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Swine Flu "Pandemic Lie" Mandates Marshal Law before Wallstreet Crash!!!

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posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:32 AM
Is it possible that the flu is really worse then the media is telling us. Is it possible that WHO and the CDC are aware of things that the media is not aware of?

It be real nice to know the truth. Do I need to move my family or not...

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Hazelnut
We know that the media is reporting sporadically, the governments are using air time to convey the message of cautious concern, the World Health Organization is coordinating with global authorities. We know the condition of the global economy. We know the measures taken by TPTB over the last 8 years to extend control by the governments and militaries of the world. We know that Israel is threatening to attack Iran. We know that N. Korea is shouting for attention. WE know that taxes are increasing and wages are not. We know that unemployment is rising hysterically. We know that politicians are liars and self-serving insects. We know that Mass. Senate just passed a Pandemic Flu Martial Law Bill.

We know that riots have broken out across the globe and Tea Parties have been ignored or downplayed by US Gov. We know that "Fusion Center" reports are focusing on returning vets as potentially likely to be recruited by Extremists. We know that NorthCom has instituted its first ever Military Command on US soil. We know what happened during Hurricane Katrina - gun confiscation, isolation, lack of humane treatment. We know that many things are ocurring and either are exploited to garner more fear or completely downplayed.

The question is why so much confusion and contradiction? For anyone to think that these issues do not add up to a bigger picture, those ones would have to be determined not to see the writing on the wall.

What the agenda amounts to will be seen in time. But, to wait for PROOF of the big picture is irresponsible. I suspect, as do many others, that the global economic crisis is the impetus (crisis) to cause the public of all countries to beg for (reaction) governments to take strong action to make us all safe (solution).

The end of liberty is at hand. The global economy is crashing. Once this fact is widely known and accepted the only possible outcome is rioting, anarchy, chaos. TPTB are well aware of this and have concocted the Pandemic to ensure that citizens are kept from assembling, protesting and effecting significant change in our political structure.

Quarantining vast sections of the planet equals subdued and submissive, fearful reaction from the PEOPLE.

Not only that, Pharma makes a killing (literally) on the anti-flu drugs.


I think allot of what you wrote is based off of people making dumb stupid decisions, and not a intelligent design. If it is going into a direction of liberties being taken or whatever, their is a constant that many are not paying much attention too. All of these decisions or MOST of them appear hence the word appear bro, reactive to things occurring that altercate our liberties or freedoms or our World in general. That alarms me most. Whatever the case I hear ya, star.. I am a lil more moderate or look at things a lil different then others here on ATS, yet that does mean I do not agree, that something is off.. I am just looking under the other stones in the field.
If anything is apearant whatever it is that is changing the world, it is not ourselves giving these challenges it is bigger and deeper then that, what I mean is man is just responding to these things, and frankly our decision leadership wise I think aren't that intelligent.. Hope that makes some sense.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Adrifter

I think a lot of what he wrote is based on smart ruthless people manipulating less intelligent people into doing dumb things.

Whenever I look deeper into the issues they always end up in the same place.

Follow the money indeed. To it's source, to where it springs out of ass of the banking families, and there you will find the smart and ruthless. It is in the interest of the wise (pun not intended) to do so.

Biological warfare is nothing new, they have been catapulting diseased animals and even people into sieged cities since the middle ages, and probably since antiquity. Everything happens for a reason, with reason. Coincidence is just a word we use when we don't understand the causality.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by WarmthofSunlight
reply to post by Adrifter

I think a lot of what he wrote is based on smart ruthless people manipulating less intelligent people into doing dumb things.

Whenever I look deeper into the issues they always end up in the same place.

Follow the money indeed. To it's source, to where it springs out of ass of the banking families, and there you will find the smart and ruthless. It is in the interest of the wise (pun not intended) to do so.

Biological warfare is nothing new, they have been catapulting diseased animals and even people into sieged cities since the middle ages, and probably since antiquity. Everything happens for a reason, with reason. Coincidence is just a word we use when we don't understand the causality.

