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Why is everyone making me feel guilty for NOT liking our new president (elect)

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posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by conspiracy nut
the least you could do is congratulate the obama fans for the fact that obama won. be sportsmanslike. maybe you can offer something that you like about him while mentioning the things you dont.
it does not reflect well if you act like a sore loser. if you have not been actin like a sore loser then they should just respect your views and call it a day. debates on politics and religion can get very nasty with some people.

Thank you for snapping me out of that almost dreamland state I was begining to fall in and remind ME WHO I AM!

Congratulate the OBAMA FANS!! AGH HA HA HA HA Please DO hold your breath! I mean it was pretty clear to me all along HOW Obama was going to win this election with but the question, hehe OH the question.


The why's just keep getting answered by the obama voters as to HOW he did but NONE of them can give a well thought out reason other than he is Black or he inspires them. Lets face it the media is Obama's bitch! and Oprah! Some experts say her endorsement got him over a million converts alone! Talk about having sheeple voting for you.

But it was the happiness he has obviously brought to so many so obviously needing what ever it is he brings to them or he does to them.

I don't get it but I sure know when someone relieved so much it brings them to tears just,, well it is just something I couldn't takd away from them even if I could.

I was watching the news last night and if someone were to find out this guy wasn't legit or he really WAS born in kenya, I would hope that such news NEVER comes forth because after what I had been seeing on the news, I can not tell you the guilt I would have felt taking such a thing away from people so over joyed bringing almost ALL of them to tears and tears of joy I must say I know I don't have the heart.

I saw this going on and it was all over the world this man has people that infatuated with him. It also makes me almost jealous I wasn't a part of that. I wish I was part of that crowd that was for the winner that had obviously so much hatred so much fatigue for bush and the last eight years they actually were dancing in the streets and I know had McCain won, I would not have felt like dancing or crying tears of joy.

I see everything Colin Powell said about this guy and again nothing that makes sense to me but as far as how he would " electrify" the world stage and how this would be a "historic moment" how whites would be as proud as blacks etc, all that was true from watching the effects he has had just by winning.

In fact, I'd still be worried about my Country and it would be business as usual. I think I started liking Obama for that reason and that reason alone because what ever he did by winning, all of you OBVIOUSLY NEEDED IT very much and for that I am grateful and would not take that away so it is for that reason I will come together and support this president giving him a chance to prove himself to all of us.

I am afraid however, that the reasons I got more involved in politics than at anytime before trying to stop this man from being the kind of monster he is now fully able to be especially with the control he has with house and senate is a fear I have for myself.

I fear ever finding out one more baby is born having to be left alone in a dark broom closet without anyone to care for them. I fear finding out who those Doctors and nurses are because if I ever meet them I fear for them what I might do, it disturbs me that much. It disturbs me that much that someone as beloved as Obama is, that he can DO that sort of thing and make it a Government Mandate. THEY would have to drag me out of that place in handcuffs if I was there because I would be saying in tears of sorrow Please please can I have that baby, you are just going to throw it away anyways so can I have it? I don't know what I would do if they did give them all to me but I would try my best to at least give them a fighting chance in this world of disposable people too young to have a voice too young to say "Hey I didn't ask to be born but I AM!" " I exist now!" "Please don't throw me away please" I can't tell you how much that has botherd me. and I think I better stop now.

[edit on 6-11-2008 by MAINTAL]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:53 PM

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Are you sure your not making yourself feel guilty?

Maybe, maybe not, but why might someone feel guilty about it?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Don't let it get to you. I'm surprised (sort of) by the reaction- especially here on a conspiracy site where the members are generally suspicious of the powers that be and leaders. However, one thing I have noticed is that if/when you go against the liberal or politically correct crowd (not limited to ATS), you will often be labeled ignorant, a bigot, a xenophobe, your intelligence will be questioned, you will be accused of being behind the times, etc., depending on the issue. It's as if it's some sort of subconscious tactic to shame you into seeing things their way.

I think people take it that way because there is only one real core difference between the Democratic (liberal) stance and the Republican (Conservative) stance which makes them pursue various policies. The conservatives want everyone to make it on their own, even though in today's times that is an impossibility for much of the population. The democrats think that we need to give people a hand in helping people achieve their dreams.

