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Pastor predicted the rise of Barack Obama as the Antichrist way back in 1970 !!!

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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by On the Edge
reply to post by The Riley Family

Well,we're all entitled to our opinions!

Are you saying that your belief is based on your entitled opinion? We would rather not base our life on anyone's opinion not even our own but rather God's. For the Lord says "there is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death".

I really don't understand where you're coming from,and I doubt that I will,so I will just respectfully agree to disagree and leave it at that!

Why have doubts? You trust your opinion. So what is your opinion on the name that is spoken of in these scriptures?

Matthew 24:4 ...“Be careful that no one leads you astray. 24:5 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will lead many astray.

Mark 13:5 ...“Be careful that no one leads you astray. 13:6 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and will lead many astray.

Luke 21:8 He said, “Watch out that you don’t get led astray, for many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is at hand.’ Therefore don’t follow them.

What name is used to lead "many" astray?

Looking forward to your answer

Sincerely, The Riley Family

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by The Riley Family

I don't mean to imply that I'm only going on "my opinion".

I've stated my beliefs about the Church of Rome being home to the antichrist,based on the scholarly interpretation of men far wiser than myself!

If someone says to me,"Jesus is here,come see!",I won't believe that,because we know "all eyes shall see Him",without needing to be told.(I would suspect Project Bluebeam.)

If someone in the Catholic church declares himself to be "God",I won't believe them either.

And I know already that many have come "in His name",and they are false prophets.

Maybe we don't disagree as much as we fail to agree? You don't think Rome is the Harlot described in Revelation? That "the Beast" gives it's power to?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 03:56 PM
The Antichrist will not come as a political leader. He will come as a religious/philosophical leader, that will be able to stop wars and do miracles. He will try to persuade everyone that is the Messiah, saying that all religions must be combined to one.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by On the Edge
reply to post by The Riley Family

based on the scholarly interpretation of men far wiser than myself!

11:25 ...“I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to infants. 11:26 Yes, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in your sight.

If someone in the Catholic church declares himself to be "God",I won't believe them either.

There is one in The RCC that declares himself to be God. As the scriptures say 2 Thessalonians 2:4 he who opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God or that is worshiped; so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself up as God.

This is nothing that is supposed to be new. As the scriptures state 2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness already works.

Maybe we don't disagree as much as we fail to agree? You don't think Rome is the Harlot described in Revelation?


The RCC claims this for themselves. As we stated earlier on the façade of the basilica an inscription in Latin reads, “the mother and mistress of all churches of Rome and the world.” Who are we to argue with her.

She is the mother, and who does she claim her daughters to be? Even though they hate their own mother, she is their mother nonetheless.

the Church of Rome being home to the antichrist

Yes, her and her daughters claim their home to be the house of God. Acts 7:48 However, the Most High doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says, 7:49 ‘heaven is my throne, and the earth a footstool for my feet. What kind of house will you build me?’ says the Lord; ‘or what is the place of my rest?

She is the mother of the abominations of the earth. The abominations are idols. You go to any of those houses and you will find idols made of wood, stone, silver, and gold. abominations to the Lord. That is why 666 is 6=vav=nail, 60=samech=prop/support, 400=Tav=mark/sign a cross, and 200=resh=head/leader.

That "the Beast" gives it's power to?

Revelation 13:2 ...The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. 13:3 One of his heads looked like it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled at the beast.

Jesus has; power, throne, great authority, fatal wound that was healed. He is marveled at, sits in the temple of God, set up as if he is God, has an image(s) made of himself, is worshiped. His name equals 616 j=yod=10 e=niquud=n/a, s=shin=300, u=vav=6, s=shin=300.

He will be taken out of the way, and then he will have life breathed back into him and he will deceive the people of the earth. An image will be made and this will be placed in the holy place.

Just a side note. For those who believe President Barack Obama, or any other human being, is the antichrist they should realize the last thing they should want to have happen to any of these thought to be, Lord forbid, is to be killed.