Indeed, for instance in my opinion the NWO, yet I don't really believe their are super smart people in the government just licking their chops to create some kinda communism by their own great idea's, think most of this is just fate. Anyhow the world has changed based off of 911, and I think some really bad decisions. From what I have learned terrorism is horrible on many accounts, I am just hoping stupid decisions are not made based off of this new health crisis, yet our governments have priors for making bad decisions out of fear. I just don't wanna believe their the dumb ones getting manipulated by the evil's of the World.
Yet they tend to take more from the people to assume they are protecting them, when all in all, sometimes you don't need to do anything to protect your people, somethings you cannot control. Or if you do, do things do them wisely. In the end the more you take, the less you will get in the end.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by Adrifter]

[edit on 1-5-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:44 AM
I appreciate the work you are all doing. There is always something to learn. This place is the only one that has constant updates from around the world that help regular people connect the "dots".

The first order of business in any battle plan is to gain control of the information flow.

But here at ATS we have a system of people who refuse to bow to the disinfo, misinfo and lack of info. Common sense prevails.

I just want to say thank you!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by MissysWorld

I'd say right - basically - but I think it's even more complex and further reaching than that.

The signs that this flu is a biological weapon, and not a natural occurrence are many. No swine infected, many flu types from different geographical locations mixed together, very high contagion rate, and it's out of season.

I believe that it IS a biological weapon - and that it has a high mortality rate - I believe it is going to kill millions. Some are saying it is being under reported, and I believe it.

That it will coincide with the economic collapse is no accident, as you discussed. However, what I believe is that is being done to maximize the death effect that will be caused by the ensuing starvation. You may have heard recently that business inventories have been run very low - that means supplies of food are low.

If a pandemic is declared it will interrupt shipping, ports will be quarantined - you won't be able to get enough food into the country - I think the USA may get starved to death. If the infection is passed to animals - then they may be culled - Egypt is culling 200,000 swine right now. Food security is under attack - I always believed that the biggest risk in the US was food security - and I still believe that is how they are going to effect the depopulation of the US - in combination with the flu.

They are not going to have to explain this one - because there aren't going to be enough people left.

If you are known for speaking out - get out of the country before they shut down your flights. Alex Jones and other activists are going to get trapped if they don't run now - then carted away to 'quarantine', to be injected with a deadly form of flu - and finally succumb. They are not going to shoot anyone.

They will have a perfect excuse for shutting down flights in and out of the country. The purge is beginning now.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:36 AM
I'm a fairly intelligent person. I understand medical issues well.
IF nothing else, NOTHING else, this is the most confusing coverage I have ever seen - of anything. I do strongly feel like the FACTS are being misrepresented or obscured.

It makes me angry. It would not be hard for some news agency to really get a handle on it, and give good, up to the minute, summations - not just of who is confirmed, but maybe - how many more people are dying of complications - OF ANY FLU - than usual?

The media is NOT doing a good job of telling people how the RULES they are making up as they go along affect the numbers.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by MissysWorld

I also think this is the "big one" where they will try and enact marshal law, however, I am very confident that they won't be able to do it because too many people already know that it is man made. I think they are testing the waters, but they are getting jumpy, they want to bring in martial law but they can't find a way to do it. What they need is more wars to boost the economy, but since they couldn't pull off an Iran invasion, they are instead dumping money in Afghanistan and now trying to get some sales boosts from Tamiflu. Basically I don't believe they have enough money to pull off martial law. They would have to pay the cops lots and lots of money, and I don't think enough cops are thuggish enough to hold down the fort like it was Nazi Germany. Too many people would spread the word to the cops and this would basically get them on our side. As strange as it sounds, martial law would actually be good for the people, because it proves to the world that the government has lost total control and is now at its very last and desperate phase. Not even in Nazi Germany did they hold martial law but rather a type of hyped up fascist patriotism--this is probably what they wanted with their Million Man Civil Militia that Obama has been drooling about, but since they couldn't get a mandatory service they are deeply screwed. I just hope they don't take plan B and decide to wipe out a large population of people. But even then, they will still go down. The days are numbered for the illuminati.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Memysabu
They are not going to enact marshal law until a lot of people have it so how on earth will it be a lie if so many people have it? Listen my friend just got it this morning are you seriously trying to say this flu doesnt exist? I really dont know how you come to this conclusion theres dead people in Mexico. I mean if that doesnt show you its real maybe the video will from the sick wards. Seriously people deny ignorance this is just rediculous.

