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Attention ATS Pet Owners

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posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:28 AM
So I work at a PetSmart. This past August is when the new store opened and I've been there since. Being a new store, we had the corporate bigwigs come in for mandated training and general "we are the PetSmart family, this is how we work" bs and I've been thinking about one thing here lately.

The guy who flew in on the company jet explained how things work, but the thing that stuck out then was the fact that he was talking about the economy. He referenced the recession, and then said "petsmart is recession-proof and depression-proof, if it goes that far" and it's got me wondering.

This is where my question comes into play. I know many people here on ATS have pets of some sort. Do you have a plan for them if the economy completely collapses?

Personally my pets are family. I'm 21 with no children, a boyfriend whom I might as well be married to and my parents and sisters. My pets are my "children" in a sense. Human family will always come first, but my pets are definitely close second. I will take care of them until I am completely unable to. If that means making sure the people are fed, then sharing a portion of my first meal in days with them, that's what will happen. Until I am completely unable to do any more. I will care for them until I am unable without putting my own life at SERIOUS risk, or until they perish.

I want to know others' thoughts on this subject.

And please no "I'll eat my dog" comments. I understand for some it may or may not be a survival thing in the future
, but right now, in the USA, it's not.
nor will it ever be for me.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Heatburger]

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Heatburger]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:39 AM
I’d like to think I would do everything I could to make sure my pet stays safe, well fed, and healthy.
If it comes down to me or them, well, to each his or her own but for me life would go on without them.

*IF* something so horrendous happens I’m no longer able to care for my pets I’ll destroy them before I leave them to their own devices or *let them run free* which is just not a possibility.

Thanks for your thread, interesting stuff that.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:44 AM
Yeah I have two dogs, and I am stocked to the top with dog food. I am like you, pets are family. I would look after my pets NO matter what.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:47 AM
Very good question, my dog 'Gravy' eats pretty damn well, absolutely no canned food, but a few kiblets here and there. My local butcher supplies great premium mince at only $5 a kilo, i usually get about 3-4 kilos a week, about 400g goes to the mut each night, mixed with pasta, a boiled egg, dash of garlic with a small dash of olive oil. Well mixed. Every 2nd day he gets 2 raw chicken thighs in the morning. All up my mate costs about 14 bux to feed per week.

Should things go bad i guess ill have to skin the neighbourhoods cats or dogs, from those who have all ready given up hope for their pets

Nah, i really dont know, hes very active, i hope he's instinct may kickin, but i would do everything in my power to keep him goin with me.

I believe most of us eat too much anyway, working out how we could refine our diets to the tightest degree would be beneficial for when the SHTF!! Good post, i'l stay tuned to check out a few ideas.

[edit on 30/6/2009 by scubagravy]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by silo13

Yes exactly. I'd rather destroy them than to let them run free. That is simply not an option ever. It's better for them to be humanely PTS than to roam and fend for themselves.

I'll do whatever I can to make sure they have a healthy and happy life. If that unfortunately means euthanasia by whatever humane method as opposed to leaving them to try and find their own food, so be it. When I adopted and purchased them, I commited myself to their well being, hell or high water.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Heatburger
Interesting post, I agree with your sentiments entirely, I will endeavour to stock up on food for my pets, [We already buy in bulk from wholesaler].
Just a tip for others out there, why not form local groups, and buy in bulk as we do, save money and build up a stock while you can?
The dearest most loyal friend I ever had in my life, was a lovely Old English Sheepdog, she's gone now, I now have a German Shepherd, and would not part with her for the World.
Take care now,



posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:56 AM
Yes; We keep a stock of foods for us that we rotate, and the same for the cats. They're adept at foraging, and even though they're well fed, they honor their instincts and kill rodents around the area. Snakes will play dead and usually survive.

If you live in a warm/hot area and stock up on dried pet food, you risk flour weevils ruining it. One way to prevent this is to put the dried food in [pick your size ] ziplock bags and freeze them for a day. Many human food products that are grain-based -- flour in particular -- have eggs of some critters shipped with them.* Freezing causes expansion and destruction of the microscopic eggs.

thank you, OP, for reminding us to include our pets in our evacuation plans, our long term goals.

* Possible conspiracy to shorten the shelf life, or by-product of manufacturing/packaging?

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 05:58 AM
I'd definitely care for all my pets as long as possible, here in Spain. There's already far too many stray dogs around because of so called British pet lovers that move here, get a dog and then abandon it when they decide to move back to Britain!

I brought one of my dogs with me when I moved here and the other is a stray I took in about 5 years ago and they're both part of the family. We also have 3 cats and as much as they like being pampered they're also fairly self sufficient.

If things got really bad then my dogs are a great deterant to anyone thinking of easy pickings so it would be a 2 way thing, as it is now, to care for them and they'll also take care of me.

My dogs love plain boiled rice. Our vet once recommended it when one of them had an upset tummy and they loved it so much that they think it's a real treat now.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Maya00a]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:00 AM
I honestly thought this thread would be an instant flop right off the bat. I'm so glad to see that others here on ATS have thought about their pets if TSHTF

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:01 AM
I love my dog and I would rather feed him, and I'll go hungry if it ever gets to that.

