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HR 1388 just passed

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posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Caminhando

I think we are referring to Marxist communism!
Not some ideal that might work for isolated tribes!
The kind that FORBIDS religion or dissent for 'the Greater Good' of the hive!

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Well, first, we have the issue of "God..." What of the ethically inclined who have no dogma (like me)?

Next, we have the idea that we are here to serve the country, and not the other way around. Seriously, the whole point of our country was to serve its citizens, NOT to have its citizens controlled into "service."

Helping others is a noble goal.

And the only TRUE law is threefold:

Do not hurt others
Do not steal or damage others' property
Do not defraud others

Which the Girl Scout "Law" probably covers well enough...

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 04:55 PM

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni
Just look at this as a stepped-up branch of the Girl and Boy Scouts of America.

The Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

The Girl Scout Law

I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Boy Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

That's about all it amounts to, teaching some fundamental ideas to kids that didn't learn them at home. For those that did learn them, just look at it as a refresher course.

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Bombeni]

Thank you...

But you can't get the the paranoid delusional to see this.

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 08:48 AM
Maybe I missed it, but are not the Boy Scout's and Girl Scout fundimentally Christian organizations started in response to counter Nazi youth activities of the 1930's?

And, isn't it becuase of these fundimental Christian values that the elite left has gone out of thier to eliminate them? Here in Michigan, they have been booted out of every public building simply becuase they have the audacity to not let gay men or women run the troops.

The Girl Scouts on the other hand (at a national level) simply rolled over and gave into public pressure and now is run rampit with immorral and un-ethical individuals whos ultimate goal is to make the almighty dollar (You ever see how much money the Girls Scouts makes annually? Staggering isn't the word for it...Considering they are supposed to be a non-profit...)

Now, maybe I am misunderstanding the last little bit of threads - But we (I didn't personally) as a nation did elect a socialist liberal into office, whom has by all accounts renigged on every single promise he has made thus far. He has attempted to, and succeeded in many cases to put actual criminals into every important post within his cabinet. He was a member of a racist church. And he was born on foreign soil. He has not pulled out our armed forces in 60 days like he promised. And he has managed to double the deficit within his first 90 days in office (No other president can claim that title!! Even Jr Bush took 8 years to do that!!)

Anybody here no anything about how the first Roman emperor came to power? There are some striking parrellels here. All he needs now is a war of his own, and he can do just like Ceasar did...

And, like I said earlier - This bill is just a step in that direction. But, so was the Home Land Security Act. So was the executive order given by Bush after Katrina. So was the attack on Ruby Ridge and Waco. So was the New World Order. So was the Reagan era winning of the Cold war. So was Carters gas crisis. So was Fords impotence, Nixon's Watergate, Kennedy's Brat Pack, Eisenhowers National Transportation Act, Hoovers UN, Roosevelts WW2 (he reallywanted to be in the war and was having a difficult time getting us involved...And no, I do not believe he had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, only an idea that something was about to happen, what it was going to be was anybodies guess), and finally the New Deal drafted by Hoover - whose Dam bears his namesake. At that time, the Original concept of the Constitution became a "fluid" document, instead of the bedrock for which this Republic shall stand the tests of time.

Again, I will repeat - I am not a conspiracy nut - I do not believe any one person is smart enough to do "it", what ever "it" might be - But there are "powers and principalities" that are smart enough...And they have been patient and are working vigerously because they know thier time is short...

Thanks for such an engaging thread!!

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I do agree completely. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I don't think alot of people truly get that. People here go on and on about not wanting the government to be 'Socialist' or 'Communist', but they don't realize that the essence of America is service to the country, to the ideal of being American, be it through the military, through entrepreneurship, or through things like Americorps and the Boy Scouts, or even your church. Not the other way around. Its not about getting hung up on whether the pledge contains the words under god or not.

If you are not serving your country, you are expecting your country to serve you. That means you are asking the big bad government to take away resources from someone else and give them to you. That is the very essence of Communism that people here seem to fear so much. If they fear Communism so much, why are they demanding it with their outrage in this very forum?

