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Global Resistance

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posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:28 PM
Alright, so we've established that 9/11 was fabricated and used as a justification for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq in order to gain strategic military positioning in the middle east, to secure the remaining large oil reserves on this planet, to aid the US economy by opening up new markets, to further disseminate American ideals throughout Asia, to advance globalization by awarding contracts to American corporations in the middle-east, and to strip the American people of their rights and freedoms by 'amending' their constitution initiating the transformation towards a complete authoritarian controlled police state. This time in history is comparable to 1933 Germany, do you think the German people just accepted the Nazis? They were basically brainwashed the same way the American public is being fed red herrings and an extensive propaganda campaign through the government controlled mainstream media. They make the public live in fear and turn attention away from world events that matter.

We come up with considerable evidence supporting all of this every single day on this one website alone. My question is: what exactly is being done about it?

A Global Resistance must be created, and now is the time. The creation of a functioning GR must take into account several points:

1) A defined enemy must be established which should include the Illuminati (the American spin-off: Skull and Bones), the NWO, corporations, world banks, and anything else the GR considers a hindrance to freedom or their cause. A list of specific targets must be created and passed down a chain of command to soldiers in the field.

2) The GR must come up with a slogan and symbol

3) Two types of campaigns need to take place:

a) Indirect - should consist of an extensive information campaign employing the internet, hacking, t-shirts, email, spray-paint, mass organized demonstrations, etc. anything to inform the public and expose the truth to as many people as possible
- should aim to lift the curtain of lies and propaganda, and to expose the truth to the US public and the world in order to sway opinion against the enemy
- should attempt to get as many people as possible to believe in the GR's cause and begin to help take action

b) Direct - should only be employed if indirect action does not succeed, a major catastrophic event is imminent, or the GR are directly targeted
- should include direct military action against specified targets, including those listed in point one

4) Fortunately the GR have one weapon the German public in 1933 did not, the means to communicate. Communication is key to the organization of the GR, which is why the GR must be initiated immediately before comms, mainly the use of the internet, are shutdown.

5) A Global Resistance website must be established laying out an overview of the atrocities committed behind our backs and the actual intentions of our leaders. It must be professional, concise and include a simplified version of the truth while providing ample evidence. Pictures, graphs etc, should be utilized in order to help convince the public, with no prior knowledge of any of this, that we are in fact the ones fighting for their freedom. It will also outline GR goals and intentions and how they can participate in the information campaign. Computer specialist(s) will be needed to ensure this website remains available.

6) Websites will be used to spread the word, advertise, recruit, sell GR t-shirts, etc. All part of the information campaign aiming to clear the smokescreen.

7) Members will be encouraged to arm themselves.

Our ancestors fought and died for the freedoms we have enjoyed, now with the stroke of a pen they disappear. For what? Our generation's duty now lay's before us as it did our ancestors. Do not sit back and hang a white flag on your door, it's up to us. We need to come together, gather evidence, organize, and spread the word.


[Edited on 13-4-2004 by raven2012]

[Edited on 13-4-2004 by raven2012]

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:33 PM
If the Galactic Federation is actually real the Illumiti dosnt have a chance and will be destroyed in 2012.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:41 PM
I dont see how you can state we've established that 9/11 was fabricated maybe it was allowed to happen, and yes it has been used as a prentense for war... but i doubt it was 'fabricated' by anyone other than someone pissed off at the USA... as for a global resistance... if i see a specific threat (as opposed to dodgy evidence and speculation) then i will join a resistance... but what is the point in resisting an imaginary enemy...

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:42 PM

If the Galactic Federation is actually real the Illumiti dosnt have a chance and will be destroyed in 2012.

oh well i feel better already

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 07:45 PM

what is the point in resisting an imaginary enemy...

the only imaginary enemy i'm aware of is Al Qaeda

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by raven2012
we've established that 9/11 was fabricated

No we haven't.

2) The GR must come up with a slogan and symbol; possibly applying the ATS slogan 'Deny Ignorance'
6) Websites such as ATS will be used to spread the word, advertise, recruit, sell GR t-shirts, etc. All part of the information campaign aiming to clear the smokescreen.

It's probably not advisable to gank the slogan of a copywritten webiste, first and foremost.
Second, it's awful presumptuous of you to assume that the owners of ATS will allow it to be used as a recruitment tool. In fact, that very action is strictly against the Terms & Conditions of the webiste.

