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You are being lied to about pirates

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posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by News And History

Your source calls itself The National Black Newspaper ??

The pirates are black Africans. The victims are non blacks. The newspaper - which obviously prides itself on black ethnicity - backs the black thugs.

I'll wait until another source or two backs these claims up before I'll
buy into what that 'National Black Newspaper' says.

edited to add - there have been pirates coming out of those places for centuries .. long before any alleged pollution of the water by Euros.

[edit on 4/13/2009 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Excitable_Boy

That is the same reason why we all get tons of spam emails from this same area from people saying they have millions of dollars that they need help bringing into the US. "Just give us your bank account information and we will wire it to you and you can keep 10%....blah blah blah." [/qoute]

I think the email scams you are referring to comes from Nigeria, not Somalia.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by Johnmike
I'm going to reserve judgment for something more reliable than a "National Black Newspaper. Way too divisive. I wouldn't put it past something like that to partake in some yellow journalism to further an agenda.

Of course you would believe it if it came from a "National White Newspaper".

It sounds like it is not the information that you take exception to but the color of the person from whom you receive the information.

Doesn't that make you the one that is being divisive?

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 08:51 AM
Pardon my ignorance, but why are Western Powers allegedly dumping nuclear waste in Somalian waters instead of international waters?

EDIT: Just did a quick search. It appears the East African Coastal Current would cause nuclear waste to wash up on Somalia's shore. I suspect Kenya has similar issues.

[edit on 13/4/09 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:27 AM

The ship had been carrying food aid bound for Rwanda, Somalia and Uganda when the ordeal began hundreds of miles off Somalia's eastern coast Wednesday. Crew members said they saw pirates scrambling into the ship with ropes and hooks from a small boat bobbing on the surface of the Indian Ocean far below.

I find all this talk about nuclear waste and over fishing quite interesting but I think we are still missing the real motive of these pirates. Money, period. They are not working for the betterment of their own people as outlined in the above quote. The ship was carrying aid for their country. If they were so altruistic and caring about the plight of their country they would have let the ship continue on its humanitarian quest instead of making demands for ransom.

[edit on 13-4-2009 by zlots331]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by greenfruit

Did you perform a google image search before this post?

When I did, hundreds of pictures came up, of toxic barrels of waste washed ashore in Somolia. Here is the link to my search:
fficial&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&t ab=wi

Hope this helps.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by ConspiracyNut23

They aren't. The pirates are only using that as an excuse. Like children who lie to themselves hoping that the adults will buy into it as well. If they were an unofficial "coast guard", then why are they pirating in INTERNATIONAL WATERS?

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

That is a pretty nice batch of propaganda. They probably buried the barrels themselves to take pictures of. Let's get real here. The pictures establish nothing. They do not establish the identity of the owners of the barrels, or who put them on the beach. That is right on the beach, not in the water, or under the water, but on the beach, right where the Somalis buried them.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:10 AM
Governments can easily stage sea piracies, issue FREE money to rescue the hostages and share the ransom money.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by lee anoma

Originally posted by Johnmike
I'm going to reserve judgment for something more reliable than a "National Black Newspaper. Way too divisive. I wouldn't put it past something like that to partake in some yellow journalism to further an agenda.

Will the Chicago Tribune meet your standards?

please see lee anoma's post on page 2, people.

My two cents? You can not condone the actions any more than you can condone dumping or illegal fishing in Somali waters. I can understand to an extent the Somali people supporting the pirates. The pirates are definitely not benevolent keepers of the coastline, but with no military/navy to protect them they have only the ruthless greedy thugs to turn to for some protection.

EDIT: Spelling, DARN!

[edit on 13-4-2009 by atleast]

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 12:09 PM
I am wondering why Obama didn't go to the UN, gather the votes and bring sanctions against these four pirates? Seems to me there was a rush to judgement here.

These Pirates didn't get a fair trial and Obama now needs to be brought up on human rights violations. If I were him I wouldn't travel outside the United States anymore.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:21 PM
Bah ! Humbug ! Arrrrrrgh Matie !

The "Pirates" are nothing more than Terrorists. Call them what they are. Take a look at the events of the Achillie Loro from the 1980's. Gang Members are Terrorists. Al-Queda members are Terrorists.

