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Huge protest over Irish economy

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:14 AM

Huge protest over Irish economy

Up to 100,000 people have gathered in Dublin city centre to protest at the Irish government's handling of the country's recession.
Many are angry at plans to impose a pension levy on public sector workers.
Trade union organisers of the march said workers did not cause the economic crisis but were having to pay for it.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Congratulations, at least they are doing something about it... eventually 'you' may see something like this in the UK....

However, in the article you see someone holding a sign:

"Save Jobs - ACT"....

There lies the problem - how do you act? What do people do? What do Governments do?

Other than starting over*, wiping the slate clean for everyone - how do you fix this? It seems too wide, too deep and too black to fix.....

Or am I missing some magic solution?

* note 'starting over' means stopping, removing and charging those who have let this get as bad as it got.....but that's never going to happen.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:21 AM
They should wipe it clean, continue tasks and withdraw from world financial institutions. This is whats needed worldwide. And with huge public presence/protest so that the reformations are inline with a peoples vision of a democracy, not a fascist state.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by mystiq

I think you are right.

The more I think about this the more I see this as the only solution? But I just can't see it happening.

The only other, which is not a nice thought is World Wide War, Famine and Disease...removing many so the people who probably had a major part in this can start over....

Or do we somehow smooth this over and let the generations to come pay off the debt? Is that possible? But what happens to the jobs that no longer exist? Surely the world population gets to a point where there are too many people to consume the things we produce and make, which means to many people per job?

With the influx of immigration into many, many established countries the whole thing is just one saturated mess....

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:32 AM
wow, 100,000 people in Dublin's City Centre..........thats alot of people

The fantastic country that Ireland was, was taken away with joining up with the EU. Biggest mistake in Irish History, one in which they cant pull out of to at least help there crisis. If they pull out of the EU then the whole EU will tumble.......but then again, the whole EU is tumbling anyway.

What is there left for the Irish Public, other than take to the streets and protest? Nothing, i fear

Bless Ireland in there time of need,


posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by AlwaysQuestion

Huge protest over Irish economy

Yea, people are pissed off over this but in fairness.. Irish public sector workers (Police, Teachers, Nurses etc) are almost the best paid in the world... and with prices plummeting all over the country, they can afford an extra payment towards their pensions. They will get this money back when they retire.

Still though.. they are right to give the two fingers to the government... If anything else happens to their pay, they could easily shut down the whole country.

There is also talk by the Irish government about prosecuting many of the heads of banking institutions for fraud and gross incompetence... this looks extremely likely to happen. Hopefully this will also happen in the Uk and US.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:24 AM
I Love Ireland and wish they would pull out of the EU. I heard that there is going to be another vote on the Lisbon treaty and this time they might pass it, I hope they don't.

The Irish public did a great thing before standing up to the EU Biggots and here they are again, all full of spirit.

WIsh England will do the same. When we didn't get a chance to vote we should have created hell on Earth. How can we be denied a vote in a so called Democracy!?

Im starting to get real frustrated by the whole affair, but ive started a new positive attitude and don't wanna spoil it so I best end it there!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Dermo

There is also talk by the Irish government about prosecuting many of the heads of banking institutions for fraud and gross incompetence... this looks extremely likely to happen. Hopefully this will also happen in the Uk and US.

If they do that then I will be impressed!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
I Love Ireland and wish they would pull out of the EU. I heard that there is going to be another vote on the Lisbon treaty and this time they might pass it, I hope they don't.

Sadly, I think that will happen from what I have heard also - 'they' need Ireland in the EU and they have just dressed the original up with a little cream and cherry on top..... it will be made to be so attractive to the people that they will think they are getting a 'good deal'.

Oh dear.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by AlwaysQuestion

Other than starting over*, wiping the slate clean for everyone - how do you fix this? It seems too wide, too deep and too black to fix.....

I think you're on to something.

If you try and keep track of all the debts that exist today, there are too many people owed too much through too many layers to make any sense of it all except "we're all screwed." Trying to enforce this debt will be disasterous in every meaning of the word.

I think what we really need is a Jubilee Year:

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by username371
I think you're on to something.

If you try and keep track of all the debts that exist today, there are too many people owed too much through too many layers to make any sense of it all except "we're all screwed." Trying to enforce this debt will be disasterous in every meaning of the word.

I think what we really need is a Jubilee Year:

Wow - I had forgotten about's amazing what's hidden in them grey cells. Yes, that's what might do it. It's on a grand scale, but it was used then.... it can be used now.

Good point!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 01:37 PM
The problems Ireland have are due to the Locust like companies which wander the globe looking for cheap Labour, then when it gets more expensive they move on.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by bicnarok
The problems Ireland have are due to the Locust like companies which wander the globe looking for cheap Labour, then when it gets more expensive they move on.

Correct, and that inflation went a bit out of control for a while.. making it expensive to export.

This is a common problem amongst developed countries these days. All the wealthier countries need to bring down their costs of living over the next couple of years or else things are going to get tight.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:19 PM
i hope this kind of thing starts to happen in the uk,
but then with job losses every month im sure its just a matter of time, then the real sh-t throwing will start

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:42 PM
The punt was worth nothing and ROI was going broke before it entered into the EU. I can remember driving down the road to dublin some years ago and seeing the signs at the side of the road "this road is being built with EU money" and that trend followed on for a number of years.

