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Enlightenment. What is it and how do we know when we have achieved it?

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:50 PM
Hi all.

What ever enlightment is it seems that we are many many people that wonders why "they" are enlightened and we are not. I am sure we all welcome it, we try to find something to help us on our way, i just bought a water activator and i will go throu some dna activation sounds and so on. I do recomend to read a bit of water and biophotons i found that very intressting after i just had 2x8 hours of Nassim Haramein..wich i also recomend.
I can not understand all the "love all" "we are everything" "oness" all these people talk is it possible?! I have no dificulties in forgiving and to avoid hate and so. Even when i see all children dye on the hate! I admit i feel very naiv though.
I WANT to fell it, i welcome it and i try my best to walk like i talk ..peace and love? I am open for it.
But i also wonder if i am insane...
I am sure many feel the same.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by Skyfloating

So what would be pure conciousness?

I would say that would be to be totally at one with your original creator. To be fully aware of all that is and all that ever will be. To know and see all you have ever achieved in eternity past present and future. Quite a scary prospect actually dont you think to be of pure conciousness.

Pure consciouness is without time and without body, you simply are. You have no pain, fear or ego because you are pure light within the one light.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Quite a scary prospect actually dont you think to be of pure conciousness.

Only to the ego. It is the natural state of consciousness itself, and scary would not apply at all to it. Not only because it is its (our) natural state, but because in that One there is no division/dualism, hence no fear.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:15 PM
I know there are lots of posts in this thread but I thought I'd respond to the O.P. first...I speak only from my individual and personal point of view.....

Originally posted by Mr Green
Enlightenment seems to be something many search for but what exactly is it and is it the same for everyone?

How do we know when we've found it, is it like an electric light bulb moment that you just know or is it a slow journey that you eventually arrive at?

I found the "searching" prohibited the "finding". "It" found "Me"!

Miles and miles of deserted beach with the sand-dunes of Maspalomas in Gran Canaria to my right and a full moon above the water to my left. It was my first night of my first holiday alone. It had been fun, but I'd spent all the cash I'd taken with me and did not know the name of my hotel. I began walking in the general direction guided by my impeccable sense of direction.....about 2 in the morning.

The water was warm, I'd been walking for hours...didn't matter, I was completely free in a timeless moment.

To me enlightenment is the connection with our inner being that is totally at peace and full of absolute love and joy. For me its not a superhuman accomplishment, it is something we can all reach. It is a feeling of oneness and to not feel seperated from our divine creator.

For me it WAS a "super-human" accomplishment. It takes a super human to dare to go so deep. The culmination of years and years of pain, suffering and feeling alone and NEVER giving up to understand the truth of who, why and where I am.

That night, I was somewhere I had never been. As if the whole vision of my surroundings were in some fantastic dream and I had walked in from the wings....something wonderful was taking place and it was the most natural thing in the world. A bit like the scene from "Contact" on the beach.

Everything fell into place with a rhythm that still holds a tune today. One of those songs you can't get out of your head. Real truth has a way of doing that!

No god, nobody else, just me and the moon reflecting the light of truth off the gentle, perpetual and calming waves. The water was warm on my shoeless feet.

Ive had moments in meditation of great clarity and a connection with universal love and joy but is this enligtenment? Is is enligtenment or just a moment of hightened awarness?

Enlightenment is not the destination, it's the beginning of a journey.

With enlightenment come questions, not just answers....enjoy the ride.

Can we even hold onto this awarness in our fast busy world? Ive had days when Ive not even been meditating but still felt a total connection to something within me, an inner light or force, but this will fade eventually into the background to resurface in quiter moments.

If enlightenment is achieved is it possible to allow it to co exist with our self that has to deal with the pressures of life in the 21st century?

Like the moments on "my" beach, we can all have somewhere special to return to in our minds. A way to "centre" ourselves and continue to shine, even on others in their gloomy worlds.

The sun rose and I found my hotel......I discovered someone on that beach that night....Me.

