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What's wrong with me?

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posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:05 PM
I've backspaced almost a million times.. I can't really articulate what's going on. All I know is that I am extremely sensitive to the vibrations of people and places. I used to think I was a versatile person that could be around different types of people from all walks of life but I realize now im not. I went out to a club last night and now I am on the verge of tears because I am so mentally exhausted. This happens a lot to me. Im afraid Im turning into a recluse because the only company I can stand these days is myself. Is there anyone else out there dealing with this? Help.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

Get a physical, speak with a doctor. These things should be done first whenever you feel there is something physical or psychologically going on, regardless of the subsequent cause. It could be something simple, or more serious. Take care of yourself, nothing is more important than your physical and mental health.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

I am the same way. Peoples' energies can be very toxic to me, especially in superficial environments that you speak of. I feel bubbles, and my own bubble is very sensitive Sometimes I have heart palpitations and have to calm myself down.

A long time ago I decided to help myself. I developed "cow in a herd" and basically what that is how I react to the world. I told myself my actions are no different that any other person given 80 billion attempts. Cow in a herd helps me keep a straight face, and it enables me to talk to people whom I would rather puke in front of.

I grew up with social anxiety my whole life, but I do have a handle on it now.

Edit: I still have my moments, I know what triggers my anxiety, I know what frightens me, so that is half the battle. The days of my brain going into shutdown are all but gone, cow in a herd takes over and I survive.

Not going to clubs is no loss. You need different friends if that is all they ever want to do. You need to befriend more poets and dreamers.

[edit on 8-3-2009 by pluckynoonez]

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:13 PM
Plucky is rite it may be very simple or may be complex thng . Doctor will help as its quite unusual dear.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Divinorumus
reply to post by crystalmind

Get a physical, speak with a doctor. These things should be done first whenever you feel there is something physical or psychologically going on, regardless of the subsequent cause. It could be something simple, or more serious. Take care of yourself, nothing is more important than your physical and mental health.

ya know... I was about to agree with the OP that I have this problem as well... But then suddenly I realized it isn't even a 'serious' problem.

I like your avatar.

Thanks for waking me up a little bit.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:14 PM
it seems like youre close to normal. even though i dont beleive i have any special gift when im around dark or strangely obtuse people, i get bad feelings too. i think alot of us do. but if you think its affecting you physically and mentally, def seek some help. good luck, i hope you find a solution.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by guinnessford
it seems like youre close to normal. even though i dont beleive i have any special gift when im around dark or strangely obtuse people, i get bad feelings too. i think alot of us do. but if you think its affecting you physically and mentally, def seek some help. good luck, i hope you find a solution.

I think OP is starting to realize how sickening our society has become... and yes... any bar or club can have a serious effect on your spirit.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:19 PM
Make sure that you haven't had a "reverse cundalini" experience, and if you have, seen the assistance of a guru.


posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:20 PM
Sorry it was divino not pluncy !

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

I know how you feel.
I kind of have felt myself being this way sometimes.
It seems to be that most people are just not worth your time.
They are nasty evil fake plastic selfish.
But then you get that attitude about everyone, and it keeps good people out of your life.
Because not everyone is like that.
I think its a sign of the times, that the world, society, is becoming really bad.
And you are noticing it.
But many don't notice it.
Are you going through any stress from some things?
That can make you feel like this.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

i think you are right. but i hope it doesnt overload her well being. im sure it can be a dangerous thing if not taken care of. do you feel physically sick also? like nausea? i get that when im around ignorant people. and im not makin a funny here, im serious. not just plain ignorant but the type that are like cavemen beating their chests and generally being un-civil. and no offense, captain!

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

You are probably having a personal spiritual growth spurt - (this would be an excellent time to have one - given the present circumstances of the world -)
and nature is just doing its job - to help you on your way.

It's natural and necessary in an over stimulated world -
and it is likely a good sign.

The more grounded and conscious you become - the more sensitive you are to the energies around you. It doesn't mean you can never enjoy a night out again - it just means that you have to choose more carefully the situations and people that occupy your time.

Some situations and people will have to be left behind.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by guinnessford
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

i think you are right. but i hope it doesnt overload her well being. im sure it can be a dangerous thing if not taken care of. do you feel physically sick also? like nausea? i get that when im around ignorant people. and im not makin a funny here, im serious. not just plain ignorant but the type that are like cavemen beating their chests and generally being un-civil. and no offense, captain!

The best advice is to avoid these types of places... bars & clubs.

No matter what religion or spirital beliefs you have... I can promise the OP that 99% of the time you visit a bar or a club, it will lower your vibrations.

As far as hanging around ignorant people go... Yes, I get a feeling of sickness... I can't describe what it feels like because i know it is a spiritual sickness.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

Purposeful laughter is important too.

