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The Plot to Put Nanobots in Aspartame

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posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 09:39 PM
Got a friend who recently retired from a Nano-tech firm.
He told me the Government Black Ops is funding research to put
nanobots in faux sugar products such as aspartame.
The nanobots already resemble sugar granules.
You only need a few hundred in a tablespoon.

What will the nanobots do? -That is the question.

There are relatively benign things like GPS they are working on.
But also there's an interactive DNA-Nanobot weapon being developed-stay tuned...

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 09:44 PM
Well, if they can get them to run on fluoridated water, I'd say they'd hit the paranoid crackpot trifecta. Oh, and what if they were reverse-engineered from alien technology? That would be icing on the cake.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Electricneo

Sources please? Besides "my friend in the nanotech firm." I think you'll find that "friends" in "black op projects" are generally not taken well around here.

I have not seen any nanobots that look like grains of artificial sweeteners. Oh well, that crap causes cancer anyway. And real sugar tastes better. If this will convince my wife to stop using sweet-n-low in my brownies, then I say bring on the nanobots.

What does this "interactive DNA nanobot" do? Sounds fun.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:05 AM
I nearly fell out of my chair when I read this.

I posted this back in July:

"She had someone telling her about some nanotechnology that was put into foods, she believes it was a new kind of fat that was embraced by the weight-conscious crowd. The health nut in me wonders if this could be related to perhaps increased awareness of the benefits of omega 3-6-9 fatty acid supplementation, or sesame oil. The nano chips, or whatever they were, enabled "them" to remotely activate the devices to make someone "drop dead."

The thread is located here:

The absolutely shocking thing is that I have not had much contact with this woman lately, but I spoke to her this past weekend and she told me that her dream was no longer involving nano technology in fats, but rather "something people were looking to in order to lose weight."

Isn't aspartame something that fits that desription? It is, after all, found in many "diet" products.

Wow. I am speechless. Now if I can only sit down and have another good long chat with my friend to see what else she has to say!!!

[edit on 18-9-2008 by therainmaker]

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:20 AM
Everything is possible. But why nanobots? Arsenic and other poisons (especially those developed by secret survices that are virtually undetectable) are as effective and cost tiny fraction of nano-technology development. So instead of placing their own men who will "close" eyes on poison detection - which is easy on cost and manpower involved - someone spent billions in a project involving hundreds of researchers to get the same result. Ok.
Another thing - i kind of curious - did your friend say that they add nanobots to aspartame because otherwise someone will see them (as crystals)? As in -with their own eyes? Nanobots??? If those evil doers are stupid enough to believe that someone can see nano-sized particles with their eyes - i see no reason to worry. Another Pinky and the Brain taking other the world episode.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:32 AM
Zeroknowledge I completely agree with you. I read every thread I have time to and this one sounded kind of silly to me at first, until I remember that dream my friend had. Yes there are much more cost-effective, efficient, and faster ways to kill people...but we do not know if that is the true goal of whomever would be perpetrating this whole plan. Perhaps the nanotech serves another purpose, like making an organism susceptible to external control of some sort (as others have hypothesized recently).

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:58 AM
The title does sound silly to me until I searched on Nanotechnology and came across this little gem:

Nanotechnology offers immense potential for fighting terrorism without sacrificing our open, free, and democratic society. This book covers the significant opportunity to use nanotechnology to prevent terrorism and other threats to security as well as mitigate their impact. Co-authored by one of the field's pioneers and featuring remarks from other nanoscience researchers and industry leaders, Nanotechnology and Homeland Security is written for every educated citizen who wants to understand the weapons of choice in the battle of our generation.Coverage includes: *Nanotechnology-based sensors: fast, cheap, accurate tests for explosives, radiation, weapons of mass destruction, and food/water contamination *Nanotechnology-based smart materials: protecting homes, offices, and first responders *Nanotechnology-based biomedical research: revolutionary treatments for chemical/biological attacks and trauma *Nanotechnology-based energy generation technologies: ending the world's dependence on oil *Nanotechnology-based remediation technologies: healing the effects of environmental damage and ecoterrorism Daniel and Mark Ratner tell you what's real today-and what it'll take to transform tomorrow's applications from science fiction to reality.