So if the president, or any other human being, thought to be the antichrist is kept healthy and alive they could not fulfill the role of needing to have life breathed back into them in order to deceive the world. So those that do believe President Obama is the antichrist you would think they would want to do everything in their power to defend him and pray that he is kept healthy and alive. In this way if they happen to be right then the prophecy can't be fulfilled and if they are wrong, and they are, no harm and no foul done.

As for the true antichrist, he will be destroyed through the revealing of who he is, no physical harm needed to be done to any human being for this to be carried out. Isn't that great.


[edit on 19-12-2009 by The Riley Family]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 04:25 PM
I wanted to mention a few new things on my mind. In revelation it is said that the beast has a wound that is healed. Isn't racism a wound? wouldn't that explain a lot. think about it. I honestly think that the ac would want to be a political leader. We truly don't have a world for holding philisophers in a good tradition. That was greek.

I wanted to take a moment of all the ac rumors to assure to those who do believe (call yourself what you want) that if this is true than Christ will and obviously is on earth as we talk about this. which is assuring to those who see the connections between everything

right now we await the war that is going to happen in Israel and iran see what happens. Then we have a temple to rebuild as well. thats the other step.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:21 PM

people will never give up

every time i see one of these threads, i picture some large, angry, white guy setting around his computer room screaming "WHITE POWER, WHITE POWER" holding his gun in one hand, and a giant cross in the other.

The anti-christ does not appear in the bible as a being. The anti-christ describes a way of thinking - anyone who willingly goes against Christ & his teachings is considered "the anti christ"

So saying Obama is "the" antichrist is actually just proving ones own inability to understand simple english.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Referring to the mortal wound,this is how I see it...

Revelation 13:3, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."


"....As we just saw, the "deadly wound" was given to the Papacy by Napoleon in 1798. The Vatican still continued as a church however. But she was completely stripped of her civil and political power just as the prophecy declared. Then, suddenly in 1929, we see the Italian government recognizing Vatican City once again as an independent state. This political move once again made the Pope a religio-political power! Just as prophecy said, the mortal wound that was administered in 1798 by Napoleon was supposed to be healed. Notice how the newspapers of that day actually used prophetic language without realizing it..

Mussolini and (Cardinal) Gasspari sign historic Roman pact.
"The Roman question tonight was a thing of the past, and the Vatican was at peace with Italy... In affixing the autographs to the memorable document healing the wound of many years, extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides" -The San Francisco Chronicle. Feb. 11, 1929


Pope Becomes Ruler Of A State Again

Rome, June 7.--From 11 o' clock this morning there was another sovereign independent State in the world. At that time Premier Mussolini, as Italian Foreign Minister representing King Victor Emmanuel--the first Italian Premier ever to cross the threshold of the Vatican--exchanged with Cardinal Gasparri, Papal Secretary of State, representing Pope Pius XI, ratifications of the treaties signed at the Lateran Palace on Feb. 11. By that simple act the sovereign independent State of Vatican City came into existence. -New York Times July 7, 1929

F ACT: Many know that the devil always seeks to mock or counterfeit the Truth in the Word of God relating to Christ and His ministry. For example.. the virgin birth was counterfeited by the birth of Tammuz the son of Nimrod on December 25. Have you ever noticed this though? Jesus walked the earth exactly 3.5 years before being killed. He then resurrected just as prophecy declared He would. The Antichrist walked about killing people for exactly 3.5 prophetic years, or 1260 days, which is actually 1260 years in reality. His "main man" the Pope is then "killed" by Napoleon when he dies in exile and the Vatican is no longer in power. But the Antichrist also resurrected in 1929! This prophetic jurisprudence is no mistake. Plus, it now leads to my favorite prophecy of all when exposing Rome and it's true Satanic fruit."....

