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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by TrueLight
I also understand that lower 4th density STS beings also find mentioning Lord Jesus distasteful, to the point of causing them actual pain.

I honestly do not know what any of that truly means but for words causing actual pain I do have an image of the Knights Who Say 'Ni' firmly stuck in my mind right now.
I googled the quote. TrueLight seems to be a believer/follower of the ZetaTalk website. I poked around a bit and backed out to keep what's left of my sanity (and intelligence) intact.

The gist seems to be "OMFG! Aliens have contacted me and told me the earth will end in May 2003. Oh wait, May 2003 has come and gone. Well, the earth is still going to end, because this planet that nobody can prove exists is going to come awfully close and the poles are going to shift and other stuff. But now I'm not going to tell you when it's going to happen. Neener Neener."

Or something along those lines.

[edit on 7/15/2008 by JoshNorton]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Your last post was very well done, as was this whole thread. You have more patience than me. It is people like yourself and the other masons on ATS that made me want to become a mason in the first place. What lodge are you in? Just in case I am ever in the area.
I am in Palmyra 147 in Dunn, NC.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:21 PM
So I just submitted my second anonomyous (sp) post. First off, I want to state that I have never met a brother Mason who I was not honored to have their aquantaince. I do not want to belive that there is evil in our organization, but I do not want to be misled and lied to either. I have never witnessed any of the satanic accusations that have been discused. Every account on here about Masonry is spot on and is drilled into our heads at every meeting. We are charitable, we recognize our fraility, and strive to leave the world in a better place than we found it. That is what the true meaning of Masonry means to me. And that fits with how I see my place in life.

However, all of the satanic accusations refer to the highest, honorary degree in Masonry, which I have not experienced. I know several 33rd degree Masons but do not have the heart or cahonnies to approach them about this. I dont want my peers to think that I am crazy or a rumor monger, but I have been studying this "illuminati" conspiracy for over 10 years.

The connection to this "illuminati", masonic partnership is quite coincedntial. I do not believe in coincidences. Every thing happens because of some actions that led to the outcome, I belive.

As Masons, we will never hear of any of this dark stuff because, 1) its not true or 2) it is reserved for the "top" of the pyramid, the elite or the select few that are "worthy". It fits nicely to me that all the horrible things mankind has done to itself is the result of the top doing whatever it takes to preserve their status. Basically, the constant manipulation of truth, to preserve status, show worthiness by instigating mass blood sacrifice, all through fear based control.

Is it mearly a coincidence that everything we see and hear is about something we should be fearful of? The war on terror, big brother servailence society, the communist scare, racisim, salem witchhunts, the crusades, these are just a few that come to mind. Its always the same scenario, we need to kill to be safe, or to preserve our way of life or our way of doing things. What rational person would rather die then work out differences? Is anything so absolute that one must die to convince the other. I maybe over simplifying things, but this is the sense I have made of the crazy world we live in and how it got to be so.

I invite any and all discussion, I hope I am not derailing the thread, but have been moved to speak up. I even just registered. Thought I never would because this site always seems to put me in a bad headspace, with all the crazy ideas that I read about. I think I just called a kettel black.

Good luck and God bless.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Journeyman

I don't think any of your brothers would look down on you for trying to find out the truth.

In my experience I just haven't seen any evidence that the masons cause violence or suffering in the world.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 04:02 PM
Thanks for not posting my reply yesterday about white Masons not accepting their African-American counterparts, and there being nothing "brotherly" "square" or "level' about that. I'm sure you felt my reply was "racist" or "inciteful"---although it is the truth. Thanks for running an open an honest post. Seems you have no trouble posting the replies that condone and enable Masonry and it's falsehoods and fallacies. But, dare let someone speak the truth---and it gets buried along with all the other truths revealed throughout the years. Wow, what are you afraid of?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Masons (white) do not recognize their African-American counterparts. They consider Prince Hall Freemasonry as "clandestine", and "illegal". They claim to be such benevolent and charitable fellows, but yet, as many whites have and still do, they refuse to recognize all man-kind on an equal footing. There is certainly nothing "square", or "level" about that.