Another common theme I see here is 'let the parents decide' how to get their children to dedicate themselves to their country. Putting aside the fact that I do not believe this is in any way mandatory, guess what folks, in many many cases the parents are failing miserably at this. Do you think the Octomom is going to instill the spirit of service in her kids? Or your average welfare queen? Or what about the deadbeats who have stopped paying their mortgages because it was interfering with their ability to drink their $5 Lattes? What about the migrant strawberry picker who took on a $750K mortgage (honest to god this is true), or the farmer who hires illegal aliens because he can treat them like slaves, or the bankers who lent these people this fake money, all because it padded their own bottom line? What about the police that would taser you sooner than looking at you? Are they really training their kids to be upright citizens? Hell no, they are training them to be selfish parasites that look out for nothing but themselves, and all others be damned.

Wake up people. WE are this country. And until we take ownership of it -- and I don't mean through the fraudulent 'ownership society', I mean taking ownership of what it means to be American, to serve your neighbor instead of competing with him and screwing him over for useless trinkets and baubles -- this country is not going to become a better place. Freedom is not free, and it can be paid for with blood, but it can also be paid for by sweat and compassion.

Its not about what your country does for you.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by ldunquist]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by ldunquist

Another common theme I see here is 'let the parents decide' how to get their children to dedicate themselves to their country. Putting aside the fact that I do not believe this is in any way mandatory, guess what folks, in many cases the parents are failing miserably at this. Do you think the Octomom is going to instill the spirit of service in her kids? Or your average welfare queen? Or what about the deadbeats who have stopped paying their mortgages because it was interfering with their ability to drink their $5 Lattes? What about the migrant strawberry picker who took on a $750K mortgage (honest to god this is true), or the farmer who hires illegal aliens because he can treat them like slaves, or the bankers who lent these people this fake money, all because it padded their own bottom line? What about the police that would taser you sooner than looking at you? Are they really training their kids to be upright citizens? Hell no, they are training them to be selfish parasites that look out for nothing but themselves, and all others be damned.

Wake up people. WE are this country. And until we take ownership of it -- and I don't mean through the fraudulent 'ownership society', I mean taking ownership of what it means to be American, to serve your neighbor instead of competing with him and screwing him over for useless trinkets and baubles -- this country is not going to become a better place. Freedom is not free, and it can be paid for with blood, but it can also be paid for by sweat and compassion.

Its not about what your country does for you.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by ldunquist]

You know I was getting a little angry and perhaps jumped the gun with your post but as I read it again I see there is much I can agree with but may need some clarification.

Kennedy in his famous speech saying: Ask Not what your country can do for, but what YOU can do for your country, includes what is most wrong with what you said about parents also and what is wrong with why they are not doing what many see they should be.

First Ill elaborate in the Kennedy speech and say it is about us ASKING what we can do and NOT about being told to ask what we can do.

I don't like it when Government says it is mandatory you do something voluntarily then tells us to ask them in some form of forced confession made under duress any more than I like having to ask the country for help because they have made what used to be a very possible and attainable American Dream for anyone from anywhere no matter what your lack no matter what your station in life was, we all had opportunity here and with that came our successes and with that cam generosity and giving back to the community.

The only time I hear anyone saying they want to give back to the community is when some over paid egomaniacal sports figure or talk show personality wants to make a school for under privileged kids because he needs the tax write off and the additional free positive public relations and free press it would give them.

I think when you say WE are this country is correct but we are not its government. We are supposed to be however.

We are supposed to BY a Government by the people.

When you think about that statement and break it down in any comparisons where the word people are concerned, we think of the wife that stands "BY" her man or a colleague or friend that stands BY for you while you may need them; they stand by for offering further assistance.

A Government "BY" the people is the kind of Government I want, don't you? I mean a Government "BY the people you would naturally agree by the way it is said is one that is FOR the people wouldn't you agree?

By definition and any average understanding of English you would THINK that a Government "BY" the people or one that stands by their brother their sister their fellow man is one that is FOR them and not against them and a Government like that would most certainly have to be one unlike most history has ever seen.

