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Nationwide 'tea party' protests blast spending

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posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

What about the senseless spending on tea products just to dump them into water or mail them? El stupido, in my plucky opinion. If people are going to get mad, smash a few windows...jeeze.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:30 PM
I just got back from the Houston Tea Party if you want to read about it guys. I had a blast and got some cool swag along the way!

Houston Tea Party

My Pictures from my Time There

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by hadriana

It's hannity man.

of course it is. I just turned it on and seen that. Hannity sucks..plain and simple. He may have some good points here and there...but for the most part he is a blow hard with no credibility who trashed Ron Paul who is one of the few honest politicians and real conservatives in Congress.

Hannity is neo-con...he doesn't seem to worry about the spending when it comes to war...

Most people aren't railing for Republicans....they can try to use this to their advantage but I don't think it's going to work. A whole new slew of politicians will have to arrive...the same pieces of crap that are in there now...and the same former politicians that are railing for it are all full of it in my opinion.

People will go to the person who will actually make some waves and go against the status quo.

yes there will always be hardcore republicans and democrats...but the majority of people are in the middle...

[edit on 15-4-2009 by David9176]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

The tea bags are symbolic. It's supposed to remind politicians of what happened right before the revolutionary war. You know, that whole taxation without representation stuff? And honestly, destroying private or government property isn't exactly a good way to get people to take you seriously, thus they aren't doing that. It is a great way to end up in jail though.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
no, fox is covering this stuff because none of the other liberal media want to. They try and keep saying its a conservative or republican movement, when its NOT. There are just as many Dems and libs as there are conservatives and republicans there.

Think about it man.......and i agree, you spend most of your time sniping at people and trying to be witty. Who wants to even give the time of day to someone who just comes across as a troll.

I learned the way I currently post -

Now that I am further in the ATS minority I need to have a crack to my cracks.

I think there is more than meets the eye - I think FOX has a hidden motive.

I also have learned that FOX is very good at manipulating people...

I am not stupid or dense ( not saying any of you are per say ), but I am also very anti establishment - which is what these protests are being billed as.

However I ask that some of you look around the BEND and look in every direction possible - even past the motives you carry today.

BUCK the government for right now-

I do see a clear manipulation on FOX'S behalf - the psychology that they are utilizing is the SAME BRAND that pushed the POPULATION into allowing for IRAQ FISA PA,

FOX was the prime MEDIA supporter of the






CUTTING DOWN ANTI- the list above- sentiment with buzz words and humiliation.

BUZZ WORDS and divisive rhetoric ( maybe like mine I apologize)

Socialist -Terrorist

Unamerica - Anti globalist

CULLING and incubating PEOPLES fear in order to create a desired response-

THAT is the basics of manipulation...

FOX is intentionally leading a whole mass of people in a certain direction - VERY DIFFERENT THEN COMMENTARY -

FOX and its mission to divide the Americans is what concerns me aswell

HAVE any of you recognized FOX's ADVERTS???? BOFA, AIG, USB... = NWO = PTB

COULD it be that FOX is intentionally fanning rage - like the rage they fanned in 2001 2002 2003 -

Cause from an outsider perspective it IS THE SAME METHOD!!!

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:59 PM
I just want to post in relation to those who say we should be cheering because we got a tax cut. (the middle class) I call Bull Poo on that.

My property taxes have increased more than any amount of money I may save on income tax. And then there's every day things I buy which are costing me more and more ... increased sin taxes.

The problem now is that since there's less money in the federal funds, the local and state govt's are trying to take me for every dime I have.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:00 PM
As an Independant, I am supposed to look at both sides and call foul on both teams. And I am calling a technical on this one.

I think that nothing good is going to come of this at all.
By that I mean, the after shock of this is not going to hurt the politicians, its going to hurt the people. This is a divide and conquer-esque type of scenerio.

I keep hearing "this isnt about just republicans, its democrats too".
That is utter crap if you ask me(No offence to anyone).
But I feel that the reason we arent seeing many democrats speaking out against this, is because they are still in la la land when it comes to these issues. They still look at Obama as someone who is going to rescue them, they havent given up on him yet.

Not to make this next statement sound racist or in anyway hateful, but I look at that Atlanta Georgia crowd, and I only saw 2 black faces. Last time I checked, there were many black people in AtL. Where were they? They didnt show because the majority of the black voters, voted for Obama. You have CNN and other liberal media calling these tea parties every name in the book, so its no wonder why not many liberals are showing up to these things.

