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Why fear a one world government???

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:16 PM
Wouldn't this help keep the far out there ones in line? Wouldn't this PREVENT all the crappola you are seeing now???

Mabey with a one world government, instead of other countries being duped into this swine flu crap, instead all it's instegators would be arrested etc, many countries are rejectiong the vaccines etc....

Not ALL countries are following suite.

MANY countries ban food etc from the US that is full of chemicals etc.

A one world government could end this rediculous codex crap probly too...

I can assure you, the rest of the world is against most of the oppression crap going on.

I really do not understand fear of a one world government.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:23 PM
I think its alot to do with as long as the person being tortured or destroyed by government, is not you. People are just fearful that government control will get so big, that it will come down on them.

Do you want people deciding, everything in your life, as thats what my life is now, in london.

By the way i want there to be one world government, as i think the world needs it no matter how it is. But people also forget they have a part to play in this system.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:28 PM
My problem isnt with a one world government, it is with who would run that government.

Ways of life are not global.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:30 PM
One world government translates as global citizenship to me. No more nonsensical xenophobia or unreasonable barriers between people. Everyone will realize they are in the same boat and that will definitely be good in a general sense.

I also don't understand why fear a one world government.
Specially because as I understand it it would be pretty impossible to govern the entire world by one central headquarters. One world government basically means to me a central place of distribution of resources.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:31 PM
I think a one world government would be much more under the controll of the people.

There would be less room for these abuses, as then there would be the entire planet to stick together and revolt, not just a few here or a few there.....

I think many injustices would be erased, as not all world leaders are corrupt.....

Like right now, a few bullies are aloud to get away with things because the teacher isn't in the playground, to stop them...

Like an abusive relationship for person can get away with being an abuser in public, so they put on a mr/mrs charming act, and have to keep up their appearances......if they do not completley isolated their abuse ictom, someone eventually speaks up, or gets rid of, or beats the crap out of the abuser, some how it is stopped when out in the open......

Less isolation, and more out in the open, closes doors to opportunities for abuse.......

(just a few thoughts)

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

There are probably more then 90% of really poor people in the world.
If the people who are in power don't do any good to the poor just imagine a couple of billion people uniting to make things change. And it would be fairly simple since there would already be a whole system that reaches the entire world. Billions could put and maintain in power whoever they felt was best since they would realize that they are all the same in the exact same situation.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:48 PM
Would you seriously want the government to hold the world military in its hands? It will usher in a corrupt leadership ruled by the UN as a whole. The UN has no other interest then to line their own greedy fat cat pockets with hard earned money. I am all for sharing my money with people living in poverty but I am not willing to give up money for a one world bank.

That means no resistance if the government becomes a dictatorship. The world can't revolt against evil because the united government would control all the media and public transportation.

You may think a one world government is for the best, but nothing good ever comes out of a dictatorship. You won't have a voice left to speak with because everything is already planned.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:53 PM
With corruption at the highest levels of every single government in this world...

What makes you think that a 1 world government will be any different????

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Equinox99

Well, maybe transportation and the media would be totally controlled (I doubt it many people in the entire world would have to fall corrupted for this?) but there would still be at least 80% of the worlds population being oppressed.

Now imagine 80% of the world population simply deciding to do NOTHING at all. One week of everyone sitting around and refusing to do anything. They can't force people to do stuff. And if all these people are capable of doing NOTHING they will soon realize that true power is with them, that there is no bank, no military, nothing if they don't agree with it.

Right after that they would be excited enough to march and build a new and just government, and it would be easy because there would already be a system implemented, no need to think hard on how the new system should be. Maybe a little descentralization of political power, but a one world central organization of distribution of resources is a damn good idea and the dictators headquarters would serve well for that.

People just need to realize that they are all in the same boat to actually create what they want together.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by mellisamouse

No, a one world government won't solve everything. We've got countries filled with dissidents. Why would a greater controlling government make it all better? Oh, yes. It could work. A global police force that squashes dissent. Yeah, that would be good. sarcasm intended. One law fits all doesn't work. Need examples? Just check history.

