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A notice to those who oppose or have a problem with the Gay Rights Movement

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+35 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 06:48 PM
I posted this earlier on another thread, but I felt that it deserved a thread of it's own. Hopefully those who are opposed to homosexuals and homosexuality will take a moment to contemplate these words before posting the same old tired arguments and hateful rhetoric the next time someone posts another 'Gays in the news' thread.

My first point is to those who have a problem with homosexuals exchanging signs of affection in public, be it holding hands or a simple innocent kiss. While I agree that making out in public is unacceptable by anyone, simple exchanges of affection, like those commonly exchanged by heterosexual couples should be.

For those who object to it because your children might see it, eventually they will be exposed to it, and probably when you are not around. You are also missing a golden opportunity to teach your child(ren) something very valuable. If it comes up, simply tell your child(ren), "Well, some people like girls and some people like boys, just like some people are one religion and others belong to a different religion. Some people are black and others are white or asian or latino. Some people like rock music and some people like country music. Everybody is different, just like snow flakes. No two people are exactly alike, they are all different, special and unique, just like you!" Not only have you simply explained the situation, but you have begun to instill in your child(ren) their own individuality and that they need not conform to the will of others. Perhaps they will remember this important message when their peers try to coerse them into trying drugs or when they are pressured into having sex before they are ready.

To those who object to homosexual behavior due to their religious beliefs (mainly Christians as I've seen you in the religious threads), I would remind you that Jesus gave you only two commandments:

29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

Mark 12; verses 29-31

I would also add:

37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven

Luke 6: 37

All words atributed to Jesus himself. If you are truly a Christian, then these words out trump any others from the Bible, as you should have a duty to follow the words spoken by Jesus himself before all others in the Bible.

To those who wish to legislate us away, remember that this country was founded on the rights and freedoms of the individual, not only that of the majority. Do you remember these words?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Declaration of Independence

No one in the Gay Rights Movement is asking for special rights, just equal rights. Each and every citizen should have exactly the same rights as every other citizen.

For those who oppose gay marriage, you are right, marriage is not a right, nor is it a privilege. As far as the state is concerned, it is a legal contract between two consenting adults. If it were not a legal contract, it would not require a lawyer and a judge to get out of it. Every citizen should have the right to enter into a contract that is allowed to be entered into by other citizens. I have a tee-shirt that sums this up perfectly: "Don't like Gay Marriage? Don't marry one!"

For those who 'just don't like it', then don't look! There used to be this concept in this country before the advent of mass media, it was called minding your own business! Again, I state that overt sexual displays are completely inappropriate in public, regardless of sexual orientation, but simple harmless displays of affection are not in this category.

For those who like to ass-U-me (remember the saying?) that all homosexuals are the 'in your face' prissy queens that are usually portrayed in the mass media, I hate to inform you that most of us are not. There are extremists in every group, but to assume (again, that word) that we are all just like the stereotype is a false assumption. We do not all own feather boas, listen to disco and show tunes (I LOATHE both forms of music!) and prance around in 6 inch pumps!

For those who think that homosexuality is a sexual deviance, or a mental disorder, those with the education in the field do not agree. I think they are far more qualified to make that determination than you are. Being gay isn't just about sex. It's about who you love and want to build a life with. In fact, I know quite a few older gay couples who have been together for decades, deeply love each other, have built a life together and rarely have sex. This is just the same as heterosexual couples, as we get older the sex drive slows down to a crawl. If it were only a sexual deviance, then they would no longer stay together. You want to make us different, but except for the choice of partners, we are the same. Maybe that's what scares you so much.

For those who wish we would just go back into the closet, I'm afraid I have some very bad news for you! NEVER GONNA HAPPEN! There is no turning back now. We're here, we're Queer, and we're not going anywhere! If you want the Gay Rights Movement to end, then there is a simple solution, just give us our equal rights! Otherwise you have two choices: Like it, or die HATING it!!!

Here's a list of Famous Homosexuals throughout history.