It would have to be one so autonomous where people living in it would have to give 100% expecting 10% and feel satisfied that what they got back is all you are going to get out of anyone and expecting anything more is to expect more from you than what you are capable of giving.

The album Aqualung by Jethro Tull Ian Anderson sings: "It's only the giving that makes you, what you are” When I was younger, and I got a crappy gift from someone, I was taught "it's the thought that counts”.

You hear that kind of thing when gifts are obligatory or on days like birthdays when we are expected to give the birthday boy or girl there token B-day present. The thought is then I shouldn't expect much and to those giving it is, if I HAVE to I’m only going to get them something cheap or that old clock radio I didn't want still wrapped in the original box, I think Ill give them that instead. That is the thought that counts and who it is accountable too got something they didn't need or want much less asked for and they do the same with it in the form of a "hand me down"

Whether forced or obligated by tradition, holiday or proclamation of the Government, this concept of giving is NOT the kind where much thought is put into it and it doesn't count for much because it isn't giving at all no more than this Governments idea of communitarians or "giving" of ourselves doesn't count for much and the thought behind it doesn't count for much because it doesn't think of anyone else but those it wants to impose this kind of obligation this kind of tradition this kind of Government mandated proclamation on those who would not appreciate it anyway. They would be those who got some less than they expected who weren't thought of very much and told it was the thought that counts.

When we GIVE 100%, if you think about it, when was the last time you really gave it your all? While you might remember such a time, most like to think they give it all the time while others may think they give 80% at there job or charity. Think about that,, think about the times YOU wanted to give of yourself and it didn't matter how hard it was or what you had to sacrifice, THINK how easy it was to make that decision and think about how tireless you would be when you were part of a project or team when you pulled all the stops and did it expecting nothing but a thank you and ya knew it was good and ya knew it was right and ya know how you knew??

Because the THANK YOU, was enough.

The Thank you and the smile on there faces made it worth it and those are the times that made giving without expecting a thing in return all worth the effort because you did it on your own volition, it felt good and those that you did it for appreciated it BECAUSE THEY NOT ONLY NEEDED IT, THEY WANTED IT!

That is when they knew the thought is what counts because you thought of them to give them your very best because you thought that much of them. In other words they were important enough you did it no questions asked and you asked what can I do to help. What can I do? The question occurred because it is how we would like the question to occur to others about us.

This was an Idea for community where people would get the community together and a farmer would buy the materials and the neighbors would all pitch in and build the guy a barn for a few beers and some great home cooked fried chicken made in graciously with gratitude by the farmer’s wife.
NOW THAT IS COMMUNITARIANISM. That is what JFK was trying to say when he said ask not and NOT this Obamandated proclamation of what he was taught about community. His favorite author, Saul Alinsky, his mentors in his childhood he writes in his book all communists and all the experiences he had while serving as an ILL senator were the politics of socialism with an ideology that comes from Karl Marx, Lenin, and Stalin. Etc.

You can try to spin it anyway you want and they can vilify the rich and make capitalism sound like the politics of greed all they want. The distinctions that once separated our political ideologies used to be about philosophical ideas USED to be about two party systems of Government where checks and balances would get us something on either side of the middle. The middle was a philosophy that was either what was best for the greater good and what allowed the most freedom for or own pursuit of happiness and no matter who won, democrat or republican, you could at least live with it knowing that your own freedom to live in a society that understood it is only the giving that makes us what we are and the thought of giving our best expecting appreciation is what we are about made either one something we could still be happy about.

THIS is what used to be the American Experiment.

The ONLY way a Government like that even COULD exist is if it was a Government which stood BY its people standing BY those people because they were FOR those people and the service they gave their all was FOR all of us. You, me, us and we.

The only way a Government can do that is to be a Government OF the people, by the people for the people.

This Government and its people used to believe in something like that.

They believed a Country of its people that were of this belief would be happy in such a place and they were right. They knew it too and they fought for it they fought for the truth because one thing I know as sure as I am sitting here typing this sharing a seat with my ass, is this country became the greatest country world has ever known in the history of the world because it saw the quality of ten percent it got back for the 100% it gave.

