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Psy Time Travel 101

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:32 PM

Time-travel with a machine or the body is difficult because they are subject to the linear laws of the physical universe. Time travel with the mind or soul is easier because they can operate in the non-physical universe, "the field".

Thus time-travel is like remote-viewing but instead of only seeing a remote object one sees a remote time. One can perceive and subjectively experience other times and places in a semi-out-of-body state and gather information otherwise not obtainable. This information can then later be scientifically verified.

Sound too good to be true? For most people, who lack the discipline to learn the skill, it is. Lets take language-learning as an example. You`re not going to learn a language by only wanting to or liking it or fancying yourself a language-learner. You have to immerse yourself in the subject again and again and again, enter the terrain (rather than merely view the map), check and re-check. So time-travel is not any more difficult than learning a language. But how many people actually speak a foreign language fluently? Not that many.

I became interested in the psycho-spiritual time-travel possibility after having noticed it in the dream-state. I would dream a certain thing that came to pass weeks later. Or something would happen and in that instant I would remember having dreamed it. The malleable nature of time also became apparent when I noticed that some very lengthy dreams were building up to an event in the outside physical world...such as me running towards a cliff for what seemed like hours and the falling off the cliff and crashing, coinciding with a bookshelf falling on my body in waking-life. The realization was: "What seems like hours in a dream, can be a second in real life, and vice-versa". There were also time-anomalies in waking-life, which I will go into in later posts.

What follows is a general guideline of how it works.

1. Discerning between Imagination and Perception

Imagined things pale in comparison to the perceptual experience of actually "being there".Imagination comes from the mind and from various astral-fields and should be dismissed as a "surface layer" of thought-activity so that you can go deeper to the real stuff. Real perception is more lucid, vivid, three-dimensional, and arises on its own accord, involuntarily. Imagination is steered by the personal will. Personal will and imagination serve as an anchor, a vehicle to define a target to define what you are looking for, but after that both must be released in order for perception to "come up". Most of what people perceive as "future" and "past" is nonsense, astral-junk. In order to bypass nonsense, one has to practice totally neutral awareness. Neutral means biasless, not attached to an outcome, not attached to a desire, not trying to disprove something. If one goes remote-viewing with a bias, ones perceptions will be coloured and distorted by that. Some forms of meditative-training are helpful in telling distortion from reality.

True perception is also verifable later on. And this is where it gets exciting: You perceive something about a historical event that has not been published yet or was not known yet. Then you do a little research. And then you find that that event can actually be verified. Of course, as many records are lost, verification is not always possible. But it is recommended to sometimes verify your perceptions as to learn to discern between imagination and truth. Just going off into la-la-land without any grounding or scientific validity is useless. Getting paranormal perceptions confirmed and validated is useful and strengthens you. You may not be able to confirm things for others because closed-minds are unable to perceive the awesome, but you are not getting validation for others, you are getting it for yourself. Trying to convince others is often a waste of time.

So this practice asks for faith on the one hand and skepticism on the other. This sounds paradoxical, but it isn't, because they happen on two different levels: Absolute faith/trust mean that you explore with wholehearted sincerity. This is the emotional level. And Skepticism means you discern between Imagination and Perception. This is the intellectual level.


2. Technique

The body/mind learns through repetition and familiarity. So once you define parameters and technique, you should stick with the same procedure over and over and over again so that the body/mind learns how stuff works and what your intentions are.

For a time-travel session you need to define a time and a place. Its best to keep a Journal on all this (if you think you can do this without a Journal and notes you lack the discipline to make this real - cmon, get with it). On the first page of that Journal its best to have some kind of timeline or time-scale in which you have drawn various parameters, numbers and a few historical events as samples. The more "meat" you can give the mind, the more it will play along. So that when you start a time-travel-session you can pinpoint/mark the time you want to go to with a pen, before you close your eyes and go into the semi-trance state required.

Lets say I want to see what the Giza Plateu of Egypt looked like 8000 B.C., a time when there were supposedly no Pyramids there. So I would pinpoint that time on the scale I drew. And beside that point on the timeline I would write "Giza Plateu, Egypt". Even if there was no Giza Plateu there, spirit/mind know what you mean.

If you like, you can voice your intention/travel-destination out loud and back it up by chanting a long, drawn-out "OM". What this does is energize the intention you spoke. Intentions are spoken as matter-of-factly as possible, without doubt.

You then close your eyes and softly focus your attention on your general idea of the time and location (in this case Egypt 8000 B.C.). So you are using Imagination as an anchor - in this case imagining desert sand for example (not imagining a Pyramid because that would be putting too much bias/spin on it).

After 30 to 120 seconds of Visualizing like this, you let go of the imagined anchor. Forget about it. And whisper to yourself "I dont know anything about this. I ask the Universe to reveal it to me".

