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hollow earth? interesting links

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posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 07:46 PM

Churchward's map showing how he thought Mu refugees spread out after the
cataclysm through South America, along the shores of Atlantis and into Africa.

Anglo-American explorer, James Churchward was a close friend of Auguste and Alice Le Plongeon. James Churchward, in books such as The Lost Continent of Mu (1931), wrote that the Motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter Island to the Marianas.
Churchward wanted an ancient civilization of his own, and using Le Plongeon's doubtful methodology set about 'discovering' one. His findings were set down in the five main volumes of the Mu series published in from 1926 - 1931. The basic premise was by studying various ancient texts Churchward had discovered the existence of a long lost continent with an advanced civilization that approximately 60,000 years earlier had sunk below the Pacific Ocean after a cataclysmic earthquake. Sixty-four million people allegedly died. The Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Islands are the remaining mountain peaks of the lost continent.

Read more here

I want to believe that ancestors of the Lemurians moved north from South America as well.

Presently I am traveling full time and my best reference books from Churchwood are back home.
Having difficulty finding pictures of some related symbols that show the Lemurian connections to places like the Hawaiian Islands, Fiji, Easter Island and the Marianas as well as the Mayan and other indian cultures further North. Perhaps as the Rosicrucians and Cayce suggested that they came by boat directly to the coast. And again that perhaps the Rocky Mountians actualy are a part of what remain of the Continent of Lemuria. I remember what a few of the symbols look like. But want to be able to post some good pics that will show the connection from their migration eastward. And again, hopefully, finally for me into the Mount Shasta area.


[edit on 13-10-2005 by parrhesia]

posted on Oct, 12 2005 @ 10:19 PM
What the heck are these lemurians really up to?

When overlaying the NOAA/NGDC higher resolution topography map of the ocean floor with the 12/07/01 GOES Satellite anomaly, using the artist's eye to adjust for 2D flat plane-to-3D surface distortion, and using the peaks of the Hawaiian Islands for registration it appears that the pyramid-like structures might possibly correspond with the center of the radiating GOES ring. Verification would require additional comparison of NOAA/NGDC with GOES-10 plotting information as well as more advanced geometry calculations.


Comparison with Giza and the Pacific Pyramids

Is it possible that some of the Lemurains remained and have maintained and or developed significant technologies? Perhaps they are not such a lost civilization after all!! According to Churchwood and others the Lemurian ancestory did eventualy make their way to Egypt. There have been a lot of similarities shown between the Lemurians and the Egyptians

I have seen satelite pics showing a maze of tunnels extending from this region to the West Coast of America. I will look for it and post here later.

For more go to Kents Space Orbit Site

[edit on 13-10-2005 by parrhesia]

posted on Oct, 26 2005 @ 12:25 PM
i know this is very "ont-topic and not following the whole lemurian people discussion, but i think that this story has been whacked way out of proportions.

There is definitely the idea for beings living underground, i mean, why not? there's no evidence to say it's impossible, but i highly doubt they live in a massive hollow cavity in the Earth's centre.

As mentioned before, where would all of the magma be coming from? and there would have to be a Nickel-Iron core, for the fact of the planet's electromagnetic field.

If the planet was hollow, there would be a massive decrease in gravitic force on everything on the surface. all objects have gravity, but their density determines their strength. If the planet was hollow, the moon would probably have more gravitic force than Earth.

Sorry for trying to debunk this theory, i didn't mean to but these things sprung into mind while i read through the first page of posts. i'm game for the new race underground though! let's wage war on them too!

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 12:20 AM
why wouldn't they make contact with us? maybe planning a war, to reclaim the surface. anyways, how could this be true. isn't it too hot for people to live close to the center? don't we drill down pretty far for oil? sensors detect the earth is hollow? but sounds like a mean science fiction movie.

p.s. deny hate

posted on Oct, 30 2005 @ 09:18 AM
Well, if they're really technologically advanced, and they don't want to be seen... then they won't be seen. They won't be seen, heard, found, etc. unless they want to be or unless someone is (un?)lucky enough to stumble upon them.

But for all we know they could have contacts with the highest levels of our government. For all we know they have been defending us for decades or centuries against alien invasion. There have been reports here on ATS of UFO vs. UFO battles in the skies. Maybe its those who live below us that are defending us from aliens.