The ten percent was frosting on the cake especially when all you were expecting was a genuinely appreciated thank you.

This President has got it so backwards and those who support him think giving is the kind I HAVE to give, so getting will be the thought that counts and Ill tell you right now

I don't think much of him or his supporters so I doubt you are going to like the hand me down second rate community you get from a society who forgot what we are is not about taking when giving is obligatory and the kind of appreciation you get is a thank you coming from those that received the million dollar bonus's given by a Governments people where only half are angry half are delusional and neither of them are giving there all or being served well by their Government of the Governing about the Government served by the governed.

Their ARE, no people anymore. just adversaries between left and right, right and wrong you and me but what ever happened to us and we,,

Well they are getting taxed into extinction to pay for the best money can buy for those who don't appreciate it, who don't need it but want it because a President told us to. That if we didn't give we wouldn't get. Well, we gave and we gave reluctantly and we got no appreciation and I think I speak for all of us when I say.

We didn't expect anything in return not even a thank you.

What we didn't expect is to be dis-respected for doing it

By bonus brazen BS backing up their bravado for taking

By taking again and again and again.

Is it any wonder the next time we give would be our labor because our wealth is gone?

Is it any wonder the gift is by obligation or Presidential proclamation?

Will it be any wonder they complain when they get what they asked for, don't need and didn't want.

Where the quality of what is given is crafted by those forced to and ordered by those who think they know what is best for you and me.

So far I have see us giving because it was taken, and handed over to those who don't deserve it because they put us in the position of having to do it all in the name of community?

We gave to the incompetent and they got bonus's and we got more assurances for even more oversight and again no one is held accountable but Obama says the Buck stops here with him/

That is just what I am afraid of, the bucks ending up there, with him.

I don't care what you call it communism is community service which is slavery given by indentured servants who are the children of those who died spilling there blood so there children wouldn't have to be slaves and have a better life than they had.

Some of you blame the great generation for allowing the Federal Reserve while it was imposed on them no different than us bailing out banks was imposed on us. I can't see today’s kids filling anyone from the great generation’s jock strap when it comes to the land that was for the free, it is the home FROM the brave.

I hear so many people throwing the word socialism around while others thinking they know what it is saying we do not and others blaming unbridled capitalism when they haven't any idea how long ago it was where real Capitalism is what made this country wealthy for not all but those who had the ambition to try and the freedom to try it without the restriction of regulation because we were all responsible for our choices we make.

All of us are the sum total of the choices we make but lawyers like Obama said you got cancer from smoking? Let’s sue the tobacco company. You spilled hot coffee on your lap driving to work from McDonalds? Let’s sue McDonalds.

You got a Mortgage from a bank charging you a higher interest rate with a balloon in four years and haven't been able to pay it? Let’s make bankruptcy let you walk away from it.

You got a credit card that can raise your interest arbitrarily, making it impossible to make your payments then you wonder why your credit is bad? Let’s call them predatory lending practices and make the small print on your next contract even smaller and more confusing so lawyers can help you learn this lesson again.

Let’s make the pursuit of happiness a Government Entitlement so you can sue the Government for not being able to marry someone of the opposite sex just like everyone else has to by law.

You gays want to marry someone but you can't marry someone of the opposite sex just like the rest of us have to? Ok then lets change the laws so we can sue the Church or the Government so you can be happy too, lets make the law equal for everyone and lets confuse terminology like marriage from meaning one male and one female to party A and Party B because you aren't happy having sex without the government saying it's ok so the people won't hate you after you sue them for not being able to access marriage the same way it was for everyone else. Let’s make it an equal rights issue so sexual practices can now be something everyone has a right to know so Party A can be Part B.

Let’s sue for being offended by the nativity at Christmas because it reminds me of a religion that wouldn't let me get an abortion when I wanted to have sex to be happy but ended up with a responsibility I knew might happen but didn't care about anyone but myself.

Let’s keep them all reminders of that religion out of our lives period under the same laws that make being offended against the law.

