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Truckloads of dead civilians after Afghan battle

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:45 AM
One assumes a bomb-making factory didn't explode accidentally. One assumes that a bomb that hadn't gone off, did when some idiot was trying to defuse it to procure the explosives inside.

One assumes that somehow, an aircraft out of the blue, decided to blow the hell out of a building, for no reason at all.

Or, it could be that armed beligerents ran into a building to take shelter, and when it was targeted, the pilot had no way of knowing who all was inside.

In that case, it's the cost of doing business.

War business.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:49 AM
Its war. Sometimes innocent people die. It sucks, but its part of war. This is especially true when your enemy tries to hide by going into peoples villages and houses.

war for what? the cia not getting there crops? the nwo not owning all oil fields? let me know why exactly are we there? this bull---- war started with saddam in Iraq, then on and on. for what? christ man have you even been in the service before? we are supposedly in a war on terrorism and we cannot even enforce our border!

open your mind and think for your self, or you too might be the one in the meat wagon!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:31 AM
this is also a way of propaganda for the taliban..
people with out arms / weapons are civilians by our means they are defenceless ..
so take your dead taliban fighters collect them and bring them in mass to a place with journalist and claim they are civilians after taking the weapons of the dead fighters..
And then the taliban have there propaganda and we are all to believe that those people brought to our attention are civilians whom have never killed a western soldier or people who are pro western.
We have to believe them with out prove and news networks like cnn who are leftwinged are glad to take this to under mine policy and there for the taliban are causing civil unrest and instability in the USA and the nations who are in ISAF nato mision.
Yes people are dying and some of them are civilians where the taliban is hiding amongst but saying that all people who are brought to the attention of us are peacefull civilians and not taliban / alqaida fighters KIA is really unwise because then we are going in to the game they want to play.
We are all ready bount by to many rules for taking out the taliban and alqaida in afghanstan / pakistan .
we are not allowed to use any form of napalm or nerve agent even if there are no civilians around .
Sometimes we have to use tactics which are a bit strong for the liking of people in western nations but droping napalm bombs into caverns and caves of the mountains of afghanistan to smoke and burn them out of hiding and when osama is still alive or his succesors we can take them out if we are willing..
And yes sometimes the means we use are benifitial to the cause and using nerve gas to take out 500 taliban in hiding with only 4 sheep farmers in the mountains the death of those 4 farmers is regretfull but killing those terrorist whom could and will kill our soldiers and innocent children and woman around the world is better for the world .
Because those 500 terrorist will use leathel force and if not willing o take action could lead to the dead of millions when those terrorist would attack the nuclear holding places in pakistan and after getting the nukes of pakistan use them in israel puling israel and iran into war which would lead to action from both the USA , Nato , and russia . resulting in a nuclear war or massive bombing run all around the world with conventional weapon platforms. the actions will lead to civil unrest btween the western civ. and the islamitic population in EU leading to a civil war.
This all killing several million to a bilion lives.
so yes the dead of civilians in afghanistan are regretfull even if they where western civilians but not taking action against those terrrorist will lead to more deaths and if more deaths are falling in for example USA city bombed with ABC weapon will lead to unrest .. and then people will say why didn't anybody stop those people .. one way or the other you will not please all people and protecting the many with the cost of the few who are bad is a sacrifice word taking in my point of few.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:06 PM
Again someone please tell me why we cannot secure our borders? cannot help our homeless? cannot fix our economy? but we can go and kill people in the name of terrorism and freedom?

wow am i living in the matrix here

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:14 PM
You know what real news would be?

People NOT dying in the Middle East/Central Asia.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by tatersalad

Nah, this war on terror is more like star wars..

Wish I knew what was going on thou..

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 02:21 PM
It's war, and it's the most productive capitalist endeavor one can imagine.
You produce highly technological weaponry that's really expensive, and destined to be blown up right after purchase.
You sell more weapons, and you give the 'rebuilding' contract to your buddies.
The money keeps flowing in, and women and children are just the cost of the business;
like toxic waste materials, they can be dumped into someone else's back yard....

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:01 PM
I cant believe people still try and make excuses for this, Are the american populace so stupid as to not of realised by now that all these 'wars' are in fact just a cover for some agenda?

But its ok as long as your a patriot, its ok to bomb a country on the other side of the world

God it makes me sick to my stomach if the americans and its allies including my country are so bothered about the oppression of people in some other country why not invade africa? south korea? china even?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Reading
I cant believe people still try and make excuses for this, Are the american populace so stupid as to not of realised by now that all these 'wars' are in fact just a cover for some agenda?