So to say that its both dems and repubs is almost laughable. There might be some dems who are starting to wake up to this false dream they have been living in over the past 6 months or so, but the majority of them are still hoping that they got the right man on the job.
The republicans on the other hand, are using these events to their advantage. I flipped through the channels, and it seems as if FOX news is running this like it is another presidential Campaign. I am not knocking it, because I believe that the American people ARE getting screwed over, and that people have every right to protest these things, although I dont think that the end result of this is going to be pretty at all.

Like I said earlier, this is all to divide the people up even more than they already are. While the message is good, the end result will be much worse.
I just hope that because of this, that a violent race revolution wont prop out. That is something I always thought would happen because of something like this, and I do not want to see all that we have worked for as a people to go down the drain because of one leaders actions. We do not need it, but it might be too late. I hear of "revolutions" on T.V. and from people around me in the 'real' world, and that train hasnt even started to let up yet. I hope that the people really understand what is at stake here.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:06 PM
Edited for an honest mistake very sorry common good -

I stand by what you first read -

your point was a solid one for certain!

[edit on 16-4-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Yea, there is something going on in this country that makes me sick to my stomache.
You cant blame one side or the other for the way things are right now, both teams are at fault.
On one hand you have FOX using this to push their agenda, and on the other side you have CNN using this to attack FOX and conservatives.
They are both eating at each other, and anyone who buys into any of it shouldnt even have a voice. Some people would have been better off being born mute.
Besides the news stations, I think that this is all about the people.
The people are tired of the BS, and they have every right to be tired of it.
Just sometimes people only give a Sh^t when their party is or isnt in power, as long as it fits thier little world. They are never able to look at the other side and find common ground with each other, its always the "My way or the highway" type of attitude.

These people (not just the people at the tea parties but everyone against em) are just signing their own death warrants on this issue without realizing what the bigger picture is. People dont learn from history and it almost seems as if they are really oblivious to the ways of human nature, or they just dont care. Some people just want to fight.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by David9176

NO response???

You want the truth and you are buying it by the same entity that

SOLD you war - proxy tax - fisa -patriot act - gitmo

First you need to get information that is not written by former profilers...

I'm afraid you are listening to the worst possible entity to receive ILLUMINATION from.

Please find my last response 2 you and refute it or expand

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

Did you post a positive response to me and say thanks for another point on the subject, then delete that response and change it to say I am in LA La Land and that I have been cultivated by FOX?

Did you really just do that?
I hope not.
I hope I am just tripping.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by mental modulator

I perceive it as a method of regaining GOP dominance - and I believe that will be the end result - NOT to mention that FOX is promoting this like a 90% off shoe sale - WHY D ???

First...i do have a wife that likes to use the computer occasionally..i can't reply immediately and I can't spend every waking moment to instantly reply to your posts.

GOP dominance? If you think this is going to happen you should be even more worried about THE HUGE EXPANSION OF GOVERNMENT...and debt.

If you are so worried you should be out there as well..but you won't because all you care about is universal health care...seemingly not caring what it's going to cost this country and the people living in it.

There was no guidelines...there is nothing....just money set aside for something that we have no idea will really work...or how much it will really cost in the end.

Also...MSNBC and CNN have covered very little of the protests...i watched much of it today. Thousands and thousands of people were protesting..yet it was completely ignored...but the people being bused to the houses of AIG to protest them were all over the news. Do you see anything wrong with this? Do these people not deserve a voice? The non coverage could very well backfire if people notice how hard they have been slammed and beaten up by others in the media. These are AMERICANS...just like you and I...with their own opinions.

What if Fox didn't cover this? Do you think MSNBC and others would give these people a fair shake? NO.

It would go unnoticed and you know it.

FOX was PARAMOUNT in creating the past public support for this catastrophe and NOW, NOW they are reformed and represent LIBERTY?

The crisis was caused by the federal reserve lowering interests rates to make all of this possible. Yet almost no one in the media says a freaking word. I was pleased to see tons of signs saying "end the fed" and "audit the fed."

How can you speak against this? HOW?

If you are so against what Bush can you possibly be happy about what is happening now?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:51 PM
All I can say is to the real Paulers and constitutionalists out there I am sorry that your movement has been hijacked by the neocon elite and the bushies... I am so sorry... but you are partly to blame for having your message drained because you gave into the garbage.

Few months back the general consensus was that Paulers are different, today it seems now that their message is lost within the rightwing fringe movement who never gave a damn about the constitution until righty lost.

Never agreed with Paulers in general, but any hijacking of an honest movement is indeed sad. Coupled with the faliure of recognition of the protests itself in general... aint lookin' good.

I am so sorry for you all.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:54 PM
This is what kills me about people supporting large government.

Willing to give the executive branch all of this power....only to know that eventually a Republican will most likely have this power at some time in the future.

Is this what you want?

Do you even consider this when you rail for large government?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by David9176

Are their any liberals out there that can answer my previous post?