Lets sue make the people pay for those families that enjoyed that sex without thinking so we can make fatherless families the norm and lets have public schools teach them Government values because family values are dead without dads who are also being sued as deadbeats because they sued for visitation of children the mothers of the children wouldn't allow him to see until he paid her rent but couldn't because he got laid off because of the economy. Let’s sue the employers who laid them off because they caused your suffering.

Laws were never supposed to be about protecting perps and polygamists and pro-choice and pro lifers. When we find our freedom for religious expression being taken away for silly reasons, and kids dying still in the womb, we can guarantee religion will gets its attention involved in politics and when that happens we can guarantee it will be vilified as evil.

We know the axiom caveat emptor means let the buyer beware means be wise when you use money but when that wisdom is regulated so that we don't have to be wise, we see why banks get involved in politics when people do not pay off their loans. When the government gets sued by so many for making such selfish laws we see the Government tax the people to pay for all the lawsuits they had to borrow from the banks who are now broke. The whole thing is circular logic and everyone else is vilified it is always the other side’s fault.

How ironic a man whose education was a gift and thinking it should be given for everyone else too? Think education is expensive Mr. Obama? Wait till we see how much it costs all of us when it's free.

How Ironic a man whose wife was on the board of directors for a hospital she never earned a position in whose education was also given as a gift and her idea of health care that she thinks it is too expensive. If you think health care is expensive, wait till you see how much it costs us when it is free. How Ironic these are lawyers who have sued everyone and made laws that allow recompense to be paid by others who were victims of their own stupidity but greed makes making stupid people profitable and now we have a generation of them following a lawyer they don't even know where he was born save for a phony BC and a Hawaiian DOH's employees BS Non statement saying nothing about anything believed by everyone knowing nothing about the nobody no one knows a damn thing about.

The only thing I know for a fact is what they both have penned in books and essays about a white America they despised and an America controlled by rich white people protected by laws made by powerful white lawyers. Someone who until he was within smelling distance of ruling this country, married a woman was never proud of it either.

People who were too bitter and angry, hands in there pockets during the pledge. Flags by Cuban nationals in there offices. They refuse to wear national pins on their lapels. They didn't love American then and they don't love it now. They need to destroy it first so they can love the country they want to turn America into.

How Ironic this mans heritage and ancestry comes from slavery, that he would rise to be President and make slaves of all of us behind the guise of community and giving while suspicions of birthplaces and questions of intent are being treated with the deceit of denial the author of all lies the legend goes, he is legion or Satan incarnate.

I am beginning to wonder if the ancients who wrote the texts in that Bronze Age book the Bible weren't right all along. The more of history unfolding the more correct it becomes.

OBAMA! "The one" we have all been waiting for,

Is he the one, we will all regret

The new Messiah? or

The Anti Christ,

God Help us

[edit on 21-3-2009 by Aermacchi]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by ldunquist
reply to post by HunkaHunka

I do agree completely. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. I don't think alot of people truly get that. People here go on and on about not wanting the government to be 'Socialist' or 'Communist', but they don't realize that the essence of America is service to the country, to the ideal of being American, be it through the military, through entrepreneurship, or through things like Americorps and the Boy Scouts, or even your church. Not the other way around. Its not about getting hung up on whether the pledge contains the words under god or not.

If you are not serving your country, you are expecting your country to serve you. That means you are asking the big bad government to take away resources from someone else and give them to you. That is the very essence of Communism that people here seem to fear so much. If they fear Communism so much, why are they demanding it with their outrage in this very forum?

Another common theme I see here is 'let the parents decide' how to get their children to dedicate themselves to their country. Putting aside the fact that I do not believe this is in any way mandatory, guess what folks, in many many cases the parents are failing miserably at this. Do you think the Octomom is going to instill the spirit of service in her kids? Or your average welfare queen? Or what about the deadbeats who have stopped paying their mortgages because it was interfering with their ability to drink their $5 Lattes? What about the migrant strawberry picker who took on a $750K mortgage (honest to god this is true), or the farmer who hires illegal aliens because he can treat them like slaves, or the bankers who lent these people this fake money, all because it padded their own bottom line? What about the police that would taser you sooner than looking at you? Are they really training their kids to be upright citizens? Hell no, they are training them to be selfish parasites that look out for nothing but themselves, and all others be damned.

