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Parents May Boycott Obama's Speech

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posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 05:59 PM
What is the problem, if his speech truly talks about staying in school and working hard. Etc

If you saw the speech and it was a good one, and gave kids good things to think about. Would you have a problem with it. Would you want your child to see it? Ok so what if it was the dean of Harvard making the same talking points. Would you still have a problem?

Be honest, If you still have an issue with it , you really need to truthfully ask your self why? Because it would not have anything to do with your childs well being.

The Hypocrisy around here is very very thick.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

Hmmm.. I never looked at it that way, Burdman. Makes sense though.
But from what I know about these districts in the Northwest Chicago
suburbs, they probably won't show it at all. They just couldn't risk saying
that it wouldn't be shown and having their government funds curtailed.
The President is from Chicago and the decision makers around here
know how avoid his wrath!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:31 PM
Dad: I won’t allow you to go to school on Sept 8th because the President will
be addressing all of the school children in the country and I don’t like the man.
He is a part of the evil government.

Little Billy: OK, are all people that work for the government bad?

Dad: Yes.

Little Billy: Even the police man, the fire man, the mail man, the army man
the garbage man, my teachers and the principal?


I honestly don't know what makes some people so ignorant. But whatever it is, it seems to be working.

Are they smarter than a 5th grader?

[edit on 3-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by ShiftTrio

And Obama can tell my kids something that I can't tell them myself? Or since it's coming from him, it's somehow more important??

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 06:59 PM
My kids will go to school on the 8th because they already know that this is a bunch of BS they know who to listen to and not "I hope" so let berry O berry O berry talk I think it will hurt him more than he thinks IMO
Let the man talk then sit down with you child and go over it and find if their is any discrepancies in the truth that you see and what was said and try to make them understand that a man may hold the topmost important office in our country that dose not mean he is allways telling the truth look at bush, clinton and the rest at one time or another they all do something stupid

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by suicydking
I agree with the sentiment of the majority of the posters here.

We need to take action NOW before our kids are brainwashed into getting actively involved with their communities. We need to be careful, or else they might take an interest in volunteer work, helping their neighbors, cleaning up a park, or some other such anti-capitalist activity.

No POTUS is going to teach my kid to feel good about himself, his education or his community.

And you guys think that you yourselves are not brainwashing your children? How about if we teach our children to actually, oh I don't know, THINK for themselves? Oh, the problem with that is they just might grow up to have different opinions than you do.

How do I know? Because of several issues where my children, having learned to actually think for themselves, have a different opinion than I do. We have discussions, and what pleases me, is to see them actually think, learn, come to conclusions, create an opinion and then be able to support those opinions with facts. Not just "oh I don't like him" or "oh I just like him". Choose your battles carefully, because if you don't, your children will figure you out, and lose respect for you.

Or they will become like the republican at the McCain town hall meeting crying and begging him to tell her what to do, instead of using her own brain.

Myself, while in school, remember many times when we viewed speeches by the president of the time. My own children, watched speeches Bush gave while in school. Where were you guys when that was taking place?


Harm None

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious

Dad: I won’t allow you to go to school on Sept 8th because the President will
be addressing all of the school children in the country and I don’t like the man.
He is a part of the evil government.

Little Billy: OK, are all people that work for the government bad?

Dad: Yes.

Little Billy: Even the police man, the fire man, the mail man, the army man
the garbage man my teachers and the principal?


I honestly don't know what makes some people so ignorant. But whatever it is, it seems to be working.

Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

[edit on 3-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

That's pretty rich, KK. I'll give you that. I think the conversations should play out more like this though....

Little Billy: Dad? Why are you keeping me out of school tomorrow?
Dad: Well, Billy, I'm not really comfortable with the government interfering with your education when they won't tell me why they are doing it.

Little Billy: Some people said that Obama is part of the 'evil government.' Do you believe that daddy?
Dad: Well son, 'evil' is a difficult concept for me to understand. President Obama hasn't been president very long and I really disagree with a lot of things he's doing. You know, like when I get mad at my boss at work and I tell you he was a jerk. I still have to go to work, becuase I love you and want you to be able to eat, but my boss is still really a jerk sometimes. We'll have to wait and see.

