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Big Bang Redux

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posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:45 AM
The Big Bang Theory doesn't make any sense to me. Explain it to me in simple english so that I can understand. I realize that there are other Big Bang Threads but Let's start fresh.

I'm not a Creationist, although I do believe in God. The theory or thought that God has existed forever and decided to create the Universe makes some sense although not in a Genesis way.

The theory that there was an explosion out of nothing makes no sense to me. What caused the explosion or Big Bang? If the Big Bang did in fact happen then something is wrong with this theory, because there had to be something to create that event and if there was something to create that event then the Big Bang was just an event and not actually the creation point or the beggining.

Thus to say that you believe everything was created from a big bang does not explain everything. What is the underlying theory from before the big bang?

Edit to add that I'm not actually disputing the Big Bang but I'm just saying that the Big Bang is just an event in a series of events and not the beginning.


[edit on 29-8-2009 by amazing]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:49 AM
I'm not real savvy on the Big Bang, nicknamed by a skeptic mocking the theory, which surprisingly stuck

I tend to think that membranes, really freaking big ones collided in their waves, and create a explosion which is our universe.

Just a theory...

but hey the alternative... isn't near as cool.

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Republican08]

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by amazing
The Big Bang Theory doesn't make any sense to me. Explain it to me in simple english so that I can understand. I realize that there are other Big Bang Threads but Let's start fresh.

I'm not a Creationist, although I do believe in God. The theory or thought that God has existed forever and decided to create the Universe makes some sense although not in a Genesis way.

The theory that there was an explosion out of nothing makes no sense to me. What caused the explosion or Big Bang?

[edit on 29-8-2009 by amazing]

I honestly have the same respect toward you as well, I don't see how a being could of came from nothing, just as curious and skeptical of a thinking being of eternity, as you would find that a non being non living being, being of eternity.

Edit to add: One of the things that really upsets me, is when someone makes a thread, then just logs off. I shouldn't of even posted... thread makers not even here....

Edit to add: okay, he's on, just figured he was one of those ***holes looking for other people to talk to each other to get points, he's cool, i'm put my pitchfork away.....for

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Republican08]

[edit on 29-8-2009 by Republican08]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:09 AM
I'm here just mulit tasking thanks for posting and I will check out the video!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:19 AM
what you have to understand is the WORDING of the theory..

First of all there was NO bang..

so that alone mutes the point ; )

Now lets look at some "logical" reasons for the REALITY you are in "precive" and all the other theories like string and M theory..

As the vid above shows we are a spark in some mad wacky messed up frabric of space time

That means WE have NO clue.. do not be boggled i shall explain

Life is a needed thing for the universe to work and by that i mean you are in fact INSIDE your self

Do not take that to erm litteraly ... i just mean Your mind is / functions the way the universe does..

you see we have math.. and math says 1 / 0

Now the reason for the 1 and 0 IS YOU well kinda the outcome of you kinda thing "because you was made" lets not for get that cracker...

so why math? well its logical..

1 = this number is in fact EVEN

0 = this number is you just asking WHY you are here / progress

get my point? ok i guess not lets try again...

numbers are not just 0 1 3 4 .. whatever they mean something

some are applied in math some are the REASON for math.. as we understand it.

So we have yin and yang and 0 and 1 they are both the same./.. that is were logic comes from !equilibrium ;0

so to understand what YOU are in this thing you have to get down to the basics of it

One.. You ask questions to function..
Two ,. You can NEVER know why you are here
three : You was created

Now if your any good at math and understand logic the answer to this little problem becomes apparent

You live inside someones MIND

does that sound stupid? well yeah it does but your here... do you think thats kinda amazing?

i dont because the cells in my body do not KNOW they are cells... they just kinda get on with it doing this doing that blah blah blah

the problem humans face is that.. they are so raped.. by people who understand you are INSIDE a physical question that "god" or what ever you wish to call it ASKED

and the ironic part is that YOU was always the reason ..

for every life there is a universe... you only have to look up its kinda plain as day in that respect

here is a funny thing

The world IS flat.. and do you know why? YOU look DOWN at YOUR FEET

understand that.. and if not here is another cracker

what WAY is up? if you live on a spherical object

now i hope you understand the big bang was never a bang but a missconception of mans in a bility to understand the role he plays and will never know why EVER because if he did


posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by symmetricAvenger
what you have to understand is the WORDING of the theory..

First of all there was NO bang..

so that alone mutes the point ; )

Now lets look at some "logical" reasons for the REALITY you are in "precive" and all the other theories like string and M theory..

