Mogus, you just proved yourself an idiot by your own definition of the word.
Originally posted by Mogus
those who know, shut up and listen. Those who know not, always have something to say.
Now I've been really polite to you in your "Missianic book thread" in dealing with your responses to Tyler. And this just angers me.
To think that you actually think I'm all "Oooh wow I'm cool because people I've never seen or talked to know I'm a mason". You are just another
profain who is all "jazzed" about becoming a Mason, and think it is your right to uphold some "Mystical" ideal that you really know nothing about
I've already admitted REPEATEDLY since yesterday, that yes I sometimes am both arrogant and bullheaded and rude, but that I've been trying to fix
I've also mentioned REPEATEDLY, that this is not how I am in person, in person, I make a great mason. It's much easier to respect others when you
see them, on this forum, some stuff is laughable, and I like many others find it hard to refrain from taking "shots" at others.
You yourself, seem to take shots at others, you are taking shots at me right now, you took shots at Tyler, and Abraham is taking shots at me. N0_hope
is taking shots at me, but you know what, most people who take shots at me don't really like Masons.
Now what's your story? I'll tell you.
You are zealous. And you will be for probably a year or more after you are a Mason. When you DO become a Mason, I'll bet you you're going to calm
down and realize that this is THE INTERNET, and that it isn't worth "proving someone's morality is right or wrong" online.
I shall dare to use your own weapon against you.
"Meet me in person, and then tell me I'm a bad person."
Until then, keep your mouth shut.
Now this message is me heated but I'm refraining from feeling anger for you, because you will be a Mason soon, and that really holds my tounge.
Consequently, that is holding my tounge elsewhere against some others who are really peeving me off. So as you can see, I'm not the "Unlearning
@sshole" you'd like to think of me as.
I've said before, Sometimes it takes a brother to help one remind him who he is.
But you are not a brother yet, so at the least, don't try to be the respectable knight in shining armor, to show all the faults I have displayed.
I don't want women in a "fraternity" and I see no problem with just involving women more with what Masonry does, and as you surely already know,
Masonry's biggest works isn't in its ritual, and so anyone is free to do it.
Now moving to your second paragraph (LOL this will be a long post).
It is safe to say that I myself write first on emotion, second on thought, and I hate to erase stuff, right now I'm wondering "How can I better word
this so that you Mogus, understand I'm not slapping you back, but merely a bit aggrevated that you are carrying something on that I have
And like-wise I'm not going to change it though.
I really wish when someone was aggrevated by something I wrote, they'd simply ask me first WHY I WROTE IT, rather than say "well you're completely
wrong you butthead" (that quote isn't you at all, that's other people I've put up with)
Many things I write are early brainstorms too, no wonder people think I know nothing and won't admit it, most of what I write about are "theories"
Oh well, and about my "sexist joke", you know, every other Mason I told it to thought it was funny. But then they know I'm not serious, they also
know it's just relating to the ritual, not what would really be done if we did admit women.
If women were admitted to Masonry (still seems odd I mean it's a fraternity), there wouldn't really be free pornos.
Well anyways Mogus, the reason I think you are too "zealous" is because you had the gaul to tell me I should be "Stripped of my apron and
banished", because I made a DAMN GOOD JOKE.
It wasn't childish, sure it was dirty, but childish? No.
I didn't however mean to offend Mrs. Arc. (sorry *tips hat*) but had it been disgusting to Masons they'd flock here themselves to tell me.
Anyways I've written so much I'm forgetting what I'm trying to tell you...and now I find myself not knowing what it was I wanted to say.
If you do find your way this far through all this garble, I just want you to know, don't judge me, especially don't judge me as if you were a Mason,
you're not yet, plus you just shouldn't judge in general, that's afterall why we are all in this mess to begin with. I've judged, others have
judged, it's getting annoying.
Mogus, once you're a Mason though you can say how "unmasonic" my joke is all you want