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No More Proof Needed: Swine Flu IS A BIO-WEAPON! (enough said!)

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posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean

Originally posted by Mind1universe
The truth is, 90percent of the world could do with leaving this world. This reality is just not working any longer. The worlds needs cleansing from the bottom right up to the target.

The survival of the fittest is the answer to moving forward. I've come to this conclusion, because the majority of the people who are gullable to take the vaccine deserve it. They are not aware. Regardless of the mallacy and the plans that are proceeding

The balance and light will come to the end of the tunnel.

Did you know every man woman and child on earth could have two acres in Texas. It is not by killing of portions of the populous that humankind will endure, in fact this ecosystem is doomed with or with or without us. 98% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct!

The best hope the human race has to survive is to pull itself above the dependence on this doomed ecosystem, and looking at nature for answers the best method for this is a population which exceeds the resources found on earth, as the only hope for the human race id is to reach to the stars. It is not by the principles of humanity that mankind is able to preserve himself above the animal world, but simply by means of the most brutal struggle!

Save the whale’s and kiss a tree are the worst possible mindsets that the human race could have. Problems like the CO2 scare should be met with the technology to scrub it from the atmosphere, as regardless of our numbers we will undoubtedly have to deal with these issues in the future. The earth should be used for the single purpose of supporting human life, so that we may endure! Depopulation decreases are chances significantly. I don’t contend that we do not need the current ecosystem to survive, but we do posses the technology to completely manage our environment.

One not so popular answer to the CO2 problem is the fertilize the oceans to increase plankton levels, and harvest both the plankton overabundance and the increased bio mass like sardines and other plankton feeding creatures for processing into oil. One could imagine that this would also involve the removal of some predator species that may compete for our harvest.

To choose a tree over humans is just really screwed up! Some idiots will always maintain a notion that this world is somehow perpetual and unchanging, but this is not the case. All you see here is doomed including us unless we are forced to seek other means to our survival. It is definitely not by depopulation that we will endure, in fact it could doom us to failure!

Here is graph showing some changes that are right around the corner. It was compiled directly from composite data and the findings are not debatable.

[edit on 27-9-2009 by Donkey_Dean]

First I just had to correct you and say there is NO problem with CO2 in the atmosphere, thats complete bunk.

Anyways, whether or not this flu is man-made, which no one would put past our elites having studied their history of eugenics and genocide, eu-genocide if you will(yay I coined a term), there is no doubt there is FAR too much being made of this flu, which leads me to believe it is indeed a test, after all we are simply their guinea pigs, to see exactly how just a situatin would play out in the future, or I could be wrong and this is the big one.

Tha main thing to remember is that if youve done any substantial amount of research you will be left in no doubt as to the sheer lack of compassion for human life our leaders have and have had, and in no doubt as to what they are capable of.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:31 AM
If anyone read Hannibal you would have been familiar with H1N1 already. It's not a bio weapon. It's just the freaking flu. It's just a different strain.

Listen if your a healthy adult, you don't need the flu shot, in fact it's better that you don't get it because if you get the H1N1 you as a healthy adult can fight it off yourself with no real adverse problems except for feeling like hell for a week.

People that need the shot are the very young, the very old and maybe pregnant women. People with less than strong immune systems.

It's not a bio weapon, and the vaccine isn't a mind control drug.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 03:33 AM
DIGG it!

I've been yelling and screaming about this for a while now. I gave up because no one listens to me. I'm no genius but I can use Google and read and learn.

I believe this is a crock of bull poo. If I'm wrong then I'll eat crow. If I'm right then all hell should be breaking loose quite soon. I kinda hope I'm wrong but I don't think so. There's two stories, basically, this one and the MSM version. Since I've come to the point where I pretty much believe(if not outright know) that the MSM are paid liars and the stories they tell are untrue, then that leads me to believe this is true and going to happen and it's going to be one helluva battle.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean

Did you know every man woman and child on earth could have two acres in Texas. It is not by killing of portions of the populous that humankind will endure, in fact this ecosystem is doomed with or with or without us. 98% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct!