What followed was two weeks of complete clarity with some wonderful strangers who became friends, some of whom I still have contact with. I had the chance to shine brighter than I dreampt in my wildest dreams. We were walking on air.

So what is enlightenment to you, have you achieved it and if so how did you achieve it?

To me, enlightenment is an understanding of my world, how it has taken from me, why those things were done and how all those things had to happen for me to be where I am now.

The only thing that can hurt me now is other peoples pain. If I can shine on them and offer inspiration then my journey that started some ten years ago on that beach continues.

I hope anyone who has suffered or needs understanding finds their beach and feels the magic of the moonlight.

I did not change that night.....I grew. I am everything I have ever been and will be everything I ever can.


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by Skyfloating

So what would be pure conciousness?

I would say that would be to be totally at one with your original creator. To be fully aware of all that is and all that ever will be. To know and see all you have ever achieved in eternity past present and future. Quite a scary prospect actually dont you think to be of pure conciousness.

Pure consciouness is without time and without body, you simply are. You have no pain, fear or ego because you are pure light within the one light.

What if we remove all of your mystical crap? What if we remove all of those imaginary terms?

What you mean to say is that you truely understand Causality and acknolwdge the streams of event and experainces that creates our everyday life. In this understanding of causality is a realitization of oneness in that we are all victims of it and that as we share experainces we come closer to one conciousness. In that understanding is Love. With that faith in others coming to udnerstand this, is forgiveness.

You might say that somone who experiances bad things through the ignorant teachings of others is just another great learning experiance... I cant allow that i feel the wounds.

To say that there is no pain or fear in this understanding is ignorant. There are still millions around you in pain and fearfull... can you taste it? Are you the problem or the cure?

The lies that are told to people to temporarily take away pain and fear are selfish...

This junk about past lives is rediculous to.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:23 PM
Now... wrtgfg err whatsits.... No need to be all bent out of shape. Certain ignorance is a good thing. Not all knowledge need be known, or else there would be no more questions, no more mystery, no more motive for growth.

The way I see it.... I may have sounded condescending the original way I put this, because I was simply making light of yet another illusion...

BUT here's what I meant. You can have your illusions. We all have them. The illusion doesn't end with death, so don't think I'm saying that it's sopmething super bleak or anything... but whether you've seen aliens or angels or beings of pure spectral light or whatever (So have I! all of the above actually! go me! Whooohoo! Yes! I've got weird friends!) this is still all part of the illusion..... and the illusion has a vast vast expanse into infinity of many many different steps and octaves of steps just really a limitless expanse of novelty.... and you are not "ignorant" if you choose to be a light worker or a new ager (although I personally have some lingering bias towards so called "lightworkers" because one of my friends went completely insane when he started hanging out with these "light workers" and last I heard from him, he was going to the mountains of Colorado to open some energy vortexes.... never heard frrom him again.)
but you're also not fully enlightened.... and anyone who is will not dare force you to be... because that would be cruel and they know what they went through when dealing with ultimate truth. Everyone's time will come, and calling people ignorant for simply not being ready is ignorant in itself.

You would force someone with zero flight experience to fly a plane and then call them ignorant for almost crashing and killing everyone, would you?

Like all achievements worth achieving, enlightenment takes a lot of suffering. It is part of the experience. The mistake Jesus made was thinking that he could help ease the people's suffering by giving them a kind gentle version of the truth. Well, I'm sure Jesus has been back a few times since the ol' cross incident....maybe Jesus is back now and has talked to you on this forum before and you'd never know.... and ya wanna know what I'll bet Jesus has learned? (It's true, even Jesus changes his mind from time to time)

I'll bet Jesus has learned that there is no easy way. The truth hurts and the lessons learned are never gentle. They can't be, because they get ignored and forgotten too easily that way. You can't ignore fear anger hate malice and darkness in favor of this happy flower power light side and call yourself enlightened. Fear is NATURAL, instinctual... and you are here to experience, and that experience includes all of those horrible things that people want to avoid. You're not going to avoid learning harsh lessons unless you already have learned them before.