After whispering this to yourself once or twice, go deeper into relaxation but stay awake. Let go of any tension, release any muscle strain but remain aware. Do not deliberately imagine or think anything. There is an empty space in your minds eye and you simply wait for what comes up on its own. Flashes. Images. Perceptions. And in some cases it will feel like you are actually transported to that place you intended to go. If nothing comes up, dont force it. That means you currently dont have permission - respect that. If something does come up, fine. After 5 to 30 Minutes you open your eyes and write down in your Journal what you saw. Dont filter your writing, just write down what you experienced. In other cases you might fall alseep and it might happen that you are transported to the place and time in a dream-state. In that case, write your report after you wake up.

Those are the very simple basic parameters which can be done in many variations, depending on personal preferences.

For those serious about learning spiritual time-travel, some pieces of advice:

* Get stuff verified by mainstream sources (for your own reality-checking, not in order to "proof it to others")

* Dont try to prove anything to others, it sucks the energy right out of you and can lead to a weakening of your time-travel-abilities.

* Dont discuss this with or justify this towards so called "skeptics" and "materialists". Doing so weakens the intention.

* Do discuss it with the like-minded, exchange experiences with them, read about, talk about, learn about.

* Treat your hobby with love and care. You can only become expert in something you are commited to (if you give it up after a few tries its the same as with doing sports - you werent really that interested).

* Dont take credit for your paranormal abilities. All Ego-based pride weakens the energy to do this. The remote-viewing ability comes from "the field", not from you.

* Dont show-off your abilities or attempt to derive worldly gain from them. This sucks energy too.

* Your attention is without limits, it can travel anywhere. Essentially, remote viewing means to put your attention somewhere and then let go of Imagination.

Image 1: An anchor-picture from my Journal for the year 2080
Image 2: What non-linear time looks like

Enjoy your Trip!

[edit on 18-12-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:04 PM
This is a thread for the Discussion of Psycho-Spiritual Time Travel.

For a discussion on Physical/Machine Time Travel check out this thread

[edit on 18-12-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:35 PM
Great thread. i agree with all you have said, and i have this utmost faith that such abilities are real, and that there is much more out there.

But i can never seem to Experience any of it. i have lucid dreams, but most of them are on that thin line between lucidity and regular dreams. i know im in a dream yet i cannot control whats in the dream. And as for technique, i have no idea how to visit the astral using my own Will.

When i was a child, i would have completely lucid dreams, and a few other phenomena occur frequently, yet as i have grown older, this seems to have worn off.Conditioning, programming, who knows, but something has prevented me from experiencing such things.

It truly is a wonderful, amazing experience when your completely lucid, and free of physical limitations. Well at least from what i remember.

Love and Peace

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by M157yD4wn

I have the same type of thing, knowledge that I am dreaming yet no way of controlling it. That ability would be incredible, life could flip round, you spend less time awake, the ultimate video game I suppose.

I like the idea of time travel this way, my only problem being the naming of the location of your destination, but I'm just getting into this so I don't understand the workings of the mind/soul. Wouldn't that mean that your mind knew, or at least could access some ethereal database of, all the locations of the world and the names we have given them? Just seems a little mechanical.

Another well presented thread Skyfloating, star and flag. *lifts hat*

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by M157yD4wn

Lucid Dreaming is less difficult than Psy-Time-Travel. You can try something out tonight and tommorow tell me how it worked out: Stay fixed on one visualized-scenario (a beautiful one preferrably, but not sticky/sexual) as you fall asleep. Let that part of you that is aware of observing the scenario and sticking with it stay awake for as long as possible as all-else (body, mind) falls asleep.

If that doesnt give you a vivid full-blown lucid dream then you`re a tough case.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Sendran
Wouldn't that mean that your mind knew, or at least could access some ethereal database of, all the locations of the world and the names we have given them? Just seems a little mechanical.

The mind intends/targets and the soul usually knows what is "meant" - if the mind is specific. The idea is that "the field"/God can access anything. The intending is like a rubber-band - then one lets go of the rubber band and leaves it to "the field" in which way its going to present the information.

The problem with all this is that its not linear/mechanical/logical/graspable in statistical, mathematical or mechanistic ways. Thats why I recommend not bothering to try to proving this in a worldly way, but going by personal subjective experience and verification for personal purposes.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:15 PM
...oh and...

Originally posted by M157yD4wn
When i was a child, i would have completely lucid dreams, and a few other phenomena occur frequently, yet as i have grown older, this seems to have worn off.Conditioning, programming, who knows, but something has prevented me from experiencing such things.

More energy as a kid. Less thinking. Less exhaustion. As adults we`re so exhausted that we just fall into a sleep so deep we are unaware of dreams let alone lucid dreams.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:52 PM


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I observe a swirling transparent motion in my field of vision and I see other worlds/realities within the spiral. This occurs as I am falling asleep and my perception at this stage is already slipping away and just as as I reach that point I travel and or experience unusual things.

I have been in bed and then the very next moment suddenly become aware of a different perspective in a different room with very unusual happenings. I will sort of "snap or click" and I can feel my body but something else that is me is somehow transported and altered at incredible speeds. In this state I hear voices and see beings everywhere. I see colors that my physical eyes are unable to perceive.

