posted on May, 22 2004 @ 07:06 PM
Posted by: benjj
On: Wed May, 19 2004 @ 01:49 GMT
This is quite a story, amazing not more of the press has chosen to run with it in a big way. It is very 'sensationalist' of the gov official quoted,
but you're simply not allowed to make quotes like that public unless there is, or has been, a specific threat.
Poster benjj ponders a question of news report selection by the media and also implies that the report of an unnamed government official of a possible
terrorist attack is somehow important. B continues by pronouncing �but you're simply not allowed to make quotes like that public unless there is, or
has been, a specific threat����
I�m always amazed, even after years of posting to such venues as this, at the poor reading and critical thinking skills of most Americans. The subject
material was reported in a column called �WASHINGTON WHISPERS� in US NEWS&WR and as presented is nothing better then rumor.
As we know, NEWS is defined as �Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or
television.� So for the media were to make a big deal of this �report� congers up the memories of Henny Penny and Chicken Little.
If one takes the time to read the �Whispers� report the news is of �the administration has been holding secret antiterrorism drills to make sure top
officials know what to do� in the event of a terrorist attack.
I think if they were not holding preparation drills THAT would be the Big Story.
B�s final statement, �but you're simply not allowed to make quotes like that public unless there is, or has been, a specific threat���� is a fine
example of circular reasoning���need I say more?
One must read carefully and critically all material presented in the media to find the full meaning of the reports����..But if most took the time to
read and then think there would be few who would have much of anything to say����.and gee that would not be fun. Would it?