I leave you with just one more thing to mull over:

When you were young and your heart was an open book
You used to say life and let life
(you know you did, you know you did, you know you did)
But in this ever changing world in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die

Paul McCartney & Wings: Live & Let Die (Main Theme for James Bond movie of the same name)

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 06:55 PM
I don't care if people are gay. I just don't like it when they hit on me, and don't know how to take a hint.

I live in the bay area, and when I go to San Fran, it's a given you will be amongst some gay people. It doesn't bother me at all, it's none of my business.

But I get so sick and tired of being at a club or something, and they just "happen" to keep bumping into you, even though you are 6'3 and 250lbs and your friends use you as a beacon and place saver because you can be guaranteed 4 feet of open area behind that person because nobody can see over them.

I've had to get a bit rude to some people more than a few times. Not like name calling, just letting them know that the next time they bump into me, it will be the last time they do it.

"hey, hey, hey man"


"Hey man"


"Hey man"

"If you touch me one more time..."

I understand how woman feel. And it doesn't even matter if you are there with a girl, they still do it! "Hey, don't I know you". "Nope, don't think so...".

[edit on 7/11/2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:00 PM
The deal is....

What might be just displays of affection to some people..... but to others it might be interpreted as a blatant and inappropriate sexual expression.

Personally I don't care what any couple does in private but I do think there should be some discretion as to the public displays.

As far as gay marriage, I'm all for it.....

Why should Gay's be exempt from the hell the rest of us have to endure.

[edit on 11-7-2009 by whaaa]

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:03 PM
People will act the way they want.

You don't want people to look down on you for being who you are, but you are oppose to people for being who they are.

Some people don't like gays, thats life.

Be glad you live in a country where you are allowed to be openly gay.

I could care less if you enjoy being with someone of the same sex. I do care about gays getting pissed off because someone doesn't approve of them and then interrupting a church service to make out on the pew.

All of you may not act like this, but they are the ones getting the coverage. You want public opinion to change then you might want to reign in those who cast a negative light on your movement.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by badmedia

OK, I have to agree with you there. That is just wrong! I have faced the same problem, only reversed. I go out to a Gay bar, and some woman starts hitting on me, telling me how she can 'turn me straight' and won't take NO for an answer!
It's just disrespectful to keep trying! I don't know what to tell you, other than it's wrong. Maybe just tell them, "I'm not gay and even if I was, I woundn't do YOU!" I can't guarantee that it will work, but I have a feeling that it will!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:03 PM
Hey Jaxon

I don't have a problem with gays, I don't think most people care one way or the other if the plumbers man's gay. Just as long as the toilets working, that's all we care about. There's probably only 20 percent of the population that hates gays, that's never going to change. Hell 30 percent of the population hates me because I'm blonde, skinny and I have big boobs. Who cares?! So it's not that most of us hate gays, it's that most of us hate constantly hearing about the idiots that hate gays. IMO they (gay haters) should be gassed so we can all just get on with our lives, but then they should have rights too.

This has to stop somewhere...

Edit for clarity

[edit on 11-7-2009 by Sundancer]

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:04 PM
It shouldn't need to be said, however I think you've done a well thought out and balanced bit of writing.

I took pause briefly at the LAMBDA reference at the bottom of your link...... my olde brain cells briefly read that as NAMBLA -- NOT the same thing at all, and not even in the same ballpark. THAT's not going to get better with age, is it (brain cells)?

Good post; it hope it is read and taken to heart.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I used to live in the Bay Area. We used to spend every Halloween at the blocked-off streets of the Castro. Last time was before we moved here in 1994 -- m'Bride was an English judge and I was an executioner. Do you know the police took away my lil' plastic axe?

I'm sorry you had adverse experiences. I've never had any males bump into me "accidentally" that I can recall, nor any inapporpriate touching. You must be significantly cuter than I am

OR, perhaps I just didn't notice. Also, we rarely went to dance clubs...... even way back then I didn't care for hundreds of people packed into a small space.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts
To those who object to homosexual behavior due to their religious beliefs (mainly Christians as I've seen you in the religious threads), I would remind you that Jesus gave you only two commandments:

29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

It is love to tell sinners to get out of their sin just as Jesus did here in these verses:
John 5:14
Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
John 8:11
She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

We are to love the sinner and not the sin.
Sex outside of marriage is sin.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Your extremists do you a great disservice.
Why do they have those parades where they are up on those floats demonstrating their sexual behavior?
This by itself has turned a lot of people into haters.

