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Gibbs shoots down 'birthers'

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posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 04:55 PM

By a birther even.

As for his book: gotta give me a little more on that. What does he say about his BC? where? Quote plz.

Channel chosen: To make a government entitiy do something you need a law. So you suggest rather than just releasing his BC on the internet he first pass a law? In what way would a different way of distribution have affected the document?

As for the lawyers working day and night: Source please.

Indonesian passport: Indonesia can not revoke a US citizenship. Him having a 2nd passport is nice for him, but irrelevant for the question.

I apologize for the "left out" part. That was unfriendly and uncalled for. Bad wording on my part. sorry.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Can you reference that in a provable way.

Ahhhh.... How I wish birthers would follow your lead.

Proof. Verifiable. Please.

That's the problem ever since 9-11 when Trial by Media determined the outcome of what should have been done by Trial by Jury.

Even the President of the United States and seemingly most especially the President(s) of the United States have no use for the Courts anymore, or believe in reaching or maintaining real evidentiary threshholds and standards.

Base it all on emotion, get enough people angry, let enough controversy linger because no real proof has been ever submitted to where it should be an American Court and let the people bicker angrily amongst themselves calling each other names while the President and the Government continues to do what ever they want and what ever comes up try it not in the Court of Public Oppinion, not in the actual Court System but Trial by Media whose Talking Heads know just the right way to pitch the story to divide and enflame people's prejudices and fears.

Way to go for a Constitutional Representative Republic based on Speration of Church and Stae with Three Branches of Government to provide adequate checks and ballances.

Just make the media an unoffical fourth branch of Government and throw the Constitution out the window!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by debunky
Indonesian passport: Indonesia can not revoke a US citizenship. Him having a 2nd passport is nice for him, but irrelevant for the question.

You're right it's irrelevant, but I'd like to see some proof of him having an Indonesian passport myself. Birthers have been able to claim all sorts of things and never provide any proof.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

My God man... What the hell are you talking about...?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by debunky

You will have to read his book yourself to find the passage. I am not a masochist and don't believe in self inflicted pain.

Various accounts of legal actions regarding the Birth Certificate Issue mention Obama having Lawyers to file motions.

The Senate did in fact make a law to deal with John McCain's citizenship since he was born overseas on a U.S. Military base.

They certainly could make one for Obama.

A Special Counsel through the Justice Department could easily be appointed by the White House or the Congress to examine his Birth Certificate and verify it. The FBI and the Secret Service especially are very good at verifying the legitimacy of documents and it's part of their job.

Obama has long known a controversy is brewing and has done nothing on his own beyond turn to a third party with what could or could not be a legitimate document to post it on line.

The long form Birth Certificate would especially in Hawaii's case be more prudent. Because of Hawaii's relationship with American Somoa and the fact that many Hawaiians travel back and forth between Somoa and Hawaii allowed for them to pass a law that lets anyone not born in Hawaii record the birth in Hawaii up to one year later.

The burden of proof is on the accused, he can run the country with a fair and sizable number of citizens questioning his legitimacy and hide behind his supporters, emotional appeals and previous half measures or he could act like being President of the United States is an honor and a privelage that means something to him.

That's up to Obama but as he moves forward and so does the issue he won't have anyone to thank but himself for allienating large segments of the nation by hiding from the criticism and down playing it.

Neither of course will his supporters who think it's cute and in most cases don't really care if he was born in the United States just like they didn't care to examine his legislative record before they voted for him.

I don't really care who runs the country, Democrat or Republican, Black, White, Green or Yellow, Man or Woman or Unich, they are all going to be working for the same Corporate Interests and pursuing the same Corporate Agenda.

For our Corporate Government.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:09 PM

I know its been said before but to me the resemblance is uncanny. Obama was conceived in Washington not Hawaii. Obama looks nothing like Obama SR.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

I know its been said before but to me the resemblance is uncanny. Obama was conceived in Washington not Hawaii. Obama looks nothing like Obama SR.