So to be very pro Republican/ anti democrat would seem to reflect that one has little concern for helping your fellow human beings who may find themselves in a less than desirable position. You can argue that churches and charities should ahve this responsibility, but if you look around it is very easy to see that what they do is woefully inadequate. Republicans continue to cling to a wornout, false philosophy that has been proved over and over to not work except for a select few.

Take my parents for example. Poor as dirt, religous as hell, rely totally on social programs for their well being, yet still vote Republican. It is simply self denial and the wish to stick to a false ideal that even they cannot abide with.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
reply to post by ghostlandseller

Don't let it get to you. I'm surprised (sort of) by the reaction- especially here on a conspiracy site where the members are generally suspicious of the powers that be and leaders. However, one thing I have noticed is that if/when you go against the liberal or politically correct crowd (not limited to ATS), you will often be labeled ignorant, a bigot, a xenophobe, your intelligence will be questioned, you will be accused of being behind the times, etc., depending on the issue. It's as if it's some sort of subconscious tactic to shame you into seeing things their way.

I think people take it that way because there is only one real core difference between the Democratic (liberal) stance and the Republican (Conservative) stance which makes them pursue various policies. The conservatives want everyone to make it on their own, even though in today's times that is an impossibility for much of the population. The democrats think that we need to give people a hand in helping people achieve their dreams.

So to be very pro Republican/ anti democrat would seem to reflect that one has little concern for helping your fellow human beings who may find themselves in a less than desirable position. You can argue that churches and charities should ahve this responsibility, but if you look around it is very easy to see that what they do is woefully inadequate. Republicans continue to cling to a wornout, false philosophy that has been proved over and over to not work except for a select few.

Take my parents for example. Poor as dirt, religous as hell, rely totally on social programs for their well being, yet still vote Republican. It is simply self denial and the wish to stick to a false ideal that even they cannot abide with.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by MetatronCubensis
reply to post by maybereal11

Why didn't she just say 'America' will wake up? We're all Americans. She obviously thought 'white americans' weren't going to vote for her husband.

That would be like McCain's wife saying well Irish America will wake up and vote for my husband. That's crazy and only perpetuates segregation.

Please watch the video....She said "Black America" in direct response to a question where the interviewer asked her why certain "African American Communities" were voting for Hillary Clinton by 47% to something etc etc.

Black America was easier than repeating the list of African American Communties back to the interviewer when answering.....

But if you listen carefully with imagination and ignore the context or the question she was responding to or that she was answering a question about black america...well you might just be rewarded by hearing what you want.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by disgustedbyhumanity

Yes, no, and not necessarily. I'm a republican but am very disenchanted with the party as of late. Regardless, those are somewhat extreme pendulum sides you mention. That would be me like me saying all democrats want to do is support welfare crack addicts. As a conservative, I STRONGLY believe we should help those who cannot, emphasis on cannot, help themselves. Not won't help themselves. I also agree with helping those who are trying to help themselves. For instance, someone with a job but who also uses some government assistance programs. Not sure if that is the conservative or the Christian in me talking but that is how I personally feel.

Many people believe republicans are only out to support the fat cat while democrats are the heroes of the little guy's interests. But that's not really the truth.

*Edited out the last sentence. It might have derailed the thread lol.

[edit on 11/6/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:29 PM

What?? what the hell? what are you saying? Obama inclusive? huh? are you saying you're a terrorist and now you're rubbing it in our faces that your man won? I don't understand. I don't even think I want to try to your post feels ugly to me for some reason like everything I have feared about this guy has come true. I was glad Obama spoke to us last night, the ones who didn't vote for him. He said he wanted to be MY president too. He said that and i was hoping he meant it. Knowing he goes back on his word a lot I am hoping he meant that.

I guess Ill have to wait till he tells his voters he wants to be my president also and maybe you all won't feel so justified in rubbing it in our faces.

Ya know I have suffered the last eight years just as you have. I think I understand now what it was I was feeling jealous about.

You got your relief and I didnt, at least not yet

and not from the likes of you

Mod Edit: Removed offensive quote.

