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Is boredom a good enough reason to commit suicide?

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posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by platipus
im pretty sure depression is a big key in suicide

But boredom is the first step, it can be a slippery slope, from there.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by andy1033

That's a very dark way of looking at things my friend.

If you think you have no control, then by proxy you don't. Humans can only empower themselves.

The innocent people were the result of a corrupt system, that's a horrible thing to happen, however the majority of people to have some sort of choice as how their lives are lived.

And we aren't talking about 3rd world nations here, we are talking about people in North America and other industrialized nations.

Yes there are unfortunate accounts of people being mistreated or incarcerated when they have done nothing wrong, but again that's the result of our trial and error way of doing things in this world.

You are in control, of your PERSONAL life. That is all this person was reffering to.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by spiritwomyn
He wants to know , he wants to understand, And if in all of your responses he gets nothing, it is the answer.

Actually I haven't seen a response here that didn't offer him suggestions!

I too have physically died and been brought back after death when I was 5. Perhaps that is the reason why I so strongly cling to life and love life. As a child I was taught not only to revere life but the fragility of life. That has made me appreciate life all the more.

I have so many things I would like to do and so many things that I must do that I could live a thousand lifetimes and never even scratch the surface. It really does boggle my mind that one would find a lack of things to either experience or do in life.

It is true that the majority of life is sorrow, tribulations, and pain. Life is not a Disney movie, nor will it ever be. However, that isn't a negative thing, but a positive thing. It is those very trials, pain and sorrows that define who we are and make us strive to become something greater than what we are. When you realize that life is the crucible within which we are tempered by the flames of adversity, it becomes an act of joy and celebration to receive suffering, pain and tribulation!

If one finds the suffering to be much more than they can bear, that is usually a good time to spend in reflection of the joyful beauty that exists in life. All it takes for me is looking at a beautiful flower, or observing a person helping a stranger, or hearing the laughter of a child to remember why life is so worth living! When people say to stop and smell the roses, there is great advice to be found in those words!

However, one shouldn't underestimate the power of duty and obligation either. The Selfish are the ones most commonly caught in this fiendish trap of the Ego that pursues selfish pursuits in life, only to find that those pursuits are empty and hollow. That's because any true and eternal meaning to life cannot be found in anything that is selfish. Money will not bring truth or eternal happiness. Climbing the Career Ladder will not bring truth or eternal happiness. Pursuing anything for no reason other than itself, such as Pursuing Knowledge for it's own sake, or Pursuing Happiness for it's own sake, will not bring truth or eternal happiness. True and eternal meaning to life can only be found when one surrenders their Ego and lives their life for the purpose of serving someone other than themselves, whether it be their family, or children, or orphans in Africa, or for Humanity as a whole. If one realizes that this is their duty and obligation to fulfill, and that their life is not their own to surrender unto death, then even during the Darkest Nights of the Soul there will be a light to guide the way to the Golden Dawn.

If one finds themselves such a defeatist that the looming threat of Apocalypse would deter them, then that is even more sad. There is no time more important to live for others than at a time when Hope is in rare supply. Who says that 2012 cannot be averted? Who says that it is written in stone and will happen? There is no point in giving up prematurely as all one is doing when they do such is taking the easy way out and helping create a self-fulfilling prophecy! It takes a strong person to be resolute to the hope and joy in their self-discovered purpose in life that despite all the odds against them they would continue to choose to follow the light of their own path than concede defeat.

If one finds themselves unable to find themselves and to find a selflessly true and eternal reason with which to guide their way through life, then I agree with the others here that getting oneself lost in an MMO or a game is a great distraction until the day comes that an epiphany may strike them and they realize the beauty and the joy and their own purpose in living life.

[edit on 30-9-2009 by fraterormus]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by chillpill

Personally, I think any reason is as good as another. A reason to die is just as good as a reason to live. Like it was is what you make it. If you dont want to make anything of it, then so be it. We see how this works its way up Maslows pyramid....when you're at the top you got too much time to ponder on the ridiculous lack of meaning it all has. This man shows a classical sign of being tired of the material world...and that is dead end for some. Personally, I think this is a necessary occurence for many to start walking the "O highly reccomended path....of delusion for some, of enlightening to others. Pick your choice.

People thinking of suicide as the easy way out, think again. Making drama and threats out of it is the easy way out....crying for help. Pulling the trigger however, is a totally different story. Get depressed, get the gun...and then tell me how easy it feels. Your instincts will be screaming. Just because you people around feel strongly uncomfortable about it, doesnt make it the easy way out or a wrong act. It is just as much of an act of egoism, as you not wanting someone to do it because it makes you sick to your stomachs. We are all alone, and we are going to die alone as these separate individuals in a body we are here. We are all free individuals...and I respect peoples choices.

