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what is to become of humanity?

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posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:33 PM
after readiong the post about the guy at the bar being labeled a terrorist and such i began to wonder... what is to become of humanity? what does the future hold... gerald celente seems to think the proverbial sheet is about to hit the fan so what do you think?

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
so what do you think?

Your, how about you offer up your opinion on the subject matter..?

You may get more feedback that way...

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:41 PM
I don't think we can ever know. I have lived my entire life living it one day at a time and I feel that it is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because I don't worry about unforseeable problems in the future - I don't tend to worry too much about future events that may shape us as humans such as the apocalypse or global colapse. It's a curse however because mentally I cannot prepare for these things. I fail to see the big picture in the end.

The future is ever changing by the millisecond but the actions of everyone on this earth. Right now it looks grim by the economy, global warming, murders, crime... but I still believe that it takes one good deed to turn everything all around.

Very good question you pose. I look forward to hearing other peoples' responses.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Well, in 50 years, we will be a race of mixed cyborgs with implants and much faster/better abilities. We will most likely destroy the planet pretty quickly over some silly conflict. My guess is that it will be a engineered virus that drops most of us.

Whats good is that we wont hurt anybody else while killing ourselfs since we still havent left the planet (as a species).

[edit on 21-5-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:49 PM
i say the us has had a good run but were not the us we use to be anymore. i think there is trouble ahead.. too many signs, embroiled in too much. we should have took GW's advice and stayed isolated and self-reliable and sustainable cause now everything is out of control. the govt let the bankers run amok in the financial playground and now the govt is doing all it can to keep them propped up. govt for the rich, by the rich... thats what i think

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:06 PM
resistance is futile, you will become one with the BORG

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:08 PM
I think life will continue on. The human race will continue to change and adapt and along the way we will make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:15 PM
Scenario #1.
Everyone realizes that we're not going to make it unless we pull together and start helping one another. No, that doesn't necessarily mean socialism.
It means that the governments get back to responding to the needs of the people and not the requests of the pressure groups and 'funding fathers'.

Scenario #2
Everyone holes up with their water purification tablets and ammunition and pops everyone who comes close to their bunker.

Sadly, when we talk about humanity, scenario #2 is the probably choice (scale may change, but the sentiment doesn't).

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:21 PM
I quit caring. All things happen for a reason, and if the people are too stupid to see whats coming they probably deserve what they get. Nothing makes people understand the value and requirements of freedom like not having any.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by badmedia
I quit caring. All things happen for a reason

The interesting part is that if you really believe everything happens for a reason, it means someone else cares about you. If there are no random events, your life is predetermined and you are just part of the ride in order to get experiences, react to them and learn from them. Someone set it up for you.

My own opinion is that the majority of events that happen are random. Nobody cares if I exist or not. Just like a bird in the sky.

But since I have the ability to choose from a line of options, I intend to make my life as good as possible.

[edit on 21-5-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Well, one thing I once read (Huxley) is that we are on a decending slope of mediocrity - and in fact in my short 59 years (mental c. 12, physcial c. 150) have seen this. The majority glued to shallow TV soaps, rewards for talkers and not thinkers, children being given grades that are not allowed to signify failure a -DD =ok!

And control. More and more control from the powers that we vote in, under the misapprehension that we are voting for someone to look after our interests rather than their own...

Negative? Not at all. Believe that each of us can progress (and should) trying to understand even though we know never will! To try? And also to help and support each other. Often believe that like a stone thrwon into a pond - I may not be able to do much but when the ripple hits the next person it creates a new pattern....


posted on May, 21 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Originally posted by badmedia
I quit caring. All things happen for a reason

The interesting part is that if you really believe everything happens for a reason, it means someone else cares about you. If there are no random events, your life is predetermined and you are just part of the ride in order to get experiences, react to them and learn from them. Someone set it up for you.

My own opinion is that the majority of events that happen are random. Nobody cares if I exist or not. Just like a bird in the sky.

But since I have the ability to choose from a line of options, I intend to make my life as good as possible.

What I mean is I am going to be fine no matter what happens. Not going to let what a bunch of other people decide dictate my life. So everyone else can do whatever they want, I'll just deal with it as it comes. I've been homeless and stuff before, so it's really nothing I haven't experienced.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Well done. This is called 'self knowledge' and is not easy to achieve. Fully support your views - just deal with it.

Again (with limited experience :-) ) have noticed that there are two basic types of people who, through hardship, either curl up and plead self pity or go forward and become stronger (the phoenix).


[edit on 21-5-2009 by The Wave]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 11:26 AM
I can sum it up very simply for you. What will happen, will happen. Don't bother looking past that explanation. By the time you think you have it figured out your life will be over.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:56 PM
I really do believe that things get worse before they get better. It seems like a pattern in history and in many people's lives.

Things will probably get worse for humans before they get better, how else will we have the motivation to change things?

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Or maybe it's cyclic - both on a world and personal level - again the phoenix is a meaningful symbol. Think we all learn and become stronger from hardship.


posted on May, 22 2009 @ 03:37 PM
I wouldn't worry about humanity. It won't last another 5,000 years in its current form. Not as a result of anything horrible, but because of our own cleverness and success.

The thing is, we're so smart we've figured out how to protect ourselves from a lot of random diseases, and increase our health and lifespan so much -- because we love each other -- that we're overpopulating. There's no way we can keep going the way we are for another 1,000 years, much less 5,000.

And even if we manage to get control of our population, and avoid some species-destroying catastrophe like a supervirus or asteroid impact, we're going to success our way out of existence anyway. It won't be long before we have control of our own genetics, which will allow us to change ourselves into whatever kind of odd creature we want. Don't think we'll do it? Tell that to the tattooed and pierced among us. Who wouldn't want cool dragonfly wings?

Along with that, we'll have self-replicating robots built soon that will be so much like being alive, that there won't be any room for debate about the difference. The robots will take off into space, where we can't go. They'll be our children. They'll be what we evolve into. From carbon to silicon based life.

So thanks to our greatest good, our love and intelligence, and not our evil, we're probably not going to be around much longer, and may be gone sooner than anyone thinks.

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 04:43 PM
This is how I see the future occuring:

I imagine within a few years we will be in WWIII. This will be a war fought with robots, nukes, and ufo technology (there's your disclosure). This war will have no winner, as the participating countries will be almost completely destroyed. There will be no time for celebration as almost everyone who is left will be morning for their loved ones. This is when the NWO will reveal themselves. They will promise us pure bliss, an end to all wars, equality, freedom, peace... You name it. Sadly however, we will recieve just the opposite.

The populous will fall for the NWO's message at first. However, the arrogant NWO will very likely underestimate the 'idiot populous' and will be overthrown after the people catch on.

We will start to see new societies form after the war based on different ideologies. Enormous Cliques is the best way to describe these societies.

Designer viruses targeting sex, race, and intelligence will start to emerge. Sexism will convert a surprisingly large portion of the population from straight to gay. WWIV the wars of the sexes? Eventually... the world will realize how childish we actually are. Enlightenment will slowly gain foothold until ultimately schools will start teaching enlightenment and the world will be saved...............

That is..... assuming.... 1. Aliens don't blow us to hell before then 2. Viruses don't wipe us out 3. Cyborgs & robots don't gain human-like AI and decide to destroy us. 4. Some nutjob doesn't gain access to a large nuclear arsenal and goes at it. 5. I don't turn into a giant marshmallow... thing... and kill you all.

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