It is a lonely and depressing journey, and to say that is not ignorance.... to say that is experiencing the thing I'm here to experience and learn.

Enlightenment does not mean the mastering of all planes or the ability to do tricks or miracles. It does not mean that you know everything all the time like some hypercomputer. It simply means knowing the all encompassing One, and that everything you could possibly "know within this creation of the one mind.... is an illusion.

The question that people SHOULD be asking once they've reached that awareness is "Am I happy with THIS illusion?" We all want a better life, to be freed of things..... well first you've gotta lost SOME of your ignorance about some of the unharmonious things going on within this illusion.... and it may be scary and it may make you angry and you may even hurt someone physically or mentally while figuring it out... but just remember that this is all an illusion and everything is either a lesson or a test. Nobody (well not many people) likes going to school, but in the end your ability to cope and problem solve increases exponentially. Now what's a greater dis-service (in the context of people viewing things through the veil of present modern day society)... keeping a child out of some sort of education just because they don't like it and they wanna go play pretend?
Or making them squirm in their chair and learn whether they like it or not?

The universe... and indeed enlightenment.... does not work on sugar plums and lollipops. It changes people profoundly... and in order for massive change to occur, and I mean MASSIVE (not just oh you can feel and see the vibes or whatever and you're a little nicer to people), you gotta get hit by a major life lesson. It's gotta be so major that you fall completely apart into ruin... because you gotta be built back up from the foundation. It's not something that will fit conveniently into some pretty little respectable package. It takes years not always so much to achieve enlightenment, but rebuild after the illusions are wiped clear of your eyes.

One day I will finally feel at peace..... but I've really only begun to rebuild.

But if YOU personally cannot handle this ultimate realization to end all realizations.... there are other more gentle ways of feeling in tune with your illusion. There are plenty of friendly bengs out in the ether to play with, as well as not so friendly.... just pick your potion wisely.

And a side note... if you ever encounter the dark side.... the demonic underbelly which we are all so afraid of... just remember what you are looking at. You may seem to be looking outwardly at something... but you are just looking into your own self. Feel the fear, and wonder why that bothers you. Also wonder.... is there any worse than demonic torture? You bet there is.
The worst Hell I could ever possibly imagine would be quite subtle... because the real suffering is in the mind. The real suffering is living in what you believe is heaven for the first twenty one or so years of your life, only to wake up and realize that we've made our own Hell.... here, now... this is the Hell hat those aware or wising up have made.... and if you blame others, you're missing the point. You blame the demons, you blame the governments, you blame the religions or the world elite... but you forget yourself. I can guarantee you one hundred percent that you've been here plenty of times before. What do you think you would need to learn in order step in the right direction and start healing your illusion?

I think just more subtle realizations and epiphanies are much more useful and meaningful than true end all be all enlightenment... and whatever gets you there, be it light beings, religious texts, rituals, Freemasonry (a subtle apology to any Freemasons I may have bashed in the past), meditation, prayer, chanting, drawing mandalas, studying sacred geometry.... go for it. Just always be aware than nothing is 100 percent "the path" and anything that is leading you down a path instead of gently guiding you to a position to choose your own path probably has more to gain than you.

So yes if you use religion or Freemasonry or any "organized" fraternal or spiritual group, use it wisely and make sure that if you study one religion, to study ALL religion, because they all say the same thing.

I can't say whether this world will survive even if everyone on this entire forum and every conspiracy theorist in the world instantly becomes enlightened. It may just be that we need a severe "spiritual"
lesson so that wherever we all incarnate the next few thousand times around, we won't forget it.

In the end, none of it really matters. The best way to describe it is that it just is... and I have not learned yet whether there is an ultimate reason. I suspect that if there were an ever-aware entity we would call "God" some place, that even the big guy doesn't really understand it all yet. Or else why would we even exist, and why would we still be asking questions?

We're all that being. So why are we still asking why? I don't know why.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

I would say as long as you think there are "others" you need to save, or instruct that you are part of the problem, not the solution.

