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Et's May not be quite so Et?

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posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by IntelRetard

Off topic but relevent to your post... You may be interested in some of these links relating the ark to something a little closer to home. Click

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:33 PM
I think there could very well be some merit to Sitchin and his claims.
The story as a whole however is hard to swallow.. that human beings were created as a slave/worker race for the Annunaki to mine gold for them. The gold in which they lined the atmosphere of their own homeworld, Nibiru..

I do accept the theory that human beings have had their DNA manipulated in the ancient past by extraterrestrials, in fact I think it is highly likely.
I definitely do not believe this woman's claims at all.. The beings that are visiting and watching us are from another world, and developed on another world.
In my opinion, "alien abductions" are nothing more than a MASSIVE black-ops disinformation project, a very human phenomenon. Cattle mutilations, alien abductions, demonizing the idea of E.T's in mainstream media and films such as Independence Day, War Of The Worlds re-make... As fun and enjoyable as those films are they also serve another purpose, and that is to inject fear in regards to the REAL E.T's that are here now.

I think it is entirely possible that we do have some kind of a relationship with the E.T's, possible DNA encoding with their own millenia ago, but I do not think we were originally one and the same

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:40 PM
A massive black-ops disinformation project?? Care to elaborate alittle on this??

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:54 PM
What he means by a disinfo project is what steven greer talks about in the contact and disclosure conference.
basically it is said that all et's are benevolent and that aliens that are accountable for like 90 percent of the abductions are actually programmable life forms created by the cia/nsa etc in order to make humans fear the real et's. it is said there are also psychotronic weapons aswell as stage craft, ie fake space ships created by the government.
these programmable life forms are said to look like greys and reptillians etc but behave in a way programmed into them when they were created in order to create fear in the humans who encounter them, obviously hoping they spread that fear into others.
these life forms were created by cloning the dna of dead aliens found in crash's such as roswell, and other life forms in the ships that have been shot down by the new electromagnetic weapons installments in space.

The whole point in all of this is to create in humans a fear of the et in order at some point soon to stage a huge fake event said to "make 911 look like a picnic" this fake event will be the catalyst in those in control saying we need an interplanetery war, in order to fight these "bad aliens"

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 08:54 PM
Well of course I'm certainly not in the know of such things, it is only a belief I have.
I believe that the phenomenon of "Alien Abductions" is a covert black-ops military operation, using highly advanced technology systems that can enable the "victim" to have an experience that feels and looks totally real to them.
I believe it is done in an effort to install fear into the minds of the populace, to deceive them on the true nature and intentions of the E.T's visiting us.
Its the same thing with cattle mutilations, I do not believe that E.T's are behind it, I believe it is military.
I'm not saying that human beings have never had face to face contact with extraterrestrials, I think they most definitely have. But the phenomenon of being dragged from your bedroom by small grey entities and subjected to terrifying medical experiments and procedures is a purely HUMAN run project, simply to deceive people to fear and hate the real E.Ts

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:00 PM
Precisely. Dr. Steven Greer sums it up very well indeed.. I have held this opinion ever since I first heard of alien abductions, it just didn't seem very true. After I read what Steven has been saying and the military testimony to such program's it blew my mind to say the least!
It just summed up everything I had been suspicious of regarding the abduction phenomenon

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
But werent thoose texts decifered by this stichin guy?? Is he even credible?

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian deities. The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of 'those of royal blood'[1] or 'princely offspring'.[2]

Anunnaki was a collective term for deities in general, especially those who were not otherwise named. Dr. Jeremy Black and Dr. Anthony Green write that the word eventually suggested the deities of earth and the underworld after the term Igigi was used more to refer to the heavenly deities.[2]

The Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish. In the late version magnifying Marduk, after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to their proper stations, three hundred in heaven, three hundred on the earth. In gratitude, the Anunnaki, the "Great Gods", built Esagila, the splendid: "They raised high the head of Esagila equaling Apsu. Having built a stage-tower as high as Apsu, they set up in it an abode for Marduk, Enlil, Ea." Then they built their own shrines.