Little Billy: So, is the government evil?
Dad: I don't think the WHOLE governement is son, but I think some of the people IN the government might be. The others are good though.

Little Billy: What about the cops?
Dad: Well, son, only when they taze grandmothers, beat people for no reason and kill little boys like you when they 'thought' you had a gun. The others are good though.

Little Billy: What about the firemen?
Dad: Well son, only when they set fires themselves and it kills people, or when they break into apartments to rape women or when they throw wild parties in the firehouse and someone gets hurt so the firemen lie about it. The others are good though.

Little Billy:What about the Mail Man?
Dad: Well son, have you ever heard of 'going postal?' That's when a mail man gets really mad at everyone in the world and he goes and shoots people up. Sometime the Mail man lies about doing his job and hides all of the mail in a storage shed, or his house and old people don't get the checks they need for food. The others are good though.

Little Billy: What about the Army man?
Dad: well son, only when he shoots innocent protestors, or rapes women and little girls in the country he is fighting in, or tortures other humans, or comes home from war and kills his family. The others are good though.

Little Billy: What about the garbage man?
Dad: Well son, only when he steals the garbage truck and goes on a wild ride that puts a lot of people lives in danger. The others are good though.

Little Billy: What about my teachers?
Dad: Well son, they are only evil when they molest you, or try to marry you when you are a teenager, or when they get you to kill their husband. The others are good though.

Little Billy: What about my principal?
Dad: Well son, only when he sells crack coc aine from his office and puts you in a lot of danger, or does a strip search on your sister. The others are good though.

Dad: You see, Billy, sometimes people will pretend to be thinking about what is best for you, but they really only care about themselves and their friends. Daddies have to make a lot of tough decisions.
If I see what looks like a bear that's coming to eat you, I have to be ready to try and help you however I can. Sometimes it turns out to not be a bear and boy, that's great! But I think it's best to be safe until you can find out the truth, or until you are old enough to protect YOURSELF from the bear.

Obama might not be evil, son, but the trouble is we might not be able to tell until it's too late.

Little Billy: Wow dad, we're really boned aren't we?.
Dad: yeah Billy, I think we are. I think we are.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by opal13
reply to post by DraconianKing

Bush wasn't trying to make them write letters to themselves about how they could help him. Bush didn't have celebrities pledging allegiance to the president.

I dunno, I just don't want my kid being another little Soviet Pioneer or a member of the Nazi Youth Movement.

Heeeey. I was a little Soviet Pioneer and I protest the comparison.
You call this Soviet pioneers?

They are disgrace at all to the glorious pioneers! Their synchronization is awful!

I say all schools carry the speech, have all kids memorize it and hold exams on the memorization while organizing 'spontaneous' K-1 to K-9 marching parades throughout all the schoolyards in America. Da!

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by amazed

Apparently my sarcasm was wasted on you.

Now I'm worried that one of the people who gave my post a star may also have thought I was serious. That's truly frightening.

Have no fear, I am capable of critical thinking and I'm teaching my son to be as well. On that note, I see no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to watch the POTUS speech at his school.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by KSPigpen

KSPigpen. I bow to your storytelling prowess.
You are a much more poignant writer than I. Uncle.

Only to add: "Brevity is the soul of wit" - W.S.

I have a difficult time concentrating when your funbag is swaying like that.


[edit on 3-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by SchefSalad
A permission slip to watch the PRESIDENT give a speech about growing up. Im telling you, you guys are really starting to slip. This is getting ridiculous time for conservatives to grow up. They never state why they dont like him (Obama) they just dont. That really isnt good reasoning. If he was white republican would you still have to sign a waiver to listen to a television broadcast. I dont recall having to get anything signed to listen to bush. and he was lying to us. For gods sake theres proof they were lying. You guys are losing it really. time to take a step back and look in the mirror to see yourselves fully.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Way to bring race into the subject. Never seems to fail the Obama supporters it feels like.

I went to school from 94-07, 13 years of school. k-12. Not once did I ever watch an address from any president. Not a democrat, not a republican. We never watched any political speeches in class. If it was a history class, we learned history. If it was social studies, we might watch a current event, which may have involved the president, may not have.

But we never had a pep talk from any political figure, and for that I thank god. How can a child grow up to be objective if you have Presidents and Chairmen telling them the right way to live their lives.