You really might want to re-read the Terms & Conditions before this thread goes any further.
ATS Terms & Conditions of Use
Most importantly:
12.) You agree not to cultivate the membership of the discussion board for the sending of private messages (board U2U or e-mail) for the purposes of marketing, mass mailing, or recruitment for other groups (offline or online) such as activist groups or other online discussion board websites.


posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 09:31 PM

we've established that 9/11 was fabricated

ok, well that's what many assume, and that's beside the point. what i'm trying to say is there's ample evidence suggesting many attrocities are being commited and something should be done.

It's probably not advisable to gank the slogan of a copywritten webiste, first and foremost.

You're right, I overlooked that and appologize. The post has been edited.

You agree not to cultivate the membership of the discussion board...for activist groups

I am in no way trying to set up or recruit for a Global Resistance group, I would merely like to hear peoples opinions on the subject and have suggested a format that a group such as this could follow in order to discuss this topic more in depth.

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 09:57 PM
For those of you that do not agree with the ideas presented regarding a Global Resistance:

If the main post is inaccurate or incomplete, what should we do? Is it time to take action? Should we still be sitting on our hands? I, like most of you, know that something must be done.... but what, when, and to what degree?

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by raven2012

what is the point in resisting an imaginary enemy...

the only imaginary enemy i'm aware of is Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda are by no means 'imaginary'... but i do agree their threat is blown out of proportion... there is (or was) and Afghanistan based terror group called al-Qaeda that was headed by Osama bin Laden, but my understanding is at its height it had 15-20 members and was not an 'international group' (i saw this on a documentary i saw last year in malaysia, it was never aired in any western country i know of). what made it a threat are the 'symaphty cells' tht have taken up al-Qaeda's cause after the US government attacked afghanistan and iraq...

Dont ask me for links on this doco as i have none believe me or not i dont really care either way

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:19 PM
so i guess by saying that al queda is imaginary he is actually trying to say that bush did a good job in destroying the network............and therefore he did a good job in that is the only thing i agree on with raven

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:38 PM
ok, so getting back to the topic...

I, like most of you, know that something must be done.... but what, when, and to what degree?

My thoughts exactly. Something needs to be done, but no one seems to know just what, when, or how to do it. Are demonstrations enough? Are they accomplishing anything at all? The media sure as hell doesn't seem to care. Is a global resistance too far fetched/extreme?

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:18 PM
Personally I believe there is no need for direct military action to be taken against this 'threat', which is listed in point #1. I do however think that much more needs to be done concerning getting information to the public, and this can only be accomplished through organization. There are some great ideas in the main post, especially the idea of t-shirts and a professional looking website where people can be directed for an overview. Any thoughts?

The truth must be told.


posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by raven2012 and a professional looking website where people can be directed for an overview. Any thoughts?
And... you are... where right now?
The issues are not as cut-and-dried as you might think. Research. Credibility. Facts. Your weapons. Use them wisely.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 06:55 PM

And... you are... where right now?

right, but what i'm talking about is something simple...where people with no previous knowledge can come and be enlightened to the truth.

The issues are not as cut-and-dried as you might think.

This is definatly true, and as you said "Research. Credibility. Facts" all need to be used to come up with a "big picture" so to speak, and this is what we need to get out to people.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by raven2012 Alright, so we've established that 9/11 was fabricated and used as a justification for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq in order to gain strategic military positioning in the middle east,
Right then... but research, credibility, and facts have nothing to do with the above statement. For the subject matter along (9/11), there is an exceptionally broad range of speculation right here: As such, your statement is pure speculation, based on the speculation of others. Without a factual basis for your (or our) claims, any efforts will be seen as just another "conspiracy nut".

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 07:12 PM

any efforts will be seen as just another "conspiracy nut".

Maybe so, but if you believe it and I believe it, and a majority on these boards believe it, I would say it's something worth expressing, whether we're considered "conspiracy nuts" or not.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 07:14 PM
Who said I believed it? The search for the truth has only just started.

posted on Apr, 25 2004 @ 07:25 PM
well i just think a more organised approach to informing the public is necessary which could lead to them aiding in our search. i'm not saying i have all the answers or know exactly how to expand, i'm just searching for ideas and opinions.

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 01:35 PM
Ahh this post of mines should be interesting to you guys:

posted on Apr, 27 2004 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by raven2012
well i just think a more organised approach to informing the public is necessary which could lead to them aiding in our search.

Well I agree that the public needs to be better informed, however, not about the NWO.

Let's face it, the vast majority of the public are stupid. By stupid I don't mean idiots, just uninformed. They watch CNN and think they understand current events. We need to show people that the world is not black & white and that things are not always as they seem. I don't think we need a global resistance is necessary to accomplish this. A single individual can do it if they are truthful, intelligent, and patient. People just need to open their eyes.

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