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by DeathShield

This is true,the anti-christ will indeed,have the ability,to perform many and various miracles.
However,I don't necessarily believe,that he'll perform them supernaturally.
He could simply create,or help create,devices,that would make the blind see,and the deaf hear,among other things.

Since he is anti-everything,regarding Christ,I take that to mean,that we won't witness him,physically touching anybody,and healing them.
Christ himself,healed people by touch,so,the anti-christ,will obviously use alternate methods,which again,I believe,will be via electronic devices,quite possibly,devices,that will attach themselves,to the brain.

Fact is,I believe,that the anti-christ,will have the knowledge,and the capability,to cure anyone,of absolutely anything.
And all you'll have to do in return,is swear absolute allegiance to him.

Anyway,I'm sure we will all,be able to recognize him,when the time comes.
For one thing,the majority of the worlds population,will be won over,almost immediately,by him.
There will be very few,who will be able to see him,for who he truly is.
At least,that's my personal understanding.
Once he takes power,every single one,of the worlds problems,will instantly be solved.
No more war,no more hunger,etc..etc..
Fact is,most people,will be so completely overwhelmed,by all the good,that he accomplishes,that,they won't wan't to believe,anything negative,that's said about him.
They'll refuse to believe him,anything,other than the savior of all mankind.
These types of people,will gladly accept the mark.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by zombie_saurus_rex

You make some great points!

I've also thought since the "antichrist" won't have the ability to see things as God does,his system needs the all-seeing eye of cameras,tracking devices,etc...

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by On the Edge

It only seem's logical,that someday,we will all be listed in one huge database.
What I can't narrow down though,is how exactly we'll be tracked.
An RFID chip,or a scannable tattoo?
One of those two,has to be the mark,right,or at least,have something to do with it.

It's freaky,just how often,human trackable implants,are displayed in movies and t.v.
For instance,the movie Casino Royale.
Human electronic implants, go back as far as Logans Run.
In the movie,people were implanted at birth,the implant would be placed in their hand,I forget which hand though.
Anyway,once a person reached a certain age,the color of the implant would change,automatically signalling,that it was time for them to die,meaning,be executed.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by zombie_saurus_rex

when social security was first implemented, that was the "sign of the beast"

when credit cards became huge - those were "the sign of the beast"

there will always be someone bored dude out there who can find some way to link mythology with relaity.

thats becuase mythology is born from just doesn't imitate it.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Let's see, this "antichrist" hokum comes from the same book which claims that all of humanity's problems can be traced back to a talking snake?

Tell me another credible story.

[edit on 20-12-2009 by Lilitu]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by Snarf

You're right.
It is quite possible though,that social security cards,were merely stage #1,on the road,to the final mark.
I'm just speculating,because,that's really all I can do,at this moment.

According to my beliefs,the mark is indeed coming,in exactly what form,and
how,it will be implemented,is any persons guess.

Thing about it is,this is the very first time,in all of history,where the capability, to track,every single living creature,man or beast,is possible,and is currently happening.
A persons every movement,can now be constantly monitored,no matter where you are,or what you're doing.

Very soon,their will be a device,that will be able,to monitor,your every thought,and emotion.
Because,thats what the government wants,and what the government wants,it usually always gets,sooner or later.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by Lilitu

The part about the talking snake,in the garden of eden,is most likely,not literal.
Unless,creatures were actually able to speak,in that time period.
They could have,if God gave them the ability to.

Speaking of speaking,it's hard to believe,that at one point in biblical history,every single person on earth,spoke exactly the same language.
This is in reference to,the time period of,the first tower of babel.

[edit on 20-12-2009 by zombie_saurus_rex]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by zombie_saurus_rex
The part about the talking snake,in the garden of eden,is most likely,not literal.
Unless,creatures were actually able to speak,in that time period.
They could have,if God gave them the ability to.

That seems to be the primary attribute of imaginary friends. They can do anything.

posted on Jan, 7 2010 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by zombie_saurus_rex
reply to post by Snarf

You're right.
It is quite possible though,that social security cards,were merely stage #1,on the road,to the final mark.
I'm just speculating,because,that's really all I can do,at this moment.