Are you worried or just plain not care?

It will happen...and you're helping to make it possible.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by David9176

You know David, you did bring up a very good point.
Setting up big government for the next guy.
Obama is screwing up so bad right now(in a lot of peoples eyes) and I can almost guarantee you that he WILL NOT be re-elected(or any other democrat) if this crap continues. What happened with Bush this past term, will happen with Obama. Except this time, the govt will be much bigger and easier for the republicans to take control.
If the democrats dont want to acknowledge the massive growth of government under Obama, what are they going to say when that same sized Govt is under the control of the Republicans?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Common Good

Exactly....they are railing for big government yet they setting themselves up for even more anger.

Why aren't they asking themselves this?

Is this worth the risk to them?

For cripes sakes this should be their biggest worry...are they hoping that a Democrat will always be in office?

And even if they that really a good thing?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by David9176

In my opinion, I dont think that they have thought that far ahead.
If they have thuoght that far ahead, than that only tells me that there is something else going on with the govt that we dont know about.
I dont think that they would purposely set the next guy up with such control unless they had been working co-operatively the whole time(which I never thought was out of the question). But in 'reality' terms, and not conspiracy terms, I dont see why they would be so foolish to be doing something like this. Yea it might be a good 4 years for them, but when that 4 years is up, what then? Its like committing suicide, unless its a staged suicide. Very fishy.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by Common Good

They had better start thinking ahead.

They are going to give so much power to the very people they will happen..we all know it will..unless their is an uprising or a new political party that will actually "shrink" government.

This is why I rail for Ron Paul so much because he actually wants to shrink government. I don't see anyone else who is sincere in doing so.

It's funny that no one thinks about this.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by David9176
reply to post by mental modulator

I perceive it as a method of regaining GOP dominance - and I believe that will be the end result - NOT to mention that FOX is promoting this like a 90% off shoe sale - WHY D ???

First...i do have a wife that likes to use the computer occasionally..i can't reply immediately and I can't spend every waking moment to instantly reply to your posts.

GOP dominance? If you think this is going to happen you should be even more worried about THE HUGE EXPANSION OF GOVERNMENT...and debt.

If you are so worried you should be out there as well..but you won't because all you care about is universal health care...seemingly not caring what it's going to cost this country and the people living in it.

There was no guidelines...there is nothing....just money set aside for something that we have no idea will really work...or how much it will really cost in the end.

Also...MSNBC and CNN have covered very little of the protests...i watched much of it today. Thousands and thousands of people were protesting..yet it was completely ignored...but the people being bused to the houses of AIG to protest them were all over the news. Do you see anything wrong with this? Do these people not deserve a voice? The non coverage could very well backfire if people notice how hard they have been slammed and beaten up by others in the media. These are AMERICANS...just like you and I...with their own opinions.

What if Fox didn't cover this? Do you think MSNBC and others would give these people a fair shake? NO.

It would go unnoticed and you know it.

FOX was PARAMOUNT in creating the past public support for this catastrophe and NOW, NOW they are reformed and represent LIBERTY?

The crisis was caused by the federal reserve lowering interests rates to make all of this possible. Yet almost no one in the media says a freaking word. I was pleased to see tons of signs saying "end the fed" and "audit the fed."

How can you speak against this? HOW?

If you are so against what Bush can you possibly be happy about what is happening now?

I thought you were ignoring me, my bad...

I am not against people speaking their mind - but I am very cautious of thing that FOX news Promotes in this manner.

Anyhow I think we both know we will never see eye to eye, you didn't even get my point, you steam rolled over the nuance I try to set forth and say the same things.

I get it people are mad I do not blame them, Fook the FED, but I do see that this thing is being guided by FOX who is running PTB ads for christ sake.

Do you honestly think if this movement was even remotely close to achieving its perceived objectives the WEALTHIEST companies in the world would advertise to support their own demise???


ITs a shell game... JUST like IRAQ - I see it but I don't know how to get thru to all of you...

Maybe the goal is to incite civil war or general anarchy hell if I know, but it is not as simple as this road to slaughter that is being laid out -

which will allow for the next objectives to be met. To bad you only recently became interested in politics or you would be more measured, aware.

the war worked the same way - buzz words - division - fear - directed anger and this goddamn subtle FOX manipulation...

Its like sleeping with the devil because he tells you something you already know...

The GOP has coopted this - they will ride the train, smile at you and slam the door in your face.

BTW I have a whole bunch of concerns, I plan on having children 2, and while your busy fighting a government the real crooks will privatize your LIFE - PRIVATIZE your very existence and tell you its the American way - you'll see and you wont like it D.

Thats the end game - not this... This is nothing bud - good luck

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