Treat these thugs like the vermin they are. There is absolutly NO JUSTIFICATION for their actions regardless of their living conditions in their country. They need to take their Government back from those who have obsconded away with it if their that desperate.

Trying to justify their actions because of famine is bullpucky !
And on top of that, these thugs are living High on the Hog with all that ransome
money they are getting.

We should take about 10 squadron's of A10 Warthogs over there and level their hidouts and remove the vermin from the face of the earth. That should be justice enough for their stupidity.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Evisscerator
Bah ! Humbug ! Arrrrrrgh Matie !

The "Pirates" are nothing more than Terrorists. Call them what they are. Take a look at the events of the Achillie Loro from the 1980's. Gang Members are Terrorists. Al-Queda members are Terrorists.

Treat these thugs like the vermin they are. There is absolutly NO JUSTIFICATION for their actions regardless of their living conditions in their country. They need to take their Government back from those who have obsconded away with it if their that desperate.

Trying to justify their actions because of famine is bullpucky !
And on top of that, these thugs are living High on the Hog with all that ransome
money they are getting.

We should take about 10 squadron's of A10 Warthogs over there and level their hidouts and remove the vermin from the face of the earth. That should be justice enough for their stupidity.

Well, it's kind of hard for me to agree with Obama on this one. All through the election scycle he was saying everything Bush did was a rush to judgement. He is now closing Gitmo... He says Gitmo is inhumane? Killing Pirates is ok though?

He didn't even go to the UN to get approval... There should have been 6 month's of peace talk's and if those broke down then sanctions might have been thought about... Killing was a rush to judgement and now Obama is a murderer. We need to bring those Seals up to the Hill to testify about what they were forced to do at the hands of Obama.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 01:55 PM

We tend to look at problems and want to punish those responsible for the direct act that took place, which is fine and necessary. This, however, is not a solution to the problem. It simply allows us to believe that justice has been served and that this justice will work as a deterrent for future acts. Unfortunately, punishment is not going to change the social situations that birth these actions.

I really enjoy posts like these because it sheds light on the underlying issues that are truly at the heart of the matter.

Disclaimer: I don't mean to trivialize the ordeals of the victims in any way and I apologize if my post seems to do this.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:28 PM
Pirates ransoming ships for millions of dollars has nothing to do with Toxic waste being dumped in their oceans.

Now if they were seizing ships that come illegaly in their waters and dump waste or fisherman that are illegaly fishing in their waters that would be a different story.

Piracy is piracy. Protecting your soveranty is something different.
Equating the two together is lame.

btw IMO Obama needed what needed to be done. Roaches need to be exterminated.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 02:41 PM
How much of the ransom money secured by the "pirates" has been given to the needy citizens of Somalia so terribly affected by the fishing and dumping?

You do know that the ransom for the Saudi ship alone was in the 10's of millions, right?

So... how much of that money (which could feed these people for years) was given to the needy citizens of Somalia?


posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 03:51 PM
I think that proves how sick the governments, I am not a seafood eater i m almost vegan and I learned in lectures that the UK was the only nation to recycle it's nuclear waste.

The plot thickens, we're gonna have another minimata on our hands here!

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 04:04 PM
it's my understanding that the Somalian's knew the vessels were carrying weapons of mass destruction and felt it was their right to invade the ships and liberate the sailors from the tyranny of their captains! sheesh

never forget people, the skull and cross bones flew high up the mast of many a templar ship... if Somalian "pirates" in row boats learnt it from anywhere, it was from the masonic forefathers of america...

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 04:10 PM
The one ship that has stuff on it that caued pirates to die that we know of was a ship from IRAN. An iranian military ship renamed to an Iranian martyr.

I think you should all look REAL CLOSE at the spin. Pointing at the "white man" is the most believed game in town. Doesn't make it true.

posted on Apr, 13 2009 @ 07:28 PM
I am surprized that so few posters asked, "What did the pirates do with all that money?" They instead got carried away with everything else.

Surely after all their successful ransom payments there would be something to show for in their homeland.
Any record that food was purchased and flown in?
Any photos of cargo being off-loaded from planes and delivered to villages?
Any photos of eager villagers gathering around as the trucks roll in?
Any photos of starving babies being fed?

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