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I WILL bash on Obama, every chance I can get.

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posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Don't you ever get tired of spreading lies and deception?

Is that what ATS has become, a christian fundamentalist hate group trying to convince everyone muslims are evil and must be destroyed??? Get over your sick ass agenda and open your eyes to see the world for what it truely is my sick friend!

Do you know what gnosis is? It transcends organised pseudo-religions and speaks of truth. Of course most of these people are well educated and look for true spiritualism through masonic affiliations or just like to study for themselves without belonging to any group. The real truth can be found, but as with anything else, it takes a little effort on your part.

In the meantime, stop believing everything they tell you and LEARN TO THINK FOR YOURSELF!

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:48 AM
A little more food for thought-

How can president obama be a communist, socialist or even a fascist AT THE SAME TIME? It is IMPOSSIBLE because each one of these political ideologies is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT! It's as though someone is black AND white.

Please open a high school textbook and learn something rather than come on ATS and give everyone a hard time with your utter ignorance and stupdity. Until then I am not gonna respond to such threads because they DIVIDE AND CONQUER rather than inform and unify...

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Here are 6...

* Passing stimulus bill (even W's boys said we needed it).
* Ordering the closing of Gitmo and ending use of institutional torture.
* Setting a timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat forces from Iraq.
* Removing restrictions on stem cell research
* Signing the law to allow women to sue for equal pay for equal work.
* Weeding out lobbyists even though it has made it nearly impossible to fill his cabinet.
* Lifting (some) restrictions on Cuba (hopefully cigars by end of 2010)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07

Don't you ever get tired of spreading lies and deception?

I provided the links to news articles that back up my claims. You failed to do your homework prior to voting for this Manchurian candidate. We'll have to agree to disagree.

Of course it's quite possible and even likely that you like communism and so further arguments are pointless.

By the way communism and Islam are not polar opposites. They have worked quite well together for many years. Much of the Middle east were soviet client states during the cold war. Moreover there are some radical terrorist groups that are Muslim and communist, though somewhat rare.
Soviet Muslim Terror Groups

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 06:09 AM
Lionel McIntyre, a black Columbia professor, punched a white lady in the face at a bar. Can Obama have a beer with this guy?

Is Obama causing this racial hatred against white people?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 06:25 AM
Biden's Secret Service runs over and kills a pedestrian...

Again, are Obama's remarkable mental powers causing this insane behavior? Can he sit down and have some beers with the SS drivers?

Matt Drudge is doing a great job of linking the Obama lightning rods.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
Of course it's quite possible and even likely that you like communism and so further arguments are pointless.

Actually I like socialism, not communism.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 07:18 PM
Why is this president so bold? I honestly feel we have reached critical mass in this country. They have a large amount of the population that feels socialism is good. They will not let this go to waste, I believe we have very little time as a free country. It is by no mistake their are some radicals in high positions. Could you even imagine this 20 years ago. The feeling you have in your gut is not wrong.

I truly hope I am wrong I really do. I think they are waiting for something bad to happen and then they will pull the switch. At some point in time 2+2=4, no matter how bad we want it to equal 5. And just to be clear I never believed in conspiracy theories until about 6 months ago. But this one is just to hard to look away from. I truly, after looking at the facts feel this has been planned for many years and slowly put into action and the reason they are so bold now is they dont care because it is going to happen very soon.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Subjective Truth]

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Subjective Truth]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

You sound like Glenn Beck. Also 9/11 happened over eight years ago. As much as you might think it, Obama had nothing to do with it.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
Why is this president so bold? I honestly feel we have reached critical mass in this country. They have a large amount of the population that feels socialism is good. They will not let this go to waste, I believe we have very little time as a free country. It is by no mistake their are some radicals in high positions. Could you even imagine this 20 years ago. The feeling you have in your gut is not wrong.

Your assessment is flawed at a fundamental level for many reasons......

I have neither the time nor the patience to fully explain everything to you but you can start englightening yourself by studying the following:

1)Federal Reserve Bank of America
2)Act of 1871

To make it really short and sweet, the elite banking families of europe have managed to get a choke hold on america(and other countries), as well as pollute/destroy every major domestic and international governing body.

These people are above the law and answer to very few(if any) people.

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
I truly hope I am wrong I really do. I think they are waiting for something bad to happen and then they will pull the switch. At some point in time 2+2=4, no matter how bad we want it to equal 5. And just to be clear I never believed in conspiracy theories until about 6 months ago. But this one is just to hard to look away from. I truly, after looking at the facts feel this has been planned for many years and slowly put into action and the reason they are so bold now is they dont care because it is going to happen very soon.