As the vid above shows we are a spark in some mad wacky messed up frabric of space time

That means WE have NO clue.. do not be boggled i shall explain

Life is a needed thing for the universe to work and by that i mean you are in fact INSIDE your self

Do not take that to erm litteraly ... i just mean Your mind is / functions the way the universe does..

you see we have math.. and math says 1 / 0

Now the reason for the 1 and 0 IS YOU well kinda the outcome of you kinda thing "because you was made" lets not for get that cracker...

so why math? well its logical..

1 = this number is in fact EVEN

0 = this number is you just asking WHY you are here / progress

get my point? ok i guess not lets try again...

numbers are not just 0 1 3 4 .. whatever they mean something

some are applied in math some are the REASON for math.. as we understand it.

So we have yin and yang and 0 and 1 they are both the same./.. that is were logic comes from !equilibrium ;0

so to understand what YOU are in this thing you have to get down to the basics of it

One.. You ask questions to function..
Two ,. You can NEVER know why you are here
three : You was created

Now if your any good at math and understand logic the answer to this little problem becomes apparent

You live inside someones MIND

does that sound stupid? well yeah it does but your here... do you think thats kinda amazing?

i dont because the cells in my body do not KNOW they are cells... they just kinda get on with it doing this doing that blah blah blah

the problem humans face is that.. they are so raped.. by people who understand you are INSIDE a physical question that "god" or what ever you wish to call it ASKED

and the ironic part is that YOU was always the reason ..

for every life there is a universe... you only have to look up its kinda plain as day in that respect

here is a funny thing

The world IS flat.. and do you know why? YOU look DOWN at YOUR FEET

understand that.. and if not here is another cracker

what WAY is up? if you live on a spherical object

now i hope you understand the big bang was never a bang but a missconception of mans in a bility to understand the role he plays and will never know why EVER because if he did


On a SMARTER note......

Hope this helps explain!

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

that was funny..


words that use egotistical metaphors ; ) ironic considering you did not make the universe did you?

DID YOU? no.. get over it

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by symmetricAvenger


posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 01:57 AM
You'd be hard pressed to find an astronomer or scientist to even speculate on anything before the big bang, or beyond our observable universe, let alone in plain English.

I also agree that the big bang wasn't actually the beginning, so to speak. Whatever we're made up of (my guess is space itself) has to be older than 13.7B years old.

Einsteins famous equation E=MC2 tells us that matter can be converted into energy and vice versa. Why then couldn't scrunched up space be converted into energy? (plain English version)

Conservation of energy also tells us that it doesn't go away, it just gets converted into another form. (an exited electron orbiting a nucleus makes a quantum leap to a lower energy state can release a photon etc.)

What if entities such as black holes can compress so much space into a singularity that a photon pops out?

For all we know, all the matter and energy we see around us was on the other side of a plane or "membrane" and was released at once like the air escaping from a balloon or was just energy released when two "membranes" collided. (again plain English)

My hypothesis is that: shortly after the big bang, the universe expanded rapidly and was hot and dense. (equal parts of matter and anti-matter packed so tightly that most of it canceled and only remnants were left) As the left-overs cooled and clumped, atoms formed, starting with hydrogen. We apparently see remnants of that initial "bang" in the form of micro-waves.

In a big bang, I would certainly expect to see energy in gamma or shorter wave-lenghts. Bring on the conservation of energy and the Hubble constant.

The Hubble constant tells us that; as we look at galaxies farther back in time, the more space has been created between those galaxies. Could that extra space simply be energy from the big-bang unraveling back into space itself? It had to go somewhere.

Without going into recent observations of binary pulsars which seem to be agreeing with post-Newtonian physics and other strange anomalies like the fact that when the universe was around 9B yrs old the rate at which the universe was expanding was actually slowing down, but is now speeding back up, I guess I can't offer a simpler picture of what I know based on my meager understanding of physics and astronomy.

Fun subject though!


posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by lernmore

you'd be hard pressed to find an astronomer or scientist to even speculate on anything before the big bang, or beyond our observable universe, let alone in plain English.

thats because they cant

and will never do... we was created my friend we did not make the universe lol

do you know the new CHRN is trying to find the higgs partical that is infact YOU

finding your self .. always will because you can not accept the fact YOU was MADE created BORN ..

what do you seek? what answer do people wish to find?

the very fact you are asking is the very answer .. you will learn this

so funny but yet so annoying

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 02:46 AM
you said you believed in god......

now rethink as to WHY god could not create a bang. mabye relitive to the size of god it was a small bang.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by symmetricAvenger
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

that was funny..


words that use egotistical metaphors ; ) ironic considering you did not make the universe did you?