I do have to agree with phi1618 and Mr. Toodles...gaming is the nr. 1 boredom killer. I got bored of that TOO though...what am I gonna do now?!

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:45 PM
I would not be enough for me. Boredom can always be overcome.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Boredom? I can't believe that would be an excuse. There is always something to do.

Go for a walk. Help a neighbor rake leaves or paint their house. Bake brownies, read a book, the list goes on and on.

Some people are just to lazy to find something to do, waiting for life to fall into their laps.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by fraterormus
Life doesn't come with a meaning. It is what we chose to make of it.

Thats a 100% wrong statement. Your life is not in your control, you cannot choose to live your life the way you want.

What about all the innocent people in jail, who have never commited a crime, but someone just hated them.

Life is not what you make of it.

It is true that you cannot consciously affect what happens in the world around you. However, that is not life.

Life is the choices you consciously make. Life is not dependent upon circumstance or anything external in the world. Life is how you respond and choose to live despite those circumstances. Life is when one becomes it's own Cause and no longer an Effect to an external Cause.

Some of the greatest personages throughout history lived magnificent lives despite being persecuted, imprisoned, or under tyranny. Think of any great person from history and study their life. Chances are, their life was miserable and they were persecuted. Still, the dark exists to make the light all the more brilliant. Without trial and tribulation there is little opportunity for greatness, just mediocrity.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

People totally wrecked my life since i was 17, and they monitor me all the time, for no reason other than they just wanted too. I have had no control over my life, and could not go and do anything with it.

My life is the extreme of what you all go through, but you believe you have control when you really do not.

Live through my hell, and you will see how much control scum have over peoples lifes for no reason other they want to destroy you.

That makes you naturally negative, and i am glad in a way they did it as i saw what humans really are.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:52 PM

It is true that you cannot consciously affect what happens in the world around you. However, that is not life.

Life is the choices you consciously make. Life is not dependent upon circumstance or anything external in the world. Life is how you respond and choose to live despite those circumstances. Life is when one becomes it's own Cause and no longer an Effect to an external Cause.

Some of the greatest personages throughout history lived magnificent lives despite being persecuted, imprisoned, or under tyranny. Think of any great person from history and study their life. Chances are, their life was miserable and they were persecuted. Still, the dark exists to make the light all the more brilliant. Without trial and tribulation there is little opportunity for greatness, just mediocrity.

Do you think persecuted people want the life they have, no they are like that because there life is not there own, and people have trampled all over them.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by chillpill

I have always felt that this world is a Prison. ...and so I am here Just Doing Time... "Happiness Is A LUXURY!!!!!!!"

[edit on 30-9-2009 by catalyst2466]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by fraterormus

I disagree, partially.

You do have control over everything in your life. It's called creative visualization. Now not everybody believes in such things, but I have been doing it for years.

Works wonders. My days go exactly as I want them to, simply because I create them and tailor them to my liking.

Your mind is powerful tool that can do much more than what "science" would like to have us believe.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by andy1033

I am sorry to hear about your misfortune, however, you always have the option of removing yourself from any given situation and placing yourself in another.

Perhaps a trauma has led you to believe that the world is out to get you and that humans are inherintly evil, but that's simply not true. That is unless you believe it so much that reality manifests itself around you in that way.

As I said, your brain is a very powerful thing and humans are addicted to their emotions. Look up peptides and how they affect cells when too much of one chemical is produced constantly.

The idea of having no control, is just that an idea. Reality is comprised of billions or trillions of ideas all amalgamated into one.

Happiness comes from within, not from the outside. If you look for it there, than you are setting yourself up for dissapointment, therefore contributing to your overall un happiness.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:01 PM
I think about killing myself all the time. I've honestly thought about killing myself several times a day, every day, for at least the last 15 years, if not longer. I don't talk about it, I don't threaten it, I just think about it.
I don't wish harm on anyone else but myself. Probably the main reason I'm still alive is that I'd feel bad for the people I'd leave behind if I killed myself. My wife, my son, my family, I think they'd be very upset if I did it, and I don't want to hurt them. I've never wanted to hurt anyone. I just don't enjoy living very much, I never have. I could kill myself right now if I wanted to- without leaving my desk- I have a loaded Glock 9mm within arms' reach. I could shut off the lights any time I wanted to. But I'm still here. I'll still be here tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after that, and so on.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:05 PM
My ex husband attempted sucide a couple of months ago and i'll say this:

He is on his 3rd marriage,he get's 'bored' and has affairs.He can't keep a job because he get's 'bored'.His boredom has led him into a 'depression'.One of his children has disowned him,one hasn't seen him for 10 years and the 11 year old is desperate to not abandon him so,is about to start seeing a school councillor because it's hard having a tearful,suicidal father.
He grew up in a volatile household and says he doesn't know what love is.


