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posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I agree that life is about quality and not quantity. What my point is that this new technology could give some people a better quality of life for a longer period of time by being pro-active in monitoring their bodies on a real-time basis.

I am sure every doctor would like to have more info on their patients and to know more about what the patients body is doing when they are not sitting in front of the doctor. Do you not see how this could be a useful tool in improving the quality of life for people?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by grapesofraft
reply to post by NightSkyeB4Dawn

I agree that life is about quality and not quantity. What my point is that this new technology could give some people a better quality of life for a longer period of time by being pro-active in monitoring their bodies on a real-time basis.

I am sure every doctor would like to have more info on their patients and to know more about what the patients body is doing when they are not sitting in front of the doctor. Do you not see how this could be a useful tool in improving the quality of life for people?

You know who else wants information on whether you qualify or not for care? MWUAhahahaaha!!! In real time peeps will be axed from insurance programs according to the constant monitoring provided. Are you not aware of how much influence/power insurance cos. have over doctors?

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 09:49 PM
I see where you were going with your statement now but in the future to avoid confusion you should make sure you know what the words you use mean and how they will be interpreted by others.
You more likely mean a concept of atheism or irreligion where there is no religion or the absence of any diety in control of everything. I respect your right to believe that so long as it brings you comfort when you die. I have my own personal religious views as does everyone well rather your view to believe in religion or not believe. Either way is fine as its a personal matter that no man has a right to subjugate another man to aspecific way of believing.
On the subject of morality, morals are created and defined by society, philosophy, religion, or individual conscience. It can be argued that even if you do not have any religous beliefs at all but have a moral code that your moral code was taught and learned from someone else who learned it from someone else so on and so on that ultimately stemmed from someones religous moral code. I guess my point i was making that religon and a belief in a higher power or powers no matter what culture or time your from has guided man to excel to a higher state. To better ourselves. If we hadnt evolved this way we probobly would have killed ourselves a long time ago and hell it aint like we havent tried.
I dont think technology enlightens mankind or ever will. Example is war. We have been waging war against each other on this planet for as long as recorded history yet all we have managed to do if find ways to kill each other in more unique and exciting ways. We can now kill thousands in much less time than it took a century ago or even a century before that. We as a species just keep getting smarter but we havent changed in our moral code and still have no issue with killing each other. This is the end result of our technology is that it will one day lead to our end unless we change ourselves.
All i sought to point out here is that technology isnt the enemy its each other!! We are the enemy of ourselves or something like that lol. Anyways i can see your point too. Maybe one day we can learn from our technology and evolve i just dont believe it is so. To me its putting the cart before the horse. All i can say is that i pray i am not around for that day and i pray i dont get poofed into stardust.

I want to believe that my conciousness will continue on after this world or else why give a damn about anything if it doesnt. This is only temporary existence and you will be cosmic dust particles so why care and why not just rape kill plunder and steal all you can while your here. Oh there is that moral code thing again getting in the way. Hopefully you can see how the belief in something higher than us helped make mankind strive to a moral way of living otherwise anarchy would reign. Laws come from our moral sense or right and wrong. I once had this argument with someone ever the existence of right and wrong and good and evil. If there is no wrong and no right then there is no punishment for bad and no reward for good. I do agree though that people can develop moral codes of conduct without the belief in a diety however i dont believe that that is the case throughout history. To my knowledge laws have been created and handed down through societies stemming from a fundamental belief in a god or pantheon of gods. Now if you know of an atheistic society that held high moral codes or any moral codes for that matter please post it. I would be very interested in reading about it. I just cant think of any.
Anyways i will take a look at your post on technology and try to see things through your eyes.

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by fizzy1

Thanks again for the detailed reply fizzy1, i enjoy your rebuttals.


Polytheism is the belief in and worship of multiple deities, called gods and goddesses.


Why can't we extend that meaning for humans instead of some invisible entity. Anyway, it's a play with words but i think you know what i mean.

Either way is fine as its a personal matter that no man has a right to subjugate another man to a specific way of believing.

I find most religious people quite forceful with dictating their beliefs, as if we (atheists) are missing a trick.

