortable with, an airport scanning machine that could, if necessary detect cancer, say, of the lungs.

Great technology indeed! What are we waiting for?

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