I have been hearing variations of this statement for a long time, and my curiosity finally made me try and do the math myself. Now, I am not a math person, but after some time and patience I have to say that either I am really bad at math, or... you are even worse (or worse yet, you just heard this somewhere and passed it on as truth before confirming it yourself). Anyway, please correct me if I have made mistakes in my logic here:

Texas = 268,820 sq miles
one sq mile = 640 acres
world population = 6,706,993,152

268,820 sq miles * 640 acres per sq mile = 172,044,800 acres in Texas.

172,044,800 acres / 6,706,993,152 people = .025 acres per person

2 acres / 0.0256 acres per person = 78

That's about seventy eight times less than your proposed 2 acres per person.

Now, lets see if it works for the entire continent of North America!

North American Continent = 9,540,000 square miles

9,540,000 square miles * 640 acres per sq mile = 6,105,600,000 acres

6,105,600,000 acres / 6,706,993,152 people = 0.91 acres per person.

Keep in mind that the square mileage for North America includes Central America and all of northern Canada, as well as Greenland (of which over 80% is covered in ice), and large amounts of other inhospitable territories.

So, in conclusion, according to my very basic math skills, you would need about 2.2 times the area of the North American continent of (hospitable) land in order to provide every man, woman and child on earth with 2 acres of land.

Deny (Spreading) Ignorance (and please correct my math if it's wrong!)

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Teebs
reply to post by Donkey_Dean

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean

Did you know every man woman and child on earth could have two acres in Texas. It is not by killing of portions of the populous that humankind will endure, in fact this ecosystem is doomed with or with or without us. 98% of all species that have ever existed are now extinct!

I have been hearing variations of this statement for a long time, and my curiosity finally made me try and do the math myself. Now, I am not a math person, but after some time and patience I have to say that either I am really bad at math, or... you are even worse (or worse yet, you just heard this somewhere and passed it on as truth before confirming it yourself). Anyway, please correct me if I have made mistakes in my logic here:

Texas = 268,820 sq miles
one sq mile = 640 acres
world population = 6,706,993,152

268,820 sq miles * 640 acres per sq mile = 172,044,800 acres in Texas.

172,044,800 acres / 6,706,993,152 people = .025 acres per person

2 acres / 0.0256 acres per person = 78

That's about seventy eight times less than your proposed 2 acres per person.

Now, lets see if it works for the entire continent of North America!

North American Continent = 9,540,000 square miles

9,540,000 square miles * 640 acres per sq mile = 6,105,600,000 acres

6,105,600,000 acres / 6,706,993,152 people = 0.91 acres per person.

Keep in mind that the square mileage for North America includes Central America and all of northern Canada, as well as Greenland (of which over 80% is covered in ice), and large amounts of other inhospitable territories.

So, in conclusion, according to my very basic math skills, you would need about 2.2 times the area of the North American continent of (hospitable) land in order to provide every man, woman and child on earth with 2 acres of land.

Deny (Spreading) Ignorance (and please correct my math if it's wrong!)

Of course your not factoring in families, that would SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the area you assert!

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:34 AM
reply to post by chiron613

I had to star you for your informative post.I do disagree however with this part of it:

No mystery, no conspiracy, nothing much to talk about.

If there were nothing much to talk about why are the media,and even the president(even showing us how to cough?),making such a big deal of it?
I'm just thinking big pharma is the one behind most of this fear mongering,as they have the most to gain....and yet,I don't want the vaccine.

I don't usually get the normal flu shot either for that matter,why would I want this one? I DO think there is something to it,if only testing of some sort.There are simply way too many studies coming out of the MAYO clinic and elsewhere planning on the follow-up to these vaccines.That gives me an uneasy feeling about the entire situation.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Teebs

For the record,I've got my flag out and I'm claiming my lot in a warm climate.I can't take that cold and ice up there in Greenland...and I'd prefer to be away from the cities-if at all possible

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by Outlawstar

Originally posted by Outlawstar

Of course your not factoring in families, that would SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the area you assert!

"Of course I'm not", indeed. The only things I am factoring in are the facts and the statement that was made which again, was:

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean

Did you know every man woman and child on earth could have two acres in Texas.

The statement says nothing about families, it says two acres for EVERY man woman and child. So why would I factor in something that wasn't in the original statement?