That includes me of course.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf

What if we remove all of your mystical crap? What if we remove all of those imaginary terms?

What you mean to say is that you truely understand Causality and acknolwdge the streams of event and experainces that creates our everyday life


Big star for you for being down to earth and realist my friend.

Not complicated if you leave out the mystic and un-understandable "babble" is it.

Sure, things can seem "magical", but it's US, not magic!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Now... wrtgfg err whatsits.... No need to be all bent out of shape. Certain ignorance is a good thing. Not all knowledge need be known, or else there would be no more questions, no more mystery, no more motive for growth.

You will always be a part of a larger causality and that is always somthing worth understanding.

You would force someone with zero flight experience to fly a plane and then call them ignorant for almost crashing and killing everyone, would you?

I would sock the person in the face who told them they could fly with no expleriance in the first place. Like these ignorant light workers who got their certification from

Like all achievements worth achieving, enlightenment takes a lot of suffering. It is part of the experience. The mistake Jesus made was thinking that he could help ease the people's suffering by giving them a kind gentle version of the truth. Well, I'm sure Jesus has been back a few times since the ol' cross incident....maybe Jesus is back now and has talked to you on this forum before and you'd never know.... and ya wanna know what I'll bet Jesus has learned? (It's true, even Jesus changes his mind from time to time)

Enlightnement only takes suffering if you refuse to pay attention to casuality. ITS NOT ABOUT EASING SUFFERING... its about understanding it.

I'll bet Jesus has learned that there is no easy way. The truth hurts and the lessons learned are never gentle. They can't be, because they get ignored and forgotten too easily that way. You can't ignore fear anger hate malice and darkness in favor of this happy flower power light side and call yourself enlightened. Fear is NATURAL, instinctual... and you are here to experience, and that experience includes all of those horrible things that people want to avoid. You're not going to avoid learning harsh lessons unless you already have learned them before.

There always is an easy way. You can learn from others mistakes or you can make mistakes yourself. Its about understanding these things logicaly... Your magical nothingness god universal conciousness is rediculous and helps 0 people with real problems.

keeping a child out of some sort of education just because they don't like it and they wanna go play pretend?

I would keep them away from what ever school your teaching because your the one playing pretend outside telling people that they can fly airplanes with no logical instruction.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

By all means, work on your chakras. I am sorry, I sound like I'm knocking the chakras. No no no, there is definitely something to alot of that stuff... although for some reason I never had the pleasure of doing so..... I just kinda slammed full speed into the gnosis one day outta nowhere.... 5 minutes, that's all it was..... but it was all of eternity and all of the patterns and shapes and archetypes and dimensions that make up any observable existence replayed for me... and it felt like eternity. It was eternity. It was exactly how I remembered it....which I'd only forgotten I'd known about until then.

Whatever "It' really is is just.... that's the only true mystery that remains for me. I just can't accept that THAT is it. As humans, we demand a reason, a purpose. Wouldn't "It" have a reason and purpose, as well?

I don't know anything if I don't know of a purpose for everything... so yes that is why I try to be a little more "self"ish and find purpose in my own life, because there may be some truth to the saying "ignorance is bliss"... because I'm not here that long, and leading some revoution and getting myself killed in something which would happen with or without me anyway is just pointless. As long as you are a kind person and you go with love instead of hate, your previous life lessons have paid off and eventually you'll find whatever it is you're looking for. Those who hate or wrong in some way, are not any worse off than anyone else. They are the teachers as well as the students, as well as everyone else. So let's all keep into consideration respect for people's personal beliefs in this discussion... because there is something to learn from everything.

Quote from Me- "You get exactly what you deserve. No exceptions." Enlightenment in a nutshell.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

Whoa I think you misunderstood me. I stated that no I would not want a person with zero flight experience driving a plane, and I agree with you that I would sock anyone in the face who would actually let this person do that.

