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[HOAX]GFL spaceship DID NOT APPEAR on Oct.14th, 2008[HOAX]

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posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by pr0metheu5

Even if its a bluebeam hoax, I still want to see what they can do with their secret technology. I think they said lots of ships would be visible all over the world. I doubt they would be able to pull off millions of holograms all over the planet....

If they can, we're screwed anyway.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by dgtempe

LOL that's strange we have had radio threads, and I had the biggest headache in my entire life!


Another site? who is this guy this time.

[edit on 13-10-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:37 PM
Heh... the BBC is having a sly joke about this it seems on their main news website. Check out the 'Alien Invasion hits UK' section.


BBC News Website

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:38 PM
I'm not going to be holding my breath on this one. Would be very cool (maybe), but I guess we'll see. Of course, there is no guarantee that a visitation like this would be friendly. I personally get worried when some strange, unknown force tells me that they come in LOVE and PEACE and omg we LOVE YOU and we'll sing songs around a campfire together! Sorta makes me leery...

As far as stations going out, birds acting weird: imo, that's just an effect of such a supposed event playing in folks head. These radio stations probably do that every day, you just don't notice until you try to listen or hear something out of the ordinary. These weird "disturbances" are actually quite normal, but in effect, are white noise to folks to whom this would not normally be something that would make a bell go "ding" in your head. It happens all the time you just don't pay attention to it.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:39 PM
Just trying to keep you informed.

Dont shoot the messenger please. Nobody knows, if this is a hoax it is the MOTHER of all the recent hoaxes.

I wonder what good ol' Blossom is doing today. Any word from her?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_

There were but the mods closed them and redirected the traffic here. There were many complaints over the multitude of October 14th threads.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by paperplanes
reply to post by dgtempe

I'm 99% certain (leaving that trusty 1% to be safe) that the architects of the GFL story are keeping up with the online dialogue relating to the subject. With a minimal effort, they should be able to find a number of internet postings complaining of radio interferences and headaches. Anyone on ATS can attest to the ease of locating these reports. By incorporating the "symptoms" of believers into the story's progression, they can provide a bit of validity to their claims. It is certainly an effective ploy, until you start to realize how simple the trickery can be.

Yes I mentioned this in the radio thread, anyone who has had problems will obviously be attracted to the thread. Doesn't mean anything until we have more info.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by _Phoenix_
I have no idea who it is. Probably some Joe sixpack sitting in his moms basement passing time ...and gas.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by pr0metheu5
Ok, here's my take on this, I've been reading all the posts and I finally have to say something...

First, one fact that noone has mentioned is that 14th October is a Full Sun/Moon. (Moon in Aries, Sun in Libra). The time of that full moon is 8:03pm GMT.

I mentioned this in another thread already

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:43 PM
I'm reeeally looking forward to see what will happen tomorrow , and how hard ppl will work to deny it ... if it happens that is .

It's ofcourse easy to be sceptical about something like this since anyone really could have written that message and gotten ppl started ..

read a page or 2 back that some weird #e was going on in Aus. which I found weird becuse I've seen other ppl on YT commenting about strange thing's going on in Australia right now too O.o

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:45 PM
First time post, but this is also the first time something relevant may have happened to me.

Let me preface by saying I have NEVER had a migraine before.

I couldnt sleep at all Friday night due to a migrane, and could barely see on Saturday becuase my headache was so bad. Sure I had some champagne the night before, and probably not enough water, but Ive certainly been much more hung over before (really I wouldnt say I was hung over at all) and not felt so terrible.

I remember it striking me as odd to have such a bad headache, and curious to see that other people had such a bad headache on Sat. as well- but maybe Friday was just a big night for everyone

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Just trying to keep you informed.

Dont shoot the messenger please. Nobody knows, if this is a hoax it is the MOTHER of all the recent hoaxes.

It really isn't the "mother of all hoaxes"..... ANYONE with any common sense or clarity of mind, can see this for what it is.
At no point since this hoax has been circulating have i even contemplated that there is any truth to this nonsense.

And not because i am closed-minded or a skeptic or any reason other than critical thinking or common sense.... something that is clearly lacking in many people who believe this rubbish.

Please.... in a little over 24 hours... can all these ridiculous threads be closed and this absolutel joke of a subject (GFL) never be mentioned on this serious UFO and conspiracy website?

Thanks, Blup

[edit on 13/10/08 by blupblup]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:48 PM

I SORT OF believed her but then I seen that she is selling books....
Accepts all major credit cards.


This is 100% bull#.




posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by EpicJ19

Oct 14th 2008 is in Mayan Tzolkin:

" Blue Overtone Storm"

Electric Moon day 25
Year of the Blue Electric Storm

kin 239: Blue Overtone Storm

" I Empower in order to Catalyse
Commanding Energy
I seal the Matrix of Self-generation
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I am guided by the power of Accomplishment
I am a galactic activation portal enter me.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:55 PM
So how much money has Blossom Goodfornothing made off of her new book from this sham?

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:59 PM
Here are a list of experiences today that could be evidence that there is already an invisible space ship hovering above me.

1. My cat clawed me this morning = He can sense strange GFL energies and is scared

2. Ive had to pee an unusual amount today = The EMF frequencies that the ship is leaking has caused my bladder to slightly contract

3. My phone is not ringing as much and it is slow at work = The aliens are already telepathically transmitting lethargic brainwaves in order to keep people docile during the invasion, some companies are closed due to not enough worked showing up.

4. I farted and it smelled a bit worse than usual = Actually im not sure about this one, might just have been the fish last night

But seriously.. people are going to find any reason whatsoever to believe this if they want to.. lets just wait until tomorrow and see what doesn't happen.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta


Where did you find that?

Anyway I think she calls them The Federation of Light, without the galactic part.

[edit on 13-10-2008 by _Phoenix_]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:00 PM
Carl Sagan is spinning in his grave. The Drake Equation?

Face it, we're alone. I guess we're just going to have to figure things out by ourselves.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:02 PM
I agree!!! where is that from????

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by xbranscombex
Its also a big fat FRAUD punishible by law. Whose law i dont know.

Not only that but she'd have to go into hiding and bleach her hair back to brown.

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