Wake up people. WE are this country. And until we take ownership of it -- and I don't mean through the fraudulent 'ownership society', I mean taking ownership of what it means to be American, to serve your neighbor instead of competing with him and screwing him over for useless trinkets and baubles -- this country is not going to become a better place. Freedom is not free, and it can be paid for with blood, but it can also be paid for by sweat and compassion.

Its not about what your country does for you.

[edit on 21-3-2009 by ldunquist]

reply to post by ldunquist

Amazing post!

I agree. I was raised on the concept of service. My Father was the Chief of the local volunteer fire department. Of course we lived out in the middle of the boonies, and the irony is, the less people you have around you, the more you really feel a sense of community.

I was in Scouts, and I remember boys who couldn't afford a uniform that my mother pooled money for, so they could have one like the rest of the kids.

I remember a Foundation Seed farmer knocking at our door one summer day saying "I'm trying to grow a particular strain of corn down in that valley and I notice you have some corn in your garden. I'd love to give you all the sweet corn you can eat, if you let me de-tassle your corn"

I remember everyone who brought us food for weeks after my father passed, making it so my mother didn't have to worry about the mundane stuff as she dealt with family and probate...

There is a sense of community which has to be instilled in our youth of today. I don't care what community you have or what it's ideals and values are, but our kids, your kids, should be learning how to serve our communities and their respective values.

All of this service is local and thus will be informed by local values, and that's what's really important. It doesn't matter to me really what your values are, as long as they include treating your fellow man with respect and understanding the value of Freedom.

Thanks for your post...

[edit on 21-3-2009 by HunkaHunka]

posted on Mar, 21 2009 @ 11:39 PM
To put it bluntly, This is nothing short of forced labor. It's just another cog in the mechenization of the new world order. It was bad enough that they had us basically enslaved with the US Tax code. Now they just wanna go ahead and just put us in the camps......

If you study your history, you will see this is pretty much how Nazi Germany got rolling to.

BTW. You might wanna peek at this link too

He has made a pretty strong outline about what they have in mind and where it all stands.

If they get their way, we will all be walking around in god knows where branded like sheep, doing god knows what, for god knows who......

I am not opposed to service. I AM opposed to FORCED service

[edit on 21-3-2009 by windigo]

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 02:05 PM
In a interview Rahm Emanuel mentions something about environmental disasters are occurring more and more , perhaps situations will convincingly happen to help facilitate the process.
Once they get the ball rolling more and more demands will be made for " this volunteerism ". More powers handed over to little Hitler psychopaths and the drones who work under them . But I'm preaching to the choir here .

Problem reaction solution

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Aermacchi

Nicely said.
Do not entirely agree, but you have definitely been paying attention! More than I can say about many people I meet and associate with on a daily basis!!

I will repeat myself -

I am not a conspiracy nut - I do not believe any one person is smart enough to do "it", what ever "it" might be - But there are "powers and principalities" that are smart enough...And they have been patient and are working vigorously because they know their time is short...

PS - If Obama is the Anti-Christ, which is not entirely unplausable, though it is also not entirely likely, than the USA is doomed to becoming a Dictatorship the likes of which the world has never seen, and there will be little, you, I or any other will be able to do about it!!
Maybe the best bet will be to choose the winning side, despite the earthly consequences.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 03:07 AM
A lot of very good points have been brought up about service and youngsters and to a degree I can agree with this viewpoint (that it is needed). However, there needs to be another way in which to address how youngesters are used for mandatory service. Use it as way to encourage kids to go to college, by giving them educational credit (check, this bill does this I believe). Use it in the courts like in the days of old "military or jail". Simply saying "everyone MUST do this" is baloney.