My friend, the point is that 36,000 people DIED from the flu in the United States last year. Yes, THIRTY SIX THOUSAND. People die from the flu all of the time.

Sure, your friend has it but he will most likely live. There hasn't been one death in the United States from this flu. (Unless you count a sickly Mexican child that brought it with him.)

So, when you look at the numbers and see how much attention THIS flu is getting, you have to start to wonder, "Why all of the hype?"

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by dariousg

Originally posted by Memysabu
They are not going to enact marshal law until a lot of people have it so how on earth will it be a lie if so many people have it? Listen my friend just got it this morning are you seriously trying to say this flu doesnt exist? I really dont know how you come to this conclusion theres dead people in Mexico. I mean if that doesnt show you its real maybe the video will from the sick wards. Seriously people deny ignorance this is just rediculous.

My friend, the point is that 36,000 people DIED from the flu in the United States last year. Yes, THIRTY SIX THOUSAND. People die from the flu all of the time.

Sure, your friend has it but he will most likely live. There hasn't been one death in the United States from this flu. (Unless you count a sickly Mexican child that brought it with him.)

So, when you look at the numbers and see how much attention THIS flu is getting, you have to start to wonder, "Why all of the hype?"

I keep hearing this "36,000 die every year" thing, but that doesn't apply here.

This is an engineered virus that combines multiple elements of swine, avian and human characteristics. This is completely new and there is no defense and no immunity (unlike the seasonal flu).

This virus is spreading like wildfire from person to person. In six months the pandemic will be bigger than anything we've seen in our lifetimes.

Does that mean everyone will die? No. (Though many, many people will) But it does mean that people will be tightly controlled and quarantined. Martial law without calling it martial law. Just in time for the total economic collapse that is coming.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:07 PM
Having gone through the 2003 SARS crisis in Canada. I can say this type of thing can be wildly overblown. There were conspiracy and end of the world stories circulating back them.

An epidemiologist I know tells me the number and variants of avian and swine flus are incalculable. We are only alerted to a tiny percent of them. He also says it was inevitable a particularly virulent and resistant strain would emerge and become widespread.

I seriously doubt there is any malign involvement of US government agencies in this. But it is a default assumption for many, particularly in this environment.


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:26 PM

I’m still concerned about the huge population of Mexicans that will soon fill up our hospitals. If they are dying there they will come here instead.

I don’t know how bad this flu will be. My kids brought home flu warning papers from school yesterday.

What worries me is I posted a thread a few days ago about Washington state being hit with the swine flu, yet WHO nor the CDC have put it on the map yet. There is some weird time period it takes to have samples tested. You would think if they are worried about spreading it they would speed up the process.

I agree. It would only take one word from Timmy Geitner or Obama to set off panic in the streets. Becoming transparent on the global economic collapse, would set off bank runs and a stock market collapse.

They may also be preparing for a terrorist attack, in advance. Never before in history has Homeland Security been involved with a medical crisis.

Does anyone find it odd they aren’t stopping border crossing and encouraging us to take mass transportation systems. When it’s homeland Security’s job to do that. There is another purpose that they have been deployed.

Not only are we expecting a credit card bubble burst we are also expecting a commercial real estate bubble, Prime mortgage foreclosures, a possible treasuries bubble.

We also have a food shortage and overpopulation problem.

With AIG failing neither they, nor any other insurance company can cope with a mass natural disaster, tornado, earthquake, flood or Volcano’s.

The Federal government is tapped out. I think we will skip deflation, stagflation, inflation and head right in to Hyperinflation.

We all need to stock up on more herbal anti-viral medications.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

It's not just America targetted for culling though is it. There's the rest of the world to consider too.