But its ok as long as your a patriot, its ok to bomb a country on the other side of the world

God it makes me sick to my stomach if the americans and its allies including my country are so bothered about the oppression of people in some other country why not invade africa? south korea? china even?

Not all Americans are like that.
But the ones who swim against the tide and try to get the truth out are probably working too hard these days trying to "put food on their families" to find time to post.

Just keep the spew-bucket close-by when you open threads about America's (or Israel's) warmongering.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Kailassa

I know this
thats what makes it worse, If the general populace of ALL the people fighting in these wars had their own way we wouldnt be fighting at all i reckon.

I have no problems with none of these people if i saw them out i would buy them all a drink and have a chat obvouisly alchohol free for the taliban .

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:31 PM
And what if we took all the money and resources that go into weapons and put them to use building up the wealth of the country the 'terrorists' are trying to corrupt? What family, moved into a nice house with all his neighbors also living in nice houses, with all the same conveniences of middle class America, would teach their children that those that helped them get the wealth are the enemy, or that it's OK to blow up the innocent with the guilty?

What is the difference between a crazy bomber wearing a belt of explosives blowing himself up in a crowd of innocents and a bomber destroying a house full of children because someone suspected of being an enemy was among the children? If the terrorist was targeting an individual in the crowd, would that made it OK? At least the terrorist is killing himself in the bombing, not flying a thousand feet above in relative safety... or sitting in an office on the other side of the planet counting the profit he made selling that bomb and the profit he will make making more bombs to replace the one dropped...

Many in this thread are saying it is OK in the name of War to kill the innocent with the guilty, but they would change their minds quickly as they gathered up the pieces of a little girl blown to pieces by the weapons of their own forces. The fear of having to do that is why they can so casually dismiss other people in the world having to do that, but it don't work that way.

Obviously, the reasoning used by those who promote war is the reasoning of the coward, not the reasoning of the brave. And the result is the expansion of war, and the more expansive a war becomes, the more likely it is that the war will come home and bite you. And then, you too might be picking up the pieces of a little girl you knew and loved blown to pieces by your own forces.

War cannot be contained. My buddies that came back from Nam brought that war home with them. The brave ones killed themselves, the cowards killed other people at home. And while some learned to cope, like myself, it's a daily exercise to keep my mind clean of the scar of what I experienced.

It is true... fighting for peace is like f***ing for Chasity.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 09:07 PM

TALIBAN to blame for civilian deaths MSNBC�

Will all of you calm the heck down now? PLEASE?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 10:27 PM
As bad as it is, war is war. I don't hear anything about the truck loads of people that were killed from the bombings of London by the Germans nor about the truck loads of people that were killed in Germany by the allied bombings. Have people gotten soft in this day and age or just plain dumb. War was and is and always will be ugly and bad sorry to say and people have to realize that.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by Brothers
As bad as it is, war is war. I don't hear anything about the truck loads of people that were killed from the bombings of London by the Germans nor about the truck loads of people that were killed in Germany by the allied bombings. Have people gotten soft in this day and age or just plain dumb. War was and is and always will be ugly and bad sorry to say and people have to realize that.

Exactly! This new age view of war where nobody gets hurt really baffles me. I agree with everyone that if I were on the receiving end, and I found my wife and kids blown up, I would join the nearest militia and fight everybody; it would not matter what side I was on, as long as I was getting revenge.

That being said, that is the very reason war was fought for thousands of years without the idea of "innocents." The enemy was the enemy, they killed man, woman, and child; they did not want a new generation growing up to oppose them later, and they did not endanger their own troops by assuming that some pregnant woman wasn't hiding a weapon.

1. We could easily win the war in Iraq, and Afghanistan in days to weeks if we used our superior force without regard for humanity, so obviously we are avoiding as much loss as possible, or we wouldn't still be there.

2. Each one of the 4000 or so Americans that have died, have died while protecting the innocents in these countries. If our troops were putting themselves first, and firing at anything suspicious, they would not be caught up by random snipers from homes with families in them, or female bombers running through checkpoints.

3. We could profit immensely if we actually did march into these places and take their oil (as we are accused), kill their civilians (as we are accused), and not spend billions fixing everything we blow up.

I oppose both of the wars, while we have so much going on at home, but as long as we are there, I say we win, and we let them pay for it. The new Iraqi government has a balanced budget while we spend billions fighting for them, and create trillions in deficit at home. How does that make any sense?

