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What is effecting us all?

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Of course it is not true for everyone but if you take a general look at society, you will see that everyone is always irritable, cranky, everyone is always tired or not feeling well. While you say you are going through rough financial times this does nto mean you are an unhealthy person or that everything else in your life in going wrong.

Basically im saying that what is affecting us is not some sort of natural occurance, but rather the direction society is headed and the way we are choosing to live our lives. Much of how we choose to live our lives is a direct reselt of how the market dictates styles, trends, and the products that it outputs. The cheap products, unhealthy foods and the wants and needs for these items is what is fueling all the bad aspects of our society IMO.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

I totally agree. I think much of the reason I'm happy is because while I've already been trying to cut down on 'things' or spending on stupid wastes like bad takeaway food, being under increased financial stress has really forced me to stop.

I haven't purchased anything but bare-essentials. Maybe that's the key? Haha.

Outside of that though I do know what the OP is talking about. It's society. We create a society that treats us like robots, but then we act like we can't change society even though we created it! Bah. Too much work, too little family time, bad health, bad eating, chemicals everywhere, too much materialism and far too much emphasis on owning things and using that to identify yourself socially.

If you identify yourself through material goods, when those are taken away, what is left? I shudder to think... I get the feeling a lot of people in society do that heavily though. Buy, buy, buy... Work to buy some more. Get unhealthy from the work and you can't take time off because luxuries are 'essentials' in your mind now thanks to marketing.

Ehh, I'd better stop. This gets me going forever. I dislike the systems we have in a lot of ways.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Psychopump

I almost agree with you but what I'm attempting here involves many threads that I haven't listed. I used to feel this way about the 9/11 threads.

I would like lists of symptoms people are experiencing that started around 6 months ago. If we can narrow down what people are experiencing it will help in determining what is going on. I hope anyway. We might just find a pattern, or other clues.

There are many theories about things that can hurt us, theories that can't be proven.

I would love for us here at ATS to be able to solve just one. Why not this one.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:12 AM
Ok, don't hate me for the answer, but i think i might have found the cause of your symptoms, and it's not a conspiracy.

You say your symptoms are

"Nightmares [been having them for months]
Migraine headaches [off and on for months]
Insomnia Even though I’m dog tired all the time. [off and on for months]
Irritability; almost like I’m mad for no reason. [rage] [Started recently]
Cramp like pains in my legs, neck, back, and hands. [Started recently]
No energy"

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include:

* Insomnia
* Anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness
* Constipation
* Muscle spasms, twitches, soreness
* Difficulty swallowing
* Back aches
* Headaches
* Chest tightness and difficulty breathing
* Heart palpitations
* High blood pressure
* Extreme fatigue
* Osteoporosis

These are taken from here

Try eating foods that are rich in magnesium and take magnesium supplements for a while. It can't hurt in any case.

I actually know it from my own experience, and magnesium did help me a lot.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:17 AM
Why are people making excuses for being fat and out of shape?

The food supply my ass!
Adjust your food supply by not eating processed junk, exercise, quit being lazy sitting at a computer all day posting this doom and gloom crap like it's the end of the world and no one will be tired.

All I am seeing here is paranoia induced depression and lack of motivation.
Isn't there enough lack of motivation already? Now there has to be an excuse?

"Oh yeah man, since the government started spiking my food with things I have no idea of and no proof of, i've gotten really fat and tired."



posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by LDragonFire

We desperately need to identify all of the symptoms.
My symptoms are:

Nightmares [been having them for months]
Migraine headaches [off and on for months]
Insomnia Even though I’m dog tired all the time. [off and on for months]
Irritability; almost like I’m mad for no reason. [rage] [Started recently]
Cramp like pains in my legs, neck, back, and hands. [Started recently]
No energy
Now what could be some possible causes?
General health problems
Chemtrails, Toxins or pollution
Some kind of mass mind control
The physical affects of 2012
I have no clue what’s causing this, any one else feel this way?