Some things are funny. Some things are awful. There is a way to make sure that you find everything that happens to you awfully funny. Watch Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld and start drawing upon similarities to your particular situation. Before you know it, outrageous and even incredibly uncomfortable social exchanges become "Seinfeld moments" that become awfully funny. I do it all the time. The key is to think like George Costanza (who is almost based entirely on Larry David of Curb Your Enthusiasm ) and start finding your own outrage when life gives you lemons and start laughing about it. Like, for instance, the club you went to had toxic people that drained your brain like psychic vampires, I get it, but if you see them for who they are, cut-out caricatures that are penniless when it comes to authentic human communication and emotion, then you begin to see thing differently (more on this later).

So, laugh more for starters. Let me help you. This video will take the some of the club music you have heard in your life and transform it into something else, hopefully laughter...

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Thanks to everyone's responses. I've always been a sensitive person and a loner (even in a crowd) but it seems like my sensitivity is heightened even more these days. And its only after I leave the presence of certain people and places. Im reeling from last night. Right now I feel like I've been in a physical fight. Its just terrible. I got a physical the other day and other than my iron being a little low im in great shape. Im a psych grad student (that doesn't make me an authority on anything) and I don't think I have any psychological problems to speak of.

Thanks again for all of your comments.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

See a doctor if you want, but I don't see what good that will do. They'll probably recommend off the counter anxiety pills or the stronger prescription stuff with all the side effects if you ask. If you see a psychologist they'll suggest cognitive behavioral therapy and similar stress-reduction techniques, nothing that will give you a magical cure.

You could be recognizing a disturbing pattern that you're unconscious of at the moment. There are many thing not kosher in the world right now, bars and clubs are usually not the right places for people like you, if you are one of those people I have in mind. My advice would be to follow the promptings of your heart. Don't try too hard to will yourself to these places but just let them be incidental to that inner line that guides you.

Edit - Just read that you're a psych student. Cool, me too. I wouldn't spend too much time trying to psychoanalyze myself if I were you as psych has a lot less answers than most people think, but you probably already know this. Good luck.

[edit on 8-3-2009 by djr33222]

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by pluckynoonez

Im typing from my sidekick so I can't watch it right now but I will later. But your comment made me lol.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by djr33222

"Don't try too hard".. You hit the nail on the head. Usually I don't go out to bars and clubs unless a friend begs me and that's what happened last night. Something told me not to go but I went against myself and went anyway (hope that made sense).

Sometimes I wish I was desensitized like I feel most people are. I feel things to my core and its gets to be too much sometimes.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

I don't for one moment think there is anything "wrong" with you. You are observing a physical reaction to your surroundings. Equally, this is the very reason why I never went to clubs or bars more than the couple of times I was dragged by friends in my youth. If you are person becoming aware of yourself and your connection to the world around you, then you will typically "feel" when something is good for you or in your case, when it is not.

Hyper-sensitive people who are generally equipped to be consciously "plugged in" with the energies around them, will experience exactly what you described. You may not know what causes it, but you darn sure are aware that it's happening! You are not alone. Ironically, I believe that the only way someone can experience this, (and we ALL are able to experience this), is if you've spent significant time alone to begin with...meditating, finding peace, etc. This isn't new age hooey by any means, but in order to recognize a foreigner, one must first be able to recognize his own countrymen. Same, same. Most people live such hectic, busy lives, that they are not in tune with what energies are theirs and what energies belong to others. They are so use to experiencing everyone at the same time, that they wouldn't recognize themselves if their lives depended on it. These people generally have the "I can't be alone" syndrome. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the anti-socials who can't function while experiencing everyone else at the same time.

While I don't consider myself a recluse, and I do enjoy social events at times, I too find myself being quite exhausted after I've spent a few hours in the direct presence of others. I have become so aware of what is a "normal" state for me, that when I am in a crowd, the energies I feel can be described as bees buzzing in my personal space...just like bees, they can be downright annoying at times...equally, some are a joy to be around, like butterflies almost. Either way, I know it's not me! I just made a post similar to this regarding "special gifts and curses".

My advice is to embrace the fact that you can perceive this. Don't run from it, rather, curb your life to be in the presence of people that don't make you feel physically drained. There's nothing wrong with changing your life for the better, and I would reject the idea that just because you feel drained in social situations in bars and clubs, that there is something wrong with you! I could go into the whole affects of music and vibration on the physical body, but I won't. Suffice it to say, most clubs and bars play music that is frought with destructive frequencies. There is much evidence in this area, so if you're so inclined, it would be worthy of some research on your part. It may just change your musical tastes in ways you never expected. Most mainstream music today's not good from a physiological standpoint. Then if you throw the actual words into the mix, which are frequencies all on their own, it's a double whammy. But I digress...

Either way...if it hurts, don't do it. Try something else.

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by crystalmind

You sound depressed. Is it because you know longer enjoy the old pleasures when you feel you should. Nothing in life is static, trying to stay in the same mental state is exhausting and non productive.

It is a reflex action to withdraw from life, when in a wounded or in a low state, just as one craddles a hurt arm but neither will bring long term relief or aid.

I would tend to agree on the doctor approach first, then making small changes that bring you closer to your true nature.

It may be you are naturally a one to one person who has forced themselves to be outwardly outgoing when you are not. Going against your true self will only cause you more suffering. You just might be supprised at how easily others will except your true self if you give them the chance.

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