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The SUSPENSION of illicit drugs/mind altering substance topics on ATS (The experiment failed)

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posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

So does this mean that someone will get back to me on my exclusive interview with a certain state senator, and whether or not I can post the link because it is about industrialized hemp?

I am guessing that the committee may actually be looking at facts, including the fact that %99.9 of the worlds population does not consider it a drug?

Just askin'....

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Given the extensive breach of trust, and ill-will it has caused towards one of the committee members, I'm uncertain as to if this effort will survive.

More soon.

Queue the "I told you so's" from many members who predicted that. That committee caused ill-will from the start.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:21 PM
As an addition to my above post, I have mentioned/ asked this question two times on this thread, as well as been active in the nomination/ voting of said board.

Can anyone who is in charge please address my very real question, which WILL lead to many page views if posted?

THanks SKEPTIC OVERLORD, I appreciate it!


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by jasonjnelson
So does this mean that someone will get back to me on my exclusive interview with a certain state senator

I've not seen anything about that. Could you forward the details to me via U2U? Thanks.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Heed this very carefully . I have already mentioned how the appointment of the committee was a rushed process the membership shouldn't suffer because of this . If you fail to let the disc committee to at try and come up some workable ideas then you will be on a slippy slope . IMO it is likely that the topic of sexuality will come under attack from disruptive forum gangs in the future . So if the response is always going to be to ban subject matter you are going to run out of worth while subject matter .

Personally I am sick of those members who chose not accept the T&C they agreed to and make ill rational claims about censorship . Now if a T&C obeying and long term member ( some members who went on to become mods coped more warns then I have ) , like me cant have a direct say in policy matters then I expect those that do to be able to so.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord



We've encountered a rather serious stumbling block in the member committee process. It appears that portions of what was anticipated to be a confidential speculative discussion has been "leaked" by a new DISC committee member via private messages/chat/email to a select few other members not on the DISC committee appointed to solve this problem.

I never anticipated that I should have to reinforced that, in order to have frank and honest discussion, an anticipation of utter confidence was expected.

Given the extensive breach of trust, and ill-will it has caused towards one of the committee members, I'm uncertain as to if this effort will survive.

More soon.



Anticipating something, and explaining something is not the same thing. I can anticipate that my husband will/will not do something all I want, does not mean he is going to "read my mind" and know what I am anticipating.

Is their any reason that the discussions that are going on should be kept secret anyway? I mean come on, this is a conspiracy site, and you should realize how we all feel about errr, uhm, "secrets".

One more thing, the reason I was given for Hemp threads being deleted, was because we have people in the community who are confused as to the difference between hemp/marijuana and/or those who use the words interchangeably.

Being happy to debate the issue, and as my husband says, at times love to kinda be the devils advocate (you know, debate the other side just for fun)
Does this ban mean we cannot talk about mushrooms as well? Because the problem is that many people will confuse mushrooms with well, mushrooms/shrooms, just like some people confuse hemp with marijuana.
Just saying.

Again, I think the responsible way to deal with this, would be to delete postings involving "I use ___" etc.

Personally, and this is not knowing what goes on in the "secretive" behind the scenes discussions, not allowing any subject to be discussed on a conspiracy site, especially one of the biggest conspiracies in the world (IMO), is kind of a "cop out", and an intense let down to the ideas that I felt this community was based upon.

That being said, this is still a "private" site, and the owner has the right to do almost anything he want's with it.


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by amazed

A cogent point. However, our deliberations are not 'secret' they are private. The reason is simple. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

I have no 'currency' with which to expect you to trust our good will. But I would hope you can muster enough to refrain from vilifying the committee. We are trying to be both thorough and expedient.

[edit on 2-3-2009 by Maxmars]

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

I would hope that that committee member could be either reprimanded and/or dismissed and either replaced with the person next in line or just work with the 5 remaining members.

I would hate to see what was probably an honest misunderstanding of confidentiality expectations be the wrench that brought down the whole endeavor.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I agree, i don't think the whole committee should be disbanded, because of a mistake by one member.

Regardless, we will see what happens.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:19 PM
I would suggest that we ALL wait for more from Skeptic Overlord rather than speculate, make threats, jump to conclutions etc.

just my 2 cents worth

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Maxmars
reply to post by amazed

A cogent point. However, our deliberations are not 'secret' they are private. The reason is simple. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

I have no 'currency' with which to expect you to trust our good will. But I would hope you can muster enough to refrain from vilifying the committee. We are trying to be both thorough and expedient.

[edit on 2-3-2009 by Maxmars]

Of course not, I am definitely not trying to "vilify" any of you, I apologize if that is what my post sounded like. I can only ask you to reread what I said, and understand part of my post was in reply to SkepticOverlord . His words "portions of what was anticipated to be a confidential speculative discussion has been "leaked".

In truth I don't see where such an issue as this needs a "confidential" or "private" aspect to it in the long run. I DO see where you guys would need to have your discussions, look at all the options, ask for suggestions (as what is taking place in this thread) make some choices, and then take your steps to inform the rest of us not on the committee.

But in my kitchen, the more cooks the happier we all are. It's because of the number of "cooks" I like having in my kitchen that one Thanksgiving we accidentally ended up with wine in our pie crusts, dang that was really good, and I have continued with adding wine to my pie crusts ever since.
Well, possibly we ended up with wine in the pie crusts because all the cooks could not stay away from the wine? LOL

My point is, that sometimes, the more people working on a problem(cooks in the kitchen), the more "out of the box" thinking that happens and quite often is when most of the really great brain storming takes place. If you can keep on topic. (oh, and I so don't want to say "Kellogg cereal box".)