Nightmares - Nope
Migraine headaches - Never had them, except when I drink too much Vodka...
Insomnia - A bit, but that is because I'm in this f*cking hot county (Portugal), at the moment, and I hate the heat.(Maybe also due to jet lag).
Irritability - Not really, although, again, the eat those make me less tolerant.
Cramps and pain - Nope, I exercise every day...
Lack of energy - Again no, I'm training for an Iron man competition in Carlisle, at the end of August...

Originally posted by LDragonFire

Now what could be some possible causes?

Most of your symptoms seem to me to be stress related and due to the lack of exercise...
Can also be because of the imminent economic meltdown, that hovers over our heads like a gigantic sword...

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Hope this post isn't too minimal, but I'd guess chemtrails, fluoride, a barrage of EMF and a subconscious realization of a Very Great Depression.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:55 AM
We are all tired, angry and depressed. Try this: stop watching TV, spend quality time with your family and/or friends and remember to schedule some "me-time" where you just do what YOU want to do even if its absolutly nothing. I admit it will not solve the worlds or your own problems but it will make you stronger, more focussed and able to deal with whatever is coming.

In my opinion I think that our feelings of helplessness at all that we have no control over, from rising prices, to feeling unimportant or valueless in society is the root cause of how we are feeling. I see so many posts from survivalists to hard core NWO believers and end of time prophets that bemoan the state of this and their own worlds, yet offer no solution, no answers and in general only apathy. The war on whatever is happening to us begins with yourselves. Look after you and yours in a positive and constructive way. Be prepared for whatever is coming but dont forget to live your life.

To end, I have a friend that believes all is already lost and evidences it by the fact that the only people who are growing stronger are those in power.

My answer to him? "Thats because we allow them to have power" I dearly hope we wake up soon as a spieces, but untill then get your own head in order, start thinking for yourself and learn who you are so you may be ready ready (hopefully) for when you are needed.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 09:55 AM

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 10:04 AM
I agree with the ideas ideas many have posted here about the food supply. I also share in the ideas about TV. I think much of the problem has to do with the grim outlook many are having about our future(both immediate and distant).
I would like to tread a little into the conspiracy realm here as well. I a disabled by the mysterious system of afflictions commonly known ans "Gulf War Illness". This has been proven to be communicable to sexual partners and offspring. Could there be a chance that it is spread more commonly? With hundreds of thousands of unwittingly afflicted vets walking around and countless Iraqis now living Throughout the west, could we be looking at a secret pandemic?
I do not mean to be an alarmist, but this is the second or third thread I have read on this subject. I seems something is really going on. I Just wanted to inject a little food for thought.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Ceara
I'm not talking about AC/DC or microwave towers or stuff like that. But energy from people. We all emit electromagnetic energy. If this wasn't true, there would be no need for EKG or EEG machines in hospitals.

I'm sick of pseudoscience feeding these people. We don't "emit" anything pertaining to EKG's. The energy differential across places in the body represents the ion concentration gradients across space and time. These movements create minor voltage changes that have to be amplified OBSCENELY (I've built EKG's from scratch) before we get a good readout. Nowhere do you see radiation. We radiate infrared electromagnetic radiation because we are hotter than the surrounding environment (in other words, we cool down). This is the only radiating energy from people.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire
I agree something is happening. I am 48 and always have been very fit recently I have been havin weird nightmarish dreams, dreams I can remember in great detail, I have cramps in my fingers so bad I cant open them some morning. Last week at 3.45 in the morning I was woken by severe chest pains and breathlessness, It did not improve and I thought I was having a Heart Attack, I was taking to the hospital Emergency Care Centre where I had a ECG, blood tests and an X Ray. The Doctors were baffled, after 4 hours of tests I was discharged, the pain went. Next day I felt fitter than normal, stronger, more energy with no symptons at all of the previous day, it vanished as quick as it came. Today I woke up with a headache after a very restless night dreaming, I feel light headed almost out of it. Personally I know myself; I think there is some sort of DNA activation/evolutionary shift going on, hence the medical establishment are at a loss to explain

