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What is the end of evolution?

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posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:07 PM
Doesn't seem likely since evolution is a physical process (or our interpretation of physical proceses), and you are describing things turning into a non-physical existence.

However I would like to believe there is more to the universe than our current observable reality so we'll just have to wait 10 billion years to find out.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by TrevorALan

Very well put, but you are assuming that energy has no physical properties. Motion is energy. Moving from one emotional state to the next would be energy. Anything that gives off a frequency is energy.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:18 PM
As others before me have stated. Evolution is constant, as long as an organisms eviroment changes it will adapt with it. As one example, Homo Sapiens are still evolving as explained in this Article:
Human Evolution: Are Humans evolving?
As stated in the article that we are evolving to better digest milk, women are becoming shorter and heavier to bear more offspring.
Another example, one that is dangerous to us is Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This Bacterium evolved to resist the antibacterial medication. How? Doctors being prescription happy and people not following the doctors orders to finish the regimine. Here is a short bit of this 'super bug'
Staph 'super bug'
If anyone is curious Animal Planet did a special on this topic, Humans were out of the picture but the show was called "The future is Wild"

The only constant in this Universe is change. That is the one thing you can count on

[edit on 27-10-2009 by variola major]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by variola major

I have my own views of evolution.

How much information is in the Human body if you broke it down into bits, as the way they do with computers, if that kind of thing can be answered at all? Taking into account the memory, processing speed, power supply, power distribution center, cognitive procedures, healing mechanisms, ect..... It seems it would be reasonable to think it would be in the thousands of trillions of bits of information, if not more. Possibly a lot more.

With the evolutionary process, seemingly slow, and giving a place for random mutation, putting the information into place. How long would it take to put together hundreds of trillions of bits of information together. If evolution through survival of the fittest, could produce 1000 bits of information within 1 year that would be quiet a bit of information for a slow change. Would you agree with that? If so, and that is the case it would take longer than the Earth has been around, Trillions of years or way more, to end up where we are today.

Sorry about all the edits.

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Conclusion]

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Conclusion]

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Conclusion]

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Conclusion]

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Conclusion]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by Conclusion

I agree with you completely. I regret not putting all my thoughts and knowledge about evolution in that post (I was in a rush to get to my med. class). I do know that evolution is slow, and happens without anyone really noticing unless you were to compare "notes/ obsrvations" that were taken over a X amount of time. Who knows what the future holds.
The links I provided were theories and estimates.
My bit about MRSA. Well, bacteria 'evoles', or 'adapts' etremely fast because it is and unicellular organism.
I appologize ahead of time if it seems that I didn't fully understand what you were saying (though I think I got it).
...hey the edits are fine To err est human

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by variola major

No need for any apologies on here. These are only what I think. I am not above being wrong. lol. Seems I have been wrong most of my life, so why stop now ...right? lol

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Great reading thanks for the posts. Seems to me an assumption has been made and one that limits the scope of the discussion. We are saying no change in environment = no evolution. We will travel to the stars, we will live on other planets and in space. Our species will fragment diverge and evolve.
Genetic changes mainly are introduced by bacteria (they naturally pickup genes and insert them into other organisms). So if for instance we see some girl able to do the most amazing things in zero gravity, she will probably get more attention, as will her children if they have the same trait. On earth bacteria are everywhere including in our bodies, and so where ever our species goes we carry the means of our evolving.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by variola major

How much information is in the Human body if you broke it down into bits, as the way they do with computers, if that kind of thing can be answered at all? Taking into account the memory, processing speed, power supply, power distribution center, cognitive procedures, healing mechanisms, ect..... It seems it would be reasonable to think it would be in the thousands of trillions of bits of information, if not more. Possibly a lot more.

With the evolutionary process, seemingly slow, and giving a place for random mutation, putting the information into place. How long would it take to put together hundreds of trillions of bits of information together. If evolution through survival of the fittest, could produce 1000 bits of information within 1 year that would be quiet a bit of information for a slow change. Would you agree with that? If so, and that is the case it would take longer than the Earth has been around, Trillions of years or way more, to end up where we are today.

The 3 billion base pairs of the haploid human genome correspond to an information content of about 750 megabytes. (every base pair must be encoded by 2 bits - A, G, C, T = 00, 01, 10, 11)

See, we could fit on a CD!

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

Originally posted by Conclusion
reply to post by variola major

How much information is in the Human body if you broke it down into bits, as the way they do with computers, if that kind of thing can be answered at all? Taking into account the memory, processing speed, power supply, power distribution center, cognitive procedures, healing mechanisms, ect..... It seems it would be reasonable to think it would be in the thousands of trillions of bits of information, if not more. Possibly a lot more.