[edit on 11/6/2008 by maria_stardust]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by ghostlandseller

it doesn't matter if you like him or do not like him. he was voted in by majority therefore YOU as a citizen wanted him in as crazy as that sounds lol and it's not exactly like anyone can do anything to him... so we're all along for the ride

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by MetatronCubensis
reply to post by maybereal11

Why didn't she just say 'America' will wake up? We're all Americans. She obviously thought 'white americans' weren't going to vote for her husband.

That would be like McCain's wife saying well Irish America will wake up and vote for my husband. That's crazy and only perpetuates segregation.

Please watch the video....She said "Black America" in direct response to a question where the interviewer asked her why certain "African American Communities" were voting for Hillary Clinton by 47% to something etc etc.

Black America was easier than repeating the list of African American Communties back to the interviewer when answering.....

But if you listen carefully with imagination and ignore the context or the question she was responding to or that she was answering a question about black america...well you might just be rewarded by hearing what you want.

Mayberry, you and I have not agreed on much of anything but I have to say I agree with this. I wouldn't even pay attention to those who keep trying to make this a racial thing. Hell I am glad for the Black Community you could see it in there faces this is something they NEEDED that bad and even IF it is because a Black man is president, SO WHAT! None of us knows what it's like to be black when not and OMG don't we have better things to argue about. Just ignore that crap

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:41 PM
Look, in all honesty, I was not thrilled with the choices we had this election year either. However, after putting up with the horrible decision to put a man who got a C average in college into the Whitehouse, I really am not happy to hear all of the right wingers moan and complain. Whenever anyone said anything against Bush, people defended him and put anyone down that tried to show how he was a mistake or not qualified. Its time for all you people on the right to sit back and enjoy the ride. You had your chance and it was a really bad choice. I will admit all the things that are wrong with this country are not exactly his (Bush) fault, but you need to accept that a majority of the country wanted this. If he screws up then you can go ahead and point that out, I will accept my part in all of this if he makes it even worse. But if he actually makes things better then you all need to take a chill pill and let this country try and get back on track.



posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 04:43 PM
This is nothing new. It didn't become commonplace to bash Bush until 2005 or 2006. Remember '02-'05? The Dixie Chicks? We live in a polarized society. The election results spell it out clearly: this was not a landslide for Obama. I think he won by six or seven million votes - the youth vote, much of which will probably change their minds by the time the apocalyptic 2012 election rolls out.

My issues with him stem solely from what you're describing: that a non-supporter gets yelled at. I expected and allowed this behavior from the conservative right. They really don't know any better, they're mostly children. But Democrats spent the past eight years defending their right to question a president. For that party to suddenly turn face and start playing the same game is really disappointing.

However, and if I can get perfectly honest here, I get a very specific feeling from people adamantly opposed to Barack Obama and the feeling is this: standing out by hating what's popular. That kind of narrowmindedness, the complete unwillingness to at least try to accept and support a new president, is a little more agitating than hypocrisy.

My .02. Invest it and make bank some day.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

That's what gets me. Those who try to help themselves? There are millions of Americans who are trying to help themselves but cannot get ahead, no matter what they do. Sure, some people are always going to try to game the system, but to a large degree they are in a super minority. Most people who need help are not crackheads and that is the stereotype that most who are against gov. assistant programs use to support their position. Even for those, perhaps they became crackheads because they tried to make it and the obstacles kept slamming them back every time. Eventually people give up hope and stop banging their head against the wall.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
Most people who need help are not crackheads and that is the stereotype that most who are against gov. assistant programs use to support their position.

Er... I just want to make sure that is not what you gathered from my post. That is not what I was saying is the truth- that is what I was saying is the stereotype. If you understood my intention correctly, then my apologies but it looks like you are thinking I said that is an actual fact. When in reality I was contrasting the stereotypes of how many reps view dems and vice versa.
It stemmed from your implication that reps aren't interested in helping anyone but the big wigs so I made the comparison and said that would be like me saying the democrats only want to help welfare drug addicts. As in, that is a pretty unfair thing to claim. Hope that helps clarify.

[edit on 11/6/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:36 PM
To all of you who are upset or angered by the election of our new President, I have two words for ya....."Mission Accomplished".

