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United States government is charged with treason

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posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 10:22 PM
I have to say this is the first time I ever laughed aloud at a thread here on ATS!

The last few replies are gold.
Thanks guys.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Let me ask the author of this thread: did you honestly believe that this was some newsworthy item you had here?

It's from a blog! A blog!

I did a Google search and not one mention was made on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the AP, etc.

I mean, come on, people! The motto of ATS is "Deny ignorance."

Yet, from reading of many of the posts, especially in the beginning of this thread, you guys didn't even think to look past this...

Wow, is this what it is? Is this what we're reading every time...?


posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by LaHaver

the only reason I don't support something like this is because its partisan politics as usual.

If the man truly is not American he should not be President period. I have no idea either way.

but like when Bush was President you would have the partisan b.s. spread by the dems everywhere from accusations of him being directly involved in 9/11 to him not stepping down from office and becoming a dictator.

It is the main reason I despise our form of politics.

posted on Jul, 2 2009 @ 11:14 PM
i think its weird that most of the replies seem to say that Ron Paul is innocent. i have a different perspective that you can consider, Ron Paul MAY HAVE been put in place to weed out the Patriots and Constitutionalists by TPTB. ever think about it that way? just a thought, i am not accusing him or saying that i think he was, its just a perspective. but it would make sense if you wanted to cover all you bases during the election and so on wouldn't it?

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 12:16 AM
And this is surprising how? Lol. Our country is in a deep hole and I'm sure this could just be the beginning of things too.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Thankyou. I am now a little bit dumber after reading the OP as well as having lost a few precious moments of free thought. Luckily I have realised how ridiculous it is unfortunately, all hope is lost for the 30+ users giving you a star

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
Let me ask the author of this thread: did you honestly believe that this was some newsworthy item you had here?

It's from a blog! A blog!

I did a Google search and not one mention was made on CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, the AP, etc.

I mean, come on, people! The motto of ATS is "Deny ignorance."

Yet, from reading of many of the posts, especially in the beginning of this thread, you guys didn't even think to look past this...

Wow, is this what it is? Is this what we're reading every time...?


Gotta agree here. However, this blog does read from the State of GA Grand Jury Foreman. It is a blog, however this blog is posting "facts." ...Which have not been clarified........yet

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by InterconnecteD

Originally posted by JulieMills
the served list:

Barack Hussein Obama II via the White House Secret Service - SERVED


US District Court - SERVED

United States Supreme Court - SERVED

Pentagon – SERVED

The following members of Congress - SERVED
Lamar Alexander
Michele Bachmann
Marsha Blackburn
Michael C. Burgess
Tom Coburn
John Cornyn
Louie Gohmert
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Kenny Marchant
John McCain
Mitch McConnell
Patrick McHenry
Randy Neugebauer
Ron Paul
Nancy Pelosi

All of the above members of Congress can be subject to future Citizen’s Grand Jury charges because they knowingly participated in certifying the fraudulent and treasonous electoral votes on January 8, 2009.

Surprisingly Ron Paul is mixed up in this?

Oh and they forgot to serve all of the MSM that had tingly feelings up their leg...

Yea right .. why is Ron paul in this.. i hope the media does not just focus on him or this is their way of getting rid of him... i hope not.. his name does not fit.. if anything happens to him.. well than i think many people will go Ape # over this.

Because they know people will get F***** with this and they want to bring the only reasonable truth telling person into it with them............

Some people dealing with serving this suit are on the gov's side as people on the inside...

They bring RP into it to discredit him some more and make everyone think he is one of the bad guys too and just telling lies.....

Nice trick .........too bad we all aren't 4 and won't believe it all......

That being said.........I can see a 5% chance that RP is just a puppet they use to oppose them so that S*** does not hit the fan.......meaning that they need to have balance for a while before they check mate us.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 01:31 AM
Some threads are simply turd sandwiches,
you just don't know until you take a bite.
So time to spit it out.

Mods please euthanize this thread before the stupidity
spreads to the general populace. Anyone agree?

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Absum!
Some threads are simply turd sandwiches,
you just don't know until you take a bite.
So time to spit it out.

Mods please euthanize this thread before the stupidity
spreads to the general populace. Anyone agree?

Agreed. The Enquirer wants their news story back.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 01:38 AM
Serve Ron Paul? Heh over my dead freakin body!

Ron Paul has spoken more truths about the situation in America than anyone on these boards. He goes out there and spreads the Campaign for Liberty while people here sit on there ass at home and critizise him. Hell, even his brother was in DC with Alex Jones chanting "End the Fed" outside your master's castle. He started the Bill to Audit the FED and hes is now gonna be served by THE PEOPLE? Pure Foolishness....

These fools on the internet don't realize this man is out there pulling for us? Shut down the internet and start a revolution already. NWO must love the internet, thats where they will find half the people to take to the FEMA camps, on their dang computer.... hopefully by then you'll have all the stars and flags you ever wanted, your gonna need em.

[edit on 3-7-2009 by longstalker]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 01:57 AM
Since the US is a 'corporation' of England then common law 'should' apply.

Surprised no one focused on this.

The White House was burned down as well as the documents declaring what I say above. England has the hard copy though you were trained to be ignorant of these facts.

I actually like the British people though the same powers that be (international banksters/illuminati etc.) that run their lives are the same entity than runs yours.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild quote: Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.