Is this similar to your experiences?

I know it is a part of it in some ways but I am unable to control it. It happens when it happens and that is that. I know first hand that concentration and or focus on the desired effect greatly assists over time.

Great thread and I cannot wait for part 2. I will stick around for a while.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by awakened sleeper
I observe a swirling transparent motion in my field of vision and I see other worlds/realities within the spiral. This occurs as I am falling asleep and my perception at this stage is already slipping away and just as as I reach that point I travel and or experience unusual things.

The place between waking and sleeping is a gate for all kinds of stuff because the censoring mind is asleep but awareness is still there. OBE, Lucid Dreaming, Time-Travel, Dimensional Travel, you name it.

I have been in bed and then the very next moment suddenly become aware of a different perspective in a different room with very unusual happenings. I will sort of "snap or click" and I can feel my body but something else that is me is somehow transported and altered at incredible speeds. In this state I hear voices and see beings everywhere. I see colors that my physical eyes are unable to perceive. Is this similar to your experiences?

Sometimes. Sounds good

Great thread and I cannot wait for part 2. I will stick around for a while.

There is no part 2.

Its true that oneself doesnt control it though. One can influence it with intention, concentration but "the field" has final control over it.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:20 AM
Unfortuantely YOU are not more than your mind. Perceptions and thoughts are a result of memories... without actual memories what you are doing is imagining.

We all imagine things... some of us allow our personal desires to bias our perception. I used to think that allowing such mysticism as you are telling to exist was a bad thing, but now i see things quite diffently. I hope this allows all those that need it to carry on in life and understand a much greater reality.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Wertdagf

I don't agree with the idea that a person can't perceive beyond his own mind. I think that idea has been disproved in several ways long ago.

The problem with beyond-mind perception is that it really does take an exceptional amount of discernment. As the creator of this thread has stated, though, this skill can be learned.

I cannot say that I particularly have this skill myself. But I am not about to call all the people who have reported results doing things like this a bunch of self-deceiving fools. Who would assert such a thing, except perhaps a person actually afraid of what could be found out by someone with this ability?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:08 AM
The entirety of paranormal skills is not provable in a repeatable way but experiencable.

The reason its not repeatable in a mechanistic sense is because its not orchestrated by oneself in the first place.

So having lengthy discussions defending or justifying ones position on mystical abilities is a waste of time. One just enjoys the personal experience and verification.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Sendran
I like the idea of time travel this way, my only problem being the naming of the location of your destination, but I'm just getting into this so I don't understand the workings of the mind/soul. Wouldn't that mean that your mind knew, or at least could access some ethereal database of, all the locations of the world and the names we have given them? Just seems a little mechanical.

I agree...seems to me thinking of "Giza Plain" predisposes you to seeing them as you've already "seen" them as you named them!
I propose getting a good atlas and using the latitude/longitude of a place....much like real astrologers do...

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by SmokeyDawn

I agree...seems to me thinking of "Giza Plain" predisposes you to seeing them as you've already "seen" them as you named them!

Which is why one has to release that thought during the session or merely pinpoint it - in an atlas for example.

The atlas is a good idea.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 07:13 AM
I've had many dreams where I was either in the past or future. I believe I've had some dreams where I was in a possible alternate reality in the past or future as well. If you dream about something and then do something to change the present so that something else does not happen, then you'll be left wondering if it was just your imagination. However if you prevented something from happening that would have been far worse, you can feel better about that.

My belief is that there are a multitude of realities possibly parallel realities or timelines. The path you follow or your reality can be influenced by what you do or actions you take to help prevent going down a far worse timeline. I believe many people have dreams warning them about possible outcomes of future events if they continue to do something or follow the same timeline without altering their behavior.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by orionthehunter

I pretty much agree with everything you said - multiple time-lines, choice of timelines, dates with destiny, dreamscape-travel - its ALL real, ALL possible and ALL totally undeveloped in "modern" humans.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

You are very right. I dont hope to disprove this, because its something people need as a sorce of hope and power. Just like all other types of mysticism and ritual they give those who feel weak, strength. It really is beautiful the good a placebo can do. You will be healed according to you faith. Ive seen to many baby birds splat on the ground.. i wont push you out of the nest.

[edit on 19-12-2009 by Wertdagf]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
Just like all other types of mysticism and ritual they give those who feel weak, strength. It really is beautiful the good a placebo can do. You will be healed according to you faith. Ive seen to many baby birds splat on the ground.. i wont push you out of the nest.

Its funny you see mysticism as some kindergarden placebo. I see the exact opposite: Non-mysticism (materialism) addressing only a speck of dust in an infinitely vast multiverse.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:45 AM
Hi Skyfloating

Great thread! I've been wondering about this topic, couldn't find much on it. I've experienced something of this sort a few times in the last few years and I'm not sure what to make of them. Here's the main question I have: When you visited other times did you see it as an observer with no body to speak of or did you see it through the eyes of someone there?

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