These days, politics is like religion, and we should start treating it as such. I don't want to send my child to school to have Christianity bashed into their brains, just like I don't want the presidents political ideology based into their heads.

If the speech were about "hey, this is what I am planning to do" that is great. Inform the kids on what you plan to do and how. That isn't what this video is though. This video is telling them what they should be doing and why. It's trying to sway them to one side. This isn't a debate. This is one person telling them this is how you should live and this is whats right. THAT is exactly why we kicked religion out of schools in the first place. To let US be the parents and teach what is right or wrong.

I can think of plenty of reason why I don't like obama. I can think of plenty of reasons I didn't like bush. I can think of plenty of reasons I disliked clinton, and I can keep going back because we havent had a decent president in at least half a century imo.

You are the one losing touch with reality if you think bush was lying to us and obama isn't.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by grimreaper797]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:41 PM
"Today the Party is by no means at the end of its mission, but at the very beginning! It is now in its youth. And thus you, my German Youth, are not entering something foreign; rather, youth is joining the Movement of youth, and this movement of youth thus welcomes you as one of its own. You have the task of doing your share to fulfill what your elders once hoped for.

I am confident in you, confident that you who have already grown up and come into being in the spirit of the new Germany will fulfill this task, and that you will bear in mind our old principle: that it is not important that a single one of us lives, but vital that Germany lives!"

I wonder how close his speech will be to this version.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by suicydking
Now I'm worried that one of the people who gave my post a star may also have thought I was serious. That's truly frightening.

Rest assured it was not wasted. I gave you the first star. I have a fond appreciation for sarcasm, satire and parody.

It likely shot right over the heads of a few mental midgets though.

Dig your Avie too. One of the coolest on ATS.

[edit on 3-9-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Now piss off

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by suicydking
reply to post by amazed

Apparently my sarcasm was wasted on you.

Now I'm worried that one of the people who gave my post a star may also have thought I was serious. That's truly frightening.

Have no fear, I am capable of critical thinking and I'm teaching my son to be as well. On that note, I see no reason why he shouldn't be allowed to watch the POTUS speech at his school.

:-) sorry bout that, no I understood. But was reading through the full thread before posting, then was sidetracked by my little one (math homework), then quickly responded. Call me busy this evening. My post still stands in and of itself if not a "reply/rebuttal" of your posting.

Harm None

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by jerico65

And the last time your kids really listened to you?

So ok, then take your child out of school., can they teach your child something you cannot? That's not a very good argument for not wanting your child to see someone talk, and I truly doubt its your reason as well.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 08:42 PM
My 6 year old and I are going to the aquarium in Salt Lake tuesday. He's 6. He doesn't need to have the president proselytize to him. He is interested in dirt, dinosaurs, Star Wars (?), and trucks. I will protect him from all that is going on in the world for as long as I can. I want him to be a happy child. He doesn't need this.
You want to send your kids? Go for it. Mine may be inept at discussing the finer points of politics, but then he'll be just be like his daddy.

edit because I can't write. . . .hepl!

[edit on 3-9-2009 by mikerussellus]

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:12 PM
I sure appreciate the many opinions of this thread. I found out that our daughters school will not be showing the speech, which I am very grateful for.
We do talk to our kids sometimes about whats going on in the government, etc., but only tell them things that are appropriate for their ages, (9) and (13).
I still feel that if we would have had to take them out of school on that day that we would have made the right decision. The government should not have a say in the education of my children and we as parents should do what we feel is right. Of course we want to let our children have their own opinions, etc and be able to voice them, and we are teaching them little by little what that means.

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by mikerussellus

Enjoy the trip to the aquarium. That will be a great experience for your son.
Thanks for your comments...

posted on Sep, 3 2009 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
And the last time your kids really listened to you?

They listen to me or taste the back of my hand!!

Originally posted by ShiftTrio
So ok, then take your child out of school., can they teach your child something you cannot? That's not a very good argument for not wanting your child to see someone talk, and I truly doubt its your reason as well.

And ask yourself why Obama is even making this speech? As I said, he can say something I can't, or a teacher can't? "Oh, President Obama is telling me this; I need to listen!"

And for the record, I don't have any kids. At least, none that I know about.

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