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23 Nations with Protests, Riots and Demonstrations and counting

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posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Actually I take that back I saw a riot or actually a fist fight over the last 42" Sony at the local bestbuy on black friday.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by infinite

thank goodness for the ignore button

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by warrenb

Awww, ashame.

So a senior member simply questioned your methodology and you dropped your dummy
Pathetic. I know the OP in a previous thread suggested it was his "job to watch this stuff" (check out the France thread) but with infinite's talented sources and contacts - there is no international link here.

Barcelona was the last major event linked to Greece, 800 protesters. French is protesting over education reform (currently have a source on the ground) and Italy is "interesting". As for British activity, currently nothing. The anarchists and socialists are waiting for May Day. No protests, just regular meetings.

Sad really, if the OP didn't act like a typical arrogant new member I could have easily sourced him information from my contacts. His loss and another ATS member will simply gain.

If he gets a change of heart, a U2U will do.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:51 PM
Step back a moment. I think the thread is slightly premature, but, feel it would be invaluable as a data base of what is happening re riots and feelings worldwide.

You dont need data to see and feel that the world wide public mood has changed and will continue to change. I think it would be beneficial for anyone who comes accross any public show of anger or rebellion anywhere in the world to post it here.

We talk about our ability to research here in ATS, yet so many times the threads have nothing more than feelings, ideas and theory`s. Surely collecting data from a years pre, ie 2008, plus anything still to come will help keep our finger on the pulse, so to speak.


posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 05:59 PM
The fact is, some governments are on the defensive because their empty words don't bring any improvement.

That creates pressure "in the air".

They have lost initiative. They are trying to manipulate MSM but I'm afraid that cannot be enough for a relief.

It is possible that a whole avalanche of protests is going to happen in the near future, not necessarily coordinated, but this possibility grows.

Perhaps some kind of "Solidarnosc", as it was in Poland, is going to emerge.
Perhaps on the global scale.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by warrenb

ummm... where are the riots in the USA?

PS .. Police shooting a black man in the middle of the Projects doesn't count.

[edit on 12/19/2008 by Rockpuck]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
It is possible that a whole avalanche of protests is going to happen in the near future, not necessarily coordinated, but this possibility grows.

No, these are regular protests. Nothing special.

May Day is being heavily planned for in Europe; known left wing and anarchists groups are currently being monitored. Due to the global finanical crisis, the left might strike with a vengeance on May 1st.

Police will be out in force.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by infinite

We shall yet see prophets and empathy.

Peaceful protest broken with force - but those will be misguiding. Old habit which will not work this time.

Shattering quiet. The most feared opponent.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I suggest re-reading the OP as I've updated it with a few links for people who are unable to search for or find answers.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by warrenb]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:26 PM
The system cannot be fought with rationality.
It is a product of rationality.
It is retching rationality.

Same with emotions.
It feeds on them.

Resistance is only possible in faith.
On what is good in you.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by warrenb

....police shooting a black man in the middle of the projects?

Some small time protest in Denver?

I was not alive in the 60's.. but I imagine those who where there are laughing at your so called wide spread chaos.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:42 PM
By the way, am I the only one who finds it completely retarded Anarchist and Socialist (complete political opposites) are planning joint protest??

Then again, I am yet to meet an intelligent Anarchist..

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:58 PM
Illiteracy strikes again.

damn those edumakashuns

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:00 PM
what are you talking about? every country in the world experiences riots 24 hrs a day, FACT, not everybody is happy with every thing and never will be FACT!
stop fearmongering.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:08 PM

100 people sitting inside a caffeteria due to "poor educational conditions" -- It's a Private school. Reported and blown out of proportion by a anarchist website.

The school even describes it's self as a "left leaning university" lol

Denver Protest ... viewed by a WHOPPING 228 people!!!.. (most from ATS most likely)

The site even shows a lovely picture of a police officer on fire. Expected crowd? Doesn't say.. considering the amount of views the site has, I will assume a few dozen.

This is actually the same as the first link..

Dumbass rich kids who feel the need to .. arm .. whats the word .. express themselves? Morons who put up signs in their cafeteria stating "Solidarity with Greece!" ...

Which is kind of retarded considering WHY the Greeks rioted .. and I would seriously bet my left leg that not a single one of those spoiled dumb # know a damn thing about the greek protest.

Man ..

Our world is falling apart! .. What WILL WE DO!???

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:11 PM

I post it because I want to show you the bigger picture. It's not just one or two "isolated" incidents as the MSM try to play it off as. People are getting fed up with being screwed over by the finance industry and governments so they take to the streets. Yes there are varying issues as stated at the very top of this post but in the end they are relevant to all of us.

But I guess you read that since you have insistently, all the answers.

[edit on 19-12-2008 by warrenb]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Sliick
England (couldn't find any)
India (couldn't find any)
Germany (couldn't find any of major importance)
Cyprus Very long link
Bahrain (as far as bahrain)
Saudi Arabia (couldn't find any, though they're trying to spark some)
New Zealand
Thailand (in planning stage)
Total: 19 (some not really important or large)

As you may have guessed, I didn't spend hours on this. I tried to get the most recent and the most pertinent.

I know you won't look through all of them, but If you're interested they are here.

EDIT: changed total

[edit on 19-12-2008 by Sliick]

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by E†E


thank you

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:26 PM
To the OP: Seriously I'm glad you got this list together. I've been thinking of making one myself.

No they are not specifically linked as in they aren't all being started for one reason or by the same group of people, however, they are continuing and being joined (the riots now) by people who are angry at their police and/or govt. It says that even in the Georgia case.

Also, to the people who are making certain comments like "shooting a black guy in a protest isn't a riot," while the statement itself is ludicrous, please stop being so blase about a mans life being taken away, no matter the circumstances. And just to clear the air about that, it was a couple of hundred protesters not a small group.

Yes riots break out all the time all over the world but not like this. Whatever grip some of you are losing on reality, you guys really need to try and get on top of things. It's time to stop blindly denying, this has a chance (especially if it grows over the US) to directly impact your future. IE - if riots start happening across the US it would be more than enough of a reason to enact a martial law, so stop trying to say nay and start reading up on these things.

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 10:28 PM
Yes, protesting will certainly cure our economic ails. We should quit our jobs, disrupt communication and transportation, and destroy productive facilities. Because we all know the governments have a big switch that says "Strong Economy/Weak Economy" and all they have to do is flip it back to Strong Economy.


All we need to do is PARTY HARD!

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