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Tuning in to Extraterrestrial Contact

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posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:42 AM
I agree with the OP whole heartedly on this. Keep up the good work

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by easynow

During canadian research, wilbur smith actually had contact with alins through intermediaries who were totally unaware of each other.....
In fact this method of contact was used to initiate a telepathic link between the being AFFA and wilbur Smith....
This is documented,in a speech by Smith..
The contact was mechanically assisted from the aliens end, the first time , and all other contact was two way, and could be initiated by either party.
I totally believe that this method can work as well as it could when initiated by the boys topside, as wilbur called them.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:32 PM
Evidence points out that some of the technologies incorporated by some species are bio-mechanisms. In other words, living and at least sentient through a symbiotic relationship to their pilots or occupants.

Such a relationship (no pun intended) might facilitate a wider field of perceptive, augmenting the pilot or occupants telepathic sensitivity.

In effect, when you are talking (thinking) to such a composite entity, you are communicating with several types of awareness. These craft might by their very nature as bio-mechanoids be able to control electronic and mechanical technology. This might explain how nuclear missile systems where turned off or otherwise controlled when such a craft and occupants where in proximity. Many such accounts are recorded.

This possibly also shows some distance limits to the control effects. Either energy limits or otherwise.

When you practice meditation, you are training to control your transceiver so you can use the methods for communicating you are talking about. Your transceiver awareness is capable of much more than we are taught.

I have actually gotten responses when I tried. Unmistakable and unlikely chance. Indeed I would experiment with this. But we do such at our own risk. Many species are likely here, and so many agenda toward our own species. In any use of untried methods or communications use caution. Trust your feelings. If uncomfortable disengage and try a different time.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 01:27 PM
This is in response to sharing my experience. Maybe you find it relevant, maybe not.

First let me give a little background. I have had OOB experiences/ time distortions my whole life. I always looked at it as nothing more than transferring my consciousness, but now I am thinkng that maybe it could be "contact." It seems to be characterized, in the waking hours, by having an adrenaline rush and strong desire to hide from certain individuals. Not in the sense of being afraid, but as sort of a thrill seeking game that just overwhelms you.

I began my lucid dream flying or levitating. As I was approaching a populated area I got the feeling I was being followed. I accelerated my pace and landed by what seemed to be a library or museum. I had a metal box with a radioactive rating on it. The guard checked me out and asked me what the rating of the box was and I remember hoping that it was a 6 and not a 7. The guard thought it was strange that I didn't know the rating, but let me in when we both discovered it was a 6. I started cataloging artifacts and then I got the message to flee and hide because the person that was following me before was in the building. I assessed my body and realized I was only about 5 feet tall and really thin. This was not my normal body. I stashed the box and ran down a level looking for an exit or hiding place and decided to hide. As soon as I found a good spot I started to swoon and awoke in my bed in my own body.

What brought me back to the body was an adrenaline rush. Upon waking I was burning hot in my spine and soaked in sweat. My heart is healthy and beats very slowly, but this morning was beating over 600 beats a second! Actually, it was more like a vibration or frequency instead of a solid beat. Kinda scary, but comfortably numb at the same time. What WAS scary was the fact that my heart was vibrating at the same frequency as the cable box at the foot of my bed. (Which was off before I went to sleep.) Also there was a small dot between the minutes on the digital read out. I stayed awake about 45 min after this happened to document and kinda sort things out and the dot stopped and box went off at exactly midnight.

I instantly remembered that I had done a lot of missions like this one throughout my life and was kinda angry that I was not able to do it at will. I instantly hoped that I had not harmed anyone while doing this in the past and had the feeling that my conscious was somehow transferred to that other body.

Can anybody provide some input? I mean why remember now after all these years? Anybody else experience anything like this? I believe my vibratory frequency has been raised in conjunction with this experience.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 03:30 PM
i've tried many times to contact Aliens in the past. The way i've always gone about this is to simply free my mind, accept the fact they are real, and also accept the fact that i am ready to face them, fearlessly. Nothing ever happens, and im starting to doubt it will ever happen. I NEED to have contact, its the piece of my life that is missing, i just need to know what i can do...
your thread is extremely helpful for my understanding to develop. thank you.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 03:28 PM
A couple thoughts on OP's techniques. I'm not a skeptic/debunker, but I like exploring all possibilities

Could it be possible that these techniques achieve something similar to say.. self-hypnosis? Self-hypnosis that either extends your perceptions.. or makes you see/feel things that aren't there?

What's different about these meditating techniques that allow people to see UFOs, rather than other methods that don't? Is it intent?

Could this be considered a New Age prayer? It sounds like you need 'faith', disregard logic and pray(meditate), which is what most religions tell you to do

Could the entities that you are contacting be the same entities people have talked about all throughout history? Angels/Demons, Gods etc.. Are they all the same thing?

Regarding the last question, could this technique be similar to something Allister Crowley would teach, just done in a different way / different rituals? Magick is just a way to train the mind's eye and sharpen concentration. Does it all boil down to intent? Is that the difference?

