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Russia Warns of response to U.S. shield

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posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
The US should back down and shut up, and stop poking the bear... The US has caused enough trouble for the last couple of years and should stop trying to annoy everyone.

I for one am sick of the US acting like they're the rulers of the world.

Russia should back down and stop growling at the eagle. And the U.S.'s supposed "allies" in NATO have caused more problems for the planet in the last month by caving in like sissies and letting Russia have its claws back than the United States' last twenty years of aggression combined.

Sure, Iraq was the wrong path to take. In the past, we could have handled some things more peacefully. But now the poop's on the fryer for real, and NATO needs to get out of the way and let a real alliance handle things. Your entire continent is afraid to do anything but whine, and that's why Russia is getting so aggressive: They know that the sissies in NATO have us on a leash right now and all we can do is talk because of it.

I, for one, am tired of Brits and Franks and other deluded wimp nations sitting in their cozy armchairs and telling us that everything Russia does it the U.S.'s fault. We aren't Russia's daddy, and when they're the ones threatening to point nuclear weapons at your allies, maybe you should readjust who you consider your enemies to be.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by rjmelter
reply to post by manson_322

I wish they had Stars that were burning in fire.

Your anti US Jibberish makes me cringe and think about suicidial bombers... Just because your people think your lives are useless doesnt mean we want to go with you crazy lunatics.

Russia and the U.S. are allies calm down its just more poplulation control

I am halfway exspecting you to rant some prayer for us.

I am not muslim , firstly

a hindu yes, and a ex-communist party member(CPI-communist party of India) who rejects atheism..

[edit on 20-8-2008 by manson_322]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by manson_322

I am glad you reject Atheism
So do I

I am very religious and love all people

I however have no religion. ( I do beleive in a Creator)

Seeking the spirit is a personal journey for all beings

I do however thing all of this is nonsense because of extremist ranting about "Smashing the Satantic US" You are funny. Any true seeker of wisdom and Spirit is not violent. Your a fraud.

Actually tho I dont reject Atheism... People who are Atheist choose their own path and choose noth to beleive they are a part of a great creation... thats personal too.

[edit on 20-8-2008 by rjmelter]

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:27 PM
Matt, Just to correct you it was us little Euros that were fighing the nazis years before you ever came along and we don't need you now all your doing is causing grief when there needs to be none and there is no cause for it other than America's Global ambitions.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Matt, Just to correct you it was us little Euros that were fighing the nazis years before you ever came along and we don't need you now all your doing is causing grief when there needs to be none and there is no cause for it other than America's Global ambitions. that you pointed that out, someone is going come and quite wrongly tell you that if it wasn't for Americans you would be speaking German. Even though it was more to do with the RUSSIANS than the Americans.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:35 PM
I can halfway through all of this debate see the Secret Government Grinning laughing at everyone here debating over all of this.

All the innocent lives that will be given to the cause of global superiority...

Once they are done trying to conquer the Earth they will be bored and go back to playing golf until something happens and they can control the people some more.

So back to the guy grinning...

Hes grinning because all of this is being faught over oil. Iran promised Russia Oil and Americ is threatening them because if they go to war with Iran they wont see it for years.

All of you look in the mirror. Draw a Circle around your face and label it.

Im a pawn. Im a usuless foot soldier

I will die for nothing

NOW that your done doing that... think. All this is nonsense... pure and simple HUMAN GREED.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:41 PM
I think what these escalating hostilities are ultimately just what the governments of Russia and the USA want. Our economy is on the verge of a major collapse, and war is the best fuel to fan the fires of capitalism. I wrote my senior term paper my senior year in high school on the bombing of Pearl Harbour and the fact that Roosevelt wanted and needed it to happen. It was the catylist that drew us into the war and eventually out of the great depression. Our future war with Russia will usher in a prosperous century (or destroy it).

There was a power vacuum left after the fall of the Soviet Union, and since that time we have been looking for another "evil" adversary to spur our war-based economy. I for one would much rather have Russia be that adversary than China. I think we can battle Russia without having mutual annihilation, if it ever went down with China, the whole world will be destroyed.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:48 PM
The Oak, America would not win against Russia in any scenario, no one has ever beaten Russia but there are those who have beaten America. You take a war to Russia and you will be sorry you ever did, want to know why, they dont give a dam about casulties, Stalin said our greatest resource is human beings. Americans on the other hand cannot stomach the loss of many and in a war with Russia you would be talking of millions.

So no, Russia is not a country you want to piss off, and they still have more nukes than the US with far greater yeilds and they would use them.
They have seen their country invaded and their people slaughtered by others and they are not going to sit back and let America or anyone else do it.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 03:55 PM
In my eyes this is no different to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 , but this time
America is the aggressor

It stinks of hypocrisy and Russia has every right to be alarmed.
First the BS from Bush about the illegal occupation of Georgia
And now this.

Worst administration in history bar none.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by tombangelta
In my eyes this is no different to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 , but this time
America is the aggressor

It stinks of hypocrisy and Russia has every right to be alarmed.
First the BS from Bush about the illegal occupation of Georgia
And now this.