The EU money did ROI well and helped them out of a hole back then, the hole they are in now is part of the wider picture, as the money has stopped. But make no mastake about it, its not the EU thats the problem, the EU for ROI just held off what was always going to be.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by carlitomoore

Thanks for the thoughts

We will vote no. Most people I asked will vote no. But alot of Irish people are intimidated and misled by our government and of course the European elite.

This proves that democracy is fantasy. Europe has turned to the Rothschild. It is no econmic union anymore. It has turned into the United dumb states of Europe. The cultures are dying, languages are not kept strong as english is taking over Holland, Denmark and now Germany. The continuous treaty after treaty is showing more and more laws that impede our freedoms and individual charisitictics as countires. The re vote in Lisbon is the nail in the coffin for me.

Our own leader didnt even read the treaty, but he still said vote yes. This will tell you how incompetent our government is.

My only hope is that the people do not procasitnate and give in to this bullying otherwise the yes vote will win. I am voting no myself

Simply because it's wrong for a revote and it's disrespectful to not hear our voice. We are supposed to be a democracy. Our country has not been heard nor listen to. Therefore Europe is down the drain for me.

Down the drain bye bye.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by InterWeb
The punt was worth nothing and ROI was going broke before it entered into the EU. I can remember driving down the road to dublin some years ago and seeing the signs at the side of the road "this road is being built with EU money" and that trend followed on for a number of years.

The EU money did ROI well and helped them out of a hole back then, the hole they are in now is part of the wider picture, as the money has stopped. But make no mastake about it, its not the EU thats the problem, the EU for ROI just held off what was always going to be.

Yes but Europe is not on these values it once was. I dont know really know the agenda. Maybe the elite planned years ago, to get the border far out nations into the EU, and EUniozed it. Bascially bringing up the standards of Ireland, Spain and Portugal, then turning them into states. These states then create the whole EU country that was dreamt of the greedy elite.

IMO the founders and creation of Europe is not the same as it was in 1957, nor 1973. Today they want a superarmy, s super this and a dumb sheep continent. I'm sorry I dont accept ths. This is not my dream of Euopre

I really don't accept the bullying coming from the European elites in our re vote whatsoever.

I'm so appalled by this behaviour, no matter what is stated on the lisbon treaty I'm voting no. My family are voting NO.

Ireland is so mad, it's will be either a full vote NO, or people will bypass the treaty.

The Elites don't know whats coming for them I tell ya.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:09 PM
I was living in Ireland during the height of the Celtic Tiger. The contrast between poverty & new wealth was stark. For the first time Irish ex-pats were returning home to take all the new jobs... big computer companies had their bases there. For the first time young people en masse were enrolling in secondary education. The software business was booming. Because of generous tax laws many banks put their headquarters there, too.

There was lots of building going on, and rents (sometimes in shockingly delapidated buildings) & house prices were sky high. The "Paid for by EU money" signs the other poster referenced were everywhere. After the Euro changeover, overnight food prices went up. I remember Ireland being named second only to Finland as most expensive place to live in Europe to live for the worst quality of life.

Thanks to cheap flights from Ryan Air, Dublin, full of drunken scumbags at night at the best of times, became the dumping ground for rowdy stag night weekends holidays. With more money to be had, the largely homogeneous society had mixed reactions to a sudden influx of immigrants looking for a piece of the pie.

But the Celtic Tiger had his last roar - when all the big businesses realized they could move operations east to Poland and operate more cheaply. Between that and the banks lending more than the country even produces ... it's devastating.

And so we see how modern society works... in some ways free enterprise is a locust that drains countries dry until they can find a cheaper place to take advantage of. I predict in 10 years we see the same thing happen in Poland that is happening in Ireland right now.

I love Ireland. I love their humour, their music, their history, the beauty of the country. I fear for the future of my Irish friends & their families. I worry about what sort of an Ireland the celtic tiger has left for their kids.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by carlitomoore
WIsh England will do the same. When we didn't get a chance to vote we should have created hell on Earth. How can we be denied a vote in a so called Democracy!?

Well we've got until May next year. At that point, the United Kingdom ceases to be a sovereign nation altogether (just a state in the nation of 'Europe') and Westminster will be for show only. Already, 80% of our laws come from Brussels.

Please, please, please let the Irish vote 'NO' again!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Dermo

Come on man you are smarter than this surely you see through the veil of deception. Mr Cowen only got to power because of his rich counterparts. For god sake how the f have we a minister for health who doesnt know a thing about health. fat b*tch. Denies the prevention method of cervicular cancer and instantly condemns young innocent women to a painful death! Im so sick of this # the truth is there for all to see yet people are blind. Anti lisbon one minute pro lisbon the next what changed your mind. Hopefully not msn! goddamn the brainwashing!!!!!!!!!!
Our Government is corrupt to the last, sorry I will not be one of those people who excepts things as they are!!! no flippin way. I personally will spead hate towards our corrupt government until we get daz white politicians capable of running a business let alone a country!

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