I am interested in this, and would like to hear people's opinions on the latter. Sorry if they've been asked already.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx
A couple thoughts on OP's techniques. I'm not a skeptic/debunker, but I like exploring all possibilities

Could it be possible that these techniques achieve something similar to say.. self-hypnosis? Self-hypnosis that either extends your perceptions.. or makes you see/feel things that aren't there?

What's different about these meditating techniques that allow people to see UFOs, rather than other methods that don't? Is it intent?

Could this be considered a New Age prayer? It sounds like you need 'faith', disregard logic and pray(meditate), which is what most religions tell you to do

Could the entities that you are contacting be the same entities people have talked about all throughout history? Angels/Demons, Gods etc.. Are they all the same thing?

Regarding the last question, could this technique be similar to something Allister Crowley would teach, just done in a different way / different rituals? Magick is just a way to train the mind's eye and sharpen concentration. Does it all boil down to intent? Is that the difference?

I am interested in this, and would like to hear people's opinions on the latter. Sorry if they've been asked already.

evil necromancer....

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by korathin

What does that mean? I am, for asking questions?

Onto the thread.. I tried my own version of OP's technique last night. Mostly in jest, not too serious..

I focused my mind for a couple minutes, and then convinced myself that I wanted to open myself to things I couldn't perceive normally. As soon as I opened up this invitation, I mean, the very second I opened this invitation I started seeing crazy things. My thoughts & visuals were swarmed by cosmic things/symbols.. and quite frankly, terrifying creatures that looked somewhat like Darth Maul, for example.

I'm not convinced that I experienced anything outside of my own brain/imagination.. But I must say, the brain is a very powerful thing & I was very surprised by the onslaught of visuals as soon as I focused on some abstract idea.
edit on 30-3-2011 by jessejamesxx because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 04:59 AM
.Skyfloating, u are the man. This is one
of my all time favorite threads.
Thanks for the post

posted on Jan, 7 2016 @ 11:13 PM
Would it be possible for someone to re-upload the original podcast? The file appears to have been deleted.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 01:03 AM
Raising one frequency is a way to communicate with them. My journey started lower end of frequency then had to under go several heighten vibrations. Sky you're correct - they're would like us to succeed as a species and evolve greatly. Yes, there's different types but whilst meditating clearing one's mind, heart, soul and astral helps a lot too. Also if anyone noticed themselves feeling agitated afterwards - it's just your body's frequency adjusting to the higher frequency. Great thread and a great read! I'm new here also. Also be aware too since you're mediating raising your vibration or frequency - you're also may be vulnerable to sensing other people's emotions too. Just because they're a bit frustrated and you sense it and burst out - that's a prime example of higher vibration. Deep breaths and calm mind helps if anyone has experienced this. As I stated before the thread was a great read.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

Oh look: exactly what I was looking for.

posted on Jan, 25 2016 @ 03:46 AM
How can I message someone on here looking for 50westerna reply to: Harman

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 08:01 AM

In order to advance, you must be consistent, patient and put in the practice to achieve the desired results - just like in any activity that requires skills to be developed such as ballet, chess, playing a musical instrument etc.

MEDITATION: Meditation is the key to self-mastery, including the key to overcoming your deepest fears. A daily meditation practice is the first step to preparing and being prepared for contact at all levels. Meditation can take many forms, but basically it is a tool for silencing the mind and inner chatter so that you can learn to hear your own higher guidance.

It is from this place of inner silence that you also begin to develop your ability to receive and send telepathic communications. Once you learn to hear your own divine voice you develop discernment and wisdom, and eventually it becomes very difficult for anyone or any being to deceive or manipulate you.

BREATHWORK: In yoga there is a disciple know as Pranayama which is designed to specifically teach how to control and manipulate the breath for heightened consciousness, greater physical endurance and developing the central nervous system to accommodate higher energy frequencies. Learning to control the breath is important to both the telepathic and physical contact experience. For telepathic communications the breath can be used to help settle the mind and to expand that inner silence to better facilitate sending and receiving messages. In physical contact, deep and focused breathing can help one to overcome the natural fears which may arise and attempt to take control of an unique experience.

Practice breathing in slowly and deeply for a count a five, pause a moment, exhale slowly to a count of five, then pause again for a moment. Bring your full attention inside yourself to that place between breaths. (This place between breaths in which all air is exhaled is the state from which inner stillness can be found.) Hold that place of stillness a moment and then breath in again slowly and deeply to the five count. Each time you come back to the place of a full exhalation and the pause, focus on bringing the stillness into more and more of the breath cycle ­ expanding the momentary pause to include the breathing in until in reaches the full breath pause.

This breathing exercise should be done every day for ten minutes prior to your meditation practice. Expand the five count over time to a six count and then a seven count and beyond ­ but do not go beyond what feels comfortable. This exercise is meant to help you increase your deep, focused breath while staying completely relaxed and at peace. Any strain means you are attempting to move ahead too quickly.

Eventually a 15 or even 20+ count may be achieved.

DIET: Telepathic communications take you into an arena in which you will experience heightened frequencies in and around your body. This is not a problem for a healthy and fine tuned body, but in can create stress for those whose bodies are not adapted. In the physical contact experience, even more preparation is often needed to get the body to a state of its optimal frequency capacity. Fortunately, there are many dietary things we can do to optimize ourselves and our vibrations.