According to my beliefs,the mark is indeed coming,in exactly what form,and
how,it will be implemented,is any persons guess.

The mark on the head is bowing down to and the mark on the hand is serving the anti of Christ.

Thing about it is,this is the very first time,in all of history,where the capability, to track,every single living creature,man or beast,is possible,and is currently happening.
A persons every movement,can now be constantly monitored,no matter where you are,or what you're doing.

Very soon,their will be a device,that will be able,to monitor,your every thought,and emotion.
Because,thats what the government wants,and what the government wants,it usually always gets,sooner or later.

This device has always existed. That is why he said Matthew 12:36 I tell you that every idle word that men speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 12:37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” and Matthew 12:2 But there is nothing covered up, that will not be revealed, nor hidden, that will not be known. 12:3 Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. What you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. This device is called God, and your right when you say his government gets what it wants. Amen to that. That is why he says Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done. Amen to that too.

The Anti of Christ is (hint: many will come in my name)

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Israel Versus Iran

Originally posted by Raider of Truth
reply to post by DeathShield

If you know the story you find out the AC is only transformed when the "host" (Obama) recieves a mortal headwound , when he recovers the antichrist spirit(Satan) is in his body controlling him performing false miracles and making statues talk and using the UN(the heads) for total world control and rebuilding the temple where he will sit on the throne and proclaim himself the messiah.

So Obama may be assasinated soon, and then come back to life, and the world will reconise who he is and marvel after the beast. It will be the counterfeit of what Jesus Christ did when He died and rose again. Look for Damascus to be destroyed soon as well. Interesting times ahead.

Hi Mossad

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Israel Versus Iran

Originally posted by Jordan River

Have you been in a church? everyone saids the same thing about the anti christ. This is what I would tell you if I was a sceptic.

Well I just think it's very interesting how this Pastor said a Negro, or some where in between, and that the youth movement would sweep him in to power. I have been in churches, and most of them don't talk about subjects like the Antichrist, because they don't wanna scare people away by being negative.

That preacher is an old school preacher - a real preacher. Not one of the ones today that stand up there for an hour, telling jokes and talking about their childhood and rise to "fame". The "Cotton Candy" preachers - they worry more about increasing their "visitors", for more money in the collection buckets, than they do about preaching salvation.

And it's not this preacher's prediction - all of these things (signs) are discussed, in detail, in the King James Bible.

I miss the old preachers of yesterday.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by The Riley Family

I know some people subscribe to that theory - Pastor Arnold Murray for one - but if that theory is true, what about the "not being able to buy or sell" which the Bible says the mark will affect.

I'm not disagreeing with this theory entirely - just questioning how it could be the "mark" when the Bible states that if we don't have the 'mark' we won't be able to buy or sell.

That part is what keeps me leaning towards the 'mark' being an actual chip - that has a person's financial accounts, medical history, shoe size (LOL) and everything scanned in.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by zombie_saurus_rex
reply to post by On the Edge

It only seem's logical,that someday,we will all be listed in one huge database.
What I can't narrow down though,is how exactly we'll be tracked.
An RFID chip,or a scannable tattoo?
One of those two,has to be the mark,right,or at least,have something to do with it.

It's freaky,just how often,human trackable implants,are displayed in movies and t.v.
For instance,the movie Casino Royale.
Human electronic implants, go back as far as Logans Run.
In the movie,people were implanted at birth,the implant would be placed in their hand,I forget which hand though.
Anyway,once a person reached a certain age,the color of the implant would change,automatically signalling,that it was time for them to die,meaning,be executed.

That's because satan is also a permanent resident of Hwood - he has been behind this entire 'nwo' for centuries. Using movies, books, celebs, television, etc. to push his plan.

And the "chip" is already here, my friend - . Digital Angel

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