I'm aware of all the problems that would ensue in the food manufacturing and transportation industry if this turned out to be "the big one" you think governments around the world would sort out some sort of "rations" system ? Do you think that inbetween the waves of the virus as it ran its course over 18 months or so that there would be an increase in food availibility in the developed world ?

Here in our house we are trying to figure out how much food and other supplies to stockpile for a worse case scenario . I was thinking 3 months minimum but at the same time if the virus went on and on as long as the 1918 one did what then ? Surely food supplies wouldn't totally cease - do we know of any plans to effect a ration system in the event of a pandemic ? Advance shopping eats up cash very easily and most of us are living on a week to week amount

God the world will go to $hit if this turns out to be "the one". We were talking the other night about all the other tens of millions who would die not from the virus but from starvation, suicide, being victims of crime etc...I mean there are 3rd world countries who could be practically wiped off the map in a full-on pandemic.

[edit on 1/5/09 by cosmicpixie]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:43 PM
When trying to solve a problem, always start with the simplest solution first. This flu emergency we have smells of something else entirely. Every year in the USA , we have thousands that die from the regular ole flu, and it's just an everyday occurance. What's going on now?
I think it's all about power. The big O needs an emergency to declare martial law, and his administration has said, "never waste a good disaster" or something like that. I agree with the idea that there are alterior motives to this emergency. Something just doesn't smell right.
Everything boils down to money or power. It always does. The Dems have already sealed our fate with the stimulus package, and the next item on the agenda is a total power grab with martial law--"for our own protection".
Obama will soon control the banks totally, and with martial law, can control the public any way he sees fit"for our own protection of course".
I certainly would love to be wrong on these ideas, but the chips are falling into place by the day. Be ready for some sneaky, lowdown, underhanded policies to be enacted soon, "for our own protection".

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

The handwriting is on the wall. The question remains if all this Flu business is enough for the government to go to the next level of emergency??. I still don't understand the level of concern, unles something more is happening. Still seems like a design for a power grab too me. I'll guess we'll see soon.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:59 PM
Hi there. I'm writing from a hedge fund office on Wall Street. We're doing fine. No economic collapse on the horizon. Sure it was dicey for a bit, but just as it ALWAYS HAS...people panic and over sell, then the cooler minded individuals go in a buy up all the stock that the panickers sold at firesale prices.

We're up more than 20% this month, and there's no reason to believe we won't be up another 8-10% next month. Sure the market may retest lows, but I can say with some certainty that the swine flu was not "created" to attempt to stem a market crash.

I would more likely believe that the Mexican Gov't floated this out there to try and stem the violence between drug cartels in the border region and it got away from them.

Still, I don't really think it was that either.

I think we're dealing with a pretty tame strain of flu that is somewhat efficient at moving from host to host.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by mrpotatohead
reply to post by mrpotatohead


The handwriting is on the wall. The question remains if all this Flu business is enough for the government to go to the next level of emergency??. I still don't understand the level of concern, unles something more is happening. Still seems like a design for a power grab too me. I'll guess we'll see soon.

Yes, as a matter of fact it is. The power grabbing already happened when Homeland Security declared a National and State of Emergency. They're gearing up for something more sinister.

Now we play the waiting game.

I'm one of those people who are heavily prepared for any emergency, resulting from martial law. Including having Herbal anti-virals. in route next day air.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by beefytee
Hi there. I'm writing from a hedge fund office on Wall Street. We're doing fine. No economic collapse on the horizon. Sure it was dicey for a bit, but just as it ALWAYS HAS...people panic and over sell, then the cooler minded individuals go in a buy up all the stock that the panickers sold at firesale prices.

We're up more than 20% this month, and there's no reason to believe we won't be up another 8-10% next month. Sure the market may retest lows, but I can say with some certainty that the swine flu was not "created" to attempt to stem a market crash.

I would more likely believe that the Mexican Gov't floated this out there to try and stem the violence between drug cartels in the border region and it got away from them.

Still, I don't really think it was that either.

I think we're dealing with a pretty tame strain of flu that is somewhat efficient at moving from host to host.