We dropped the H-bombs to end the World War, it was not a precise weapon, and it killed mostly innocents, but it ended the war, probably saved more lives than it killed, and created a lasting "peace by superior force" for decades. 30 bodies in a truck that were hostages of a tyrannical and fanatical terrorist group and probably would have wound up dead anyway should not be world-wide news. We lost more people per day during the great wars than we have lost total since these two wars began. All the hype just doesn't make sense to me.

I would rather be one of our troops in Afghanistan than working a night shift at a convenience store in the city (unless they arm me just as well)!

[edit on 6-5-2009 by getreadyalready]

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by spearhead
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

its easy to say its just war. its been going on for far too long. measures should have been developed by now to eliminate this issue.
its more like the people with their fingers on the buttons decide a little collateral damage is acceptable everytime.

for the good of the cause, right?

Are you serious? You must not have much knowledge of Military matters, because we have done a TREMENDOUS amount of work in our effort to greatly diminish the aspect of Civilian Casualties in relation to Combat and War. Not even 30 years ago we were still Carpet Bombing entire Grids, now-a-days we used precision guided munitions such as JDAMS, and Laser Guided Warheads.

I even have a few photographs of downtown Baghdad, and the precision which we implement is beyond amazing. One gentleman in downtown Baghdad was a Barber, and despite the building next door having been hit by Airborne U.S. Bombs on THREE separate occasions, the most damage his Barber Shop received was a minor crack in the adjoining wall. This is the type of consideration and professionalism you will only find in a handful of other Nations in existence on this Earth today.

As for collateral damage, go ahead and complain of such an issue when some whacked out insurgent is pumping full-auto fire downrange at your head. You will soon find out how very little it matters anymore whether or not you accidentally hit a Civilian, as at that particular moment, it becomes an issue of your very own survival.

To be honest, it is quite easy to criticize an aspect of the MIL which you might not have insight into, but you need to put yourself in the shoes of our Personnel.

In regards to your "Vietnam" comment, you have no idea of what occurred over there, and it remains quite obvious to be certain. We did NOTHING during the LBJ years but drop Bombs on Trees and Rice Paddies. We decided for some odd reason, no thanks in part to LBJ's micro-managing, that dirt trails in the woods were legitimate and worthwhile targets which we should bomb. It was only due to President Nixon that we finally mined Haiphong Harbor, and finally began to bomb hard targets of importance to the North Vietnamese war effort.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by tatersalad
Again someone please tell me why we cannot secure our borders? cannot help our homeless? cannot fix our economy? but we can go and kill people in the name of terrorism and freedom?

wow am i living in the matrix here

Maybe you have already forgotten of 9/11, 7/7, 3/11, etc? My oh my, how oh so many now-a-days seem to be the victims of short memories. Either you were asleep eight years ago, or you were not yet born, but you must have a reasonable excuse for such a blatant and inexcusable oversight.

BTW, I do agree with you on the Border issue though

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Worldmind

War cannot be contained. My buddies that came back from Nam brought that war home with them. The brave ones killed themselves, the cowards killed other people at home. And while some learned to cope, like myself, it's a daily exercise to keep my mind clean of the scar of what I experienced.

I have always wondered why so many of the WWII Vets I know, both in my family and otherwise, never had the slightest bit of trouble in coping with their memories, and moving on in life, YET, so many from Vietnam have had the opposite outcome.

I dare say that the Generation before 'Nam (And before the current) was of a tougher breed overall, and despite the fact that I do not mean it as an insult towards you (Quite the opposite), I feel that it is a legitimate reason behind this vast difference in the coping ability of Vets from the differing Wars.

To be honest, the only individuals I see now-a-days with the same form of grit, and determination as the guys during WWII, are those involved in SpecOps.

Take it for what you wish, but the aforementioned emanates purely from my personal observations, and I most certainly do not mean to belittle you in any fashion.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 04:55 AM

HERAT, Afghanistan (AFP) - Afghans chanted "Death to America" and demanded US troops leave Afghanistan as mobs threw stones at government offices Thursday in a violent protest against civilian deaths, witnesses said.

Four people were wounded when hundreds of furious demonstrators protested in the western town of Farah against the reported killings of up to 70 civilians during US-led air strikes and fighting against insurgents, officials said.

Afghan's protest deadly US-led strikes

i just calls it as i sees it.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:02 AM

more proof that USA is the greatest threat and genocidal nation that loves murdering poor muslims and killing their babies . USA must be destroyed as it is demonic and the greatest threat to the world , and i hope God uses Russia , as his fist , to destroy this satanic and evil american empire of babylon EVIL

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Kombatt98

yeah ok. maybe you need to sit down for a while and think about what you just said.

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