Maybe its those who live below us that have helped us make some of the extraordinary advancements in technology and science that we've made in the last 100 years. 100 years that have no match in the history of mankind. I'll always believe that we were given, or we took, some of the amazing things that we've "invented" over the past century from someone more advanced than we are. People have always been looking to space when seeking these answers, and looking to space when seeking the origin of UFO's and aliens. Maybe all along we should have been looking right here on planet Earth. That sure would satisfy the nay-sayers who claim that the distances are too far for aliens to travel here and back so easily. Maybe they're right about that!

posted on Oct, 31 2005 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Rasputin13

Maybe its those who live below us that have helped us make some of the extraordinary advancements in technology and science that we've made in the last 100 years. 100 years that have no match in the history of mankind. I'll always believe that we were given, or we took, some of the amazing things that we've "invented" over the past century from someone more advanced than we are. People have always been looking to space when seeking these answers, and looking to space when seeking the origin of UFO's and aliens. Maybe all along we should have been looking right here on planet Earth. That sure would satisfy the nay-sayers who claim that the distances are too far for aliens to travel here and back so easily. Maybe they're right about that!

I'm sorry but there is a much simpler explanation. For a start our advances are much older than that - more like the past 400 years, probably more in some areas like chemistry and philosophy. The thing is that the creation and adaption of technology tends to increase, especially the wider the knowledge pool is. One thing leads to another, which can lead to new developments off the beaten path once someone sees a use for that technology, business steps in with the right capital... it all grows on from that. Yes we've made spectacular growth in some areas, but don't forget that that's just in certain places where it's taken for granted. As for the concept of a hollow earth, it's physically impossible and is a really silly idea. Good for a laugh though!
(And as for the map showing Mu and Atlantis - GROAN - there are no land masses in those spots. Not even sunken land masses. Plate tectonics ladies and gentlemen, you just can't beat it.)

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 05:55 AM
oooooooooooooomg the earth is hollow for f**ks sake.

where does lava from volcanoes come from?

scientists have researched this and found there is defently a centre mantle core and so on. people dont waste ur time researching absoulote crap like this. the internet pisses me off sometimes when i see crap like this

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by connectabore

Churchward's map showing how he thought Mu refugees spread out after the
cataclysm through South America, along the shores of Atlantis and into Africa.

Anglo-American explorer, James Churchward was a close friend of Auguste and Alice Le Plongeon. James Churchward, in books such as The Lost Continent of Mu (1931), wrote that the Motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter Island to the Marianas.
Churchward wanted an ancient civilization of his own, and using Le Plongeon's doubtful methodology set about 'discovering' one. His findings were set down in the five main volumes of the Mu series published in from 1926 - 1931. The basic premise was by studying various ancient texts Churchward had discovered the existence of a long lost continent with an advanced civilization that approximately 60,000 years earlier had sunk below the Pacific Ocean after a cataclysmic earthquake. Sixty-four million people allegedly died. The Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Islands are the remaining mountain peaks of the lost continent.

Read more here

I want to believe that ancestors of the Lemurians moved north from South America as well.

Presently I am traveling full time and my best reference books from Churchwood are back home.
Having difficulty finding pictures of some related symbols that show the Lemurian connections to places like the Hawaiian Islands, Fiji, Easter Island and the Marianas as well as the Mayan and other indian cultures further North. Perhaps as the Rosicrucians and Cayce suggested that they came by boat directly to the coast. And again that perhaps the Rocky Mountians actualy are a part of what remain of the Continent of Lemuria. I remember what a few of the symbols look like. But want to be able to post some good pics that will show the connection from their migration eastward. And again, hopefully, finally for me into the Mount Shasta area.


[edit on 13-10-2005 by parrhesia]

dude ur map has atlantis on it i dont think its very reliable.........

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 05:58 AM
sorry double post

[edit on 24/12/05 by km69]

posted on Dec, 26 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by infinite

[Edited on 25-4-2004 by infinite]

Well, there's a problem with that "hole in the pole" - The hole in that picture is hovering above far Eastern Siberia, the Bering Sea, and Western Alaska, not terribly close to a pole - magnetic or axal.