He does bare a striking resemblence to Malcom X, I have to tell you though I suspect he has some Bush blood in him some way some how!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The story and theories get even better on this site.

ATS thread that didn't draw much attention. I hope it does. Makes perfect sense to me. Enough sense to cover up a basic birth certificate.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by jibeho]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The story and theories get even better on this site.

ATS thread that didn't draw much attention. I hope it does. Makes perfect sense to me. Enough sense to cover up a basic birth certificate.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by jibeho]

It is just mind boggling we actually elected this guy to be President of the United States...

I can see after reading that site why they are so determined to keep his birth certificate under wraps.

There really is no telling who it would actually name as his Father.

Let alone where he was born.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Unit541

That was perhaps one of the most poignant, amusing comments I've read in a very long time! Thank you for that!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:48 PM
This is really nothing to worry about, I'm sure he will show everyone, his long-form birth certificate, by the time he runs for second or third term.

[edit on 27-7-2009 by googolplex]

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The burden of proof is on the accused,

Good God man!!! I know your a Protoplasmic Traveler, but what planet are you from? You've got it backwards. It's up to the accuser to provide proof of the accusation. I thought "Innocent until PROVEN guilt" was a credo your country holds dear to heart. It is up to "birthers" to prove their claim. That's why all law suits brought forward so far have been creditable evidence has been presented. Just accusations.

I accuse you of being involved in 9/11, prove you weren't. See how silly that is?

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:01 PM
The birther movement will not die. Look for lawsuits to keep Premier Obama off of many state ballots, unless he proves to these states that he is qualified. If just one major state prevents him from appearing on the ballot, he could lose in 2012.

Contact your states election board, Secretary of State, and most of all your State legislature.

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Connector
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The burden of proof is on the accused,

Good God man!!! I know your a Protoplasmic Traveler, but what planet are you from? You've got it backwards. It's up to the accuser to provide proof of the accusation. I thought "Innocent until PROVEN guilt" was a credo your country holds dear to heart. It is up to "birthers" to prove their claim. That's why all law suits brought forward so far have been creditable evidence has been presented. Just accusations.

I accuse you of being involved in 9/11, prove you weren't. See how silly that is?

The reality is that you can be accused by the government for something like being involved in 9-11 and the burden is on you to prove your innocense.

As someone who isn't American you might not understand the particular nature of our Constitution calling for only American naturual born citizens to hold the highest office.

As someone who may not be a leader you may not appreciate that to lead effectively you have to have the confidence of the people and their cooperation.

It behooves any leader to prove their legitimacy and Obama and his core supporters and third party interlopers like yourself see no legitimate need to estabilsh himself as a credible leader by taking the effort to put the controversy to rest.

You have no real vested interest yourself, and likely haven't researched the indiscrepencies of his vague past or the associations that led to his metoric rise to power.

I appreciate your comments, but ultimately Obama as well as the nation will in fact suffer for him not being forth comming.

That's just reality, and the proof is in the fact that it is a story that won't go away, and that the only thing the media and government and to a certain extent people like yourself are doing to try to make it go away is to ridicule or dismiss those with a legitimate concern.

It is a legitimate concern and will remain a legitimate concern for a growing number of people as Obama's failed policies become more and more costly to the nation, people are going to wonder whether he is that stupid, that innexperienced or if he is a foreigner with a foreign agenda and thats why our forefathers wanted the office only held by naturual citizens of the U.S.

Aren't you glad you asked!

posted on Jul, 27 2009 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Sorry to burst your bubble but being a "third party interloper" doesn't mean I haven't researched this subject with interest ( we are on ATS lol)and have found no CREDITABLE evidence( and yes, I'm aware of your constitutional laws and reasoning why)). Maybe it's there still waiting to be found, but so far hasn't been presented. As for having no vested interest your wrong. I'm from Canada and who your leader is and their policy's affects me greatly as well as the rest of the world.

I actually wanted McCain to win the nomination back in 2000 and thought he'd be a great Pres......for you and me, but alas we all know what happened.