My nothingness god isn't magical at all. My nothingness God is pure precision pan-dimensional pattern. Everything is exactly where it should be. You are being exactly how you should be. I am being how I should be. Idiots waving flags and going "yahoo for America." for no forseeable reason are exactly how they should be. Everyone and everything has a place to be exactly how they are in this moment.

As far as knowing much, I already said I didn't know anything.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by dunwichwitch
reply to post by Wertdagf

Whoa I think you misunderstood me. I stated that no I would not want a person with zero flight experience driving a plane, and I agree with you that I would sock anyone in the face who would actually let this person do that.

My nothingness god isn't magical at all. My nothingness God is pure precision pan-dimensional pattern. Everything is exactly where it should be. You are being exactly how you should be. I am being how I should be. Idiots waving flags and going "yahoo for America." for no forseeable reason are exactly how they should be. Everyone and everything has a place to be exactly how they are in this moment.

As far as knowing much, I already said I didn't know anything.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by dunwichwitch]

You cant stop at just that. You need to take that knowledge of casuality and turn it into KEYS for those peoples minds. Can you not see all the pain that comes from that ignorant flag waving? The misplacement of identity..
Its somthing that must be stopped.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
So what would be pure conciousness? Knowing that jesus loves you?

Wertdagf have you noticed that YOU are the only one bringing up Jesus constantly? This is a metaphysical thread, far far different than Christians. I understand why people often don't like Christians, but I have never known an athiest, or anyone else that HATED meta types.

We don't convert others. We don't set the "moral" standards of the masses. Some maybe weird but we are non-threatening and the vast majority really do not give a darn about how you live your life, what you believe in, what you don't believe in etc....

Live and let live dude.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by Sonya610]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Sonya610

You have yet to understand how this will turn out... this new age perversion of religion isnt its final state. The begining of these comfortable BUBBLE beliefs always start out harmless. Then they pervert through those they teach and the children that they raise... soon we will have a buncha wackos walking around saying theres ghosts in their houses and that they need a medium to come cleanse it. Well have people saying the NWO is stalking them and demons are harvesting their energy while tey sleep....


Just like a virus that lays in wait. You know how they say history repeats itself... well youll see it soon enough.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
and the vast majority really do not give a darn about how you live your life, what you believe in, what you don't believe in etc....
[edit on 12-1-2009 by Sonya610]

That must be really enlightening to you.

I prefer to live with, and try to understand a little more in the world around me.

Good luck in there.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
Well have people saying the NWO is stalking them and demons are harvesting their energy while tey sleep....


Yeah that part seems to be an odd ATS twist. I have never heard meta types talk about the NWO, or Reptilians, or the other conspiracy type stuff before. That is unique this site.

Now they may be into crystals, ghosts, and the like but that stuff is pretty harmless as long as it doesn't suck random people into weird cults.

Most of the true meta based books and such are very very openminded.

Buddha said,
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.
Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.
But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:34 PM
Enlightenment is not new age, its a very grounded and ancient path that is upheld by the most peaceful of us.

And this was originally a thread for people who have experienced enlightenment as defined by them. Please can we steer it back to where it needs to be and hear some more experiences or definitions and the like.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
That must be really enlightening to you.

I prefer to live with, and try to understand a little more in the world around me.
Good luck in there.

Hey, the way I see it he is as divine a reflect of God as anyone/anything else here. And I do not really care what other people believe, just as I don't really care if they brush their teeth daily, it is NOT my place to tell others how to live as long as what they do is not infringing on my space.

It is not a matter of "understanding it". He appears to have some anger issues regarding religion. Fine. He has the right to feel that way.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Its obviously helped mankind so much already. Those great masters have sure left their mark on the pitifull people that travel to their santuarys to balance pots of water on their heads. The motheres that raise their children telling them they are the reincarnated buddah. Turn a prayer wheel for me.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:49 PM
Yes...back on topic....

see my post above from a little while ago to find out how I was enlightened.

It does happen you know, even in a messed up and sometimes cruel and confusing world.

Let's open doors and windows and switch a few lights on round here.

[edit on 12/1/2009 by nerbot]

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