If we are talking about the same conspiracy then yes it will be very difficult to derail. However all the political parties are not the same and if unadulterated socialism is/was good enough for western europe then I fail to see why it cannot be for america.

Simply stated, socialism is the middle road between capitalism and communism. It's not fascism and it certainly isn't communism. If you had taken political science courses in high school or college you would have known that.

[edit on 14-11-2009 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 12:23 PM
The whole idea is to eliminate the government above the government.

What is the best way to do that? Level the playing field by declaring everything important to society as PUBLIC PROPERTY! I cannot accept the american government being run as a corporation. Neither should you!

For example, the *issuance of currency* has been relegated to private banks instead of the treasury department. Thats why america has amassed 10 trillion dollars of debt. Thats why every country has debt instead of surplus. How can you have a surplus when you have to borrow and pay interest?

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 03:03 PM
The Republicans are still on Obama for wasting time making decisions about Afghanistan.

First the Media starts mumbling about Obama wants to send troops, and now the Media is saying Obama is not taking the War Against Terror seriously.

The Hussein O. is looking more and more foolish. He is going down the dangerous pathway with this weak liberal garbage he is pushing.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I agree with you that it appears as if european banksters have been calling the shots for a while. I completely disagree with you with regards to the idea that socialism can be a force for good in any possible way. It cripples economies, and hands exorbitant power to the elites who run the socialist economy. It is no improvement over banksters controlling the economy.

The founding father of the democratic party, Thomas Jefferson would be appalled at it's current representation. What happened to the government that governs best governs least?

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Cabaret Voltaire
The Hussein O. is looking more and more foolish. He is going down the dangerous pathway with this weak liberal garbage he is pushing.

The weak liberal garbage he is pushing has at this point in his presidency kept the USA safe from another 9/11 sized attack. The same cannot be said of his conservative predecessor at this same point in his term.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders

Originally posted by jmotley

I don't know, what's wrong with being a mass killer and worshipping satan then?

So Now your calling all Muslims mass killers and say that they are worshipping satan. Tell me what makes ALL Muslims mass killers? With that mentallity no wonder people bad moutn christians.

Hitler was an occultist and a member of the Pagan Thule society, as is well documented. He did everything in his power to undermine the christian faith while pretending to be part of it. I could get into the other examples, but your preconceived notions would make it impossible to break through the layer of lies.

Some quotes for you from hitler:
"The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the National Socialist state by the Catholic Church. This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism [Nazism] is hostile to religion is a lie." Adolf Hitler, 22 July 1933, writing to the Nazi Party (quoted in John Cornwell's "Hitler's Pope" )

"As we see in Christianity the unshakable foundation of moral life, so it is our duty to continue to cultivate friendly relations with the Holy See and to develop them."
(from Hitler's speech to the Reichstag on March 23rd, 1933, in which he indicated the programme of his Government. See Universe, March 31st, 1933.)

Also this states that the church was happy to have and a corwad when it mattered. - So long as Adolf Hitler was in power,
his Roman Catholic Church
never questioned his Catholicism
- at least not in public - which is
where it mattered politically.

Whats wrong with being a Muslim is that it is a devil worshipping religion set on fire by hell. The so called Muslim Holy book has a clear call for all true muslims to kill and torture non believers.

You mean like the Christian Church did for centuries. Having Studied the Koran I saw nothing it that was any worse then the violence and sexism preached in the Bible.

[quoteIt's not hard to find both the direct teaching and the practice of this belief. By contrast Jesus commands his followers to love their enemies and to not repay evil with evil.

Thats funny I remember hearing about people burning at the stake for not wanting to accept Jesus as their lord and savior. Or how about drawn and quartered, hot pokers, cut out tounge. And this was supposedily from men of christ following what the "good book" said.


Here are some known christian terrerist orgs; Christian Identity, Christian Patriot, Army of God, This is just to name a few. How many Terror Orgs can you name that are muslim besides Al-Qaeda. If you want I can run down a list of Athesit also.

Sorry they don't even qualify as terrorist groups, and certainly not as christian for the most part. Even the majority of christian identity and British Israelism and so forth do not embrace any kind of violence as part of their agenda. But the ones you hear about from your favorite brainwashing session on corporate controlled media of course all are.