I'm not Lib or Con so no bias here.... in Canada we have 4-5 parties we can choose from and I choose what I believe is right for first me, my family, my community, my province and my country. Sometimes in different order! I've voted for every party except Green and I may next round. Voting in Canada is very strategic, lotsa fun

Sorry if a certain % of America's feel dis-enfranchised with Obama, but this birther movement will never succeed and only furthers the divide in your country. If you don't like him....spend / focus your energy in a more productive enterprise that will help your cause. Perhaps on the bill being introduced by Bill Posey, so this argument doesn't come up again
Sorry, but he will never be booted outta office because of this, UNLESS creditable evidence is presented. Obama did provide the necessary documents to the election boards and party,etc or he never would have been nominated. If he were to removed mid term, you guys would be back to square one(Bush) with the world's opinion

So do you really believe the burden is on the accused to prove their innocence? 'Cause that's screwed up man.

~edit to add~ that is what my original post was about( not really the BC controversy)......and if you believe that, then your as bad as the PTB that's your fighting against

[edit on 27-7-2009 by Connector]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 07:28 AM
This issue has certainly struck a raw nerve with the White House and rightfully so. The state of Hawaii has issued another statement verifying Obama's birth in Hawaii and yet no birth certificate has been shown. This leads me to believe that this has more to do with the Father than the location. The Hawaii cert is probably a fugazi to cover the trail. The story is all over Drudge this morning and made it to the Yahoo! headlines.

Nothing adds up. Obama's "father" didn't give a rats arse about him and Obama bears no resemblance to anyone on that side of the family. Any relationship between Obama's mother and Barack Sr. was purely business in order to save face in a conservative era that frowned upon single mothers and illegitimate children.

[edit on 28-7-2009 by jibeho]

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by RRconservative
The birther movement will not die. Look for lawsuits to keep Premier Obama off of many state ballots, unless he proves to these states that he is qualified. If just one major state prevents him from appearing on the ballot, he could lose in 2012.

Contact your states election board, Secretary of State, and most of all your State legislature.

And there is the real reason the birthers continue.

They simply want to generate FUD to effect any future election.

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by debunky
The part the OP left out:

"I almost hate to indulge in such an august setting as the White House briefing room discussing the made up fictional nonsense of whether the president was born in this country," Gibbs continued. "A year and a half ago, I asked that the birth certificate be put on the Internet. Because Lord knows if you got a birth certificate and you put it on the internet, what else could be the story? "Here's the deal. If I had some DNA, it wouldn't assuage those who don't believe he was born here," Gibbs also said. "I have news for them and all of us. The president was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, the 50th state of the greatest country on the face of the earth. He is a citizen."

He didn't say unwilling, he said unable. (thought you guys would jump on that)

Anyway: lemme try again:
Nothing issued in hawaii is called "vault copy" or "long form". They went paperless in 2001 and there is no "vault" holding a "copy" there is a database holding a record, a file.
You can't really show that to people (well you could but it would read like "01000100001111001111000111010101101001010101010" and so on.)

Now what you can show to people is what you get if you query said database, and that is called a COLB. Also remember that in the US its a duty of the state to record births, not the federal government. What is true in your neck of the woods isn't true in others.

But you go on patting each other on the back, demanding Obama produce just the right shade of pink unicorn.

Another excellent point!

I too find it hilarious how someone from Ohio says "HERE IS MY BC!!!! WHERE IS HIS?" Deluded to think that every state does the same thing....

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by jam321
.... the soon to be appointed birth certificate Czar..

OMG that was perfect!

With Obama desperate to keep hiding his birth certificate (if there really is one) I wonder who it will be. Probably some pay-for-play Chicago crony politician that Obama owes a favor to.

Some of Obama's Friends - we could wade through his nafarious buddy list and see who we come up with as the probable Birth Certificate Czar!

posted on Jul, 28 2009 @ 09:41 AM
This is nothing more than the Republican form of showing their ass like when the Dems kept claiming the 2000 election was stolen.

See.. it doesn't matter what party you belong to... there are idiots on all sides.

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