This looks like propaganda to me somehow. Scary stuff

But then this:

Along the way, they debunk the myths of nanotechnology, and offer new insight into its profound ethical, political, and social implications. Nanotechnology is an enabling technology that could have an impact on the world that dwarfs the Internet's impact on our daily lives.Mark and Dan Ratner have ably illustrated some of roles that nanotechnology can play in our future, including how it could enhance national security, make soldiers more effective on the battlefield, or even help prevent attacks on our homeland. As a member of Congress who is active in advancing the development of nanotechnology, I encourage other policymakers, educators, and social visionaries to become cognizant of tomorrow's possibilities.-U.S. Representative Mike Honda, Member, House of Representatives Committee on Science. The authors do an excellent job of using their expert knowledge to clearly communicate complex topics into a clear, well-organized examination of the impact of nanotechnology on national security.-Lynn E. Foster, Jr., Nanotechnology Analyst, Squire Sanders & Dempsey, and author of the seminal Nanotechnology Yellow Pages study. U.S. policy-makers and -shapers: READ THIS BOOK!

This is what type of Nano technology they are talking about:

Nanotechnology-based sensors: fast, cheap, accurate tests for explosives, radiation, weapons of mass destruction, and food/water contamination

Nanotechnology-based smart materials: protecting homes, offices, and first responders Nanotechnology-based biomedical research: revolutionary treatments for chemical/biological attacks and trauma

Nanotechnology-based energy generation technologies: ending the world's dependence on oil Nanotechnology-based remediation technologies: healing the effects of environmental damage and ecoterrorism

It does sound too good to be true and this book does not seem to touch upon the darker side of Nanotechnology. It can easily be used against us.

But consider this. What is the cost to add those Nanobots in Aspartame? No profit would be made by the companies and that is what it is all about. To what end would they do this? Why Aspartame?

Why not put it in the water supply if they want to infect us with these things?

It sounds too unlikely to me as there are much easier ways to infect the population. Nanotechnology is scary though as you quite rightly point out, it could be happening without us seeing or tasting it.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 07:13 AM
Flagged. I had wondered how nano bots can be eaten and used to kill us for quite some time.

I think the government will say it is a "virus".

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Why nanobots? What are the chances a nanobot will be detected during a run-of-the-mill autopsy? Something the size of a grain of sugar will be pretty much undetectable.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Nanobot is by definition a nano-sized (1/1000000000 meter). It is much much much less then grain of sugar. But there are even much smaller poisons.
This technology is the future, it can launch Humanity to new heights and it has a vast potential as a weapon. But right now technology is in its diapers. To create controlled nano-robot capable to operate in environment of Human body is such an investment that the reason must be extremely important. To kill unwanted person - hammer and a thug will do. To kill large part of population - bio warfare is advanced enough.
I think that it is just fear from new technology that has huge potential.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 01:43 PM
Why putting nanobots in aspartame ? its a really dumb spreading agent, i mean not everybody eat sugar or aspartame etc..

why bothering with sugar when you get chemtrails !

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Electricneo

Got a friend who recently retired from a Nano-tech firm.
He told me the Government Black Ops is funding research to put
nanobots in faux sugar products such as aspartame.

If there were such a black ops project, your friend with the big mouth certainly wouldn't know about it. Black ops projects stay black ops because of the tight control maintained by those in charge.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 05:45 AM
My friend (not black ops) has a pen that you put in a glass pf water for five minutes, causing the water to taste fruity. I will try to fin out who makes it, but until then here is an idea of what is being done with nano-technology in relation to foods.

One of the more futuristic applications of nanotechnology lies in the production of “interactive” food and beverages that change colour, flavour or nutrients depending on a diner’s taste or health.

Interactive Beverages Dr. Manuel Marquez, a senior scientist at Kraft Foods and the director of the NanoteK Consortium readily admits there may not be much of a market for products that change colours, but he is more optimistic about the flavour and health care applications.
The vision, he said, is to have products that employ nanosensors to detect a person’s individual profile — everything from their likes and dislikes to their susceptibility to various allergies as well as nutritional deficiencies — and then employ nanotechnology to release precisely controlled amounts of the appropriate molecules to tailor the smell and taste of the product for the end user.

Health Issues
Researchers are even exploring how to release, say, an appropriate amount of calcium molecules to a person showing early signs of osteoporosis. To protect a person from allergies, “smart filters” are being developed within the labs of the NanoteK Consortium that could adjust their shape to allow only the beneficial molecules to reach the recipient while capturing those molecules that could cause an allegoric reaction in a person.

Source: Advantage Magazine February 2004

So basically, nano-devices can be tailored so as to trick your tongue into tasting something that is not real.

Sort of like a small virtual reality machine for your individual tastebuds...

Nanotech Enhanced Health Milkshake (nanoceuticals :lol

Nano Dietary Supplement ( Tricks body into thinking it is food) (scary

Children's Pencil - l uses nanotechnology to release allegedly mind-expanding aromas, letting you smell your way to smartness while you scribble your meandering prose on a piece of paper.” ( How Pavlovian of us

[edit on 21-9-2008 by TruthTellist]

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