Yes. I find this racial exclusivity theme of Freemasonry to be at odds with its apparent ideals.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Matrix1111

Look, mate, if you'd read the posts following that, you'd realize what's going on is not what Anon , a fellow who, for whatever reason, chose not to get involed with the site itself or divulge his source there described. remarkably, it's been addressed before. Often. It's even on Wikipedia.
Prince Hall is regular. And it's open to whites and blacks, and tans, and yellows. Heck, probably blues, silvers, purple, and even pinstripe, providing they are still male, and fit the other standard reuirments, are allowed to join. the majorities present are more to do with the history involved, and the fact people are slow to change.
You still have bigots, no one says otherwise, and, unfortuantely, being human you have to deal with them. But the majority of Masonry is not as described by Anon there.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by Matrix1111
Yes, that was the spin the masonic guide gave us. I don't buy it.
From the site you reference:

I am the North American Grand Prior of the International Order of Gnostic Templars, a Division of the Scottish Knight Templars, which is dedicated to the revival of the Goddess Tradition and Gnostic Wisdom.
This so-called "International Order of Gnostic Templars" is not a recognized Masonic body. If your concerns are with a skull in a York Rite lodge, you'd be better served listening to the York Rite former officer who just answered your question than a fringe group that has no affiliation with Masonry.

Would the York Rite former officer who just answered my question reveal the secrets of Masonry? Wouldn't that be violating his secrecy oath?

And what do you mean don't trust a fringe group? I don't understand. So you're implying this masonic templar degree is the authentic lineage of the Templars and only they know its true history and anyone else who claims knowledge/lineage of Templars are not trustworthy? I'm confused.

I thought it was said that Knights Templar degree in just a homage to the ideals of Templars. I'm hearing contradictory stories here. Help me out. And please spare me the the attitude of superiority because you know and I don't. I'm not an enemy just because I don't know who to trust. The secrecy of Freemasonry has created the barrier of distrust. Spare me the "I should know better" please.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by TrueLight
I also understand that lower 4th density STS beings also find mentioning Lord Jesus distasteful, to the point of causing them actual pain.

I honestly do not know what any of that truly means but for words causing actual pain I do have an image of the Knights Who Say 'Ni' firmly stuck in my mind right now.
I googled the quote. TrueLight seems to be a believer/follower of the ZetaTalk website. I poked around a bit and backed out to keep what's left of my sanity (and intelligence) intact.

The gist seems to be "OMFG! Aliens have contacted me and told me the earth will end in May 2003. Oh wait, May 2003 has come and gone. Well, the earth is still going to end, because this planet that nobody can prove exists is going to come awfully close and the poles are going to shift and other stuff. But now I'm not going to tell you when it's going to happen. Neener Neener."

Or something along those lines.

[edit on 7/15/2008 by JoshNorton]

Josh, are you a Mason? If so, you're not a good spokesperson for Freemasonry. Your character isn't anything like emsed1's character. Even your avatar refects an unsavory character.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Matrix1111
Would the York Rite former officer who just answered my question reveal the secrets of Masonry? Wouldn't that be violating his secrecy oath?
I don't see why it would, no.

And what do you mean don't trust a fringe group? I don't understand. So you're implying this masonic templar degree is the authentic lineage of the Templars and only they know its true history and anyone else who claims knowledge/lineage of Templars are not trustworthy? I'm confused.
Understandable. You wrote:

I've taken the tour at the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, VA. It has a Templar chapel on the 4th floor (nearly top floor) with stainglass windows depicting the crucifixion with the infamous skull.
Well, as I mentioned, if it was in THAT building, then it was in a York Rite room, not one of dozens of other groups who call themselves Templars. So if you want to ask about that skull in that room, a former officer of the York Rite should be able to answer your question. But there are dozens of groups calling themselves Templars (of which I only know of two which are recognized by regular Masonry... the Scottish & York Rites) J. Random Blogger calling himself the Grand Poobah of Bob's Templars 'R Us or something can have skulls out the wazoo, and I'm sure he'd be able to give you an entirely different reason for their use.

I thought it was said that Knights Templar degree in just a homage to the ideals of Templars.
It is. Which is why any number of people are free to call themselves Templars. So if you're asking a general "why do Templars use the skull" you're probably going to get a different answer from each group. If you're asking "why was there a stained glass skull in the George Washington" then the answer provided by a York Rite member should suffice that instance.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Matrix1111

Would the York Rite former officer who just answered my question reveal the secrets of Masonry? Wouldn't that be violating his secrecy oath?