According to later Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles), who in turn were the children of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu temple at Eridu, the site at which the creation was thought to have occurred. Finally, Lahamu and Lahmu were the children of Tiamat and Abzu.

Sitchin created Nibiru... not the Annunaki

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
Anunnaki are from stichin, the nephlim are from the bible. Is there any other sources that show that theese aliens exist??

Good grief use Google don't be so lazy and read the Enuma Elish

[edit on 4-10-2009 by zorgon]

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Echelon117

what you need to ask yourself is if the ET are benevolent and have far superior tech than TPTB why dont they just show themselves? Also you need to state what time frame the ET's arrived on this planet. Because if they have been in human contact for more than 60 years why havent they revealed themselves to the human race.

Im almost 100% sure BASED on their own actions, or lack thereof that they(ET's) have an ulterior motive.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:11 PM
That's certainly a valid point, I should have pointed out that I do also think it would be naive at this point to assume ALL races of E.T visiting us are benevolent and have nothing but our best interests in mind...
It would just be wise to keep an open mind on them and their intentions for now, much to the despise of TPTB who are pushing the fear and hate into our minds.
Why they haven't openly revealed themselves is a hard question.. I would like to think it is just a matter of them being wise enough to know the proper timing, I do think they are peaceful (but of course I cannot know for sure), and I think they probably WANT nothing more than to openly reveal themselves to the human race. In my opinion they could just be waiting for us, as a collective, as a whole species, to open our minds to the fact we are not alone, and that not only are we not alone but that E.T's are here.. We can't even tolerate different skin colours in our own species let alone a species from another planet.

I really hope they don't have an ulterior motive.. But i believe they really are beings just like you and me, as I think Clifford Stone put it, they have likes and dislikes, loves and hates..
They may just be waiting for us to get over it and collectively realize they are here, they are just people, like us, but from another planet with advanced technology, they aren't supernatural "gods" or anything like that. With that in mind, we need to peacefully invite them here.. We definitely aren't at that stage yet, not by a long shot.

I'm guessing that they have been watching and nudging our civilization along for thousands of years.. Hundreds of different species all working together, monitoring each and every developing civilization out there.
I would say that by no means are we the only species they are visiting right now.. I have even had an idea that a long LONG time ago in our past, these E.Ts were in fact in direct contact with us openly and globally.
It would make sense in my mind that this could explain all the similar beliefs and stories of "teachers" from the starts etc.. (Dogan tribe is a perfect example of this).

If that is true, why they left our planet and hid back in the shadows to watch for the next few thousand years is anyone's guess.. But once we uncovered nuclear technology and discovered its destructive power, they increased their efforts to slowly wake us up again to the larger reality, through all the mass UFO waves during all the world wars and the cold war.

Of course it is all speculation, I could be totally off the ball.. But as you said, and I agree that it would be naive to assume their intentions are nothing but peaceful because we just don't know do we?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Haha sorry thats what i meant, wrong myth

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Damezthe2nd
I cant remember where i heard this theory, but it was in an interview with someone who was and had experienced ongoing abductions since they were a child. In this interview it is claimed that this person had been changed by the abductions, and could no longer handle being in bright light as she had very large eyes and that she was more intelligent than a normal human.

She says she came up with a theory that aliens are not et, infact they come from earth itself.
She states that the aliens are actually human beings that inhabited the earth long before we did, and that there was some great disaster long ago that wiped most of them out, leaving those who were left struggling to survive. These humans/aliens are said to live under the earth or under the surface of the moon and they are said to have been weakened through time, possibly by living in the low gravity setting on the moon, and are currently unable to live on earth comfortably. She states that the reason they abduct people is so that they can somehow either mate with them so that their offspring will gain the strength necessary to survive on the moon, or to use the information gained from the humans to regain their previous strength.

I think this is a great theory, as far fetched as it is, as it co-relates with many other existing theorys. The disaster they experienced may be the great flood, or the meteor strike that wiped out the dinosaurs, there are also many many abductees who remember having experiments of a sexual nature performed on them.