DID YOU? no.. get over it

No, but neither did you. Get over yourself. You're mad that we have theories that are testable. Gathered by thousands of years of observations and studies, and because you watch a movie called the Matrix and read some pseudoscience articles you think you're Neo-like in intelligence. Get over it.
I didn't even use "I" or "Me" in that post. I do remember the words, smart, helps, though.
[edit on 29-8-2009 by FantasmaTaans]

[edit on 29-8-2009 by FantasmaTaans]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by symmetricAvenger
reply to post by lernmore

you'd be hard pressed to find an astronomer or scientist to even speculate on anything before the big bang, or beyond our observable universe, let alone in plain English.

thats because they cant

and will never do... we was created my friend we did not make the universe lol

do you know the new CHRNis trying to find the higgs partical that is infact YOU

finding your self .. always will because you can not accept the fact YOU was MADE created BORN ..

what do you seek? what answer do people wish to find?

the very fact you are asking is the very answer .. you will learn this

so funny but yet so annoying

You mean CERN???

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

mad? lol i just find it funny thats all

Like i said.. the QUESTION is the answer

go read some physics books

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

yes thank you for correcting my typing mistake

Higgs particle aka the GOD particle ; )

Its in a equation that tries to figure out why you are here and the rest of it.. only problem is "and they will find this out" they can not find what is already there!


haha class .. They will find "other things" but they will not find the higgs particle

if they took the time to look in the mirror they would because its looking right back at you

1 funny
2 ironic
3 so so in your face "metaphorically speaking of course"

[edit on 29-8-2009 by symmetricAvenger]


[edit on 29-8-2009 by symmetricAvenger]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:28 AM
Thanks for the posts...I do appreciate it. Thanks also for the links, vids and info.

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 11:56 AM
I think one here is on the right track when talking about 1 and 0's.

I think that everything is related to 0. 0 is the most powerful force that is.

0 = A absolute vacuum

A absolute vacuum has no matter, energy, time, pressure or temperature. But everything else that exists does.

Only the power of zero can change the smallest of matter or energy. It will do that by trying to compress it to = its own power zero.

If energy gets compressed it will slow down. And when it solves down it will expand. But it doesn't mean it would explode. It might just become something else.
Energy is a finite sate because zero will always make it change no matter what.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by FantasmaTaans

I am not neo at all i just KNOW and understand MATH

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by spy66


Life is a number .. its 1 death "that place" is 0

But! here is what you need to understand with this mirror effect

as shown in the ted vid .. SYMMETRY

Death is has nothing to do with HELL or HEAVEN but it has everything to do with the CREATION of life

funny and very very ironic

DEATH is what CREATES life. but people have been brainwashed by the notion of GOD and GOD(S)

That is why you have no word to describe were it was you came from be for you was BORN

it does not get talked about.. for a very good reason because if people woke up

all the people who make money and use you like cattle stand to lose a lot

But then again i do not fear them or there little games
as you can my picture is my avatar

and they are very aware of WHO i am and WHAT i am saying

posted on Aug, 29 2009 @ 12:30 PM
let me show you what i mean..

There is a question being asked right? what socks do i put on.. for instance /..

Now this may seem rather a bizzar thing to think about in relation to this topic but all be comes clear if you understand math.

the very fact you are asking is called quantum physics... use to be called fuzzy logic, nothing fuzzy about it..

Now we can work out that 1 you are here correct? so we call this certainty in math, you use it when doing probility and puttin a bet on down the local ..

Now Life it self has to have a reason .. but what! people scream..

well its very clear to me "after years of math and some events i wont go in to"

The universe has to be replicated "re made" just like we have kids and the function of this is LIFE

its not that YOUR reality is meaningless because its not but you are in fact a by product of it..

Infinity shows up in math via odd numbers the reason for this is QUESTIONS

and as i point out be for and i shall again... boring but needed

IF god sat on his throne HE "or she" ASKED himself a question

get my point? The universe you are in is just ONE of many and YOU can never know the answer to the question because YOU did not ask it .. YOU are the result of IT

And in order for IT to alllll keep going... you must understand the question NOT the outcome of it..

we all ready know this and have done for a very long time..

If you wish to piss about and ask why god made you.. then do so if you want to UNDERSTAND why it is you are here "we have science" and "math" for this...

so understanding of life as a whole is very very important ... trying to ask why is VERY VERY pointless

the higgs particle is YOU... because every question comes FROM YOU

its like asking what way is up on a planet that is round?

were did UP come from? YOU because you need to measure the distance from your brain "dont ask" to the sky...

you ARE your own UNIVERSE ..

Not THE universe .. thats why it has no shape just like ur mind

you will prob not get your head around it.. but then again you use to think the world was flat.... ironic part is IT IS "only when you look down at your feet"

; ) deny ignorance

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