The abysmal farce that calls itself the Republican Party and it's Bible-thumping, gun-toting members treated non-members with nothing but utter contempt and disrespect for the past 8 years.

I am savoring this victory and pleased to see all your whining.

Give the man a chance. Give peace a chance.

Here is a new mantra for ya............chill baby, chill.

Big Love.........kk

[edit on 6-11-2008 by kinda kurious]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by sos37

he is among the criminal element. Did I ever say I had proof? No. Unless I post a link to back up what I'm saying, what I say is of my own opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion, but if you make wild statements like "Obama is a criminal" and nothing more, you must present evidence to back up your statement or at least provide some depth so that it can actually APPEAR to be YOUR opinion and not just the mantra of a bitter army of disgruntled right-wingers.

Don't you think you should hold your party accountable? Why don't you get involved in politics locally and try to make a difference if you are so hurt by it all, or are you going to just be a "repeater" whining over the same points over and over again.

Interesting though that you found it necessary to point out that Obama being a Harvard Law Professor had anything to do with him being a criminal or not. As if you were implying that Harvard Law Professors couldn't possibly be criminals? Of course that would go against logic now wouldn't it?

I am not saying that being a Harvard Law Professor makes you immune from being convicted of a crime. However, Obama has not been convicted/suspected of any crimes and I haven't forgotten the birth-right we have of being "innocent until proven guilty". Unfortunately the wild and far out connect-the-dot conspiracies wouldn't hold any water in a court of law and I am surprised to this day that these "republican horror tales" stand up in these forums.

Surely. Here you go. Michelle Obama - "Black America will wake up."

In what way is that video racist? Was the question the interviewer asked in the video? No. This video proves nothing.

I believe it was Louis Farrakahn that called Obama "The Messiah".

This guy has done a lot of crazy and controversial sh**. Do you think that this guy reflects Obama supporters? Get real.

There are plenty of website of the kind you speak about Bush. My martyrship has to do with Obama, the Democrats elected to Congress and the principals to which the GOP needs to get back to - not the neocons that are about to be ousted from office, but the principals that the GOP was originally founded on!

"Martyrship"? Don't take yourself TOO seriously buddy!

Like I said above, if you are unhappy, why not get involved in your political party and take part in democracy first hand. Why do you want to waste energy trolling forums arguing the same repeated points over and over again.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by disgustedbyhumanity
reply to post by AshleyD

That's what gets me. Those who try to help themselves? There are millions of Americans who are trying to help themselves but cannot get ahead, no matter what they do. Sure, some people are always going to try to game the system, but to a large degree they are in a super minority. Most people who need help are not crackheads and that is the stereotype that most who are against gov. assistant programs use to support their position. Even for those, perhaps they became crackheads because they tried to make it and the obstacles kept slamming them back every time. Eventually people give up hope and stop banging their head against the wall.

Not entirely true. With public assistance one can get into a job. There are programs in almost every city to ensure that. If someone is lazy and doesnt want to work thats another story.

As for welfare, most aren't crackheads, but I know a lot are and mooch off the system. I work but still require some assistance to survive. I know what I've seen and heard in offices that help you get into these programs. In order to receive help, one must really attempt to put a foot forward.

[edit on 11/6/2008 by AndrewTB]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:07 PM
I didnt vote... and have never voted in USA... but this time around my vote was Ron Paul and it remains!

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

I guess what made me relax with Obama being elected was when he made his appearance after being elected. IT WAS OBVIOUS the man had been WEEPING.... SOBBING. The signs were there although it was obvious he was trying to NOT show it. I have WEPT that way and that kind of weeping comes from someone who is humble and appreciative. I am surprised more people have not talked about it, but then again, I am sensitive to these things and notice signs like that more than most ppl do.

[edit on 5-11-2008 by justamomma]

Maybe he'd been crying because his grandmother had just died the night before?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:43 PM
I think we should give him a chance he isnt even president yet and he was only elected 2 days ago! i dont blame anyone for not liking a president because i understand that americans have become very cynical after the last eight years, but just give him a chance to show us what he's made of.
John Wayne once said "I didn't vote for him, but he's my president and i hope he does a good job." So chill and start making these kinds of threads in like a year.

[edit on 6-11-2008 by Shocka]

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