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:32 AM
Relating to the op ... The symptoms you describe, including the anger and rage, are all symptoms of excess cortisol, as would be gotten from excessive persistant adrenal stimulation. Consider this the days of reckoning, the good are being discerned from the bad by mass provocation. To find the answer, observe the people who are immune to this effect without needing to seperate themselves from the various triggers. We exist.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:38 AM
ok we are all tied to the stars and the air. First the stars do a tug of war on our nervous systems which is why we have a horuscope

The Air transmits signals like microwaves and ELF frequencys. all these combined can affet you. Then couple in the fact most people eat food low in nutrients thanks to FDA nanny state control freaks. Voila you have your main suspects.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:38 AM
I guess we could chalk it up to---


The world is part of an illusion so large, so vast it escapes the perception of all but those who have wielded power for their dark benefit. Even so their insanity keeps the lords of this power from any consciousness of their derangement. Those of humanity who see are thought of as insane.

The illusion is made with separate fronts to prevent anyone from seeing the connections between those who plot and create evil. They behave as if they are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Their goal is accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon themselves. This prevents us from seeing the changes as they occur to our world.

They always stand above the relative field of human experience for they exist within a secret covenant of what appears to be an absolute power. They work together and always remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death comes to those who speak of the secret or who challenge them directly. They keep the lifespans of humanity short and minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

They use knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so humanity never sees what is happening. They use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water. Iin the air humanity is blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals cause people to lose their minds.

They promise to find a cures from their many fronts, yet they feed us more poison. The poisons are absorbed through the skin and mouth, we destroy human minds and reproductive systems. From all this, children are born dead, and the information is concealed.

The poisons are hidden in everything that surrounds us, in what we drink, eat, breathe and wear. They are ingenious in dispensing the poisons. They teach that the poisons are good, with advertising using fun images and hypnotic musical tones. They enlist famous celebrities to push poisons. These products are being used in film and those who grow accustomed to them will never know their true effect.

When we give birth they inject poisons into the blood of our children and convince us its for our good. They start early on, when our minds are young, they target our children with what children love most, sweet things. When our teeth decay they fill us with metals that will kill our mind and steal our future.

Yeah...I see it to. People are becoming more impatient, apathetic, greedy,angry, fearful. Women now have the labido of a 21 yr old male. Males are becoming softer, women are becoming harder.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by fastwalker23]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by mastermind77

Lol. I hate you. I hate you so much that I have to keep telling you so as not to create a one-liner of hate.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by pondrthis]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Hope this post isn't too minimal, but I'd guess chemtrails, fluoride, a barrage of EMF and a subconscious realization of a Very Great Depression.

That was one thing that came to mind when I read this thread, chemtrails.

The next question would have to be 'Why spray whole populations worldwide with chemicals that induce irritability, anger, depression, anxiety, etc' ?

One thing that comes to mind ... If certain powers are intent on having a WW3 I suspect that in today's peaceful, lazy western world you would have to try and make people open/willing to fight wars by increasing their levels of aggression, irritability, anxiety and so on.

I suspect that the old methods of 'propaganda' by themselves would not work... If you make the minds more pliable to feeling emnity (regardless how irrational) it would certainly make their job easier when pointing at the latest bogeyman and shouting 'kill!'

As someone who is intimately familiar with depression and how your sense of reality can be skewed by an over-abundance of certain chemicals in the body and brain, the chemtrail explanation is far less unbelievable than it sounds.

Just thinking aloud though ... one of countless possibilities I guess

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:07 PM
I feel like that the magentic field is changing. Why? It is Large Hadron Collider. I think that is why it is affecting us all or even animals too.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:10 PM


"Oh yeah man, since the government started spiking my food with things I have no idea of and no proof of, i've gotten really fat and tired."