The smart money is still sitting on the sidelines. The only people trading are those who want gamble on making a quick buck before SHTF. I pulled out in Oct. 2007.

Congrats on having a hedge fund job. There isnt much leveraging going on now is there? I personally blame hedge funds for the problem we are in.

I'm surprised a person of your stature doesnt understand the difference of a bear market rally and the next step to the Great Depression. Have you seen the Correlating charts. We also have never seen this sort of volatility in history. We haven’t seen blood on the streets yet.

This is the calm before the storm. Look at Vanguard, for instance. Who would have thought it would break a buck. Everyone fled to treasuries. I for one went a different route.

No insult intended but we cant take financial advice from anyone in the hedge fund business.

Look at Warren Buffett. His cool minded buying was a huge mistake. I saw it before he did and I'm not a pro.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:39 PM
What if this flu is man made perfectly released in time to draw away attention from something else not of this world. and at the same time pick up on the perks that go along with it ie total control, and a short breather from an economic solution.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by wonderworld
The smart money is still sitting on the sidelines. The only people trading are those who want gamble on making a quick buck before SHTF. I pulled out in Oct. 2007.

So I assume you wouldn't consider Warren Buffet "smart" money, because he's been pumping more money in all the way down.

Congrats on having a hedge fund job. There isnt much leveraging going on now is there? I personally blame hedge funds for the problem we are in.

Well at least you're not blaming the government or the grays or the reptilians under ground.

There are a few hedge funds that were VERY large contributors to this crisis, however, don't damn the entire industry for the actions of a few. The main culprits were the heavy dealers in CDS and CMO's.

I'm surprised a person of your stature doesnt understand the difference of a bear market rally and the next step to the Great Depression. Have you seen the Correlating charts. We also have never seen this sort of volatility in history. We haven’t seen blood on the streets yet.

Firstly, I've done nothing to illustrate my stature. I could fill the printers and order lunches for the group for all you know.

The major difference between this rally and bear market rallies (and the great depression) is the thawing of the credit markets. A bear market rally is not fueled by fundamentals or the availability of new credit into the system. Bear market rallies are fueled by false optimism of "well the worst MUST be over" That already happened and then we had March. The policies of the Fed, treasury and administration have worked very hard to help liquidate the frozen credit markets, and we are certainly seeing these efforts bear some fruit. I will NOT say that the equity markets will not retest their lows, I will however say that unless something new happens (e.g. terrorist attack, if this swine flu does turn out to be a big deal) we have seen the darkest days of this financial crisis.

This is the calm before the storm. Look at Vanguard, for instance. Who would have thought it would break a buck. Everyone fled to treasuries. I for one went a different route.

A lot of people in the Hedge Fund industry were not surprised that Vanguard broke the buck, in fact, many of them bet a WHOLE lot of money on it. We may not be a scrupulous bunch, but we know how to do what we do.

No insult intended but we cant take financial advice from anyone in the hedge fund business.

I don't believe I offered any financial advice.

Look at Warren Buffett. His cool minded buying was a huge mistake. I saw it before he did and I'm not a pro.

Mistake? run the numbers my friend, Buffett put $5b into Goldman Sachs @115/share. It's currently $127/share. On capital appreciation alone he has made over $500 million on this investment (that's a 10% return since September) But this isn't plain old common stock, it was 10% PREFERRED stock, so he gets an additional $500million/ year without any capital appreciation. So far he has accrued more than $250million.

So he has made three quarters of a billion dollars on a 5 billion dollar investment. That's 15% He made that less than 8 months. Not included in this is the fact that Buffett ALSO reserves the right to buy $5billion more at any time in the next 5 years @ $115. So let's pretend Goldman sees $150 a share by 2013. Not ONLY is that another billion on his initial investment, but another 1.5 billion of INSTANT profit, PLUS the 10% coupon he's been clipping and will continue to clip for the foreseeable future. Yeah...big frigging mistake.

A good investor knows good investments, not market timing. Warren Buffett has NEVER claimed to had a crystal ball, just fierce loyalty to his ideas and investments...I think we can see why.

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