Much of the "people from underground" in mythologies has har more to do with the experience of shamanic trance wherein the practicioner descends in spirit into the otherworld, traveling back and forth, in and out of this world and the next in a motion resembling descent and ascent - I've done it, myself. "Our forefathers came from beneath the earth" is a fancy way of claiming lineage from gods and spirits, or it could be allegory for "we came from our ancestors, who we buried, but whos spirits we still speak with".

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 10:47 AM
ok im new and probably have alot to learn buuuuut i have a theory .. about the sun being responsable for our gravity .. the (remember what happens when you try to put two magnets together on the same magnet pole (or something like that) they repel each other .. maybe thats what holds all the planets where they are ..
earth has a mantle and other layers around it .. could these be spinning in opposite direnctions to generate our magnetic force that not only keeps us in place in the galaxy but also stops us draggin in or colliding with other planets..
just a thought .. if thats the case then possibly its the main core that gives us the amount of gravity we have did someone say 1g .. that could be generated easily if the core spins against the other layers like a huge electro magnet . just a thought . then there could be other civilisations under the earths top few layers . volcanos could flow through these layers and cavitie cutting through into our little world at the top .. without a problem .. who knows . but to be honest i dont think there is any right or wrong in this thread as none of us know for sure .. but its a fascinating thread that prompted me to join today

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 11:49 AM
Star, and flag for a GREAT topic.

I'll have to look thoroughly through everything.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Great topic with cool links. I am sure one of the scientific debunkers will be along shortly to rain on this parade though. For all the implausibility this theory appeals to me. Everything I have learned tells me that it should not and could not be true, yet I keep thinking about it and being haunted by it. If there truly are advanced beings residing inside our planet, then it is time for them to come on out and give us a hand.

I would have to say, dont hold your breath for their calvary to come charging in here and saving the day.

I have given this subject tremendousness amounts of thought, and my conclusion is that the world is running just the way the King wants it to, along with the hidden helping hand.

It all boils down to ownership. We do not belong to the first genesis creations, we belong to the King of the second who was put in charge by the first. The King was trained, and took an oath, to the first Genesis King. The old testament is the story of the first genesis and second genesis interacting. The second genesis King See's us as nothing more than objects to be controlled, and culled from time to time, because that is how he was trained to see us. Do you go out to your garden and greet your plants? Do you go out to the barn and greet YOUR livestock every day and ask what you can do to make their lives more enjoyable? Would you free your live stock to make them happy? Why would the king?

You must have a pure heart to enter the hollow. Adm Byrd says he had such a heart as told to him by the king. But lets not forget Adm Byrd, had already taken a oath, to the king, his masonic oath. Adm Byrd was a 33rd degree mason. Is that how you get a pure heart? The truly pure at heart were thrown out long ago and sent to the wastelands called the surface of this planet. You find their bones and marvel at their size.

Do not wait for a "Savior" of any size for the chances are, its the king himself, or one of his men.

One other thing, the planet, or shall I say, life orb, or firmament, could have formed in only one way.


What follows is the ramblings of the insane. Skilled together using information and the insight of a dream by a human being who is prone to error, but wise enough to accept it.

I saw darkness all around me, and then there were pinpricks of light forming in the distance. It was wondrous to behold. They were of a number that could not be counted and they appeared all around me. Little sparks of light coming upon them selves from the darkness.

Then a brighter light that became larger, and larger, then others in the distance. Nearer to me I saw a light appear from nowhere. It appeared as thought it came from a pinprick of space that had no form. It was as though some one had injected something from the ethereal realm threw an ethereal opening. As the mass came threw this portal it became hot, white-hot. I could see that it pushed its way into the material. It was forming around itself as it was being injected from the very center; it grew in size and was molten. I was able to see inside this molten mass as it grew. Continually the material came from the center.

After a time I saw it was vibrating and separating from itself. Like materials were vibrating to, and unlike were vibrating away. It was equalizing itself. Then it vibrated and started to bubble, from within and out. And it started to separate inside. Those bubbles started to come together inside its mass and started to exert a pressure from within and started to expand the mass from within. The bubble grew larger and larger but did not completely fill the void just yet. It filled with pressure to such a point from the middle yet there was a middle place that remained in the center. It was separating from it. It was giving birth.