And MANBLA? Really, that is enough to incite rage to the point of killing.
And it can make people see all gays in this light. Guilt by association.

Your ranks definitly need some discipline.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by OhZone

I agree. There is a segment of our population who are definitely over the top! I have been known to tell them to 'grow a pair', but alas I fear that they will always be there! That is part of why I posted this thread. To let people know that we are not all like that. I would point out that women who dress like three dollar hookers are the equivalent on your side of the fence. We all have the 'lunatic fringe', but none of us should be judged by those types!

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
I don't care if people are gay. I just don't like it when they hit on me, and don't know how to take a hint.

I live in the bay area, and when I go to San Fran, it's a given you will be amongst some gay people. It doesn't bother me at all, it's none of my business.

But I get so sick and tired of being at a club or something, and they just "happen" to keep bumping into you,

Absolutely! I've had a few gay friends (some flaming)... I don't live in the bay area any more but I can totally relate to your observation. I had a guy hitting on me at work long before 'sexual harassment' lawsuits were a popular form of terrorism. Women did those. Not men.

I was at a Van Halen concert and I got a creepy feeling and I turned around and there was a guy staring at me until our eyes 'touched' OMG musta been a heart felt moment for him... because he started making a move through the tightly packed crowd towards me. (First concert I ever went to alone.)

That was just creepy but the band came on stage and the crush towards the stage occurred just in time and 'we were swept apart' much to his dismay... I LOL'd in my mind... (and breathed a sigh of relief... I want to see the band.)

Those guys just don't give up sometimes...

More recently, while at work again, we have a shower that I use sometimes and this guy kept showing up in the bathroom when ever I was taking a shower. I found out later he was a lead for an area I was eventually transferred into; He knew I was getting married to a WOMAN yet he kept making eyes at me. When I needed his professional help as my lead, he would almost cry at me.

OMG it just hit me while writing this ... I used to give a flaming gay guy a lift home that worked same company... He must have thought... OMG LOL

Anyhow, the guy that I would give a lift home ... I met his boyfriend and we shot the breeze for awhile ... they never hit on me. Great guys.

In my opinion, gays don't need to go back to the closet. Enough chest beating... Give it a rest ... go to the park hold hands and leave us hetro's alone... Behave natural and leave marriage out it. The state created civil unions. Deal with it.

Marriage was formalized as Catholic institution(?) I don't care, but it wasn't originally defined as anything but between a man and woman in a religious context.

Face it. The OP said he was going mild on his thread ("please don't revert to tired old anti-gay rhetoric")... yet concluded with some hateful rhetoric and I almost didn't post but for badmedia's.

OP your post was good but trailed into the same "victimized" rhetoric that all gay's spew. Even more whiney than most. How can hetro's say "stand up and behave like a man" when that could mean "with 6" pumps" ... It confuses the masses.

You gays take a chill pill and take your lovin' back to the bedroom; like the rest of us. If you live in the bay area ... Flame on/Flame out.

Take your grievances to court when you are personally wronged. Else, sit down, shut up and drive.

And learn how to take a joke... the pollacks have to...

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:54 PM
Gays and lesbians should be treated like everyone else. But marriage is between a man and women, so they should get civil unions with equal or close to equal benefits.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by DrMattMaddix

I was at a Van Halen concert and I got a creepy feeling and I turned around and there was a guy staring at me until our eyes 'touched' OMG musta been a heart felt moment for him... because he started making a move through the tightly packed crowd towards me. (First concert I ever went to alone.)

That was just creepy but the band came on stage and the crush towards the stage occurred just in time and 'we were swept apart' much to his dismay... I LOL'd in my mind... (and breathed a sigh of relief... I want to see the band.)

Oh bro actually that was me. Yeah I was working for the grim reaper at the time and I was supposed to "give you your pink slip". Stupid crowd swept me away and Death got so pissed I was fired from the job. Sorry you misinterpreted my stare. I was just nervous, it being my first hit and all

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by JaxonRoberts

I go out to a Gay bar, and some woman starts hitting on me, telling me how she can 'turn me straight' and won't take NO for an answer!