Foods & substances that lower your body¹s energy & vibration:

Refined Sugar, sweets and candies
(Fruit, especially organically grown, is an excellent alternative to candy & sweets.)
Soft drinks with sweeteners and corn syrup
(Do not drink beverages ice cold, this shocks the internal organs)
Red Meat
(Most of the Humanoid ETs who visit us tell us to work our way to a vegetarian diet. First eliminate red meat, then chicken and lastly fish. The vegetarian diet of mostly vegetables and fruit brings the body to optimum health and frequency.)

*Special Note on BELIEFS: If you believe that you cannot maintain health without meat, then you may create health problems for yourself if you cut out meat from your diet without first changing this belief structure. Our minds create our reality. What is suggested in these guidelines is information that many of our own spiritual masters and several ET groups have offered us as insights to optimize the body for more refined spiritual energies. But this cannot happen without the mind, body and belief systems brought into harmony. Thus it is your own responsibility to self-examine and determine what is appropriate for your current state of health and well being.

SELF CONTROL EXERCISES: An important part of any contact (or life) experience is feeling that you are prepared for whatever happens, and knowing that you are ultimately protected no matter what challenge presents itself. These exercises will help to establish this foundation and may be done once a week or more as possible.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 08:45 PM
Can anybody please help me I'm a newb and can't start my own thread trouble is I'm having contact from something for past 4 weeks day and night I'm being watched by green well not sure what they are but they are with me 24/7 it started 4 weeks ago when I was staring out of our bedroom window when in the distance I could see fair ground rides falling from the sky I was suddenly transported into a field not too far away with my partner children and two friends there was a craft on its sides crashed Into field and we were running away from two enterties in White suites wearing breathing masks suddenly I was back in bedroom the sky was purple colour wow I said that was strange I went down stairs and partner said where have you been uve been gone over an hour ? Any way a few days after I started noticing things moving behind clouds I could see them plain as day but others I showed couldn't see them then one night I went to open back door to let the dogs out I looked up and there was 5-6 beautiful bluefish coloured balls coming down from the sky linked by what looked like fine string I starred for a few seconds then they noticed me and shot back up into the sky I grabbed my iPod and started to take pics I have since taken over 3000 photos a few videos and tbh I have become a little obsessed with whatever is outside in sky. There are a lot of black craft strange x shape these clowk themselves as clouds but if you shine a laser at them they move so fast also I think they are giving off two small lasers red blue coloured I'm pretty sure these are small green projections of the enterties themselves and these come through house Windows's and this is what I'm seeing it's driving me mad no one wants to believe me and I've got some really Gould pics but people just say I'm going crazy please help me what is it I'm seeing why me what do they want I've seen one vey close up small orb with small humanoid inside these also emit projections I've been in contact with a couple of local uk forums no ones really interested I swear to you as I'm typing this they are floating past me three of them please please what is happening to me sorry for jacking thread I need some help advice

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 08:50 PM
The only time I've ever had telepathic contact with an extraterrestrial wasn't negative, nor was it positive.

I'm a clairvoyant reader, and I was conducting a past life reading for a client that took me to another world. I arrived at a beach. My client's soul continued moving, but I was fascinated with what I saw. The sand was orange, and the water was green, almost gelatinous. It moved like water, but seemed thicker. There were other beings on the beach, and one caught my interest. It was somewhat humanoid, with no mouth and slanted eyes. It noticed me, too. It was with another being, but none of the other creatures seemed to notice my presence. I knew instantly that the creature was female, though I'm not sure how I knew.

I continued the reading and went home, showered and laid down to rest.

As I was trying to fall asleep, I noticed an image in my third eye. It's normal for images to get stuck, as sometimes the energies of the images resonate with energies in the reader. However, when I took a look, the image was unfamiliar. It was a woman standing behind a fence, staring at me. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that her eyes were different. That's my signal for another being.
Automatically, I realized that the fence was my seperation object (a psychic defense tool that keeps foreign energy seperate from your own energy). Curious as to the nature of my peeping Tom, I touched my consciousness to the foreign energy. What I felt was astonishing.
It was like black glass. Cold, dark, impenetrable. She was curious. She wanted to know more about me. But she was cold, calculated, and WAY out of my league. I knew that if she wanted, she could kill me with very little effort.
I told her to leave. Nothing happened. She stood there, watching. This told me that she existed on the physical plane, as anything that isn't physical would have to leave. It occurred to me that this woman was the female alien I'd seen in my reading. She had followed me back to my body, watched my mind. I'd peaked her curiosity. And that frightened me. It took a soul transporting me to another world for me to travel there. This creature sensed my presence and followed me home with ease. She watched my mind. And was ready to kill me with that same ease, if she so chose.
I automatically summoned every angelic energy and guide I could think of and, with combined force, threw everything at her I could channel to force her to leave. When the light dimmed, she was gone.

I haven't seen her since.

posted on Sep, 8 2018 @ 02:22 PM
WOW! What a fascinating account of your experience...thank for sharing!!a reply to: Dreamingofthings

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