The outside vibrated as a glowing rubber ball or a large bubble, moving as one, but still attached to the center smaller ball, in one small area. It continued to vibrate until the outer bubble broke free of the center ball. There was a raised area where the ball had touched the bubble for the last time. It was a raised area that remained raised, and could be considered a birthmark. It was the final kiss. The larger ball vibrated away from the center and centered itself from the smaller ball and began to spin, slowly. The central ball, being more liquefied or molten, absorbed the mark back into itself.

The central ball stayed a molten red color, the outer ball started to become scaled on its surface, but still in a plastic state. As it rotated two opening began to form, and it was at this time it began to act as a magnet. As time passed the expansion and contraction of the differing materials put stresses on the ball and it pulled and pushed itself in different places as the materials were not uniform but retained their own unique properties. Some of the pushing, pushed up mountains, in other places the pulling formed valleys and low places.

As time passed the finer materials began to seep out of the hot mass and gasses were formed. The ball separated in its middle so that there was an inner firmament and a outer firmament. The outer firmament was free to move around the axis while the inner firmament was anchored. This allowed the ball to balance itself and correct for minor differences like a motor mount allows an engine to vibrate freely. The outer shell is like armor to the inner. Both firmaments are riddled with voids of internal gas pressure, as molten slag, some places more, some places less.

As it cooled the materials started to come together on the surfaces and both were equal in this respect. Chemical compounds began to take shape and pooled on the surfaces.

[edit on 9-8-2009 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Genya
Hi all!

Whilst not wishing to spoil this fascinating debate, has anybody searched for "hollow earth debunked" or such like phrases?

If not, please see here


"... The only possibility to form a hollow planet would be if the planetesimals were in exactly the right locations to have come together in a hollow shape in the first place.

Is this possible? Sure. The universe is a big place. I don't see why there couldn't be a chance that this might have happened. Is it likely? No way in hell. I don't know what the numbers are here, but you can be sure the odds are insurmountable. As an exercise in probability, try throwing a handful of sand onto a table in the hopes it will spell out your name. It might happen, but I sincerely doubt it (and this is far more likely to be a success than the odds against a planet forming as a hollow sphere).

Conclusion? The Earth has an iron-nickel core and is NOT hollow..." etc.

Just my �0.02...

The probability for a single replicating protein is ten to the four hundred and fiftieth power, but that's good enough for evolutionists. **shrugs** What are odds anyway?

Hey. Do you think there are dinosaurs there???

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by A Fortiori

As the hollow is the repository for all life that is to populate this solar system, I would have to say, yes, there are dinosaur in the hollow, along with all the life forms that have ever been on this planet, IMO.

posted on Aug, 9 2009 @ 07:56 PM
well i can confirm that there's people that live under us. I cannot say if this is the theory of the hollow earth or if it has to do something with the reptilians, but i would say that they live in harmony (they are alive and they do die just like us) they are much more advance (mentally and physically) than us but do not think of ipod etc, just a higher awareness of the world. They do not where any clothing and are not ashame of it. also they do alot of the things we do, one example is that they actually go finish just like us.

sorry for my english, how i did adquired such knowledge?

you can read more here.

posted on Aug, 10 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by eduardmc
well i can confirm that there's people that live under us. I cannot say if this is the theory of the hollow earth or if it has to do something with the reptilians, but i would say that they live in harmony (they are alive and they do die just like us) they are much more advance (mentally and physically) than us but do not think of ipod etc, just a higher awareness of the world. They do not where any clothing and are not ashame of it. also they do alot of the things we do, one example is that they actually go finish just like us.

sorry for my english, how i did adquired such knowledge?

you can read more here.

I would like to thank you for responding, not many do. But in all honesty, not many would or could, and I do not hold this against them.

There undoubtedly will be those who question your material and endlessly challenge its honesty and real genesis. I myself have learned how to deal with such material in a modest and mature manner. Hopefully in the future more will learn the method.

On face value I will accept your "Knowledge" until more information is available that either credits, or discredits you information.

There are fundamental questions that must be addressed. One, for example, who is really more advanced than the other? Given their sheltered existence for so long, not allowing exterior intervention, or the interaction between cultures I find would actually keep them from advancing mentally and physically. And in turn, holding them in a sort of "Educational Stasis". Yes, they may very well be in command of ancient knowledge that is withheld from us, but without new information or the will to explore this new information, in my mind would actually make them quite archaic, old fashion, and out dated. To be given the secrets of the universe, then "Sit" on them in secrecy would lead to a very boring life, a real hell on earth.