Worst administration in history bar none.

how exactly is russia putting Nukes 50 miles from the US to avoid the early warning system the same as POLAND getting a DEFENSIVE missile shield

or are you seriously suggesting the US will launch a pre-emptive strike on Russia using patriots

The anti yank brigade on here sometimes stagger me with their muppetry

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:01 PM
This is getting really hairy. It's not funny anymore. I'm getting fearful and I hate this.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
Delta, And how proud were Americans after getting beaten by sandal wearing freedom fighters in Vietnam.

You must be very young and have had terrible teachers in history. There were no "freedom fighters". Only citizens defending themselves against a takeover by the Vietcong. The Vietcong were a communist insurgency attempting to take over Vietnam by force. We were fighting on the side of the Vietnamese to prevent a communist takeover. Calling them "freedom fighters" is a bald faced lie. The Vietcong were a monstrous bunch. We were honoring our treaty to protect the Vietnamese citizens.

The Vietnam War was a mistake, but that does not justify rewriting history and lying about what occurred. The worst thing we did was pulling out and allowing the Vietcong to butcher millions.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by magicmushroom
The Oak, America would not win against Russia in any scenario, no one has ever beaten Russia but there are those who have beaten America.

I agree 100% that Russia could never be defeated militarily. Hitler had the most dominant military force of the 20th century and learned the painful lessons that Napoleon had learned a century before: you can't beat Russia on its home turf, if the army doesn't get you the weather will. With that said, I still think our govt. wants the fight and is trying everything they can do to facilitate open war. I just hope they would be wise enough not to bring the fight to the motherland.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by tombangelta

The missiles in Poland are no threat whatsoever to Russia. This is just what Putin chose as an excuse to occupy a Democracy with a leader elected by a 95% majority. Not one inch of Georgian land belongs to Russia. Russia has invaded a sovereign nation and people are making excuses for them?

Putin is an ex-KGB monster and he appears to want the old "Evil Empire" to return.

One of my fears is that young people, who have been taught rewritten history, will make bad decisions and not understand the beast behind this Russian aggression. This is the real deal folks. Russia is Empire Building again.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

MM, Just to correct you, I never said a friggin thing about Nazis or World War II.

Re-read what I said, and apply it to current day world affairs instead of 60 years ago. You'll find it fits quite nicely:

Russia is becoming increasingly aggressive, and is threatening the use of nuclear weapons against its neighbors.

The United States wanted to do something about it.

NATO stopped us from doing anything other than talking. The U.S. wanted to do many, many things - NON-MILITARY RESPONSES, before you go spouting off about war mongering - but nooo. NATO was content with whining.

I stand by my point: If the "bear is awake" then nobody is to blame except for America's impotant "allies" in Europe.

And World War II has nothing to do with it - sorry, your blanket answer doesn't apply. :-)

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:18 PM
I can't think of a way to say this diplomatically, so I'm going to be blunt about it...

The border of Russia is not on American soil, the US has no right to place missile sites along Russia's border, and in my opinion, Russia has every right to blow those missile sites sky high along with anyone manning them.

If a country dared to place missile sites around North America in an attempt to box us in... I'd demand we destroy those missile sites.

Russia is no different.

To the US government, stop messing with the world, or the world is going to mess with us. THINK for crying out loud.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:23 PM
John Sky...

Please back up your post

Where does it say that the U.S. is trying to box Russia in?

Also can you provide a few sites where we put them on their... border?

Let the U.S. install those sites... If russia wants to blow them up thats fine.

I dont get what the debate is all about. The U.S. will wipe Russia off the map and Russia will Wipe out the U.S. and parts of Canada so Canada might get involved in finishing both Russian and the U.S. off... Wait for Radiation to die down and build a new country.

But by all means please remove all the Africans and Indians because There might he affirmative action problems and then they will be able to inherit russia and the u.s. let the indians have the u.s. and russia can go to the African Americans.

Laws to this date are stupid. Why cant people just agree that we all have spirits and a right to live. i cant beleive how stupid humanity has become

In the bible it says God pretty much regretted mankind...

I cant help but agree with him. We are pathetic excuses for intelligent life.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by tombangelta

The missiles in Poland are no threat whatsoever to Russia. This is just what Putin chose as an excuse to occupy a Democracy with a leader elected by a 95% majority. Not one inch of Georgian land belongs to Russia. Russia has invaded a sovereign nation and people are making excuses for them?

Putin is an ex-KGB monster and he appears to want the old "Evil Empire" to return.

One of my fears is that young people, who have been taught rewritten history, will make bad decisions and not understand the beast behind this Russian aggression. This is the real deal folks. Russia is Empire Building again.

You are talking about rewriting history when you seem to forget that Russia didn't start this conflict, Georgia did.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:26 PM
Try for a second to realize what the USA's response would be if Russia placed missiles in a neighboring county, oh wait, they did that already in Cuba and we all know we didnt' welcome that with open arms. Russia has a right to be upset. we need to get out of the bloc countries ASAP. Look at the outcry we had when people thought China was drilling for oil off the Cuban coast. Man, I love America, but we are some of the most hypocritical people in the world. We fight nuclear proliferation while at the same time having the worlds largets arsenal of nukes. We are after all the only country to ever deploy a nulcear weapon. Wake up and look in the mirror.

posted on Aug, 20 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

No one has beaten Russia? I guess you didnt count the invasion of afghanistan? Oh wait you mean a declared war? If thats the case no one has beaten America either my friend.

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