The most important history lesson you never knew...

[edit on 3-7-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by

If it is real be prepared for the black community to riot. THATS NOT A RACIST STATEMENT just a possibility. And THAT may be the reason for martial law which would make TPTB BRILLIANT. DENY IGNORANCE

If this is real also be prepared for the WHITE COMMUNITY TO RIOT. My biggest fears as a member of the black community since Barack Hussein Obama was elected was that...

1. He will be assassinated
2. If he fails, blacks will be set back 50 years and be blamed as we always have been ...."see those dumb ni**ers". Just as you will blame us for the riots ( this is what your above post tells me)

You will ignore the fact that the destruction of the country has been in progress for a long time now...since 1913 at least. You will ignore that every other president since the beginning has been white. You say be prepared for the black community to riot? WHY? Why would the black community be anymore upset than the white? Will the white community sit by and do nothing while the country goes down the toilet???????

I have never been apart of a riot nor am I planning to be, I'm just saying...... curios???

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 04:09 AM
go go go go gooooo!!!!

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 06:28 AM
I couldn't help but giggle a bit at seeing that headline. The FBI has been working alongside our horrible, horrible corrupt government this whole time, and someone thinks trying to take the highest ranked of the US government to court, and win? The verdict of not guilty was decided the moment they could wipe the tears of laughter away. I pray they DO get taken down, and I love the initiative, but somehow I really don't see how this will work seeing how unconstitutional laws are passed all the time. :-p

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by open_eyeballs
reply to post by LaHaver

the only reason I don't support something like this is because its partisan politics as usual.

If the man truly is not American he should not be President period. I have no idea either way.

but like when Bush was President you would have the partisan b.s. spread by the dems everywhere from accusations of him being directly involved in 9/11 to him not stepping down from office and becoming a dictator.

It is the main reason I despise our form of politics.

I agree, It would be amazing what they could do if they spent all their energy running the country instead of going against the other party because they are the other party. That statement goes for both sides.

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:13 AM
Frankly, I am disgusted with all of the partisan bull# I read with regards to this.


Before you go on calling me a 'bitter sore loser republican,' let me say this. I vote 3rd party, not because it's trendy, not because I'm a loner, but because their views make a whole lot more sense than any republican or democrat views I've heard.

I am not a fan of George Bush (Sr. OR Jr.), Bill Clinton, Carter, or Obama (or most presidents since JFK).

I am on the outside of this game looking in. What's wrong with investigating whether or not the president is a legitimate natural born US Citizen?

It's a question of law, it's not a question of party.


posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Maximus_Prime
this smells like bull #.

Are people that gullible? Are people that desperate to actually believe some crap like this?

Lets even pretend that in some alternate universe that this was even possible...Do you think any part of our Government, powers that be, money bases would even listen to this? HA.

Are you guys that desperate to get a black president out of office?

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:43 AM
posted in wrong thread

[edit on 3-7-2009 by whiteraven]

[edit on 3-7-2009 by whiteraven]

posted on Jul, 3 2009 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by canihavemyvoteback
reply to post by

If it is real be prepared for the black community to riot. THATS NOT A RACIST STATEMENT just a possibility. And THAT may be the reason for martial law which would make TPTB BRILLIANT. DENY IGNORANCE

If this is real also be prepared for the WHITE COMMUNITY TO RIOT. My biggest fears as a member of the black community since Barack Hussein Obama was elected was that...

1. He will be assassinated
2. If he fails, blacks will be set back 50 years and be blamed as we always have been ...."see those dumb ni**ers". Just as you will blame us for the riots ( this is what your above post tells me)

You will ignore the fact that the destruction of the country has been in progress for a long time now...since 1913 at least. You will ignore that every other president since the beginning has been white. You say be prepared for the black community to riot? WHY? Why would the black community be anymore upset than the white? Will the white community sit by and do nothing while the country goes down the toilet???????

I have never been apart of a riot nor am I planning to be, I'm just saying...... curios???

Yes, if he is assassinated there will be a reckoning. But why even think about that? Is some racist white guy planning on doing it?

Mr. Obama has been in office for only a few months and you people have all but forgotten what has been transpiring for the last 8 years. Are you people nuts? Off your rocker? Or is it just because it was the Bush deserves to be ignored?

Mr. Obama can make sweeping changes based on his own initiatives and plans but there is no WAY in hell he can change/alter/move/dispose of 8 years + 4 years of Bush Family meddling. Are you people really serious? Are you that gullible?

Just for example - Wire tapping. Obama could never get rid of this initiative. Not in the time frame he was hoping for. Far too many backers in power positions to just let that fall by the wayside. Lobbyists? Not so easy to get rid off. Raised taxes? I knew this when I discovered how much we were spending on 2 wars overseas. (1 aircraft carrier = base 1 million a day to entire fleet? You do the math.) Do we want to get off the tit of foreign oil? Make up your mind public. It's gonna take initiative and balls to do this and Obama is actually attempted it. (though I think he will fail.) Universal Health Care? (Don't cry that stupid ass socialist thing. I know what it feels like to be without Health Care because of Job Loss.) Obama has balls to try it again.

Finally, what Bush doctrine ideals were already in play when Obama stepped in office?

Have you people forgotten about Bush? Your just afraid right now. Cutting out cancer is a dangerous operation.

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