I also didn't factor in the 2.5% of land area in Texas that is water, nor the 10% of Texas that is desert.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 04:59 AM
All I have to say about this is when leading physicians are making statements that they will not allow their kids to be vaccinated because of the dangers of the vaccine, and that this "swine flu" is nothing to worry about otherwise, that's all I need to know.

I dont care if dumb people want to rub their naked bodies down in "swine flu" vaccine and slide down the one is touching my family with the crap.

People can make whatever choices they want with what they know or think they know. I have already made mine.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by remymartin

Your two articles are very interesting reads. In Virology, they discuss the findings that the 1977, and the 1950 viruses are very similar.

This is very interesting, as an article on PubMed also shows that:

the 2009 viral sequences are evolutionarily widely different form the past few years' sequences.

Rather, the 2009 sequences are evolutionarily more similar to the most ancient sequence reported in the NCBI Influenza Virus Resource Database collected in 1918.

So the Swine Flu Virus is very similar to that of 1918, despite so many years between the two.

As your Virology article stated:

If the H1N1 viruses had been replicating in an animal host for 27 years [1950 vs. 1977], far more genetic differences would have been identified. The authors suggested several possibilities, but only one is compelling:

…it is possible that the 1950 H1N1 influenza virus was truly frozen in nature or elsewhere and that such a strain was only recently introduced into man.

The suggestion is clear: the virus was frozen in a laboratory freezer since 1950, and was released, either by intent or accident, in 1977.

So let's assume the same was done with the 1918 virus strain.

Another article from Nature:

indicates that infection with the 1918 pandemic virus or closely related human H1N1 viruses, but not infection with antigenically divergent human H1N1 viruses circulating in the 1920s to 1950s, and again since 1977, elicited neutralizing antibodies to S-OIVs [Swine Flu Virus).

As the article is not easy to read, you can find a summary at Medical News Today. The say:

The ability to infect deep inside the lungs is similar to that of other pandemic viruses, including the 1918 strain that killed tens of millions of people around the world, said the researchers.

It also bears other similarities to the 1918 strain in that people born before 1918 have antibodies that protect against today's pandemic strain.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Critical_Mass

My wife is a doctor and scientist, and is trying to convince her colleagues not to take the vaccine, as health care workers are at the top of the list.

She has read enough journal articles with studies proving that the virus couldn't have happened naturally.

The vaccine is also so full of dangerous ingredients, even the President of Taiwan claimed that it's not 100% safe. So everyone's waiting for him to take it, before they even get close to it.

My wife is now infected with the swine flu, so luckily she doesn't need to take the vaccine anymore. Her colleagues also refused the vaccine in the end.

Anyway, so far the swine flu is not at all so bad. We're just worried about the second wave. This is not the end of the swine flu, even if the first wave has pretty much passed. A human made flu will not pass with so little damage. That would be a waste of lab research and development. Believe me, there's more to it.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by whatukno

There's a difference between the H1N1 human virus and the Swine Flu virus. The H1N1 human virus is normal and just gives you the normal flu, but we are talking about the swine flu virus here.

To see the difference, you can read this article in Nature or read the summary HERE.

Is it really so harmless?

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:41 AM
One thing which bothers me is HOW DO THEY KNOW POSITIVELY, that the swine flu was/ DEFINATELY coming back and was DEFINATELY going to be worse this time around at the precise time they said.....

Unless they are the ones who are distributing it.

Just like the seasonal flu. There are so many different strains that they NEVER know what strain is going to come out, yet they still give annual flu shots for a certain strain.......This is nothing more than a gamble. No different than them trying to pick the number I guessed between 1-1,000.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by RobinB022

Yeah, this first wave wasn't yet so bad, so it does appear as a test run. That's probably why we're always being told the autumn wave will be worse since it's the cold season. Whenever the real thing comes, it won't be pleasant...just hope it doesn't.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by chiron613

But did you see a patent discussing the swine flu virus/vaccines before? H1N1 is a normal human flu virus. The swine flu virus is the problem we're dealing with this year, which is similar to the 1918 virus strain...

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 06:52 AM
Here is another posting of a swine flu patent going way back and it has been researched over 10 years with lots of charts over 140 pages. I bet this is related to Chemtrail Spraying!