From what I know of those on the committee, only from reading postings of course, I expect you guys to do the best you can.


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 08:18 PM
In the interest of mankind I must say this is an interesting topic. It always is, and it can be quite complex, if we make is so.

When I originally posted I had concerns over the DATS thread, (that was way back on page 17 or 18), and I was assured that there would be no problem and that DATS is safe. I have trust in the boss here so I don't worry about it. But I have read this thread today and have started wondering about a few things.

Alcohol is one of the oldest know drugs to man kind. It has many uses, some legal and some not. Other than prohibition alcohol has been seen as an acceptable means of a drug use. This is highly debate-able. I understand this completely.

Having spent many many years inside 12 step programs I have learned much. Mostly that the folks are to talk about recovery and not alcohol in itself... that would be a boring convo for me. I don't want to know how you got drunk or high or anything like that. You can share your experience without going into all the details.

I want to state in case any one wonders what the purpose of DATS is, why I started the thread and why it has been such a success. But I want you to know that it has nothing to do with alcohol. In fact we have bigger squirrel problems than we have had with anything else there (a must to read, it really is quite interesting).

It all started from the chat room. One night every online and in the chat room was having a good time. And I mentioned we need a pub and grill to hang out it. And so I created DATS. Since the opening of DATS we have had over 17,000 posts. We have a devoted staff who put up with no crap... especially people getting out of hand. Very little drinking is done there. In fact, as far as role playing goes- we have a blast.

We have had dances, and contests and all kinds of fun. We expanded and attached a hotel to the side of the Pub. Upstairs we have rooms for staff members to take breaks in and sleep if they need to. We have security, cooks, janitors, and the most beautiful manager a person could want, and she is highly devoted to DATS. We put up curtains, play music, have a guard dog, a jukebox and all kinds of stuff.

For the last few months I have been deathly ill, and the manager has taken care of DATS herself. I am very proud of her for keeping the place in order and active. I am honored to know her, and just recently met her in person in my very own home. She is truly amazing, and so is the rest of the DATS staff. I hope this has bearing here cause I would hate to see my employees (being as I am the owner of DATS) end up in the unemployment line. They deserve better than that.

I am quite proud of the DATS pub myself. To know that many people on ATS/BTS come there to have fun is great. Being as I am not a drinker (in real life) it thrills me to know that the people online at ATS can come to a place and have some relaxation. The would more than likely be at home on their computers, than out in real life possibly drinking or drugging, getting killed or arrested. Instead they are running around ATS/BTS and stopping by DATS to say 'HI'. It is a beautiful place.

I agree with not talking about using drugs, and personal stories here at ATS. It gets nobody anywhere. To thrive on a illicit high and chat about it is in some ways sick and pathetic. Bragging rights cause you are being stupid is in fact nothing to brag about. Talking about the effects of any drug is ok with me, BUT not when it goes personal. Meaning things like 'Wow I got so wasted on ???? Whatever', there are sites that are made for that kind of conversation, and that is not what this site is about. And it is not what DATS is about either.

I can only hope that the debate and conversation on all this does not bring down the DATS thread. A lot of people have worked very hard on it. It would mean the Fight Club Pub would close, and the little beer drinking, wine chugging icons would have to be removed. People could no longer talk about recovery, and recovering people need a place to talk about recovery.

All drugs have some purpose, and it would be great if people were to use, and talk about them responsibly, but that may be asking to much from some folks. I for one support SkepticOverlord in all his decisions, because I believe he knows what he is doing, and what he wants from this site. Whatever the outcome of all his decisions I know he has the best intentions for all of us.

With that I hope that less people take things personally. In the cyber world things are said and people get confused about life. This place ATS/BTS is a place for honesty and learning. We should be keeping that in mind. ABOVE Top Secret is cause we are tired of secrets and should be out in the open more about what is going on, but not at the expense of other...

Hugz at ya...

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by jasonjnelson
I am guessing that the committee may actually be looking at facts, including the fact that %99.9 of the worlds population does not consider it a drug? (Bolding for emphasis - alien)

Can you point me to where these facts are?
Who/Which organisation/s did the what must have been an extensive world wide survey/study which came upon the result that 99.9% of this worlds population doesn't consider it a drug?

Thats a huge study certainly...given it must surely have covered the worlds population to be able to state - as fact - '99.9% of the worlds population'. I would imagine it must have take quite some time to do that as well...

...I'm just surprised to have only heard of it now...not that I hear everything of course...

...but yes...would be fantastic if you could show me the factual data confirming the fact of 99.9% of the worlds population don't consider it a drug.

Given that last website I looked at estimated the current worlds population to be approx 6.8 Billion people. Mammoth study/survey.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 09:18 PM
Do you think that restricting our convo's on drugs and such will lead to censorship of other things that we won't be able to talk about???

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 09:28 PM
Seems that the obfuscation runs pretty high up here.

I understand why Skeptic Overlord would consider disbanding the committee.

I'm being brought back to that thread authored by a mod about a conspiracy against ATS.
Seems to me that we may have someone trying to sabotage the very foundation of the site itself by leaking inside info to cohorts in an attempt to create a situation that "pushes the buttons" of the site-owners themselves.

posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 10:44 PM


posted on Mar, 2 2009 @ 10:48 PM
A solution may be forthcoming.

Thread is temporarily closed until an announcement.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:15 AM


The New ATS Policy on Drug-Related Topics.
1- New Forum
2- 200 Post Minimum
3- Absolutely no personal use discussion
4- Instant ban for discussing personal use


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