Christians have an idea, though. Jesus comes back to the planet in a cloud. All who don't accept him die. And apparantly, those that are on the fence, who don't accept, yet aren't evil, just get to be barred from entering the new Holy City of Jerusalem. Talk about marginalizing folks and fomenting dissent.

Ah, yes. Global governance will be much better.

Do you see where it all will probably break down? Rules and laws that apply to peoples who are diverse, not only in experience, and culture and religion? It won't work any better than what we have today.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
reply to post by captaintyinknots

There are probably more then 90% of really poor people in the world.
If the people who are in power don't do any good to the poor just imagine a couple of billion people uniting to make things change. And it would be fairly simple since there would already be a whole system that reaches the entire world. Billions could put and maintain in power whoever they felt was best since they would realize that they are all the same in the exact same situation.

I'd say its probably more like 50% that are REALLY poor.

A couple hundred thousand people are kept at odds in every corner of the world by a few simple suggestions. How do you figure that a few BILLION would unite, when even the smallest groups can't manage to do so? Also, do you really think that a one world ruling class would allow the impoverished to unite?

Finally, just because it is a O.W.G., that doesnt mean that everyone is all of a sudden neighbors. It would be no different than it is now-different spin for different corners of the earth, different propaganda for different groups, indoctrinations to make people in Australia think they are more patriotic to the gov't than those in mexico.

Simply switching to a O.W.G would not change anything, it would only give even more power to an even smaller group of people.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:05 PM
I think that the problem is with people transposing the nation government to the global government. They fail to analyze the situation in my opinion though. Every factor will change so this world government will actually have a totally different conceptual value of the nation government.

For example, economy with national governments works through the exchange of resources and benefits. There is a giant game of interest in wich each country tries to get more out of the other. But in a world government there are no other governments to get an interest out of, there is no competition, no striving to get resources that other governments have, no game at all since the government would have access to everything. There would be no motivation like there is now to increase power and financial gain, it would soon become tedious for the dictators.

Its a totally different situation which will require a totally different concept of government. I think thats why people fear it. Because they already unlike the government as it is now and they just imagine it in a bigger scale when in reality it would be something totally different because they fail to analyse the situation through a larger picture.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Because it is being forced on us....death, and destruction is what it brings!
A world lead by a few stuck up elitest snubs with a silver spoon in their hands in charge of the world...heck no!~

George Burns, of the Simpsons, whould fit the profile of these NWO controlers.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:15 PM
Well I have this link
to offer

[edit on 25-11-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Geladinhu
I think that the problem is with people transposing the nation government to the global government. They fail to analyze the situation in my opinion though. Every factor will change so this world government will actually have a totally different conceptual value of the nation government.

For example, economy with national governments works through the exchange of resources and benefits. There is a giant game of interest in wich each country tries to get more out of the other. But in a world government there are no other governments to get an interest out of, there is no competition, no striving to get resources that other governments have, no game at all since the government would have access to everything. There would be no motivation like there is now to increase power and financial gain, it would soon become tedious for the dictators.

Its a totally different situation which will require a totally different concept of government. I think thats why people fear it. Because they already unlike the government as it is now and they just imagine it in a bigger scale when in reality it would be something totally different because they fail to analyse the situation through a larger picture.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by Geladinhu]

I get what you are saying, but realistically, you just cant expect that 'everything would change'.

We have a world bank right now-banking would not change and would stay in the hands of the select few that it is now.

There would be no other gov'ts to compete with, meaning their rule would be law. Afterall, gov'ts are there to protect their assets(OF WHICH THE PEOPLE ARE). Suddenly, under single rule, all people are the assets of one government.

Also, you said it yourself-the gov't would have access to everything. Personally, I have an issue with a gov't controlling and regulating everything. No one has that right.