He has been showered with love from all angles and yet he frittered his blessings.....because he was bored.
I think the depression sinks in when you get to the supposedly greener grass and find it's actually a paler green?He's wallowing is my guess.

'Boredom' is a poor excuse for ruining peoples lives....for ruining your childrens lives.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Creative Visualization Will Not work if you do not have 100% Intention. It is often Misunderstood, and thus is a 100% creation of BS. We will never know the Truth of our lives. Karma is also involved. Life is a school in which we are here to learn Lesson's and Experience's.

Life Is an illusion... The spirit world is Our True Home.........

[edit on 30-9-2009 by catalyst2466]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:10 PM
Out of pure honesty, I would have to say yes. There is no true valid reason for suicide other than your own personal reason, which outsiders will never understand nor would they even care. Me, I have come to the "suicide out of boredom" many times when I felt like my career wasn't going the way I had planned and I was so bored that my mind just went "Just do it." There was no more contemplation of it - just do it. And I looked to my window and imagined myself jumping. I felt my own body leaning forward, pushed, ready to run and jump. But the fact that that feeling is finite or a limited one and that another one is to doom that suicidal feeling makes, for me, suicide to be pointless.

By this I mean, it is never a constant feeling. It is only a feeling that rises up from time to time and it is only a feeling, which has no merit for me because it is irrational to go with it in this particular instance. It is not like trying to make that extra mile when I am jogging/running or anything - it is an exit feeling that cannot be solved, but can only solve you.

And depression is different from boredom. Boredom, for me, is a meaningless life due to a constant awakening of the self, understanding it as certain dreams must be let go because they will never come about. The more you understand reality outside of your own perception, the more you go beyond depression and move into a deep state of completely deadening, stale feel where nothing can really be pleasing, except moments of escapism. You learn the limitations of the self, what truly the world has to offer you which is nothing that you do not take for yourself. You learn that the world could care less about you and that you must understand what you are capable of and apply it wisely.

Thankfully, I have been resurrected and have a zest for life, and that comes when you take responsibility for every action and be completely honest with yourself. Do you want to be responsible for killing yourself? Of course, you can always say yes and be a man about it and end your life - what have you got lose? Shipping and handling cost?

[edit on 30-9-2009 by DevilJin]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by andy1033
Do you think persecuted people want the life they have, no they are like that because there life is not there own, and people have trampled all over them.

It is a proverb that Life Sucks! Next to Death and Taxes, that is one of the few constants. However, as I mentioned before it is that way for a purpose. Life would have little worthwhile meaning if it did not suck. No one asks for life to suck, it just happens (Sh*t Happens). However, the differentiation between those who choose to live their life regardless of what adversity befalls them and those that don't is whether you want to be a victim or whether you want to live your own life. Do you settle for what befalls you and merely survive, or do you forge your own destiny and truly live? That is what it all comes down to.

When adversity happens, look at it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to overcome. If you cannot do that, then learn to laugh a little...because all things must pass...and no matter what may befall you in life, it isn't the end and it isn't going to last forever. You sometimes have to take a step back to see things in their proper perspective.

Ultimately the choice is yours to decide whether you passively accept what befalls you and are carried to whatever end may be in store, or whether you make a conscious act of will to not allow your surroundings or circumstance to limit you and decide to live your own life and chose to truly live.

Basically, when life gives you a lemon, make lemonade! You might be able to survive off of just lemons, but you can't live off them, but on the other hand no life is complete without lemonade!

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:11 PM
Boredom is never a reason to commit suicide.

I myself have been down this road contemplating suicide. I became paralyzed from a back surgery and went through a really dark period where I wished for death because I never knew that I would be able to handle being in a chair all my life. But I found out one God's honest truth....

Things change.

I learned to cope and deal with my disability. It wasn't easy. But I got through it and now have a girlfriend and live in a house and doing alot on my own.

So I would have to say that suicide is never a solution to anything. All it is just quitting. Quitting on your family, your future, and most importantly yourself.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by catalyst2466

Intention is the first thing that is taught when starting Creative Visualization. It is mostly misunderstood and most people think they are doing it yet it's just the result of mundane coincidences.

I do it all the time and have been for about 20 years now, and trust me it works. Takes a long time to get it to where I have it, but none the less it's wonderful.

You said life was an illusion, this is why we can change it at whim. Nothing is concrete, it's just a stage and the props are interchangeable.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:32 PM
No, people that get bored easily just don't have a lot of creativity imo.

I wasn't bored when I was homeless and now I get paid enough to do whatever I want.

The only reason a human could commit suicide if they have done something that won't be forgiven or they can't forgive themselves.

In Bushido (the way of the Samurai) this is Harakiri and I think this way is acceptable.

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