What I revealed to you is not a secret just the truth. It seems my words were wasted. I have no doubt that you will conteniue to chase atfer stranger and stranger Ideals. All I can say is to read my signature.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Matrix1111

No character attacks, please, keep this a nice, clean thread please. Besides, I think we already have a thread about judging books by covers, you're welcome to go to that one, they enjoy it.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
reply to post by Matrix1111

Look, mate, if you'd read the posts following that, you'd realize what's going on is not what Anon , a fellow who, for whatever reason, chose not to get involed with the site itself or divulge his source there described. remarkably, it's been addressed before.

I was replying to posts on previous pages. I haven't gotten this page until now. Sorry if that offends you.

I'm finding that the true reflection of Masonry is being shown in how Masons like you deal with non-member's questions -- whether "informed" or not. What I'm detecting is an arrogance that comes from Masons being part of some "secret" knowledge. If we're not part of the secret, then we're dumb? Geez. I'm getting quite an education here. Thanks for the opportunity. And to think I've been leaning in favor of Freemasonry.... until now.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Could you tell me when Joseph Smith became a Masson
what degree he held?.
And now the Mormon Church use the same rituals with a twist
are Massons and LDS in brotherhood with each other?.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Matrix1111

Eh, I'm not a Mason, I've probably been reading the same stuff. If you go into the search engine, you'll see the same junk over and over again, mostly because, like you, people don't read. If you're going to take the time to reply to something, or say something about somebody else, make sure what you've said is actually true, and then reply to what you've read.
If you're getting turned off by the cold shoulder you're getting from people who are answering the same questions over and over again, very patiently, when the information is generally readily available to the person asking, usually on this site, then Masonry may not be for you in the first place.

Keep in mind to your reactions here, instead of reading through the thread, you are posting before actually reading. So, with that behavior, people are going to be a little affronted when you accuse their organization of something they've already shown they do not do. My tuppence.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by RuneSpider]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:49 AM
I really hate to post in this thread as a Mod, it has been going very well.
So I'm asking politely, can we get back to the topic of the thread and not each other personally before the thread gets derailed.

Thank you kindly,Sauron.
Forum Moderator.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Sauron

Yes'ir, sorry sir, right away sir.
Doubly embarrassed, actually mentioned something about this here myself.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by emsed1

Could you tell me when Joseph Smith became a Masson
what degree he held?.
And now the Mormon Church use the same rituals with a twist
are Massons and LDS in brotherhood with each other?.

He became a Mason in Navoe ILL.( not sure of spelling) He was raised to the thrid degee ( Master Mason). I am not sure of the date. A tidbit that I can't prove, but have often hear, was that his second wife was the widow of Capt Morgan. Most likely the more learned bothers will know more.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by emsed1

Could you tell me when Joseph Smith became a Masson
what degree he held?.
And now the Mormon Church use the same rituals with a twist
are Massons and LDS in brotherhood with each other?.

Joseph Smith became a third degree Master Mason, but was expelled soon after receiving that degree.

He seems to have borrowed heavily from Freemasonry when he wrote the Mormon Church's Endowment ceremony, but the Mormon Church has since revised that ritual, and eliminated most of the Masonic elements.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
In the Illuminati videos they show a two old pictures, one is of our most famous Mason, George Washington sitting in a peculier position similar to a popular picture of Baphomet. You will not find this photo on google, just checked. What is disturbing is this photo, err photo of a painting of George with his apron and jewel on, sitting in the EXACT same position, hand, and arm position of Baphomet. I have seen claims that this is the highest secret in Masonry. It is rumered that this is the big secret exposed in the 33rd degree, the honorary degree to which few ever witness. Thus the satanic accusations.

The thing here is that the picture of Baphomet you're referring to was created by Eliphas Levi, a student of Alchemy. The position of Baphomet and Washington are similar because both were created by alchemists, alluding to the alchemical and hermetic symbolism of "as above, so below".

The actual photos have nothing to do with each other, per se, except they both express the same alchemical ideal.

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