And, quite frankly, absolute power corrupts, absolutely. Give one group control over everyone, and that my friend is absolute power.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:24 PM
Because of the background and means of action of those who want to establish it.
2nd line

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:28 PM
A one world government would still mean government in every city but they will answer to one government. If one city decides to riot because of horrible living conditions, media will flip the script to make them look bad, then police would enter to subdue the terrorists.

If the government was out of control there would be no way to stop it. China alone has enough troops to suppress all of Asia. If you combine all the world super powers, they would be unstoppable.

And don't give me that cops will help defend us, because cops could easily be replaced by the guys next town over.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:31 PM
Regardless of what people think, a one world government is inevitable. Whether it happen this year, next year, or in a hundred years, it is going to happen. In fact, it could be argued that we already live in a world government, because most of the big long-term decisions of any nation are based upon communications and relationships with other nations. The united states of america could be viewed as one of the united states of the world.

Any one with any foresight into the future would realise that a world government will come... it is a part of evolution. Do you see an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization coming to earth under the name of separate state countries? Of course not! They would come as one species, because in truth, they are all the same, and so are we. The question remains is what form will it come in?

I personally see it coming first as a more powerful UN, made out of 5 major components; the north american union, european union, african union, middle eastern union, and asian union. Russia would probably end up with the asian union.

The fear from world government comes first from fear-mogerers, and then from the idea that it will be run by corporate elitists who care little at all for the people. Although they may be running the scene right now, I dare you to ask any member of the army whether they would be a part of any kind of totalitarian, oppressive, one world government police force. It may seem like people wouldn't do anything in the face of oppresion, however there is an invisible line that exists within the scale of freedom. As soon as this line is crossed... TSHTF. Take a look at any revolution in history and you will know what I'm talking about. The main idea is that if this line is crossed in the near future, it won't be a national revolution, but an international revolution!

What do I see in the far future? (i.e. hundreds to thousands of years, assuming we don't kill ourselves)

One world government run by a council of elders; people pure of heart and right of mind who will make decisions based on their valued outcome on earth as whole; not on a national or personal level. Ressource exchange program where all ressources are distributed equally, and sources of personal incomes won't come from industries of the 1st tier (agricultural, fishing, mining, ect), or 2nd tier (manufacturing, processing). These will be accomplished by robots and computers, human work will be a small part service, and for the most part, informational.

Ironically, I was just thinking about starting a thread about this subject... far too many people have been misinformed about what a world government is.

[edit on 25/11/0909 by Monts]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by Monts

I'm telling you right now folks, if you think this ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT is intended to be sweet and friendly and the beginning of World Peace, you will be in for a rude awakening.

The masterminds behind it have been commiting atrocities to humanity with every passing year of their plans. They are entrenched in our government, they have infiltrated virtually every group in this country. They handle a great deal of the Drug and Pharmaceutical industry through CIA operatives. They sacrifice children in their intitiation and rituals that bond them in secrecy and bondage to the group. Anybody who tries to defect will be killed, if they can get their hands on you.

The first people that will be killed when martial law is in place and FEMA camps are opened up will be Blacks and Mexicans. They will kill you and get rid of anybody who opposes their World Government Agenda. It is believed by some that the Swine Flu Shot contains a tiny microchip.

The New Totalitarian government they will set in place will be mass mind control. Do not trust them, they are responsible for all our wars, they've funded various movements to make the people believe what is true and what to go along with.

These people will massively depopulate the Earth, and when they are in charge of all the agriculture in the world, you will be left with dead food rationings, malnutrition, swift death, trust me, these people see you as a plague on the earth. They want to establish a controlled society, they want eugenics, they have guillotines in place.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Pocky

I'm not afraid of dying...So let it come!
Whatever the heck a one world government will be sounds more exciting than the crap we are having now. At least people would be more aware of the conditions they are in.

I won't move for fear. I'll move for change.

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