I hope it never does though

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Maya00a

Excellent point with your dogs taking care of you...

I'm not one to train a dog as a guardian and I don't agree with "guard dog" training, but I know my own are loyal and deter common household strangers, and would definitely defend me against a hostile intruder.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:09 AM
I share my food with my dog every evening, plus she gets top quality dog food. If worse comes to worst, I would put her down, but I think I could share enough of my own food to keep us both going. Besides, I could stand to lose a few pounds.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by Heatburger
I honestly thought this thread would be an instant flop right off the bat. I'm so glad to see that others here on ATS have thought about their pets if TSHTF

It is reassuring to see how many people really do love and care for their pets. Living where I do, with so many strays, it does make me wonder sometimes.

My pets are a very close 2nd to my children and I wouldn't leave my kids ever so it would never cross my mind to leave my pets either. Maybe the cats because they still like to go hunting and be self sufficient no matter how pampered they are at home!

With the dogs it really is a 2 way street because I take care of them and they take care of me and I know they'd protect our whole family, without hesitation, so I owe them the same loyalty.

Even now I think I'd feel vulnerable if they weren't around and if things got really bad and ppl are looking for easy pickings they'd be more likely to move on to a house without dogs than try to enter mine. Ever since we've lived here we've told the neighbours to stay away from the dogs incase they bite - we're not local and living in a foreign country can mean we're targeted anyway so it doesn't hurt that ppl are already wary of our dogs.

Edit to add - Just read back through my post and thought I should add that our dogs don't bite, they're really very friendly and they're not trained as guard dogs either but they have a loud bark to deter intruders.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Maya00a]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by dmorgan

Even now I can say my pets eat better than I do. Between "raw" feeding my dog
s and my rabbits getting more vegetables than I do, yes. I can say if it means me going hungry so my pets can have a scrap to eat, it'll happen. I've got to keep myself and the family going, but I will do everything in my power to keep my pets bellies full.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Heatburger

My dog is one of my children.

No I would never leave him. Where I go he goes period.

Humans have a tendency to betray each other.

Dogs are more honorable than that.

My dog has more ethics in his one paw than most humans could dream of having.

Both him and I are older so we don't eat much anymore but thankfully we both eat good food.

In fact my four legged baby is now telling me to get off ATS and feed him so that is what I'm going to do.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by Maya00a

Originally posted by Heatburger
I honestly thought this thread would be an instant flop right off the bat. I'm so glad to see that others here on ATS have thought about their pets if TSHTF

It is reassuring to see how many people really do love and care for their pets. Living where I do, with so many strays, it does make me wonder sometimes.

My pets are a very close 2nd to my children and I wouldn't leave my kids ever so it would never cross my mind to leave my pets either. Maybe the cats because they still like to go hunting and be self sufficient no matter how pampered they are at home!

With the dogs it really is a 2 way street because I take care of them and they take care of me and I know they'd protect our whole family, without hesitation, so I owe them the same loyalty.

Even now I think I'd feel vulnerable if they weren't around and if things got really bad and ppl are looking for easy pickings they'd be more likely to move on to a house without dogs than try to enter mine. Ever since we've lived here we've told the neighbours to stay away from the dogs incase they bite - we're not local and living in a foreign country can mean we're targeted anyway so it doesn't hurt that ppl are already wary of our dogs.

Edit to add - Just read back through my post and thought I should add that our dogs don't bite, they're really very friendly and they're not trained as guard dogs either but they have a loud bark to deter intruders.

[edit on 30-6-2009 by Maya00a]

It is reassuring. I live in a redneck town where I'm infuriated every time I see a dog on a tie-out with no food or water, and I'm glad to see that people have actually thought about their pets in a worst-case scenario.

And the protection thing, my dogs don't like strangers. They bark and growl, but as soon as the person is given allowed to enter by us, they're cuddle bugs. But when my boyfriend was still a "newcomer" and we play-wrestled a bit or something, they're immediately at my defense. I have no doubt that they'd ravage someone trying to to genuine harm to my family, they've never harmed a fly to this day, but I know they are intensely loyal

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:25 AM
put it this way, my patterdale terrier would be a great asset for hunting if we need to go backwater again, but the first thing i will do is cut the microchip out of her neck...

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:28 AM
Id prefer if the word 'destroy' wasnt used, after all these are family members we are talking of!! We wouldnt 'destroy' our brothers, sisters and such! I understand its for lack of a better word tho damn ......

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:29 AM
My Dog is My Eldest Daughter. She was a stray when I found her And Is also very protective. But I could never kill my Dog. That would be like killing my child. I couldn't do it. I know she's smart and would do what she must to survive. I have no doubt that if I was killed she could go on. But I will feed her and Love her always, even before myself. IMOP Euthanasia is only an answer if there is NO CHANCE OF SURVIVAL. Animals can get on without humans. But I can't see her leaving me unless I and the rest of my Family were dead 'cuz we aren't leaving her anywhere.

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

And I love that about dogs. They are as you say very honorable creatures. They are loyal through and through. And they have unconditional love for their "owners"

These traits are rare finds in humans. And that's one of many reasons my dogs and other pets are nothing short of family.

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