I guess my point i was making that religion and a belief in a higher power or powers no matter what culture or time your from has guided man to excel to a higher state.

Try telling that to the Arabs & Jews / Catholics & Protestants.

I don't think technology enlightens mankind or ever will. Example is war.

Technology just facilitates wars; makes them 'more efficient'. The underlying causality of war is territory, politics and OIL. Blow it up, then tender bids to the same counties who instigated the atrocities and they will rebuild the infrastructures (Haliburton, KBR et al) ad infinitum. If anything, it's just a war of logistics, a self-generation of perpetual wealth fed by the poor tax payer thinking their g'ments are doing the honourable thing.

We have been waging war against each other on this planet for as long as recorded history.

I vehemently refute using the word 'we'. Bombing for peace is like #ing for virginity. If there were referendums asking people should 'they' go to war, then it will be a resounding no, regardless of the possible outcomes. Yet through millennium, wars are perpetuated by TPTB regardless of populous consensus.

if you know of an atheistic society that held high moral codes or any moral codes for that matter please post it.

What about the animal kingdom, can i get away with that
They don't seem to build religious effigies. They eat, sleep, procreate and die; it really is as simple as that. We are all worm food at the end of the day, it's what you do in-between, that adds threads to the rich tapestry of life.

[edit on 10-6-2009 by PrisonerOfSociety]

posted on Jun, 10 2009 @ 11:50 PM
ROFLMAO the animal kindom has no moral codes least none they have posted anywhere lol. They pretty much kill whatever is under them in the food chain lol.

The we i refer to is the human race not me and you.

And yes we eat sleep and die and its as simple as that.... For you. For others it isnt so simple. They feel it so they believe it. Well include me in with them. I have my own beliefs too and they do include a higher power. I have said once that religion is necessary for weak people to feel strong. it is the illusion created as a necessity for weak minded and weak willed people to feel they have a purpose in this world or life has meaning. The emotionally strong do not "need" god and it does follow that most people dont even look for god or try to find spirituality in their lives until they feel lost or like life is out of control.
I dont feel that way any more but thats because of experiences i have had. At any rate dont be so absolute in your thinking because you may find a surprise or 2 around the corner in your life.

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by fizzy1
ROFLMAO the animal kindom has no moral codes least none they have posted anywhere lol. They pretty much kill whatever is under them in the food chain lol.

Well, it was worth a try

I actually disagree to some extent, as monkeys have been observed to adhere to social hierarchies. Perhaps they leave their moral codes in the scent of pooh, and use their noses as we use google.
Also, sharks co-exist with sucker-fish called Remora, whom i'm sure are below them but these parasites are crucial to clean the shark. That must denote some kind of moral code between species.

The we i refer to is the human race not me and you.
And yes we eat sleep and die and its as simple as that.... For you. For others it isnt so simple. They feel it so they believe it. Well include me in with them. I have my own beliefs too and they do include a higher power. I have said once that religion is necessary for weak people to feel strong. it is the illusion created as a necessity for weak minded and weak willed people to feel they have a purpose in this world or life has meaning. The emotionally strong do not "need" god and it does follow that most people dont even look for god or try to find spirituality in their lives until they feel lost or like life is out of control.

A very astute observation. I completely agree that those with limited curiosity of the World we live in, harness religion as some kind of get-out-clause; a carte blanche that can explain everything away, without ever having to go into detail. Just simple statements like "Look how beautiful sunsets are...must be Gods work". Complete wishy-washy, non-empirical logic, but it makes them feel complete and explains their purpose and existence.

I dont feel that way any more but thats because of experiences i have had. At any rate dont be so absolute in your thinking because you may find a surprise or 2 around the corner in your life.

I pull out my ace card fizzy1 and refer you to the great mind of Ricky Gervais:

Edit: Oops, realised this has digressed off-topic. Fish 'n chips; there, that should make the mods happy

[edit on 11-6-2009 by PrisonerOfSociety]

posted on Jun, 11 2009 @ 05:53 PM
I found this vid.:

This is pretty incredible technology. I imagine there's no stopping these guys. The sky's the limit... the sky... nano chips in the clouds.? Pretty sure this is already a reality too.

[edit on 11-6-2009 by anyone]

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