That all said, I don't see this bill as-is going anywhere past the supposed study.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by SamGuss]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:23 AM
from what I've seen of the utterly hedonistic, and medically obese masses in America, I think some real discipline and discomfort will do people a lot of good. I served two years as a conscript. Sure, some didn't make it. But it either shatters you, or gives you an internal strength that those who haven't been through the process, completely lack.

On the other hand, I'm aware that this is just a bit of rampant militarism and fascism in action, gathering up what will become the modern version of Hitler Youth and cannon fodder, and focusing them ahead of slaughter.

The fun will last until the US implodes from debt.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:21 AM

Saturday my son's 24-year-old gf was walking their dog. She heard some whistling and then some yelling, but the voices were those of seemingly young girls. She turned around to have a look and there were two girls standing not far away, not a day over ten years old. One of them said "my friend's a lesbian and she thinks your hot." This exasperated my son's gf and she replied "where are your mothers, I want to talk to them" to which the "lesbian" replied in a whiny pleading way "please don't do that, I can't help what I am, I just think you are cute". My son's gf is 24 but she looks 18-19, and she replied---at this point feeling sympathy for the girl---"well I happen to be 24 years old, nearly old enough to be your mother and you shouldn't talk that way to adults."

You think there's not a lost generation out there needing some kind of direction? Forced labor gmab. This would be structured environments of volunteerism set up for the youth at risk of being tomorrow's criminals; the kids that have the needed guidance at home, well they certainly won't be any worse off for it, they might learn some skills like CARING and EMPATHY.

Then there's the case of the two teen boys who live in their complex, who ride their bikes at top speeds nearly knocking people down numerous times, then ride off into the sunset laughing about it. The generation that's coming of age? Woe be to them that inhabit the earth then (I stole that line from the Bible but it applies) unless some serious intervention occurs.

How many 16-20 years olds are getting hooked on meth and heroin? Hundreds of thousands are. It would be pretty difficult to spend the day scouting for a fix when you are required to report to the County Fairgrounds to help set up for the State Fair, or report to the home of an elderly couple who need their home painted (which benefits all including the whole neighborhood and additionally home values).

I hope very much this goes through and I fully intend to serve as an adult volunteer if need be.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:37 AM
In the UK there’s a lot of oohing and aring regarding teenagers. In one part of the UK they even enforced a curfew for the youngsters.

But in reality this generation of kids are no different than other generations of teenagers. Yes a lot of these kids wear hoodies but it doesn’t make them bad, it’s the media who paint this picture and implement fear to the general public. It’s this fear mongering and brain washing which allows reason for governments to put restraints on people, after the teenagers its gonna be us and slowly but surely we will all become enslaved in their grand plan.

If anything it’s the media and government we should be afraid of, they’re the ones who need restrictions, not so much the teenagers, and they’re the ones who should really be helping the communities.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni

...She turned around to have a look and there were two girls standing not far away, not a day over ten years old. One of them said "my friend's a lesbian and she thinks your hot." This exasperated my son's gf and she replied "where are your mothers, I want to talk to them" to which the "lesbian" replied in a whiny pleading way "please don't do that, I can't help what I am...

Did I miss something? But isn't this the action of government and media forcing stuff down our throats? This kind of stuff didn't even happen in Rome or Greece without consequences...I say "Government go home, you helped enough!

You think there's not a lost generation out there needing some kind of direction?

Yes - Lost to be sure- Since you quoted from the Bible, I shall now do my best - Jesus said " it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when I come again..." Now is close to that time...Remember in Noahs day, God could not find anybody who was not selfish and into basically what today we call secular humanism...Except of course for Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives...The rest died...Ouch!!

Then there's the case of the two teen boys

Sorry, they, and their parents would be evicted by now - or the law would have ticketed them for reckless endangerment...This is were government is SUPPOSED to be on our side...Use them for it. Thats why they exist...Even if the law forgets that once in a while

How many 16-20 years olds are getting hooked on meth and heroin? Hundreds of thousands are. It would be pretty difficult to spend the day scouting for a fix when you are required to report to the County Fairgrounds to help set up for the State Fair, or report to the home of an elderly couple who need their home painted (which benefits all including the whole neighborhood and additionally home values).