"Naked"? Thats a new one on me, but I'm sure there is room for that LOL LOL You once again reveal yourself with the "Fishing" thing. Remember what uneducated eavesdropping can lead to.

Fundamental question two. Why go to such lengths to conceal their existence and the truth of this planet? Could it simply be because they are ashamed of what the "200" fallen angels did, by creating the 3rd genesis, that being the races that inhabit the wastelands of the surface? I understand there was quite a falling out over that, with the first genesis god. Pretty sure he didn't like the idea of anyone else being a creator god, you know how jealous he is (Lord God, of the Bible). You, of the second genesis, did something quite amazing, you brought true creativity on to this old marble. Oh, and If I didn't say thank you in the past, consider it said now

Things are truly reversed, not because of the way it is, but because of the way, it could be. From what I understand, the first genesis (That being the reptilian you mentioned) still has some weight, some power over you, the second genesis. As your king views us on the surface, so too does the king of the first, view you of the second. You are merely pawns and possessions, regardless of what you have been mislead to believe. Your utopia is actually a very well maintained prison, or to be more precise, zoo. I hear your plea's in you songs, and I can sympathize with you. You are enslaved by perfection that is forced upon you, no true freedom. You cant even make face to face contact with the creations, you, created. Whats wrong with this picture?

Is it possible, as we on the surface, continue to await the arrival of the savior, that you too, of the second genesis, wait for yours? I hear the plea's, save us from religion, save us from the king.

You king has been very hard at work trying to convince the surface population that your prison, your zoo, your utopia, your kingdom, is the right way to live. It has now come home to roost, hasn't it. His little ban of creatures in the form of secret society and genetic misfits has taken the world to the brink of self destruction. Boy, thats the king I want to follow. It wasn't Gods chosen people, it was the King's chosen.

How say you?

posted on Sep, 1 2009 @ 09:44 PM
I think that the "OMG, look at those holes in north pole! the earth must be hollow!" theory is BS. Why? It's against physic laws (i feel stupid talking about actual physics here hahaha) However, i think that underground civilizations are absolutely viable, you don't need a COMPLETE hollow earth with all and theuir own sun to have them
("Spartacus and the Undersea Sun"?). There's nice caves and tunnels under this beautiful planet that are deep enough to house them where our science men haven't dug enough yet.

Oh and FYI, the ozone hole is in the south pole... here's a ref. image

my 2 cents

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 12:33 PM
I love it when people state gravity as the reason the earth can not be hollow..

Warning: Gravity is “Only a Theory”

by Ellery Schempp

All physics textbooks should include this warning label:

“This textbook contains material on Gravity. Universal Gravity is a theory, not a fact, regarding the natural law of attraction. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered.”

The Universal Theory of Gravity is often taught in schools as a “fact,” when in fact it is not even a good theory.

First of all, no one has measured gravity for every atom and every star. It is simply a religious belief that it is “universal.” Secondly, school textbooks routinely make false statements. For example, “the moon goes around the earth.” If the theory of gravity were true, it would show that the sun's gravitational force on the moon is much stronger than the earth's gravitational force on the moon, so the moon would go around the sun. Anybody can look up at night and see the obvious gaps in gravity theory.

The existence of tides is often taken as a proof of gravity, but this is logically flawed. Because if the moon's “gravity” were responsible for a bulge underneath it, then how can anyone explain a high tide on the opposite side of the earth at the same time? Anyone can observe that there are 2 -- not 1 -- high tides every day. It is far more likely that tides were given us by an Intelligent Creator long ago and they have been with us ever since. In any case, two high tides falsifies gravity.

So you bring a flawed theory to the table to dispel another theory? High tides must have another motivating force, one that doesn't readily meet the eye, sort of speaking. Maybe tides are not being pulled at all, maybe, they are being pushed?

posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 01:00 PM
Ah All seeing

Everything in science is a theory.

That particular argument is not really supportable.

As I often tell believers in fantastic things- instead of wasting your time on website ...go find Atlantis, Mu or the openings into the hollow earth- it'll save time and band width.

Also I've noted that you haven't taken your 'idea' to a science board.

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