I've known women like that. They also complain bitterly to all of their friends on Monday morning that all the good men are taken... somehow oblivious to the fact that spending your weekend in a gay bar hitting on homosexual men is not the best way to meet your heterosexual soul mate. Some of them actually get angry and offended when they meet men who -inexplicably- turn them down.

In any case, you're doing heterosexual men everywhere a huge favour by giving these women a place to go dancing on Saturday nights and effectively removing them from the dating pool. People with expectations set that high should be quarantined for the greater good. As far as I'm concerned, we owe you one.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:01 PM
Yeah I would also like to comment on the issue of marriage.

You cannot force the Catholic church or the Christian church to marry you with a priest inside a church.

You SHOULD be able to ...

-Go to the court house and get a legal marriage certificate

-Be entitled to ALL of the same benefits of straight couples

-Have the option to get married in a religious church or branch off of Christianity or Catholicism who is willing to marry you inside the church with the preacher.

Marriage is not SACRED! Forcing someone to preform a marriage ritual in a church should be illegal.

I think we need to separate the Religious ritual of inside a church marriage with a priest bible you go to hell for homosexuality


State recognized marriage certificate, tax breaks, marriage partner insurance benefits type of civil union.

Same exact benefits...different way of sealing the deal.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by walsbg22

Civil marriage is what is being requested. The benefits and obligations should be exactly the same. I personally don't care what you call it, as long as it's the same for everyone. As to the history of the 'institution', it predates recorded history and any religion currently practiced on Earth. It 'belongs' to no one and everyone.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by TurkeyBurgers

My first marriage was performed by the justice of the peace.

No church for me. I don't know where you got the idea people are being forced to perform a "marriage ritual" in a church.

A church wedding is optional, that is why you have to pay to have it done.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
I don't care if people are gay. I just don't like it when they hit on me, and don't know how to take a hint.

I live in the bay area, and when I go to San Fran, it's a given you will be amongst some gay people. It doesn't bother me at all, it's none of my business.

But I get so sick and tired of being at a club or something, and they just "happen" to keep bumping into you, even though you are 6'3 and 250lbs and your friends use you as a beacon and place saver because you can be guaranteed 4 feet of open area behind that person because nobody can see over them.

I've had to get a bit rude to some people more than a few times. Not like name calling, just letting them know that the next time they bump into me, it will be the last time they do it.

"hey, hey, hey man"


"Hey man"


"Hey man"

"If you touch me one more time..."

I understand how woman feel. And it doesn't even matter if you are there with a girl, they still do it! "Hey, don't I know you". "Nope, don't think so...".

[edit on 7/11/2009 by badmedia]

As you said, now you know how it feels to be a woman.
I have this happen to me every single day, whether I got to buy milk, or just stand outside to have a cigarette.

So, I would say that your problem is with men, not just gay men.
Gay men are no more guilty of this than straight men.

posted on Jul, 11 2009 @ 08:06 PM
so gross, so gross. The older the gay dudes get the creepier they are...
Like seriously, I know some normal ones, eww not like that. But i am saying that a significant amount of them are F up in the head, and ALOT have father issues... now honestly i almost think that MOST PEOPLE including the gays should have to go for psycological evaluation befor being around others, but especially the gays, and especially the other people too.

Okay so gay dudes are gross.... I am allowed an opinion.
Have YOU ever been asked by an older gay dude if you "want to have some fun". Bad enough if it happens once, but multiple times... F N discusting... anyways, i say gross

Im not saying shoot them all or send them to their own island ( i think I should get my own island befor a bunch of gay dudes do) but i am saying that alot of them are dealing with psycological issues to deep to resolve in the natural process of developement, not if this is caused by enviroment (the circumstances in which they were raised brought up) or if it is natural (due to the fact they are gays and they are growing up in an unaccepting society) ,but honestly i think there are way more important things to deal with at the moment.

I say give me an island somewhere nice, and i wont care about the world.

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