So has this theory been touched upon before and what do you guys think of it

That almost sounds a bit like some of the creatures of Fantasy such as Trolls, Ghouls, etc.

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Damezthe2nd
I cant remember where i heard this theory, but it was in an interview with someone who was and had experienced ongoing abductions since they were a child. In this interview it is claimed that this person had been changed by the abductions, and could no longer handle being in bright light as she had very large eyes and that she was more intelligent than a normal human.

She says she came up with a theory that aliens are not et, infact they come from earth itself.
She states that the aliens are actually human beings that inhabited the earth long before we did, and that there was some great disaster long ago that wiped most of them out, leaving those who were left struggling to survive. These humans/aliens are said to live under the earth or under the surface of the moon and they are said to have been weakened through time, possibly by living in the low gravity setting on the moon, and are currently unable to live on earth comfortably. She states that the reason they abduct people is so that they can somehow either mate with them so that their offspring will gain the strength necessary to survive on the moon, or to use the information gained from the humans to regain their previous strength.

I think this is a great theory, as far fetched as it is, as it co-relates with many other existing theorys. The disaster they experienced may be the great flood, or the meteor strike that wiped out the dinosaurs, there are also many many abductees who remember having experiments of a sexual nature performed on them.

So has this theory been touched upon before and what do you guys think of it

I can see this being true if they fled underground before the disaster happened, and created space flight technology underground.

Thats a nice twist on it but it is still possible considering how large and old the universe is that a distant star system has intelligent life more advance than ours.

But are we saying that a Grey alien is a cave dweller from a low gravity planet?

posted on Oct, 4 2009 @ 11:12 PM
A common theory among some Biblical scholars is that pre-flood civilizations were quite advanced, perhaps even beyond our own. Moreover there are many out of place artifacts and archeological anomalies to support this, including outrageous stone megaliths that we couldn't build today, crystal skulls that speak, evidence of an ancient nuclear war in India and so forth.

Another twist to this is the Biblical story of the Nephilim, who were the offspring of fallen angels and humans. In the aprocryphal book of Enoch we learn that these fallen angels were responsible for great advances in human knowledge.

Finally the Bible itself tells us that the 'serpent' was more crafty than any beast of the field, and evidently a bit smarter than Eve herself. Apparently, according to the Bible there was a serpent race that was more intelligent than humans that predated human creation. Hmmm reptoids anyone?

Thus I believe that the so called ETs are of terrestrial origin, though they may now have spread to our solar system. Moreover they wish to continue their infernal breeding program with the human race, to our detriment.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by Damezthe2nd
She says she came up with a theory that aliens are not et, infact they come from earth itself.
She states that the aliens are actually human beings that inhabited the earth long before we did

If we start digging up skeletons of grays then this might prove that theory!

How about a similar but somewhat different theory...that yes the grays are in fact human beings... but not from the past, but instead from the future. Could they be our descendants?

What form will humans evolve into in the future? We need a big brain, the grays have large heads. We are doing less and less physical work, and they have smaller bodies.

Just one alternative to think about.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Can you please provide some links to this ancient nuclear war in china, or to the skulls that speak please

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by Damezthe2nd

Interesting theory to be quite honest.

I've had sexual releations with my annual contact who i have spoke about in a number of threads, except the woman who in our tongue is called "Sislix" is extremely beautiful. She is around 7'4 so an entire foot taller than me but other things make up for height difference

anyways.. i seriously don't think all aliens are bad, as she is very nice aswell as the others aboard her ship near the observatian station in the Gliese system, they speak through telepathy or hand signals never the mouth as they have no vocal chords. Took me a long time to get around that fact and that their version of the common dog is the size of a Lion

anyways S&F would like to read into that theory though.

EDIT: i'm sure we will see come Oct 9th if there are aliens beneath the moon and if so let's hope they are friendly

[edit on 17/05/09 by Raider of Truth]

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Damezthe2nd

I think the one guy who has touted the theory of advanced ancient civilizations the most is Jonathan Gray. Here is an example:
Nukes in India:

His book is a pretty entertaining read actually.

You can also peruse some of the information here:

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