Really? Hundreds of thousands? Well heck, the anti-human population grouth people should like that!! Sorry, i am not directly involved in the issues of stopping such activity, but i do have some real world personal experience with it - The numbers for hard core drugs - Though staggering have dropped off in recent years...Why? Because the USA now controls the Poopy fields (Afganistan) and the Mexican border has for all intensive purposes been "closed". Have you been reading any of the news lately? Why are those cartels so busy waging war?? Take a guess...Something to do with they have lost market share I would bet!! Again, a Bible quote - The Love of money IS the root of ALL evil...

I hope very much this goes through and I fully intend to serve as an adult volunteer if need be.

OK - To show my age alittle here - Dude, do you really need a law to tell to volunteer your time?? Seriously??

Please note - I am not attacking, just questioning your logic - Your thoughts are very well articulated, and easy to read!! Thanks!!

Again -

I am not a conspiracy nut - I do not believe any one person is smart enough to do "it", what ever "it" might be - But there are "powers and principalities" that are smart enough...And they have been patient and are working vigorously because they know their time is short...

[edit on 23-3-2009 by BBTN_Trinity]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
This would be structured environments of volunteerism set up for the youth at risk of being tomorrow's criminals; the kids that have the needed guidance at home, well they certainly won't be any worse off for it, they might learn some skills like CARING and EMPATHY.

Um... No, it would be mandatory for ALL youth. And the "at risk" youth is about 1-3% of youth - it turns out. You would enslave our children to handle such a small percent? There are already outreach programs for at risk youth. Why do we need slavery for all rather than higher focus on these efforts?

And how do you know this would be "structured environments of volunteerism?" How do you know it won't devolve into indoctrination and snitching on parents ala Hitler Youth?

And as for "might learn some skills like CARING and EMPATHY," unless you can prove that this will be the most likely outcome, how arrogant to decide we must rob freedom to teach this!

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Rahm Emanuel was very clear as to what this civilian security force would be.
He wrote about it in his book The Plan, as has been stated earlier.
Emanuel got the idea from his stay in Israel, and his time as a contractor with the Israeli Army.
This bill HR1388, is another attempt to force people to "Conform" to what the government wants.
I can't stress enough how many of the tactics and programs that Israel uses today, are taken directly from Nazi Germany. Everything from their recent military "adventure" into Gaza, to Lieberman's call for a mandatory loyalty oath, comes directly from Nazi Germany. Rahm Emanuel has taken these "lessons" from Israel and is trying to impose them on the US.
Now, before the flaming begins, my comments are directed at Emanuel and the State of Israel, not Judaism itself. I respect Judaism, but not what Emanuel and Israel are doing.
The US was founded as a haven for people who have different faiths, beliefs, and values. Trying to force people to march to the same drum sounds like a police state to me.
Most social programs are nothing more than an attempt to force one's values on a wide group of people.
As a reminder, let me post the Youtube of Emanuel speaking about his plan of mandatory civilian service:

[edit on 23-3-2009 by ProfEmeritus]

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 06:06 PM
Yep. READ Emmanuel's book. He's very clear about it. CONSCRIPTION.

I red it, I knew it was going to happen, not that fast however.

And this bill is a violation of the 13th amendment.... like congress give a damn about the constitution.

And the name of the bill... The ``Patriot Act`` was NOT patriotic. The ``GIVE ACT`` is not about giving, because giving is a free action, this is ROBBING, which means you're forced to give.

But is it me or in the final version of the bill, in the senate, they've stripped it of the ``mandatory`` part?

I can't find the section 6104 in the senate bill. This part is not in the bill:

“Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.”

It's no longer there.

EDIT: It's no longer in the HR 1388 bill, but it's in a new bill, HR1444. If this HR1444 pass, IT WILL BE MANDATORY.

[edit on 23-3-2009 by Vitchilo]

posted on Mar, 24 2009 @ 09:07 AM
I can't wait to see the look on the hippies faces when their kids get rounded up for this. Here's the "hope and change" that you wanted Obama to bring you.

Looks like the Obamatron will be getting that Komsomol that he wanted.

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