With the evolutionary process, seemingly slow, and giving a place for random mutation, putting the information into place. How long would it take to put together hundreds of trillions of bits of information together. If evolution through survival of the fittest, could produce 1000 bits of information within 1 year that would be quiet a bit of information for a slow change. Would you agree with that? If so, and that is the case it would take longer than the Earth has been around, Trillions of years or way more, to end up where we are today.

The 3 billion base pairs of the haploid human genome correspond to an information content of about 750 megabytes. (every base pair must be encoded by 2 bits - A, G, C, T = 00, 01, 10, 11)

See, we could fit on a CD!

Yes that is true. But...

The human genome is the genome of Homo sapiens, which is stored on 23 chromosome pairs. Twenty-two of these are autosomal chromosome pairs, while the remaining pair is sex-determining. The haploid human genome occupies a total of just over 3 billion DNA base pairs. The Human Genome Project (HGP) produced a reference sequence of the euchromatic human genome, which is used worldwide in biomedical sciences.

The haploid human genome contains ca. 23,000 protein-coding genes, far fewer than had been expected before its sequencing.[1][2][3] In fact, only about 1.5% of the genome codes for proteins, while the rest consists of non-coding RNA genes, regulatory sequences, introns and (controversially) "junk" DNA.[4]

You are leaving out the fact that they do not include the other dna junk.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by Conclusion]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 04:39 AM

Originally posted by Conclusion

You are leaving out the fact that they do not include the other dna junk.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by Conclusion]

No, I am not leaving it out. It is 750 mb, all DNA included.

Coding sequences are 1,5 % out of this 750 mb...

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 10:05 PM
no body/facial hair or even hair on our heads because we have clothing for it we'll soon evolve past those

our limbs will get shorter as well as all of us becoming far more weaker as a species overall due to having everything done for us with the flick of a button/thought

our brain size will increase

we'll most likely invent some kind of food and drink to which our body produces almost no waste because it is all needed and of such a pure state without anything our bodies wont need

so i see us losing the ability to go #1 and #2 in the future

we'll prolly increase our own lives so much you won't see much breeding perhaps one child every 60 or so years

our skin will lose most it's color because we will avoid the sunlight and other dangerous affects on our bodies

honestly i see us evolving to look something like the little gray men you see on tv whenever a UFO special is on

lets face it and mankind continues down the path we are currently on

we will pretty much need nothing and will be sheltered from any and all things because we'll have whatever tech needed at any given time to do anything we could possibly ever imagine

this sounds a little out there but perhaps one day millions of years from now we actually discovery a path to true enlightenment and no longer have a need for a body and evolve into higher begins capable of whatever we dream

it's all up for debate but boy i'd love to live 10,000 years in the future to see how far we came as a species.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by Gakus

Another possible "end of evolution" could be just brains living in fancy bottles, because all the other organs are in fact only supporting the brain and their functions could be done better with machinery/biotechnology.
But I think they would still have their sexual organs, just for pleasure

Or even brains completely simulated in a computer?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by Conclusion

. If we evolve into pure conscience energy with the ability to manipulate matter, because matter is the potential for energy, isn't that like evolving to a god. OP by Conclusion:


after we've shed or bodies and are in the state of Nirvana...
'evolution' has ended for us 3 dimensional beings.
And in that State, i doubt we would be interested in 'manipulating' matter
or becoming what we, in our present correspondence, call god like.

what happens afterward is the things that dreams & imaginations are made of...

i suppose that some sorts of group collectives could be the design...
some of us might join with others who have already ascended to become a group collective of former life-energies, to become 'TIME' itself...
that collective are more-or-less the equivelent of 'Moderators' in this reality


[edit on 16-12-2009 by St Udio]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:03 AM
This may very well be my bias speaking, but I don't think humans evolve. Sorry for all you evolutionists out there.

I'm not denying evolution at all. I think it's very plausible, both from a religious and scientific viewpoint, that plants, animals, and even planets, can develop from evolution. I just do not see it happening with humans...

Genesis 1: 11 ‑ 12
Then God said, "Let the land produce vegetation: seed‑bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds." And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:20‑21
And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:24
And God said "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:22
God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth."

I think these verses may allude to God simply instituting evolution as a creative force in plants and animals. As far as humans didn't quite go down that way. We all know how that transpires...I don't think I need to post it. I think humans are handmade...but plants/animals are "guided"... to the end...It'll be when we as humans decided that killing everything would be much cooler than living in harmony with it....Evolution won't last because humans are destroyers....


posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Agree2Disagree

Exactly my thoughts. I think that bible and evolution are in perfect harmony, to those who really study all the possible translations.

Bible says that man was created from dust, does it not? This could be seen as a biblical hint that not only evolution, but also the theory of abiogenesis (which not even science claims is proven) describes how god created.

I think humans are handmade...but plants/animals are "guided"...

I think it is only human soul that is handmade, thus invincible. Human body is just "dust", which evolved.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Maslo

What I meant was more like...we had a predesigned mold to fit...plants and animals were more of a...'make your own design' thing...

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