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by The only 1 who knows the

Thanks for the link. This one I also checked out before. Apparently article 33 is of significance, but means nothing to non-scientists like me
Something about modifications to the HA gene...

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by MightyAl

This article from the Science Magazine might give a better idea of the HA (Hemagglutinin) gene and its connection to the pandemic and 1918. It's very interesting and disturbing when we think about article 33 in the Medimmune document:

Recombination in the Hemagglutinin Gene of the 1918 "Spanish Flu"

Mark J. Gibbs,* John S. Armstrong, Adrian J. Gibbs

When gene sequences from the influenza virus that caused the 1918 pandemic were first compared with those of related viruses, they yielded few clues about its origins and virulence.

Our reanalysis indicates that the hemagglutinin gene, a key virulence determinant, originated by recombination. The "globular domain" of the 1918 hemagglutinin protein was encoded by a part of a gene derived from a swine-lineage influenza, whereas the "stalk" was encoded by parts derived from a human-lineage influenza.

Phylogenetic analyses showed that this recombination, which probably changed the virulence of the virus, occurred at the start of, or immediately before, the pandemic and thus may have triggered it.

Division of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia

[edit on 28-9-2009 by MightyAl]

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by dragonridr

Mate..the weapon is the vaccine, not the virus.

The virus was created in order to COMPEL people to have the vaccine.

Isn't it obvious to anyone with half a brain? The virus has a .007% (Yes, point zero, zero, seven %) mortality rate...less than 1 death per 1000 infections...and huge areas of the world are being forced to take a vaccine for a virus that carries a lower death rate than...seasonal flu. A MUCH lower death rate actually.

Why is that?

Why are TPTB/WHO SO determined to criminalize people who say no to the vaccine? Why are the so driven to force millions and millions of people to take a vaccine, that at BEST would have a 10% effective rate, and cause more disabilities and deaths that the virus would, even if the vaccine were not 'dodgy'?

Is it all about money for the vaccine makers?

Partly, but this cannot be the main motivation behind this worldwide drive to inject the population with this stuff. Why? Because the vaccine makers already have the money for their wares. The WHO and other 'health' bigwigs, already have their kickbacks and bribes...why pass laws to make the people have the vaccine, if it were just about profit?

If you have an analytical mind, and free time on your hands...research every subject you can possibly find regarding the timeline of events and strange 'coincidences' that stink to high heaven regarding this virus/vaccine plot.

Because whether you want to accept it or not, is irrelevant, it is is happening, and soon it will be too late to do anything about it.

The reason 'they' don't just dump poison in the water supplies for example, is that this can be detected and traced, and of course prevented.

Also, with an indiscriminate delivery system such as water or air (chemtrails), they cannot pick and choose who will be exposed and who will not be. If your name is on a computer being ticked off after you get the vaccine, they will know exactly who they have gotten to.

posted on Sep, 28 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Revealation


Also, what you very rarely hear on the MSM or anywhere else officially is an explanation of how can a vaccine, developed for and containing antigens for a particular strain of virus, can possibly be of any use if, AS THEY KEEP TELLING US, the virus mutates and become more virulent?

Essentially we have a vaccine for the current version of the SF virus yes?
(assuming it's as advertised)

They say the vaccine is for protecting the populace during the fall/winter period when they expect it to become more virulent (mutate). The vaccine makers CANNOT possibly tailor a vaccine for a mutation that has not even occurred yet!

It can't be to protect the public from the current form of SF virus, as it's (relatively) harmless, in terms of killing people.

An analogy would be: You have a Ford car and you need a replacement part for it. You go along to a parts dealer who sells Ferrari spares. But the parts won't fit? They are both cars, they both take fuel, they both have four wheels, the both have doors, windows and an engine, and they both transport you from A - B.

Yet the parts from a Ferrari will not fit into a Ford, despite their apparent similarities.

It's the same thing with vaccines. One vaccine, will not work for all virus. A vaccine tailored to fit a 'Ford', will not fit a 'Ferrari'.

Yet here we are...forced vaccinations...people being fired if they refuse. People threatened with detention at a 'facility' or huge, unrealistic fines for non compliance.

The whole thing is rotten to the core.

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