Just take a look at the FBI terrorist watch list and you will see these org. They do claim to do GODs work. The Christian GOD

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by jmotley

Just take a look at the FBI terrorist watch list and you will see these org. They do claim to do GODs work. The Christian GOD

OK thought I'd take you up on the offer. It seems there is not a single so called christian terrorist in the top 25. All of them are muslim except for one hyper liberal animal rights terrorist.

By the way these are people who actually have been indicted and have evidence of dangerous terrorist activity. It paints quite a picture.

Obviously we must be racist and xenophobic for not combing through all the southern baptist registries to find an appropriate christian we can vilify.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:16 PM
Alright, call me an idiot Canadian, but what is so wrong with Socialism? I have lived in the United States, and I now live in England, but I will tell you many of the advantages over here in the UK and in Canada would be great for Americans in my mind.

Why on earth do you not have healthcare as a basic human right yet?

Why are 14% of the people in your country going hungry?

Why is a strong government so incredibly dispised by some Americans?

Why do you want to go back to unrestricted Capitalism when it destroyed so many lives in the industrial revolution and created the very "bankers" that you believe are controlling your country?

Do you, Americans, really actually believe that people like George W. Bush were good leaders?

Finally, to repeat my initial question, what is wrong with Socialism?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by ProjectJimmy
Alright, call me an idiot Canadian, but what is so wrong with Socialism? I

Why do you want to go back to unrestricted Capitalism when it destroyed so many lives in the industrial revolution and created the very "bankers" that you believe are controlling your country?

Do you, Americans, really actually believe that people like George W. Bush were good leaders?

Finally, to repeat my initial question, what is wrong with Socialism?

The answer to your socialism question is another question, whats wrong with large corporate monopolies?

You see many evils in corporate monopolies don't you? Banking cartels and Microsoft immediately come to mind. Well in socialism the government becomes an all encompassing monopoly from which you have no redress since it is codified into law. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The government monopoly is far larger and far more powerful. At least with a corporation, a government can require fair markets and honest dealings. There is no redress for wrongs when the government tells you what you can or can't buy.

Let's take our glorious socialized medicine proposal as an example. Besides the obvious egregious clauses that require you to submit your bank information etc. , our dear leaders have seen fit to remove medical decision making away from the doctors and patients and give them instead to a faceless bureaucracy that will decide for you how best to be treated.

This bureaucracy will decide that you need to be treated according to approved 'standards', that largely benefit monopolistic big pharma. If you have an alternative treatment plan for cancer or for some other disease, say for example long term antibiotics for MS, too bad.

As a case in point look what happened to this poor girl within the socialized Canadian medical system when she tried to treat her Lyme disease:

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:59 PM
If you really think that Democratic Socialist countries like Canada and the UK control every aspect of business you are deluding yourself. Equally delusional is the idea that within the American HMO system that you and your doctor control your care. I would rather my healthcare be under the the control of an elected government that I have a vote in over a for-profit corporation that I have no say over the control of.

As for the video about the Canadian citizen, that is deeply regrettable, but compare it with the massive number of Americans that get dropped by their HMO for so-called "pre-existing conditions" or denied care. On top of that add to them the horrible fact that the majority of bankruptcy filings in the US are because of healthcare costs and the people whom die every year because they simply cannot afford the treatments they need to live.

The very fact that healthcare is seen as a commodity that is sold for profit in the United States is shameful. Especially pointed is my criticism of the religious right that interprets the life portion of "Life Liberty & The Pursuit Of Happiness" to include unborn fetuses but not saving the lives of citizens is disturbing to me in the highest regard.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders

Originally posted by jmotley

Just take a look at the FBI terrorist watch list and you will see these org. They do claim to do GODs work. The Christian GOD

OK thought I'd take you up on the offer. It seems there is not a single so called christian terrorist in the top 25. All of them are muslim except for one hyper liberal animal rights terrorist.

By the way these are people who actually have been indicted and have evidence of dangerous terrorist activity. It paints quite a picture.

Obviously we must be racist and xenophobic for not combing through all the southern baptist registries to find an appropriate christian we can vilify.

Ok. I was going to let this thread go but sometimes the hypocrisy becomes overwhelmingly evident! Why do you think there are no christian groups listed as terrorist? Could it be that christians get away with everything while muslims become sacrificial lambs? Who would this benefit in the long run?

Please think and answer me intelligently, IF YOU CAN!

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