Think back 15-20 years ago. When you went to a grocery store most of the items were fresh organic products. Most products contained less calories and additives and there were barely any boxed or instant foods. Also produce lasted a long time after you brought it home.

Fast forward to the present. Almost 80% of a grocery stores contents are instant, convenient, boxed foods that are all processed and loaded with calories, preservatives and all sorts of other fun stuff. You almost don't have a choice but to buy it and its real cheap to buy as well. Most produce wont last long when you bring it home and some is even already rotten at the store. The only stuff left at a grocery store that is healthy is either too expensive or never in stock.

Fast food companies have also decreased their nutritional values many times over in the last decade. And there is enough advertising rammed down our (especially the children) throats to make us either want these products so bad or to make us forget about the healthy stuff. Most people i know wont even cook anymore because they are convinced it takes too much time out of their life.

This is not a government conspiracy. This is, however, large corporations trying to be cheap. Like a drug dealer "cutting" their wares to thin them out for more profit, companies that produce food have cut back so much that the food we eat contains little or no valuable nutrients while still providing us with enough sustainance to survive. Because of all the additive most of us develop addictions to certain brands and types of foods.

So yes we must stop eating these things but there is 2 problems with this.

1. These foods are pretty much 80% of all marketed products and a total boycott of these products by more than 50% of the population would cause severe damage to the economy.

2. There are not enough healthy products being sold on the market to supply everyone and even if there were it is much too expensive for the average person/family to afford.


The war on whatever is happening to us begins with yourselves.

Yes it is no secret that we have allowed this to happen to ourselves but i dont think this is something we have allowed to happen in more recent times, i think this an accumulation of things that have started in motion long ago and like a freight train moving at full speed, if we were to cut the power now the momentum would carry this situation for years to come. It would be like trying to stop a juggernaut.

While i dont think it is too late to stop i think it would be too hard to convince the populace to try and stop it. Although we force ourselves to live with the conditions as stated in the origional post, for some it is more comfortable than having to deal with the harsh reality of life head on. Simply put, people dont mind being sheep as long as they can have somethign in return for it, for example: fast cars and big screen tv's.

The nice thing about society these days is the poorest person in North America still has an opportunity to live like a king when compared with third world countries. Some dont realise this and complain about their lives while some recognise this and take advantage of it. Only in North America can you be on welfare and afford satellite tv, internet, computers, and can be approved for a credit card.

If you told the average person, poor or not, "lets rise up and fight the tyrannical government, but btw we will have to give up prime time tv and mc donalds", you would be ridiculed. As flawed as our society is most people wouldnt trade it in for anything. There is only a small handful of people who are "awakened" in some form or another to the goings on of society and as far as the average person is concerned only the "awakened" are discomforted by this and therefore the majority gets to rule.

So basically, if you want change, strive to change youself only and the ones you love. Focusing on changing the entire world is useless and will consume you to the point where you will be experiencing symptoms not unlike the OP mentioned. Personally i try to live my life in a grey area, im aware but i only take care of myself and my family. Trying to open up peoples eyes doesnt work. People have to see it for themselves and let themselves decide. The option for healthy living will always be open, but small, to give the chance for the elite few and those who are on the ball to keep them happy. The rest will continue to be dis-informed and will buy into whateevr the current fad or style is. So your option to live a healthy, happy life will always be there, if you choose to make the necessary choices in life that allow you to obtain it.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Dagar

There are no chemtrails. We are putting the chemicals into our own bodies. Things such as legal drugs, fast food, junk food, plastics, cleaning products. The list can go on.

I have explained before that chemtrails would require so massive an informed infrastructure that there would be too many people to keep queit. On the other hand, getting chemicals into water, food, and medicine only requires a few well paid scientists to say that these things are good for us and cause no harm, and a couple of paid disinfo agents to debunk any scientists that ask any questions. I understand that the mortality rate for scientists who study human biology is quite high.

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